Letture giornaliere

  • aprile 17, 2024


    Atti 8: 1-8

    8:1 Now in those days, there occurred a great persecution against the Church at Jerusalem. And they were all dispersed throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the Apostles.

    8:2 But God-fearing men arranged for Stephen’s funeral, and they made a great mourning over him.

    8:3 Then Saul was laying waste to the Church by entering throughout the houses, and dragging away men and women, and committing them to prison.

    8:4 Perciò, those who had been dispersed were traveling around, evangelizing the Word of God.

    8:5 Now Philip, descending to a city of Samaria, was preaching Christ to them.

    8:6 And the crowd was listening intently and with one accord to those things which were being said by Philip, and they were watching the signs which he was accomplishing.

    8:7 For many of them had unclean spirits, E, crying out with a loud voice, these departed from them.

    8:8 And many of the paralytics and the lame were cured.


    John 6: 35-40

    I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

    6:36 But I say to you, that even though you have seen me, you do not believe.

    6:37 All that the Father gives to me shall come to me. And whoever comes to me, I will not cast out.

    6:38 For I descended from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

    6:39 Yet this is the will of the Father who sent me: that I should lose nothing out of all that he has given to me, but that I should raise them up on the last day.

    6:40 Allora, this is the will of my Father who sent me: that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.”

  • aprile 16, 2024


    Gli Atti degli Apostoli 7: 51-8:1

    7:51Stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears, you ever resist the Holy Spirit. Just as your fathers did, so also do you do.
    7:52Which of the Prophets have your fathers not persecuted? And they killed those who foretold the advent of the Just One. And you have now become the betrayers and murderers of him.
    7:53You received the law by the actions of Angels, and yet you have not kept it.”
    7:54Poi, upon hearing these things, they were deeply wounded in their hearts, and they gnashed their teeth at him.
    7:55But he, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and gazing intently toward heaven, saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. E lui ha detto, "Ecco, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.”
    7:56Then they, crying out with a loud voice, blocked their ears and, di comune accordo, rushed violently toward him.
    7:57And driving him out, beyond the city, they stoned him. And witnesses placed their garments beside the feet of a youth, who was called Saul.
    7:58And as they were stoning Stephen, he called out and said, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.”
    7:59Poi, having been brought to his knees, he cried out with a loud voice, detto, "Signore, do not hold this sin against them.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep in the Lord. And Saul was consenting to his murder.

    8:1Now in those days, there occurred a great persecution against the Church at Jerusalem. And they were all dispersed throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the Apostles.


    The Holy Gospel According to John 6: 30-35

    6:30And so they said to him: “Then what sign will you do, so that we may see it and believe in you? What will you work?
    6:31Our fathers ate manna in the desert, just as it has been written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ”
    6:32Perciò, disse loro Gesù: "Amen, amen, Ti dico, Moses did not give you bread from heaven, but my Father gives you the true bread from heaven.
    6:33For the bread of God is he who descends from heaven and gives life to the world.”
    6:34And so they said to him, "Signore, give us this bread always.”
    6:35Then Jesus said to them: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

  • aprile 15, 2024


    The Acts of the Apostles 6: 8-15

    6:8Poi Stefano, pieno di grazia e fortezza, operò grandi segni e miracoli tra il popolo.
    6:9Ma certi, dalla sinagoga dei cosiddetti Libertini, e dei Cirenei, e degli Alessandrini, e quelli che erano della Cilicia e dell'Asia insorsero e disputarono con Stefano.
    6:10Ma non erano in grado di resistere alla saggezza e allo Spirito con cui parlava.
    6:11Allora subornarono uomini che avrebbero affermato di averlo udito pronunciare parole di bestemmia contro Mosè e contro Dio.
    6:12E così agitarono il popolo, gli anziani e gli scribi. E affrettarsi insieme, lo presero e lo condussero al consiglio.
    6:13E hanno istituito falsi testimoni, chi ha detto: “Quest'uomo non cessa di pronunciare parole contro il luogo santo e la legge.
    6:14Perché lo abbiamo sentito dire che questo Gesù il Nazareno distruggerà questo luogo e cambierà le tradizioni, che Mosè ci ha tramandato».
    6:15E tutti quelli che sedevano in consiglio, guardandolo, visto la sua faccia, come se fosse diventato il volto di un angelo.


    The Holy Gospel According to John 6: 22-29

    6:22Il giorno dopo, la folla che stava dall'altra parte del mare vide che non c'erano altre barchette in quel luogo, tranne uno, e che Gesù non era salito sulla barca con i suoi discepoli, ma che i suoi discepoli erano partiti soli.
    6:23Eppure veramente, altre barche giunsero da Tiberiade, vicino al luogo dove avevano mangiato il pane dopo che il Signore aveva reso grazie.
    6:24Perciò, quando la folla aveva visto che Gesù non c'era, né i suoi discepoli, salirono sulle barchette, e andarono a Cafarnao, cercando Gesù.
    6:25E quando l'avevano trovato dall'altra parte del mare, gli dissero, "Rabbino, quando sei venuto qui?"
    6:26Gesù rispose loro e disse: "Amen, amen, Ti dico, mi cerchi, non perché hai visto segni, ma perché hai mangiato del pane e ti sei saziato.
    6:27Non lavorare per il cibo che perisce, ma per ciò che dura per la vita eterna, che il Figlio dell'uomo vi darà. Perché Dio Padre lo ha sigillato”.
    6:28Perciò, gli dissero, "Cosa dovremmo fare, affinché possiamo lavorare nelle opere di Dio?"
    6:29Gesù rispose e disse loro, “Questa è l'opera di Dio, che tu creda in colui che ha mandato».

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