Papa Haakundikane?

VaKaturike vanodavira kuti papa zvirokwazvo haakundikani, asi pazvinhu zvokutenda chete, chete kana mamiriro mana chaiwo akazadzikiswa, uye chete nokuti anotungamirirwa noMweya Mutsvene.

Papa munhu, uye semumwe murume upi zvake, papa mutadzi akatadza. Uye zvakadaro, semutsivi wakananga waSande Peter, anotungamirirwa neMweya Mutsvene kuti adzivise kukanganisa panyaya dzedzidziso dzeChechi. Kune vamwe, papa angaita seanoisa mhinganidzo yokuti vaKaturike vanzwisise Magwaro, kana kuti angatoratidzika somudzvinyiriri womudzimu, vachiudza maCatholic zvavanofanira kutenda. Kunzwisiswa zvakanaka, kunyange zvakadaro, hupapa chipo chikuru icho Jesu akapa kuKereke yake kuti aichengetedze kuti isatsaukire mukududzira kwenhema kweMagwaro., uye kumubatsira kukura kuva hukama hwakadzama Naye.

Pane humbowo hwakasimba hunotsigira zvinotendwa nemaCatholic pamusoro papapa. Ngationei …

Kusunga uye Kusunungura

Zvichida chikamu chakakosha cheRugwaro chekunzwisisa hukuru hwaPetro naPapa Kusatadza Evhangeri yaMateo 16:17-19. Mundima iyi, sezvatichaona, Petro anogamuchira simba rokudzidzisa rinokosha kubva kuna Jesu. Kugadzirisa danho, Jesu akabvunza Vaapostora Gumi neVaviri kuti vanhu vanotenda kuti ndiye ani. Vanodzorera nhevedzano yemhinduro dzisiridzo. Ishe wedu vanobva vavabvunza, “Munoti ndini ani?” Panguva iyi, Muapositori Simoni anoenda mberi kuti ataure akamiririra vane Gumi neVaviri, achipa mhinduro chaiyo: “Ndimi Kristu, Mwanakomana waMwari mupenyu.” Kune izvi, Jesu anopindura:

17 “Makaropafadzwa imi, Simoni Bha-Jona! Nokuti nyama neropa hazvina kukuzivisa izvi, asi Baba vangu vari kudenga.

18 Uye ndinokuudzai, ndiwe Petro, uye paruware urwu ndichavaka kereke yangu, uye masimba egehena haazoikunda.

19 Ndichakupa kiyi dzoumambo hwokudenga, uye chipi nechipi chauchasunga panyika, chichasungwa kudenga, uye chose chauchasunungura panyika, chichasunungurwa kudenga.”

Chekutanga, mundima 17, Ishe vanoropafadza Petro, kusimbisa ruzivo rwake haisi nyaya yekuziva kwevanhu, asi nezvakazarurwa zvaMwari.

Chepiri, mundima 18, Anopa Simoni zita rake idzva, Petro, achizadzisa zvaakataura kwaari kubva kuna Jehovha Evhangeri yaJohani 1:42. Uye Jesu anovimbisa kuvaka Chechi yake paari.

Chetatu, mundima 19, Jesu anopa Petro chipo chekiyi dzeumambo hwekudenga uye simba rekusunga nekusunungura (mumutauro wechirabhi izvi zvaireva kuti rambidza uye permit), vachimuvimbisa kuti zvisarudzo zvake zvepanyika zvaizotsigirwa kudenga. Heino mhosho yenyaya! Zvinhu zvinodzidziswa naPetro pasi pano zvichasimbiswa sechokwadi naMwari kudenga. Zvakajeka, nokuti haana kukwana uye mutadzi, Petro anofanira kupiwa nyasha dzakakosha kumudzivisa kuburitsa mirairo inopesana nekuda kwaMwari. Nyasha dzakakosha idzi ndidzo dzinonzi nemaCatholic Papal Infallibility. Pasina izvozvo, Mwari aizova munzvimbo yokufanira kusimbisa dzidziso dzenhema sedzechokwadi—izvo, ehe saizvozvo, zvingave zvisingagoneke sezvo Iye ari Chokwadi Chacho (maona Johani 14:6). Kuzvitaura neimwe nzira, kana zvichikwanisika kuti mutungamiri weChechi wepanyika aite dzidziso isina kururama inosunga pane vakatendeka, zvino Kereke inoshaya kugadzikana kwehumwari uko Jesu akaivimbisa paakavimbisa masuwo egehena haaizoikunda. (Mat. 16:18).1

Kiyi dzeHumambo hweKudenga

Kufananidzirwa kwemakiyi kunobva mutsika yekare iyo mambo aigadza nadzo mutariri mutariri woumambo iye asipo ndokumuronzesa kiyi dzemasuo ahwo..

Mu Bhuku reMuporofita Isaya, Jehovha anotaura nehasha nomutariri wamambo, Shebna, achiti, “Ndichakudzinga pabasa rako, uye ucharasirwa pasi kubva panzvimbo yako. … Uye ini ndichaenda [mutevedzeri wako] takura kiyi yeimba yaDhavhidhi; ndiye achazarura, uye hapana achavhara; iye anofanira kuvhara, uye hapana achazarura” (22:19, 22; kusimbisa kwakawedzerwa).2

Jesu ndiye Mambo wemadzimambo, “mutsvene, chokwadi, uyo ane kiyi yaDhavhidhi, unozarura uye hapana angapfiga, anopfiga pasina anozarura” (Zvakazarurwa 3:7; onawo 1:18 uye Job 12:14). In Mateu 16:19, Kristu Mambo anogadza Petro kuti ave mutariri wake kuti atarisire Chechi, Umambo hwake panyika, asipo. Mukuita kudaro, Ishe haaregi simba rake guru, sezvakanga zvakaita madzimambo akare asina kurega zvinhu zvawo kuvatariri vawo.

Dzidziso yekusakundika kwaPetro, izvo zvinoonekwa nemunhu mukureurura kwake paKesaria yeFiripi (Mat. 16), zvinooneka paDare reJerusarema rakakurumbira, apo Vaapostora vanosangana kuti vasarudze kana kuomerera kuMutemo waMosesi kuchidikanwa kana kuti kwete nokuda kworuponeso.

Nhoroondo yeMutsvene Ruka, mu Mabasa avaApostora, inoratidza Mweya Mutsvene achitaura kuburikidza neChechi Magisterium (kana kuti “hofisi yekudzidzisa”)-ndizvo, kubudikidza nekereke yavapostori (kana mabhishopi) muhumwe naPetro (papa)- kugadzirisa zvachose nharo iyi yedzidziso (15:28). Zvakananga, ndiPetro anogadzirisa gakava; kutaura kwake ndiko kunosvitsa gakava racho kumagumo (15:7). Kunyangwe Saint James, saBhishopu weJerusarema, anopiwa rukudzo rwekutungamirira kanzuru, ndiPetro anotaura kuungano pamusoro pedzidziso namashoko okupedzisira aJakobho achisimbisa murairo wake.


Kusakundikana Kunobata Rini?

Dzidziso yeCatholic pamusoro pekusatadza kwaPope inogaro nzwisiswa zvisizvo. Kuti chirevo chikodzere sechisingakundikane, zvimwe zvinodiwa zvinofanira kuzadzikiswa. Papa anofanira:

  1. Vavarira kutaura seMufundisi weChechi yeUniversal. Kusiyana, anotaura kakawanda semudzidzi webhaibheri ari oga kana bhishopiwo zvake, sepaanotaura nevafambi vakaungana muSaint Peter’s Square. Muzviitiko izvi, kusakanganisa kwaPope hakuitike.
  2. Taura nezvenyaya dzekutenda netsika. Mashoko pamusoro peimwe nyaya (sezvematongerwo enyika kana sainzi) havakodzeri.
  3. Kuvavarira kuita sarudzo isingachinjike iyo inosungirira kune vese vakatendeka. Kugadzwa kwekutsanya, kurambidzwa kwebhuku, kana kutsoropodzwa kwerimwe boka kana munhu, yose mienzaniso yezviito zvechirango, izvo zvinodzoreka uye, naizvozvo, kwete asingakanganisi.
  4. Unofanira kutaura nemvumo yakazara yechido. Mashoko aitaurwa achimanikidzwa aisazoverengeka. Vavariro yake yokutaura nenzira isingakundikani inofanira kujekeswa, zvingave naPope zvakananga kana nemamiriro ezvinhu akapoteredza chirevo.

Nepo chirevo chepapa chinogona kusangana nechimwe kana zvimwe zvezvinodikanwa izvi, zvinodikanwa kuti zvese zvinodiwa zvizadziswe kuitira kuti zvinzi hazvina mhosva.

Ndiko Kudzidzisa, kwete Maitiro!

Zvinowanzofungidzirwa zvisiri izvo kuti kutadza kwaPope kunoratidza kusakanganisa kwake, asi kusakanganisa kune chekuita nekudzidzisa, kwete maitiro. Uyezve, Murayiro waJesu wokuteerera varevereri Vake (maona Ruka 10:16 uye Mateu 18:17) hazvina kuitwa zvichitsamira pakuperera kwavo mutsika (maona Mateu 23:2-3).

MuTestamente Yekare, Dhavhidhi akaramba ari Mambo weIsraeri zviri pamutemo pasinei nezvivi zvake (ona Bhuku rechipiri raSamueri, 11:1). Mwanakomana wake, Mambo Soromoni, akanga ana vakadzi mazana manomwe navarongo mazana matatu, uye kunyange kunamata zvidhori, asi iyewo akaramba ari mutungamiriri akagadzwa wevanhu vakasarudzwa vaMwari kwemakore makumi mana (ona Bhuku Rokutanga raMadzimambo, 11:3, 5, 7, 33, 42). Uyezve, funga nezveVaapositori Gumi neVaviri, vaive vatungamiri vekutanga veChechi yeTestamente Itsva, uye vakasarudzwa naIshe pachake!

  • Mumwe akamutengesa nemasirivheri makumi matatu;
  • Vose kunze kwemumwe chete vakamusiya munguva Yake yekushaiwa kukuru;
  • Petro akaramba kuti anomuziva (maona Mateu, 26:20, et al.);
  • Kunyangwe mushure meKumuka, Thomas aive nedambudziko rekutenda (maona Johani 20:24-25);
  • Petro akaratidza rusaruro (maona vaGaratia 2:11-14); uye
  • Pauro akabvuma, “Handinzwisise zvandinoita. Nokuti handiiti zvandinoda, asi ndinoita chinhu chandisingadi kuita” (vaRoma 7:15).

UYE ZVIMWE, kutadza kwevatungamiri veChechi hakukonese simba ravo, uyewo kuna vanapapa hakukanganisi kukwanisa kwavo kutsanangura dzidziso nenzira isingakanganisi. Tinoona muEvhangeri, saizvozvo, kuti muprista mukuru, Kayafasi, akachengeta chipo chokuprofita pasinei nokutadza kwake (maona Johani 11:49-52, pazasi "Ex Cathedra naMoses").

Chechi haina kumira nekuda kwehutsvene hwevatungamiriri vayo, asi nokuda kwechipikirwa chaKristu chokutumira Mweya Mutsvene kuti umutungamirire “muzvokwadi yose” (Johani 16:13).

Ndedzipi Nharo Dzinopesana nePapa Kusakundika?

MATEO 16:23
Mukuedza kwavo kuratidza kusakundikana kwePapa, vashori vanowanzoreva Mateu 16:23 umo Jesu anotsiura Petro, achiti “Enda shure kwangu, Satani! Muri chigumbuso kwandiri; nokuti hausi kudivi raMwari, asi vanhu.” Ishe vakatuka Petro nenzira iyi nokuti muApostora, vachiteterera kuti Jesu adzivise Passion, chaizvoizvo akanga akafanana naSatani akanga aedza Jesu kuti asiye basa Rake (maona Mateu 4:1, et al.). Kutsiura kwaShe hakukuvadzi kusakanganisa kwaPetro, zvisinei, kubva pa Mashoko emuApostora anoumba mutongo wepachivande usiriwo uye kwete dzidziso yenhema.

Imwe ndima, izvo vamwe vanodavira kuti zvinoratidzira kusakundikana kwaPetro, inowanwa muchitsauko chechipiri cheSande Pauro Tsamba kuvaGaratia, umo anorondedzera kunetsana kwake naPetro pamusoro pokuramba kwapashure kugara nokudya navatendeuki Vamarudzi. (2:11). Zvisinei, nemhaka yokuti tsiuro yaPauro yakanga ine chokuita nemhosho “yomuitiro uye isati iri yedzidziso,” Kusakanganisa kwaPeter hakuna kumbonetsa (Tertullian, Anopopotera Vanyengeri 23:10).

Vamwe vanoturikira ndima iyi zvisirizvo sehumbowo hwekuderera kwaPetro kuna Pauro. Idi chairo rokuti Pauro anoita nyaya yakadaro yokumira kwake kuna Petro, zvisinei, zvinoratidza kuti aitenda kuti aive ataura nemukuru. Sezvakataurwa naSaint Augustine, “Petro akasiyira vakamutevera muenzaniso, kuti, if at any time they deviated from the right path, they should not think it beneath them to accept correction from those who were their juniors” (Letter to Jerome 82:22; see also Saint Thomas Aquinas, Pfupiso yezvidzidzo zvouMwari 2:33:4).

While the fallacy persists in some circles that the majority of popes have been great sinners, the truth is most of Peter’s successors have been men of outstanding virtue. Critics have found it advantageous, zvisinei, to highlight the immorality of a few popes over the sanctity of the many.

Catholics have never denied the popes are fallen human beings in need of salvation like everyone else. What Catholics insist upon, zvisinei,—and what history bears out—is that no pope has ever officially taught error on faith and morals, nor contradicted the dogmatic decision of a predecessor or council.

The doctrinal integrity of the Papacy has stood against any and all charges adversaries have raised against it. Each case, when freed from anti-Catholic distortions and taken in the proper historical and theological context, demonstrates the miraculous integrity of Catholic dogma, in spite of the all-too-human nature of the Church’s leaders.3

Ex Cathedra naMosesi

When the Pope speaks infallibly, he is said to be speaking kubva pachigaro choushe, which is Latin for “from the chair.” The concept of a primary seat of authority comes from the Old Testament, Mozisi akagara mairi achitonga vanhu (maona Ekisodho 18:13).

Moses’ authority, zvakare, was perpetuated through a line of successors (maona Dhuteronomi, 17:8-9; 34:9). Saizvozvo, the Seat of Moses remained active till the time of Christ, as Jesus Himself revealed, achiti, “Vanyori nevaFarisi vagere pachigaro chaMosesi; saka zvidzidzisei uye muchengete zvose zvavanokuudzai, asi kwete zvavanoita; nokuti vanoparidza, asi musadzidzire” (maona Mateu 23:1-3).

Mu Gospel of Saint John we see a council of the chief priests and Pharisees convening under the authority of the high priest Caiaphas (11:49). At the council, Caiaphas utters the prophecy, “It is expedient for you that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation should not perish” (11:50). As John notes, Caiaphas “did not say this of his own accord, asi (on account of his) being high priest that year” (11:51).

Saka, God continued to speak through the successors of Moses (regardless of their piety or wickedness). Peter fulfilled a similar role in the New Covenant, serving as Christ’s earthly representative or vicar through whom God speaks to the people.

Naizvozvo, many early writings on the Papacy refer to the Mosaic tradition of the singular, authoritative chair. Semuyenzaniso, the Muratorian Fragment, written in Rome around A.D. 170, inoti, “Quite recently in our time, … Bishop Pius, sat in the chair of the church of the city of Rome.”

Saizvozvowo, Saint Cyprian, the Bishop of Carthage, writing in 251, made reference to this seat of authority (maona Letter to Antonianus 55:8), and sometime before the year 325, an anonymous poet of Gaul declared, “In this chair in which he himself had sat, Petro, In mighty Rome, commanded Linus, the first elected, to sit down” (Pseudo-Tertullian, Poem Against the Marcionites 3:276-277).

Saint Macarius of Egypt (d. ca. 390) akanyora: “For of old Moses and Aaron, when this priesthood was theirs, suffered much; naKayafasi, when he had their chair, persecuted and condemned the Lord. … Afterwards Moses was succeeded by Peter, who had committed to his hands the new Church of Christ, and the true priesthood” (Homily 26).

Christian Unity

The charism of infallibly in defining doctrine is instrumental to the Pope’s mission to be the visible sign and source of Christian unity.

The Pope’s role of providing doctrinal unity for all believers was indicated by Jesus at the Last Supper when He said to Peter, “Simoni, Simon, tarirai, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail; and when you have turned again, strengthen your brethren” (Ruka 22:31-32).

Peter was given the duty of confirming the faith of the others. To enable him to do this, Jesus promised to bestow upon him a faith that would not fail, ndizvo, the gift of infallibility. So it is that those who remain obedient to the Petrine authority have the certainty of knowing they are united in doctrine with the whole Church and ultimately with Christ, the Head of the Church. Zvakasiyana, those who have detached themselves from this authority—such as lapsed Catholics, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and the Protestant communities—have suffered ongoing division and strife.4

Tend My Sheep

Jesus renewed His commission of Peter as His vicarious shepherd on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in the days following the Resurrection. Ikoko, Jesus asked him to confirm his love for Him three times, corresponding to Peter’s previous denials (maona Mateu 26:34, et al.).

After each affirmation of love, Jesus commanded him to teach and care for His sheep, achiti, “Feed my lambs. … Tend my sheep. … Feed my sheep” (Johani 21:15, 16, 17). The Lord did not relinquish ownership of the sheep, for He continued to call them His own while entrusting them to Peter.5 In order for the Pope to fulfill the office of vicarious shepherd, to ensure Jesus’ sheep are fed the fullness of revealed truth, it is necessary for him to be safeguarded from teaching error. And so he has been for nearly two millennia; and so he shall be till the Lord’s return.

  1. It is true that the authority to bind and loose was also given to the Apostles as a group in Mateu 18:18, but the power of the keys was reserved for Peter alone. As the successors to the Apostles, Catholic bishops have the collective power to take dogmatically binding decisions, so long as they are gathered in an ecumenical council (a council representing the whole, universal Church) and acting in communion with the Bishop of Rome, Peter’s successor.
  2. For an in-depth study of Peter’s office in light of Isaiah 22, see Stephen K. Ray, Upon This Rock (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1999), p. 265.
  3. For a thorough and responsible handling of various controversial episodes in the history of the Papacy see Warren Carroll, Nhoroondo YechiKristudhomu, vols. 1-5 (Front Royal, Virginia: Mapepanhau echiKristudhomu, 1985); also Patrick Madrid, Pope Fiction (San Diego: Basilica Press, 1999).
  4. The division among the Eastern Orthodox Churches tends to be cultural in nature, whereas the division among lapsed Catholics and within Protestantism typically occurs along doctrinal lines. It might also be noted that for the Eastern Churches, who have maintained a more or less imperfect union with Rome since the eleventh-century schism, division has been moderate by comparison and sound doctrine has, for the most part, been retained. For Protestantism, pane rimwe divi, for which complete detachment from Rome’s authority has been a basic tenet, division has been rampant, resulting in tens-of-thousands of competing denominations.
  5. See Scott Butler, Norman Dahlgren, and Rev. Mr. David Hess, Jesu, Peter and the Keys (Santa Barbara, California: Queenship Publishing Company, 1996), p. 59; cf. Mat. 9:36-38.

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