Hfst 18 Lukas

Lukas 18

18:1 Nou het Hy ook vir hulle 'n gelykenis vertel, dat ons voortdurend moet bid en nie ophou nie,
18:2 sê: “Daar was 'n sekere regter in 'n sekere stad, wat God nie gevrees het nie en geen respek gehad het vir die mens nie.
18:3 Maar daar was 'n sekere weduwee in daardie stad, en sy het na hom toe gegaan, sê, ‘Redig my teen my teëstander.’
18:4 En hy het lank geweier om dit te doen. Maar daarna, het hy by homself gesê: ‘Al vrees ek God nie, ook nie respek vir die mens nie,
18:5 tog omdat hierdie weduwee my teister, Ek sal haar regverdig, nie deur terug te keer nie, sy mag, op die ou end, dra my uit.”
18:6 Toe sê die Here: “Luister na wat die onregverdige regter gesê het.
18:7 So dan, sal God nie die regverdiging van sy uitverkorenes gee nie, wat dag en nag tot Hom roep? Of sal hy aanhou om hulle te verduur?
18:8 Ek sê vir julle dat Hy gou vir hulle regverdiging sal bring. Tog waarlik, wanneer die Seun van die mens terugkeer, dink jy dat hy geloof op aarde sal vind?”
18:9 Now about certain persons who consider themselves to be just, while disdaining others, he told also this parable:
18:10 “Two men ascended to the temple, in order to pray. One was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector.
18:11 Standing, the Pharisee prayed within himself in this way: ‘O God, I give thanks to you that I am not like the rest of men: robbers, unjust, adulterers, even as this tax collector chooses to be.
18:12 I fast twice between Sabbaths. I give tithes from all that I possess.’
18:13 And the tax collector, standing at a distance, was not willing to even lift up his eyes to heaven. But he struck his chest, sê: ‘O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.’
18:14 Ek sê vir jou, this one descended to his house justified, but not the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled; and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”
18:15 And they were bringing little children to him, so that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw this, they rebuked them.
18:16 Maar Jesus, calling them together, gesê: “Allow the children to come to me, and do not be an obstacle to them. For of such is the kingdom of God.
18:17 Amen, Ek sê vir jou, whoever will not accept the kingdom of God like a child, will not enter into it.”
18:18 And a certain leader questioned him, sê: “Good teacher, what should I do to possess eternal life?”
18:19 Then Jesus said to him: “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.
18:20 You know the commandments: Jy mag nie doodslaan nie. Jy mag nie egbreuk pleeg nie. Jy mag nie steel nie. You shall not give false testimony. Eer jou vader en moeder.”
18:21 En hy het gesê, “I have kept all these things from my youth.”
18:22 And when Jesus heard this, sê hy vir hom: “One thing is still lacking for you. Sell all the things that you have, en gee aan die armes. And then you will have treasure in heaven. En kom, volg my."
18:23 When he heard this, he became very sorrowful. For he was very rich.
18:24 Toe Jesus, seeing him brought to sorrow, gesê: “How difficult it is for those who have money to enter into the kingdom of God!
18:25 For it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a wealthy man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
18:26 And those who were listening to this said, “Then who is able to be saved?”
18:27 Hy het vir hulle gesê, “Things that are impossible with men are possible with God.”
18:28 And Peter said, “Kyk, we have left everything, and we have followed you.”
18:29 En hy het vir hulle gesê: “Amen, Ek sê vir jou, there is no one who has left behind home, or parents, of broers, or a wife, of kinders, for the sake of the kingdom of God,
18:30 who will not receive much more in this time, and in the age to come eternal life.”
18:31 Then Jesus took the twelve aside, en hy het vir hulle gesê: “Kyk, ons vaar op na Jerusalem, and everything shall be completed which was written by the prophets about the Son of man.
18:32 For he will be handed over to the Gentiles, and he will be mocked and scourged and spit upon.
18:33 And after they have scourged him, they will kill him. En op die derde dag, he will rise again.”
18:34 But they understood none of these things. For this word was concealed from them, and they did not understand the things that were said.
18:35 Nou het dit so gebeur, toe hy Jerigo nader, 'n sekere blinde man het langs die pad gesit, bedel.
18:36 En toe hy die skare hoor verbygaan, hy het gevra wat dit is.
18:37 En hulle het hom vertel dat Jesus van Nasaret verbygaan.
18:38 En hy het uitgeroep, sê, “Jesus, Seun van Dawid, ontferm oor my!”
18:39 En die wat verbygegaan het, het hom bestraf, sodat hy sou swyg. Tog waarlik, het hy des te meer uitgeroep, “Seun van Dawid, ontferm oor my!”
18:40 Toe Jesus, stilstaan, beveel dat hy na hom gebring moet word. En toe hy naby gekom het, het hy hom uitgevra,
18:41 sê, "Wat wil jy hê, wat ek vir jou kan doen?” So het hy gesê, “Here, dat ek kan sien.”
18:42 En Jesus sê vir hom: "Kyk rond. Jou geloof het jou gered.”
18:43 En dadelik het hy gesien. En hy het hom gevolg, God groot maak. En al die mense, toe hulle dit sien, lof aan God gegee het.

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