Paul's Letter to the Phillipians

Filippiërs 1

1:1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons.
1:2 Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
1:3 I give thanks to my God, with every remembrance of you,
1:4 always, in all my prayers, making supplication for all of you with joy,
1:5 because of your communion in the Gospel of Christ, from the first day even until now.
1:6 I am confident of this very thing: that he who has begun this good work in you will perfect it, unto the day of Christ Jesus.
1:7 Dus dan, it is right for me to feel this way about all of you, because I hold you in my heart, and because, in my chains and in the defense and confirmation of the Gospel, you all are partakers of my joy.
1:8 For God is my witness how, within the heart of Jesus Christ, I long for all of you.
1:9 And this I pray: that your charity may abound more and more, with knowledge and with all understanding,
1:10 so that you may be confirmed in what is better, in order that you may be sincere and without offense on the day of Christ:
1:11 filled with the fruit of justice, troch Jezus Kristus, in the glory and praise of God.
1:12 Now, bruorren, I want you to know that the things concerning me happened for the advancement of the Gospel,
1:13 in such a way that my chains have become manifest in Christ in every place of judgment and in all other such places.
1:14 And many from among the brothers in the Lord, becoming confident through my chains, are now much bolder in speaking the Word of God without fear.
1:15 Certainly, some do so even because of envy and contention; and others, too, do so because of a good will to preach Christ.
1:16 Some act out of charity, knowing that I have been appointed for the defense of the Gospel.
1:17 But others, out of contention, announce Christ insincerely, claiming that their difficulties lift them up to my chains.
1:18 But what does it matter? As long as, by every means, whether under pretext or in truthfulness, Christ is announced. And about this, I rejoice, and moreover, I will continue to rejoice.
1:19 For I know that this will bring me to salvation, through your prayers and under the ministration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
1:20 by means of my own expectation and hope. For in nothing shall I be confounded. Ynstee, with all confidence, now just as always, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
1:21 For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
1:22 And while I live in the flesh, for me, there is the fruit of works. But I do not know which I would choose.
1:23 For I am constrained between the two: having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ, which is the far better thing,
1:24 but then to remain in the flesh is necessary for your sake.
1:25 And having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and that I shall continue to remain with all of you, for your advancement and for your joy in the faith,
1:26 so that your rejoicing may abound in Christ Jesus for me, through my return to you again.
1:27 Only let your behavior be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, sadat, whether I return and see you, or whether, being absent, I hear about you, still you may stand firm with one spirit, with one mind, laboring together for the faith of the Gospel.
1:28 And in nothing be terrified by the adversaries. For what is to them is an occasion of perdition, is to you an occasion of salvation, and this is from God.
1:29 For this has been given to you on behalf of Christ, not only so that you may believe in him, but even so that you may suffer with him,
1:30 engaging in the same struggle, of a kind which you also have seen in me, and which you now have heard from me.

Filippiërs 2

2:1 Dêrom, as der in treast is yn Kristus, elke treast fan woldiedigens, elke mienskip fan 'e Geast, alle gefoelens fan commiseration:
2:2 foltôgje myn freugde troch itselde begryp te hawwen, hâlden oan itselde goede doel, fan ien sin, mei itselde gefoel.
2:3 Lit neat dien wurde troch striid, noch om 'e nocht. Ynstee, yn dimmenens, lit elk fan jimme oaren achtsje better as himsels.
2:4 Lit elk fan jo neat as jo eigen beskôgje, mar leaver ta oaren te hearren.
2:5 Hwent dit begryp yn jimme wie ek yn Kristus Jezus:
2:6 WSO, hoewol hy yn 'e foarm fan God wie, achte de gelikensens mei God net wat oan te pakken.
2:7 Ynstee, hy makke him leech, de foarm fan in tsjinstfeint oannimme, makke yn 'e likenis fan minsken, en akseptearje de steat fan in man.
2:8 Hy fornedere himsels, hearrich wurden sels oant de dea ta, sels de dea fan it Krús.
2:9 Dêrom, God hat him ek ferheven en hat him in namme jûn dy't boppe elke namme is,
2:10 sadat, yn 'e namme fan Jezus, elke knibbel soe bûge, fan dy yn 'e himel, fan dy op ierde, en fan dy yn 'e hel,
2:11 en sa dat elke tonge soe bekennen dat de Heare Jezus Kristus is yn 'e gloarje fan God de Heit.
2:12 Ensa, myn leafste, krekt sa't jo altyd heard hawwe, net allinnich yn myn oanwêzigens, mar no noch mear yn myn ôfwêzigens: wurkje oan dyn heil mei eangst en beven.
2:13 Want it is God dy't yn dy wurket, beide om te kiezen, en sa te hanneljen, yn oerienstimming mei syn goede wil.
2:14 En alles dwaan sûnder murmeljen of wifkjen.
2:15 Sa meie jo sûnder skuld wêze, ienfâldige soannen fan God, sûnder ferwyt, midden yn in ferdoarne en perverse naasje, ûnder wa't jo ljochtsje as ljochten yn 'e wrâld,
2:16 fêsthâlde oan it Wurd fan it libben, oant myn gloarje yn 'e dei fan Kristus. Want ik bin net om 'e nocht rûn, en ik haw ek net omdôch wurke.
2:17 Boppedat, as ik ymmolate wurde scil fanwege it offer en tsjinst fan jo leauwen, Ik bin bliid en tankje jo mei jo allegear.
2:18 En oer dit selde ding, jo moatte ek bliid wêze en tankje, tegearre mei my.
2:19 Now I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, in order that I may be encouraged, when I know the things concerning you.
2:20 For I have no one else with such an agreeable mind, WSO, with sincere affection, is solicitous for you.
2:21 For they all seek the things that are of themselves, not the things that are of Jesus Christ.
2:22 So know this evidence of him: that like a son with a father, so has he served with me in the Gospel.
2:23 Dêrom, I hope to send him to you immediately, as soon as I see what will happen concerning me.
2:24 But I trust in the Lord that I myself will also return to you soon.
2:25 Now I have considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, and co-worker, and fellow soldier, and an attendant to my needs, but your Apostle.
2:26 For certainly, he has desired all of you, and he was saddened because you had heard that he was sick.
2:27 For he was sick, even unto death, but God took pity on him, and not only on him, but truly on myself also, so that I would not have sorrow upon sorrow.
2:28 Dêrom, I sent him more readily, in order that, by seeing him again, you may rejoice, and I may be without sorrow.
2:29 Ensa, receive him with every joy in the Lord, and treat all those like him with honor.
2:30 For he was brought close even to death, for the sake of the work of Christ, handing over his own life, so that he might fulfill what was lacking from you concerning my service.

Filippiërs 3

3:1 Concerning other things, myn broers, rejoice in the Lord. It is certainly not tiresome for me to write the same things to you, but for you, it is not necessary.
3:2 Beware of dogs; beware of those who work evil; beware of those who are divisive.
3:3 Hwent wy binne de bisnienen, wy dy't God tsjinje yn 'e Geast en dy't ferhearlikje yn Kristus Jezus, gjin fertrouwen hawwe yn it fleis.
3:4 Dochs, Ik kin ek fertrouwen hawwe yn it fleis, want as immen oars liket te hawwen fertrouwen yn it fleis, mear ek.
3:5 Hwent ik waerd de achtste deis bisnien, fan 'e stock fan Israel, út 'e stam fan Benjamin, in Hebrieusk ûnder de Hebreeërs. Neffens de wet, Ik wie in Fariseeër;
3:6 neffens iver, Ik ferfolge de Tsjerke fan God; neffens de gerjochtichheid dy't yn 'e wet is, Ik libbe sûnder skuld.
3:7 Mar de dingen dy't foar myn winst west hiene, itselde haw ik beskôge as in ferlies, om 'e wille fan Kristus.
3:8 Dochs wier, Ik beskôgje alles as in ferlies, fanwegen de foaroansteande kennis fan Jezus Kristus, myn Hear, om hwaens wille ik it forlies fan alles litten haw, beskôgje it allegear as dong, dat ik Kristus winne mei,
3:9 and so that you may be found in him, not having my justice, which is of the law, but that which is of the faith of Christ Jesus, the justice within faith, which is of God.
3:10 So shall I know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his Passion, having been fashioned according to his death,
3:11 if, by some means, I might attain to the resurrection which is from the dead.
3:12 It is not as though I have already received this, or were already perfect. But rather I pursue, so that by some means I might attain, that in which I have already been attained by Christ Jesus.
3:13 Brothers, I do not consider that I have already attained this. Ynstee, I do one thing: forgetting those things that are behind, and extending myself toward those things that are ahead,
3:14 I pursue the destination, the prize of the heavenly calling of God in Christ Jesus.
3:15 Dêrom, as many of us as are being perfected, let us agree about this. And if in anything you disagree, God will reveal this to you also.
3:16 Dochs wier, whatever point we reach, let us be of the same mind, and let us remain in the same rule.
3:17 Be imitators of me, bruorren, and observe those who are walking similarly, just as you have seen by our example.
3:18 For many persons, about whom I have often told you (and now tell you, weeping,) are walking as enemies of the cross of Christ.
3:19 Their end is destruction; their god is their belly; and their glory is in their shame: for they are immersed in earthly things.
3:20 But our way of life is in heaven. And from heaven, too, we await the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ,
3:21 who will transform the body of our lowliness, according to the form of the body of his glory, by means of that power by which he is even able to subject all things to himself.

Filippiërs 4

4:1 Ensa, my most beloved and most desired brothers, my joy and my crown: stand firm in this way, in the Lord, most beloved.
4:2 I ask Euodia, and I beg Syntyche, to have the same understanding in the Lord.
4:3 And I also ask you, as my genuine companion, to assist those women who have labored with me in the Gospel, with Clement and the rest of my assistants, whose names are in the Book of Life.
4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always. Wer, I say, rejoice.
4:5 Let your modesty be known to all men. The Lord is near.
4:6 Be anxious about nothing. But in all things, with prayer and supplication, with acts of thanksgiving, let your petitions be made known to God.
4:7 And so shall the peace of God, which exceeds all understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
4:8 Concerning the rest, bruorren, whatever is true, whatever is chaste, whatever is just, whatever is holy, whatever is worthy to be loved, whatever is of good repute, if there is any virtue, if there is any praiseworthy discipline: meditate on these.
4:9 All the things that you have learned and accepted and heard and seen in me, do these. And so shall the God of peace be with you.
4:10 No bin ik tige bliid yn 'e Heare, want úteinlik, nei in skoftke, dyn gefoelens foar my binne wer opbloeide, krekt sa't jo earder fielden. Hwent do hiest beset west.
4:11 Ik sis dit net as út need. Want dat haw ik leard, yn hokker steat ik bin, it is genôch.
4:12 Ik wit hoe't ik fernedere wurde moat, en ik wit hoe te oerfloedich. Ik bin taret op alles, oeral: of om fol te wêzen of om honger te hawwen, òf om oerfloed te hawwen òf te fernearen krapte.
4:13 Alles is mooglik yn him dy't my fersterke hat.
4:14 Dochs wier, do hast it goed dien troch te dielen yn myn ferdrukking.
4:15 Mar jo witte ek, O Filippiërs, dat oan it begjin fan it Evangeelje, doe't ik út Masedoanië gong, net ien tsjerke dielde mei my yn it plan fan jaan en ûntfange, útsein dy allinne.
4:16 Want jo hawwe sels nei Tessalonika stjoerd, ienris, en dan in twadde kear, foar wat my nuttich wie.
4:17 It is net dat ik in kado sykje. Ynstee, Ik sykje de frucht dy't oerfloedich is foar jo foardiel.
4:18 Mar ik haw alles yn oerfloed. Ik bin fol wurden, hawwe krigen fan Epafroditus de dingen dy't jo stjoerde; dit is in geur fan swietens, in akseptabel offer, behaaglik foar God.
4:19 En mei myn God al jo winsken ferfolje, neffens syn rykdom yn hearlikheid yn Kristus Jezus.
4:20 And to God our Father be glory forever and ever. Amen.
4:21 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus.
4:22 The brothers who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, but especially those who are of Caesar’s household.
4:23 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.

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