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Rajistar Imel na Karatun Kullum

Register to receive the Catholic Church’s Daily Mass Readings. Adireshin imel ɗin ku yana lafiya tare da mu. Ba za mu yi amfani da shi don wani dalili ba, kuma ba za mu rarraba shi ba. Za mu aika da Bishara da karatu kawai(s) kowace rana. Allah ya albarkace ka!

"*" yana nuna filayen da ake buƙata

Da fatan za a zaɓi yaren ku a sama. We plan to add a feature that translates the daily readingsvia automatic Google Translationto the language of your choice.
Wannan filin don dalilai ne na tabbatarwa kuma yakamata a bar shi baya canzawa.

Haƙƙin mallaka 2010 – 2023