CH 14 Matej

Matej 14

14:1 U to vrijeme, Herod tetrarh čuo je vijest o Isusu.
14:2 I reče svojim slugama: “Ovo je Ivan Krstitelj. On je ustao iz mrtvih, i zato su u njemu čuda na djelu.”
14:3 Jer Herod je uhvatio Ivana, i svezao ga, i strpali ga u zatvor, zbog Herodijade, supruga njegova brata.
14:4 Jer John mu je govorio, "Nije vam dopušteno imati je."
14:5 I premda ga je htio ubiti, bojao se naroda, jer su ga držali prorokom.
14:6 Zatim, na Herodov rođendan, Herodijadina kći plesala je u njihovoj sredini, i to se svidjelo Herodu.
14:7 I tako je obećao uz zakletvu da će joj dati što god bude tražila od njega.
14:8 Ali, nakon što joj je savjetovala majka, rekla je, “Daj mi ovamo, na pladnju, glava Ivana Krstitelja.”
14:9 I kralj se silno rastuži. Ali zbog svoje zakletve, i zbog onih koji su s njim sjedili za stolom, naredio je da se da.
14:10 I posla i odrubi Ivanu glavu u zatvor.
14:11 I glava mu je donesena na pladnju, i dato je djevojci, i donijela je svojoj majci.
14:12 A njegovi učenici pristupiše i uzeše tijelo, i zakopali su ga. I dolaskom, javili su to Isusu.
14:13 When Jesus had heard it, he withdrew from there by boat, to a deserted place by himself. And when the crowds had heard of it, they followed him on foot from the cities.
14:14 And going out, he saw a great multitude, and he took pity on them, and he cured their sick.
14:15 And when evening had arrived, his disciples approached him, izreka: “This is a deserted place, and the hour has now passed. Dismiss the crowds, tako da, by going into the towns, they may buy food for themselves.”
14:16 Ali Isus im reče: “They have no need to go. Give them something to eat yourselves.”
14:17 They answered him, “We have nothing here, except five loaves and two fish.”
14:18 Rekao im je, “Bring them here to me.”
14:19 And when he had ordered the multitude to sit down upon the grass, he took the five loaves and the two fish, and gazing up to heaven, he blessed and broke and gave the bread to the disciples, and then the disciples to the multitudes.
14:20 I svi su jeli i nasitili se. And they took up the remnants: twelve baskets full of fragments.
14:21 Now the number of those who ate was five thousand men, besides women and children.
14:22 And Jesus promptly compelled his disciples to climb into the boat, and to precede him in crossing the sea, while he dismissed the crowds.
14:23 And having dismissed the multitude, he ascended alone onto a mountain to pray. And when evening arrived, he was alone there.
14:24 But in the midst of the sea, the boat was being tossed about by the waves. For the wind was against them.
14:25 Zatim, in the fourth watch of the night, he came to them, walking upon the sea.
14:26 And seeing him walking upon the sea, they were disturbed, izreka: “It must be an apparition.” And they cried out, because of fear.
14:27 I to odmah, Jesus spoke to them, izreka: “Have faith. It is I. Do not be afraid.”
14:28 Then Peter responded by saying, "Gospodar, if it is you, order me come to you over the waters.”
14:29 I rekao je, “Come.” And Peter, descending from the boat, walked over the water, so as to go to Jesus.
14:30 Ipak uistinu, seeing that the wind was strong, he was afraid. And as he began to sink, he cried out, izreka: "Gospodar, save me.”
14:31 And immediately Jesus extended his hand and took hold of him. I reče mu, “O little in faith, why did you doubt?”
14:32 And when they had ascended into the boat, the wind ceased.
14:33 Then those who were in the boat drew near and adored him, izreka: "Uistinu, you are the Son of God.”
14:34 And having crossed the sea, they arrived in the land of Genesaret.
14:35 And when the men of that place had recognized him, they sent into all that region, and they brought to him all who had maladies.
14:36 And they petitioned him, so that they might touch even the hem of his garment. And as many as touched it were made whole.

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