
ネヘミヤ 1

1:1 ネヘミヤの言葉, ハカリヤの息子. そして、それは起こった, チスレブの月に, 20年目に, 私は首都スーサにいました.
1:2 そしてハナニ, 私の兄弟の一人, 到着した, 彼とユダの何人かの人々. そして私は彼らに、捕虜から残ったユダヤ人たちと取り残されたユダヤ人たちについて質問しました。, そしてエルサレムについて.
1:3 そして彼らは私に言いました: 「捕らわれの身から残った者、取り残された者たち」, そこの県にある, 彼らは大きな苦しみと屈辱にさらされている. そしてエルサレムの城壁は破壊された, そしてその門は火で焼かれました。」
1:4 そして、このような言葉を聞いたとき、, 私は座った, そして私は何日も泣き悲しみました. 私は天の神の御顔の前で断食して祈りました.
1:5 そして私は言いました: "お願いです, 主よ, 天の神, 強い, 素晴らしい, そしてひどい, あなたを愛し、あなたの戒めを守る人々との契約と憐れみを守る人:
1:6 あなたの耳が聞こえますように, そしてあなたの目が開かれますように, あなたのしもべの祈りを聞くことができるように, 今日私があなたの前で祈っているのは, 夜と昼, イスラエルの子らのために, あなたの召使いたち. そして私はイスラエルの子らの罪を告白します, 彼らはあなたに対して罪を犯しました. 私たちは罪を犯しました, 私と父の家.
1:7 私たちは虚栄心に誘惑されてきた. そして私たちはあなたの戒めと儀式と判決を守っていません, あなたがしもべモーセに命じたこと.
1:8 あなたがしもべモーセに命じた言葉を思い出してください。, 言って: 「あなたが罪を犯したとき, 私はあなたたちを諸国の中に分散させます.
1:9 でももしあなたが私のところに戻ってくるなら, そして私の戒めを守ります, そしてそれらを行う, たとえ天の果てに連れ去られても, そこから集めます, そして、私の名前がそこに残るように、私が選んだ場所にあなたを連れ戻します。』
1:10 そして彼らもまたあなたのしもべであり民です, あなたはその偉大な力と力強い御手によってこの人を救い出したのです.
1:11 お願いです, 主よ, あなたの耳があなたの僕の祈りに耳を傾けてくださいますように, そしてあなたの御名を恐れようとするあなたの僕たちの祈りに. など, 今日あなたのしもべを導いてください, この人の前に憐れみを与えてください。」私は王の献酌官だったから.

ネヘミヤ 2

2:1 今、それが起こりました, ニサンの月に, アルタクセルクセス王の20年目に, ワインは彼の前にあった; そして私はワインを持ち上げた, そしてそれを王様にあげました. そして私は彼の目の前で衰弱している誰かのようだった.
2:2 そして王様は私​​に言った: 「どうしてあなたの表情は悲しいのですか?」, 病気ではないようですが? これには理由がないわけではない, しかし、いくつかの悪, 何が何だか分からない, あなたの心の中にあります。」そして私は非常に大きな恐怖に襲われました.
2:3 そして私は王様に言った: 「ああ、王様よ, 永遠に生きる. なぜ私の表情が悲しんではいけないのか, 父の墓のある家の街は荒れ果てているので, そしてその門は火で焼かれました?」
2:4 そして王様は私​​に言った: 「何をお願いしますか?そして私は天の神に祈りました.
2:5 そして私は王様に言った: 「王様が良いと思われるなら, そしてもしあなたのしもべがあなたの目の前で喜んでいるなら: 私をユダヤに送ってくださると, 父の墓のある街へ. そして私はそれを再構築します。」
2:6 そして王様は私​​に言った, 隣に座っていた女王様と: 「あなたの旅は何時までですか?」, そしていつ戻りますか?そしてそれは王の顔の前で喜ばしいものでした, それで彼は私を送ってくれました. そして私は彼の時間を決めました.
2:7 そして私は王様に言った: 「王様が良いと思われるなら, 川の向こうの地域の知事たちに宛てた手紙をくれませんか, 彼らが私を導いてくれるように, ユダヤに到着するまで,
2:8 そしてアサフへの手紙, 王の森の番人, 彼が私に木材をくれるように, 家の塔の門を覆うことができるように, そして街の壁, そして私が入る家も。」そして王は私の神の善意に従って私にそれを与えました, 私と一緒にいるのは誰ですか.
2:9 そして私は川の向こうの地域の知事たちのところへ行きました, そして私は彼らに王の手紙を渡しました. さて、王は私と一緒に軍の指導者と騎手を派遣しました.
2:10 そしてサンバラット, ホロナイト, そして従者トビア, アンモナイト, これを聞いた. そして彼らは悲しんだ, 大きな苦しみを抱えて, イスラエルの子らの繁栄を求める男が到着したことを.
2:11 そしてエルサレムに到着しました, そして私はそこに3日間いました.
2:12 そして私は夜中に起きました, 私と数人の男性も一緒に. そして私は神がエルサレムで行うよう私の心に定めたことを誰にも明かさなかった. そして私と一緒に動物はいませんでした, 私が座っていた動物を除いて.
2:13 そして私は夜に谷の門を通って出発した, そして龍の泉の前へ, そして糞門に向かって. そして私はエルサレムの壁を考えました, バラバラになったのは, そしてその門, 火で焼かれてしまったもの.
2:14 そして私は噴水の門まで進みました, そして王の水道へ. そして、私が座っていた獣が通り抜ける余地はありませんでした.
2:15 そして私は夜に激流に沿って登った, そして私は壁について考えました. そして振り返って, 谷の門を通って行きました, そして私は戻ってきました.
2:16 さて、判事たちは私がどこに行ったのか知りませんでした, または私がやったこと. 何も明らかにしていなかったから, その時点まででも, ユダヤ人たちへ, あるいは司祭たちに, あるいは貴族に, または判事に, またはその仕事をしていた他の人たちに.
2:17 そこで私は彼らに言ったのです: 「あなたは私たちが置かれている苦しみを知っています。, エルサレムは荒れ果てているから, そしてその門は火事で焼かれてしまった. 来る, そしてエルサレムの城壁を再建しましょう, そしてもうこれ以上恥をかかせないようにしましょう。」
2:18 そして私は彼らに、私の神の手が永遠に私と共にあったことを明らかにしました, そして王様の言葉, 彼が私に話したこと. そして私は言いました: 「立ち上がろう, そして構築します。」そして彼らの手は永久に強められた.
2:19 しかし、サンバラット, ホロナイト, そして従者トビア, アンモナイト, そしてゲシェム, アラブ人, それを聞きました. そして彼らは私たちを嘲笑し、軽蔑しました, そして彼らは言いました: 「あなたがやっていることは何ですか? 王に反逆しているのではないか?」
2:20 そして私は彼らに一言答えました, そして私は彼らに言った: 「天の神ご自身が私たちを助けてくださっている」, そして私たちは彼の召使いです. 立ち上がって築きましょう. でも部分がない, あるいは正義か, あるいはエルサレムであなたのことを思い出してください。」

ネヘミヤ 3

3:1 そしてエリアシブ, 偉大な司祭, 立ち上がった, 彼の兄弟たちと, 司祭たち, そして彼らは群れの門を建てた. 彼らはそれを神聖化した, そして彼らは二重のドアを設置しました, そして百キュビトの塔まで, 彼らはそれを神聖化した, ハナネルの塔まで.
3:2 そして彼の隣には, エリコの人たちが建てた. そして彼らの隣には, ザカール, イムリの息子, 建てられた.
3:3 しかし、ハセナの息子たちは魚の門を建てました. 彼らはそれをカバーしました, そして彼らは二重のドアと鍵とかんぬきを設置した. そして彼らの隣には, メレモス, ウリヤの息子, ハッコズの息子, 建てられた.
3:4 そして彼の隣には, メシュラム, ベレキヤの息子, メシェザベルの息子, 建てられた. そして彼らの隣には, お尻, バアナの息子, 建てられた.
3:5 そして彼らの隣には, テコイ人が建てた. しかし彼らの中の貴族たちは主の御業に首を突っ込まなかった.
3:6 そしてジョイアダ, パセアの息子, そしてメシュラム, ベソデヤの息子, 古い門を建てた. 彼らはそれをカバーしました, そして彼らは二重のドアと鍵とかんぬきを設置した.
3:7 そして彼らの隣には, メラティア, ギベオナイト, そしてジェイドン, メロノサイト人, ギベオンとミツパの人々, 建てられた, 川の向こう側の地域にいた知事を代表して.
3:8 そして彼の隣には, ウジエル, 金細工師ハルハイアの息子, 建てられた. そして彼の隣には, ハナニア, 調香師の息子, 建てられた. そして彼らはエルサレムを脇に置き、広い通りの壁まで遠く離れた.
3:9 そして彼の隣には, レファヤ, ハルの息子, エルサレムの通りの指導者, 建てられた.
3:10 そして彼の隣には, ジェダイア, ハルマフの息子, 建てられた, 自分の家の向かい側. そして彼の隣には, ハットゥシュ, ハシャブネヤの息子, 建てられた.
3:11 マルキヤ, ハリムの息子, そしてハッシュブ, パハト・モアブの息子, 通りの半分と炉の塔を建てた.
3:12 そして彼の隣には, シャラム, ハロヘシュの息子, エルサレムの通りの半分の部分のリーダー, 建てられた, 彼と彼の娘たち.
3:13 そしてハヌンは谷の門を建てた, ザノアの住人たちと. 彼らがそれを建てたのです, そして彼らは二重のドアと鍵とかんぬきを設置した, 壁の千キュビトで, 糞山の門まで.
3:14 そしてマルキヤ, レカブの息子, ベト・ハッケレムの通りのリーダー, 糞山の門を建てた. 彼がそれを建てた, そして彼は二重のドアと鍵とかんぬきを設置した.
3:15 そしてシャルム, コルホゼの息子, ミツパ地区のリーダー, 噴水の門を建てました. 彼がそれを建てた, そして彼はそれをカバーした, そして彼は二重のドアと鍵とかんぬきを設置した, そして王の庭にあるシェラの池の壁, そしてダビデの町から下る階段まで.
3:16 彼の後に, ネヘミヤ, アズブクの息子, ベトツルの通りの半分の地域のリーダー, 建てられた, ダビデの墓の向かい側まで, そしてプールにも, 多大な労力をかけて建設された, そして強者の家にも.
3:17 彼の後に, レビ人, レフム, バニの息子, 建てられた. 彼の後に, ハシャビア, ケイラの通りの半分の地域のリーダー, 建てられた, 自分の近所で.
3:18 彼の後に, 彼らの兄弟たち, ビンヌイ, ヘナダドの息子, ケイラの片割れのリーダー, 建てられた.
3:19 そして彼の隣には, 千, イエシュアの息子, ミツパの指導者, 別の対策を構築しました, 最も強いコーナーへの登りの反対側.
3:20 彼の後に, 山で, バルーク, ザッバイの息子, 別の対策を構築しました, エリアシブの家の隅から戸口に至るまで, 偉大な司祭.
3:21 彼の後に, メレモス, ウリヤの息子, ハッコズの息子, 別の対策を構築しました, エリアシブの家の戸口から, エリアシブの家に沿って.
3:22 そして彼の後に, 司祭たち, ヨルダン川の平原から来た男たち, 建てられた.
3:23 彼の後に, ベンジャミンとハッシュブが建てた, 自分たちの家の向かい側. そして彼の後に, アザリア, マアセヤの息子, アナニヤの息子, 建てられた, 自分の家の向かい側.
3:24 彼の後に, ビンヌイ, ヘナダドの息子, 別の対策を構築しました, アザリヤの家から, 曲がり角や角まで.
3:25 パラル, ウザイの息子, 建てられた, 曲がり角と王の高い家から突き出た塔の向かい側, あれは, 刑務所の法廷へ. 彼の後に, ペダヤ, パロシュの息子, 建てられた.
3:26 そして神殿の奉仕者たち, オフェルに住んでいた人たち, 水門の反対側に建てられている, 東に向かって, そして目立つ塔.
3:27 彼の後に, テコイ人は反対側のエリアに別の尺度を築きました, 大きくて目立つ塔から神殿の壁まで.
3:28 それから, 馬門から上へ, 祭司たちが建てた, それぞれが自分の家の向かい側にある.
3:29 それらの後, お尻, インメルの息子, 建てられた, 自分の家の向かい側. そして彼の後に, シェマイア, シェカニヤの息子, 東門の番人, 建てられた.
3:30 彼の後に, ハナニア, シェレムヤの息子, そしてハヌン, ザラフの六男, 別の対策を構築しました. 彼の後に, メシュラム, ベレキヤの息子, 建てられた, 自分の倉庫の向かい側. 彼の後に, マルキヤ, 金細工師の息子, 建てられた, 神殿の使用人や小物の売り手の家にまで, 裁きの門の向かい側, そして角の上の部屋まで.
3:31 そして角の上の部屋には, 群れの門のところに, 金細工師と商人が建てた.

ネヘミヤ 4

4:1 今、それが起こりました, 私たちが壁を建設していることをサンバラットが聞いたとき, 彼はとても怒っていた. そしてとても感動したので, 彼はユダヤ人を嘲笑した.
4:2 そして彼は言った, 兄弟たちとサマリア人の群衆の前で: 「愚かなユダヤ人たちは何をしているのか」? 異邦人がそれを許すだろうか? 犠牲を払って1日で終わるのか? 彼らは燃え尽きた塵の山から石を作る能力を持っていますか??」
4:3 それからも, トビア, アンモナイト, 彼のアシスタント, 言った: 「彼らに建てさせてください」. キツネが登るとき, 彼は石の壁を飛び越えるだろう。」
4:4 聞く, おお、私たちの神よ, 私たちは軽蔑の対象になってしまったからです. 彼らの非難を自らの頭に向けなさい, そして捕虜の地で彼らが軽蔑されることを認めてください.
4:5 彼らの不法行為を隠蔽しないでください, 彼らの罪が拭い去られませんように, あなたの顔の前で, 彼らは建物を建てている人々を嘲笑したからです.
4:6 それで私たちは壁を作りました, そして私たちはそれに加わりました, 未完成の部分まで. そして人々の心はその仕事のためにかき立てられた.
4:7 今、それが起こりました, サンバラットのとき, そしてトビア, そしてアラブ人, そしてアンモナイト, アシュドダイ人はエルサレムの城壁が閉ざされたことを聞いていた, そしてその裂け目は修復され始めていた, 彼らはとても怒っていました.
4:8 そしてみんな集まった, それは彼らが出て行ってエルサレムと戦うためである, そして彼らが待ち伏せの準備をするために.
4:9 そして私たちは神に祈りました, そして我々は壁に警備員を配置した, 昼と夜, 彼らに対して.
4:10 するとユダは言いました。: 「運ぶ者の力は衰えた」, そして材料の量がとても多いです, そうすれば私たちは壁を建てることができなくなります。」
4:11 そして私たちの敵は言いました: 「彼らにも知らせないでください, 気づかない, 私たちが彼らの真っ只中に到着するまで, そして彼らを殺す, そして仕事を中止してしまうのです。」
4:12 今、それが起こりました, 10回, 近くに住んでいたユダヤ人が何人か到着した, 彼らが私たちにやって来たあらゆる場所から, そして彼らは私たちにこう言いました.
4:13 それで私は人々を順番に配置しました, 壁の後ろの所々に, その周りすべて, 彼らの剣で, とランス, そして弓.
4:14 そして私は周りを見回した, そして私は立ち上がった. そして私は貴族たちに言った, そして判事たちへ, そして残りの一般人たちへ: 「彼らの面前で恐れるな. 偉大にして恐ろしい主を思い出してください, そして兄弟のために戦いましょう, あなたの息子たちと娘たち, そしてあなたの妻たちとあなたの家族も。」
4:15 それから、それが起こりました, それが私たちに報告されたことを敵が聞いたとき, 神は彼らの助言を破った. そして私たちは皆壁に戻りました, それぞれが自分の仕事に.
4:16 そして、それは起こった, あの日から, 彼らの若者の半分は仕事をしていた, そして半数は槍を持って戦争の準備をしていた, そして盾, そして弓, そして鎧. そしてユダ全家で指導者たちが彼らの後ろにいた.
4:17 壁を建てている人たちについては, そして重荷を背負って, そして物事を所定の位置に設置する: 彼の片方の手は仕事をしていた, そしてもう一人は剣を持っていました.
4:18 建設者たちはそれぞれ腰​​に剣を帯びていたからである. そして彼らは建設していました, そして彼らは私の隣でトランペットを吹いていました.
4:19 そして私は貴族たちに言った, そして判事たちへ, そして残りの一般人たちへ: 「仕事は素晴らしくて幅広いです, そして私たちは遠く離れた壁で隔てられています.
4:20 どこにいてもトランペットの音が聞こえます, 私たちのためにあの場所へ急ぐ. 私たちの神は私たちのために戦ってくださいます.
4:21 それで仕事をやり遂げましょう. そして我々の半分に槍を持たせよう, 夜明けが昇るまで、星が現れるまで。」
4:22 またその時は, 私は人々に言いました: 「おのおのその僕たちとともにエルサレムの真ん中に留まりなさい」. そして交代しましょう, 昼も夜もずっと, 仕事をする上で。」
4:23 でも、私も兄弟たちも, そして私の従者たち, そして私の後ろにいた警備員たち, 私たちは服を脱ぎませんでした; それぞれが洗濯するために服を脱ぐだけでした.

ネヘミヤ 5

5:1 そして人々とその妻たちの兄弟たちに対する大規模な抗議が起こった, ユダヤ人.
5:2 そしてこう言った人もいました: 「私たちの息子や娘たちはとてもたくさんいます. 彼らの対価として穀物を受け取りましょう, そうすれば私たちは食べて生きることができるでしょう。」
5:3 そしてこう言った人もいました: 「自分たちの畑とブドウ畑を差し出しましょう」, そして私たちの家, そうすれば、飢餓の間に穀物を受け取ることができるかもしれません。」
5:4 そして他の人も言ってました: 「王様への貢ぎ物としてお金を借りましょう」, そして私たちの畑とブドウ畑を明け渡しましょう。」
5:5 "そしていま, 私たちの兄弟たちの肉体も同様です, 私たちの肉体も同様です; そして彼らの息子たちも同様です, 私たちの息子たちも同様です. 見よ, 私たちは息子や娘たちを隷属させてきました, そして私たちの娘の中には奴隷になっている人もいます, また、私たちにはそれらを償還する能力もありません, 他の人たちが私たちの畑やブドウ畑を所有しているからです。」
5:6 そして、私がこれらの言葉で彼らの抗議を聞いたとき、, 私はとても怒っていました.
5:7 そして私の心は私の中で考えられました. そして私は貴族と判事たちを叱責した, そして私は彼らに言った, 「あなた方はそれぞれ兄弟たちから高利貸しを取り立てていましたか?そして私は彼らに対して大規模な集会を集めた.
5:8 そして私は彼らに言った: "あなたが知っているように, 私たちに可能なことに従って, 私たちは兄弟たちを救い出した, ユダヤ人, 異邦人に売られた人. それなのにあなたは今自分の兄弟を売っています, そして私たちは彼らを償還しなければなりません?そして彼らは沈黙した, 彼らは何も答えられなかった.
5:9 そして私は彼らに言った: 「あなたのやっていることは良くないことです. なぜあなたは私たちの神を恐れて歩まないのですか, 敵から私たちに対する非難が起こらないように, 異邦人?
5:10 私も兄弟たちも, 私の召使いたちと一緒に, 多くの人に金と穀物を貸してきた. 返還を求めないことに同意しましょう. 私たちに負っている他のお金を許しましょう.
5:11 この日は, 彼らの畑を復元する, そして彼らのブドウ畑, そして彼らのオリーブ畑, そして彼らの家も彼らに. それから, それも, お金の100分の1, そして穀物の, ワイン, そして油, あなたは通常彼らからそれを正確に聞きます, それを彼らにあげなさい。」
5:12 そして彼らは言いました: 「私たちが復元します, そして私たちは彼らに何も要求しません. そして私たちはあなたの言うとおりにします。」そして私は司祭たちを呼びました, そして私は彼らに誓いを立ててもらいました, 彼らが私の言ったことに従って行動するように.
5:13 さらに, 私は膝を振り抜いた, そして私は言いました: 「神がすべての人を追い出しますように」, この言葉を果たさない人は. 彼の家と彼の労働から, そうすれば彼は振り落とされて空っぽになります。」そして群衆全員が言いました, "アーメン。"そして彼らは神を賛美した. したがって, 人々は言われたことに従って行動した.
5:14 今、あの日から, 王は私にユダの地の総督になるよう命じたのです, アルタクセルクセス王の20年目から32年目まで, 12年間, 私と兄弟たちは総督たちに支払うべき年間手当を食べませんでした.
5:15 しかし、元知事たちは、, 私の前にいた人たち, 人々の負担になっていた, そして彼らはパンとぶどう酒を奪った, そして毎日40シェケルのお金. そして彼らの役人もまた人々を抑圧した. しかし、私はそうしませんでした, 神への恐れから.
5:16 実際には, 私は壁の中に作り込むことを好みました, そして私は土地を買わなかった, そして私の召使はみなその仕事をするために集められた.
5:17 同じく, ユダヤ人と判事, 百五十人, 私のテーブルにいました, 私たちの周りにいる異邦人の中から私たちのところに来た人々とともに.
5:18 今、私のために用意されていました, 毎日, 牛一頭と羊六頭, 家禽と一緒に. そして10日に1回, 多種多様なワインなどを配布しました. それでも私は知事としての年間手当を必要としませんでした. 人々は非常に貧しかったので、.
5:19 私を覚えてますか, なんてこった, 永遠に, 私がこの人々のためにしてきたすべてのことに従って.

ネヘミヤ 6

6:1 今、それが起こりました, サンバラットのとき, そしてトビア, そしてゲシェム, アラブ人, そして私たちの他の敵, 私が壁を作ったと聞いていた, そしてそこには中断が残っていないこと, (それでも, その時, 門に二重扉を設置していなかった,)
6:2 サンバラットとゲシェムが私に遣わされました, 言って: "来る, そして村々で一緒に協定を結びましょう, 大野の平野で。」でも彼らは私に危害を加えるだろうと考えていた.
6:3 したがって, 私は彼らに使者を送りました, 言って: 「私は素晴らしい仕事をしています, そして下山できない, 私が出て行ってあなたのところに降りるときに、もしかしたらそれが無視されるかもしれないからです。」
6:4 それから彼らは私に送ってきました, これと同じ言葉で, 四回. そして私は彼らに前と同じ言葉で答えた.
6:5 そしてサンバラットは5度目に召使いを私に送った, 前の言葉で, そして彼は手にこのように書かれた手紙を持っていました:
6:6 「それは異邦人の間で聞かれた」, そしてゲシェムはこう言いました, あなたとユダヤ人が反乱を計画しているということ, そしてこのため, あなたは壁を築き、その上に自分を王として立てようと考えています。. このために,
6:7 あなたも預言者を駐在させています, エルサレムであなたのことを説教する人たち, 言って: 「ユダヤには王がいる」!しかし、王はこの言葉を聞くでしょう. したがって, こい, 一緒に相談に行くためです。」
6:8 そして私は彼らに送りました, 言って: 「この言葉に従って何も行われていない」, あなたが話したのは. あなたはこれらのものを自分の心から発明しているのですから。」
6:9 というのは、これらの人々は皆、私たちを怖がらせたかったのです, 私たちの手が仕事から離れてしまうのではないかと思う, そして私たちがやめるということ. このために, ますます手を強くした.
6:10 そして私はシェマヤの家に入った, デライアの息子, メヘタベルの息子, ひそかに. そして彼は言った: 「神の家で一緒に相談しましょう」, 寺院の真ん中で. そして神殿の扉を閉めましょう. 彼らはあなたを殺しに来るから, そうすれば彼らは夜に到着してあなたを殺すでしょう。」
6:11 そして私は言いました: 「私のような者がどうして逃げることができたでしょう? そして、私と同じような人は神殿に入るべきです, 彼が生きられるように? 入りませんよ。」
6:12 そして私は神が彼を遣わしたのではないことを理解しました, しかし彼はまるで予言しているかのように私に話していた, and that Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.
6:13 For he had accepted money, so that I would be afraid, and would sin, and so that they would have some evil with which to rebuke me.
6:14 私を覚えてますか, 主よ, because of Tobiah and Sanballat, because of their works of this kind. それから, それも, Noadiah, a prophetess, and the rest of the prophets, would have made me afraid.
6:15 Now the wall was completed on the twenty-fifth day of the month of Elul, in fifty-two days.
6:16 それから、それが起こりました, when all our enemies had heard of it, all the nations that were around us were afraid, and they were downcast within themselves. For they knew that this work had been accomplished by God.
6:17 だけでなく, 当時, many letters were being sent by the nobles of the Jews to Tobiah, and were arriving from Tobiah to them.
6:18 For there were many in Judea who had sworn an oath to him, 彼はシェカニヤの義理の息子だったから, アラの息子, そしてエホハナンだから, 彼の息子, メシュラムの娘と結婚していた, ベレキヤの息子.
6:19 さらに, 彼らは私の前で彼を賞賛した, そして彼らは私の言葉を彼に報告しました. そしてトビアは手紙を送りました, 彼が私を怖がらせるように.

ネヘミヤ 7

7:1 それから, 壁が建てられた後, そして両開きのドアを設置しました, そして私はゲートキーパーを登録しました, そして歌う男たち, そしてレビ人,
7:2 私はハナニに指示した, 私の兄弟, そしてハナニア, エルサレムの家の指導者, (彼は誠実な人に見えたからです, 他の人よりも神を恐れる,)
7:3 そして私は彼らに言った: 「太陽が暑くなるまでエルサレムの門を開いてはなりません。」そして彼らがそこに立っている間, 門は閉ざされ、柵が設けられていた. そして私はエルサレムの住民から警備員を配置した, それぞれが自分の順番で, そしてそれぞれが自分の家の向かいにある.
7:4 今、街は素晴らしく、とても広かった, and the people in its midst were few, and the houses were not yet built.
7:5 But God had given to my heart, and I gathered the nobles, そして判事たち, and the common people, so that I might enroll them. And I found a book of the census of those who first went up, and in it there was found written:
7:6 These are the sons of the province, who ascended from the captivity of the transmigration, those whom Nebuchadnezzar, バビロンの王, had taken away, and who returned into Jerusalem and Judea, それぞれが自分の街へ.
7:7 彼らはゼルバベルとともに到着した, ジェシュア, ネヘミヤ, アザリア, Raamiah, Nahamani, モルデカイ, ビルシャン, Mispereth, ビッグバイ, Nehum, バナ. イスラエルの人々の男性の数:
7:8 パロシュの息子たち, 二千百七十二.
7:9 シェファテヤの息子たち, 三百七十二.
7:10 アラの息子たち, 六百五十二.
7:11 The sons of Pahath-moab of the sons of Jeshua and of Joab, two thousand eight hundred eighteen.
7:12 エラムの息子たち, 1,254.
7:13 ザットゥの息子たち, eight hundred forty-five.
7:14 ザッカイの息子たち, 七百六十.
7:15 The sons of Binnui, six hundred forty-eight.
7:16 ベバイの息子たち, six hundred twenty-eight.
7:17 アズガドの息子たち, two thousand three hundred twenty-two.
7:18 アドニカムの息子たち, six hundred sixty-seven.
7:19 ビグバイの息子たち, two thousand sixty-seven.
7:20 アディンの息子たち, six hundred fifty-five.
7:21 アテルの息子たち, sons of Hezekiah, 98.
7:22 ハシュムの息子たち, three hundred twenty-eight.
7:23 ベザイの息子たち, three hundred twenty-four.
7:24 The sons of Hariph, 112.
7:25 The sons of Gibeon, 95.
7:26 The sons of Bethlehem and Netophah, one hundred eighty-eight.
7:27 アナトスの男たち, 百二十八.
7:28 The men of Beth-azmaveth, 42.
7:29 The men of Kiriath-jearim, チェフィラ, そしてベーロス, 七百四十三.
7:30 The men of Ramah and Geba, 六百二十一.
7:31 ミシュマスの男たち, 百二十二.
7:32 ベテルとアイの人たち, 百二十三.
7:33 The men of the other Nebo, 52.
7:34 The men of the other Elam, 1,254.
7:35 ハリムの息子たち, 三百二十.
7:36 エリコの息子たち, 三百四十五.
7:37 ロドの息子たち, ハディド, そして小野, seven hundred twenty-one.
7:38 セナアの息子たち, three thousand nine hundred thirty.
7:39 司祭たち: the sons of Jedaiah in the house of Jeshua, 973.
7:40 インメルの息子たち, 千五十二.
7:41 パシュルの息子たち, 1,247.
7:42 ハリムの息子たち, one thousand and seventeen.
7:43 レビ人: イエシュアとカドミエルの息子たち, the sons
7:44 of Hodaviah, 74. 歌う男たち:
7:45 アサフの息子たち, one hundred forty-eight.
7:46 The gatekeepers: シャルムの息子たち, アテルの息子たち, タルモンの息子たち, アクブの息子たち, ハティタの息子たち, ショウバイの息子たち, one hundred thirty-eight.
7:47 神殿の奉仕者たち: ジハの息子たち, ハスパの息子たち, タバオトの息子たち,
7:48 ケロスの息子たち, シアハの息子たち, パドンの息子たち, レバナの息子たち, ハガバの息子たち, the sons of Shalmai,
7:49 ハナンの息子たち, ギデルの息子たち, ガハルの息子たち,
7:50 レアヤの息子たち, レジンの息子たち, 猫田の息子たち,
7:51 ガザムの息子たち, ウザの息子たち, パセアの息子たち,
7:52 ベサイの息子たち, ムニムの息子たち, ネフシムの息子たち,
7:53 バクブクの息子たち, ハクファの息子たち, ハルフルの息子たち,
7:54 バズルースの息子たち, メヒダの息子たち, ハルシャの息子たち,
7:55 バルコスの息子たち, シセラの息子たち, テマの息子たち,
7:56 ネザイアの息子たち, ハティファの息子たち.
7:57 The sons of the servants of Solomon: 宗泰の息子たち, ソフェレトの息子たち, the sons of Perida,
7:58 ヤアラの息子たち, ダーコンの息子たち, ギデルの息子たち,
7:59 シェファテヤの息子たち, ハッティルの息子たち, ポケレトの息子たち, who was born from Hazzebaim, the son of Amon.
7:60 All the temple servants and the sons of the servants of Solomon, 三百九十二.
7:61 Now these are the ones who ascended from Telmelah, テルハルシャ, 天使, Addon, そして、いつも; and they were not able to indicate the house of their fathers and their offspring, 彼らがイスラエル人だったかどうか:
7:62 the sons of Delaiah, トビアの息子たち, 猫田の息子たち, 六百四十二;
7:63 and among the priests: ホバヤの息子たち, ハッコズの息子たち, バルジライの息子たち, バルジライの娘たちから妻を娶った人, a Gileadite, and he was called by their name.
7:64 These sought their writing in the census, そして彼らはそれを見つけられなかった, そして彼らは神権から追放されました.
7:65 すると献酌官は彼らに言った、「至聖所からのものを食べてはならない」, until a priest would stand up who was learned and skillful.
7:66 The entire multitude, which was like one man, was forty-two thousand three hundred sixty,
7:67 aside from their men and women servants, who were seven thousand three hundred thirty-seven, and among them were singing men and singing women, two hundred forty-five.
7:68 彼らの馬は736頭だった; their were mules two hundred forty-five.
7:69 Their camels were four hundred thirty-five; 彼らのロバは6,722頭でした.
7:70 Now several of the leaders of the families gave to the work. The cupbearer gave to the treasury one thousand drachmas of gold, fifty bowls, and five hundred thirty priestly garments.
7:71 And some of the leaders of the families gave to the treasury of the work twenty thousand drachmas of gold, and two thousand two hundred minas of silver.
7:72 And what the remainder of the people gave was twenty thousand drachmas of gold, and two thousand minas of silver, and sixty-seven priestly garments.
7:73 Now the priests, そしてレビ人, そして門番たち, そして歌う男たち, and the rest of the common people, and the temple servants, and all of Israel dwelt in their own cities.

ネヘミヤ 8

8:1 And the seventh month had arrived. Now the sons of Israel were in their cities. And all the people were gathered together, 一人の男のように, in the street which is before the water gate. And they spoke to Ezra the scribe, so that he would bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord had instructed to Israel.
8:2 したがって, Ezra the priest brought the law before the multitude of men and women, and all those who were able to understand, on the first day of the seventh month.
8:3 And he read it openly in the street which was before the water gate, from morning even until midday, in the sight of the men and women, and those who understood. And the ears of all the people were attentive to the book.
8:4 Then Ezra the scribe stood upon a step of wood, which he had made for speaking. And standing beside him were Mattithiah, and Shemaiah, and Anaiah, and Uriah, and Hilkiah, and Maaseiah, 彼の右側に. And on the left were Pedaiah, ミシャエル, and Malchijah, and Hashum, and Hashbaddanah, ゼカリヤ, そしてメシュラム.
8:5 And Ezra opened the book before all the people. For he stood out above all the people. And when he had opened it, all the people stood up.
8:6 And Ezra blessed the Lord, the great God. And all the people responded, "アーメン, アーメン,” lifting up their hands. And they bowed down, そして彼らは神を崇拝した, facing the ground.
8:7 Then Jeshua, and Bani, and Sherebiah, Jamin, Akkub, Shabbethai, Hodiah, Maaseiah, Kelita, アザリア, Jozabad, Hanan, Pelaiah, レビ人, caused the people to be silent in order to hear the law. And the people were standing on their feet.
8:8 And they read from the book of the law of God, distinctly and plainly, so as to be understood. And when it was read, they did understand.
8:9 Then Nehemiah (the same is the cupbearer) and Ezra, the priest and scribe, そしてレビ人, who were interpreting for all the people, 言った: “This day has been sanctified to the Lord our God. Do not mourn, and do not weep.” For all of the people were weeping, as they were listening to the words of the law.
8:10 そして彼は彼らに言った: "行く, eat fat foods and drink sweet drinks, and send portions to those who have not prepared for themselves. For it is the holy day of the Lord. And do not be sad. For the joy of the Lord is also our strength.”
8:11 Then the Levites caused the people to be silent, 言って: “Be quiet. For the day is holy. And do not be sorrowful.”
8:12 And so all the people went forth, so that they might eat and drink, and so that they might send portions, and so that they might make a great rejoicing. For they understood the words that he had taught to them.
8:13 And on the second day, the leaders of the families of all the people, 司祭たち, and the Levites were gathered together to Ezra the scribe, so that he might interpret for them the words of the law.
8:14 And they found written in the law, which the Lord had instructed by the hand of Moses, that the sons of Israel should live in tabernacles on the day of solemnity in the seventh month,
8:15 and that they should proclaim and send out a voice in all their cities and in Jerusalem, 言って: “Go forth to the mount, and bring olive branches, and the branches of beautiful trees, myrtle branches, and palm branches, and the branches of thick trees,” so that they might make tabernacles, 書いてある通り.
8:16 And the people went forth and brought. And they made for themselves tabernacles, each one at his own dwelling, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of God, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim.
8:17 したがって, the entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made tabernacles and lived in tabernacles. For from the days of Jeshua, ヌンの息子, あの日まで, the sons of Israel had not done so. And there was exceedingly great rejoicing.
8:18 Now he read in the book of the law of God, 毎日を通して, from the first day even to the very last day. And they kept the solemnity for seven days. And on the eighth day, there was a gathering according to the ritual.

ネヘミヤ 9

9:1 それから, on the twenty-fourth day of the same month, the sons of Israel came together in fasting and in sackcloth, and with soil upon them.
9:2 And the offspring of the sons of Israel were separated from all the sons of foreigners. And they stood up, and they confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers.
9:3 And they arose to stand. And they read in the volume of the law of the Lord their God, four times in the day, and four times they confessed. And they adored the Lord their God.
9:4 それから, upon the step of the Levites, ジェシュア, and Bani, and Kadmiel, Shebaniah, Bunni, Sherebiah, Bani, and Chenani rose up. And they cried out in a great voice to the Lord their God.
9:5 And the Levites, Jeshua and Kadmiel, Bunni, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah, and Pethahiah said: "立ち上がる. Bless the Lord your God, from eternity even to eternity! And blessed be the exalted name of your glory, with all blessing and praise.
9:6 You yourself alone, 主よ, made heaven, and the heaven of the heavens, and all their host, the earth and all things that are in it, the seas and all things that are in them. And you gave life to all these things. And the host of heaven adores you.
9:7 You yourself, おお主なる神よ, are the One who chose Abram. And you led him away from the fire of the Chaldeans, and you gave him the name Abraham.
9:8 And you found his heart to be faithful before you. And you formed a covenant with him, so that you might give to him the land of the Canaanite, of the Hittite, and of the Amorite, and of the Perizzite, and of the Jebusite, and of the Girgashite, so that you might give it to his offspring. And you have fulfilled your words, for you are just.
9:9 And you saw the affliction of our fathers in Egypt. And you heard their outcry beside the Red Sea.
9:10 And you gave signs and portents to Pharaoh, and to all his servants, and to the people of his land. For you knew that they acted arrogantly against them. And you made a name for yourself, just as it is in this day.
9:11 And you divided the sea before them, and they crossed through the midst of the sea on dry land. But their pursuers you cast into the depths, like a stone into great waters.
9:12 And in the pillar of cloud, you were their leader by day, and in the pillar of fire, by night, so that they might see the way along which they might advance.
9:13 You also descended to mount Sinai, and you spoke with them from heaven. And you gave them upright judgments, and the law of truth, and ceremonies, and good precepts.
9:14 You revealed to them your sanctified Sabbath, and you instructed them in commandments, and ceremonies, and the law, by the hand of Moses, あなたのしもべ.
9:15 You also gave them bread from heaven in their hunger, and you brought forth water from the rock for them in their thirst. And you said to them that they should enter and possess the land, over which you lifted up your hand so that you might give it to them.
9:16 でも本当に, they and our fathers acted arrogantly, and they hardened their necks, and they did not listen to your commandments.
9:17 And they were not willing to hear, and they did not remember, your miracles which you had accomplished for them. And they hardened their necks, and they offered their head, so that they would return to their servitude, as if in contention. でもあなたは, a forgiving God, lenient and merciful, longsuffering and full of compassion, did not abandon them.
9:18 それはそう, even when they had made for themselves a molten calf, and they had said, ‘This is your God, who led you away from Egypt!’ and had committed great blasphemies,
9:19 even so, in the multitude of your mercies, you did not send them away in the desert. The pillar of cloud did not withdraw from them by day, so that it might lead them on the way, nor the pillar of fire by night, so that it might show them the way along which they might advance.
9:20 And you gave them your good Spirit, so that he might teach them, and you did not withhold your manna from their mouth, and you gave them water in their thirst.
9:21 For forty years, you fed them in the desert, and nothing was lacking to them; their garments did not grow old, and their feet were not worn down.
9:22 And you gave them kingdoms and peoples, and you distributed to them by lot. And they possessed the land of Sihon, and the land of the king of Heshbon, and the land of Og, the king of Bashan.
9:23 And you multiplied their sons like the stars of heaven. And you led them into the land, about which you had said to their fathers that they would enter and possess it.
9:24 And the sons arrived and possessed the land. And you humbled the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites, before them. And you delivered them into their hands, with their kings, そしてその土地の人々, so that they might do with them just as it was pleasing to them.
9:25 And so they seized fortified cities and fat soil. And they possessed houses filled with all kinds of goods, cisterns made by others, vineyards, and olive groves, and fruit trees in abundance. そして彼らは食べて満足した. And they were fattened, and they abounded with delights from your great goodness.
9:26 But they provoked you to wrath, and they withdrew from you, and they cast your law behind their backs. And they killed your prophets, who contended with them so that they might return to you. And they committed great blasphemies.
9:27 And so you gave them into the hand of their enemies, and they afflicted them. And in the time of their tribulation, they cried out to you, and from heaven you heard them. And in accord with your great compassion, you gave to them saviors, who might save them from the hand of their enemies.
9:28 But after they had rested, 彼らは引き返した, so that they did evil in your sight. And you abandoned them to the hand of their enemies, and they possessed them. And they converted, and they cried out to you. And from heaven you heeded them, and you freed them many times, by your mercies.
9:29 And you contended with them, so that they might return to your law. でも本当に, they acted in arrogance, and they did not listen to your commandments, and they sinned against your judgments, どれの, if a man does them, he shall live by them. And they withdrew from offering their shoulder, and they hardened their neck; neither would they listen.
9:30 And you continued to forbear them for many years. And you contended with them by your Spirit, through the hand of your prophets. And they did not listen, and so you delivered them into the hand of the peoples of the lands.
9:31 Yet in your very many mercies, you did not cause them to be consumed, nor did you abandon them. For you are a compassionate and lenient God.
9:32 だから今, our great God, strong and terrible, who keeps covenant and mercy, may you not avert your face from all the hardship that has found us, we and our kings, そして私たちのリーダーたち, そして私たちの司祭たち, そして私たちの預言者たち, そして私たちの父親たち, and all the people, from the days of king Assur, 今日に至るまで.
9:33 For you are just, concerning all things that have overwhelmed us. For you have done truth, but we have acted impiously.
9:34 Our kings, our leaders, our priests, and our fathers have not done your law, and they have not been attentive to your commandments and your testimonies, to which you have testified among them.
9:35 And they have not served you, in their kingdoms and with your many good things, which you gave to them, and in the very wide and fat land, which you delivered into their sight, nor did they return from their most wicked pursuits.
9:36 見よ, we ourselves this day are servants. And the land, which you gave to our fathers so that they might eat its bread and have its good things, we ourselves are servants within it.
9:37 And its fruits are multiplied for the kings, whom you have set over us because of our sins. And they rule over our bodies, and over our cattle, according to their will. And we are in great tribulation.
9:38 したがって, concerning all of these things, we ourselves are forming and writing a covenant, そして私たちのリーダーたち, our Levites, and our priests are signing it.”

ネヘミヤ 10

10:1 And the signatories were: ネヘミヤ, the cupbearer, ハカリヤの息子, and Zedekiah,
10:2 セラヤ, アザリア, エレミヤ,
10:3 Pashhur, Amariah, マルキヤ,
10:4 ハットゥシュ, Shebaniah, Malluch,
10:5 Harim, メレモス, オバディア,
10:6 ダニエル, Ginnethon, バルーク,
10:7 メシュラム, Abijah, Mijamin,
10:8 Maaziah, Bilgai, シェマイア; these were the priests.
10:9 And the Levites were: ジェシュア, the son of Azaniah, Binnui of the sons of Henadad, Kadmiel,
10:10 そして彼らの兄弟たち, Shebaniah, Hodiah, Kelita, Pelaiah, Hanan,
10:11 Mica, Rehob, ハシャビア,
10:12 ザカール, Sherebiah, Shebaniah,
10:13 Hodiah, Bani, Beninu.
10:14 The heads of the people were: Parosh, Pahath-moab, Elam, Zattu, Bani,
10:15 Bunni, Azgad, Bebai,
10:16 アドニヤ, ビッグバイ, Adin,
10:17 Ater, Hezekiah, Azzur,
10:18 Hodiah, Hashum, Bezai,
10:19 Hariph, Anathoth, Nebai,
10:20 Magpiash, メシュラム, Hazir,
10:21 Meshezabel, お尻, Jaddua,
10:22 Pelatiah, Hanan, Anaiah,
10:23 Hoshea, ハナニア, Hasshub,
10:24 Hallohesh, Pilha, Shobek,
10:25 レフム, Hashabnah, Maaseiah,
10:26 Ahiah, Hanan, Anan,
10:27 Malluch, Harim, バナ.
10:28 And the rest of the people were the priests, レビ人, the gatekeepers, and the singers, the temple servants, and all who had separated themselves, from the peoples of the lands, to the law of God, with their wives, their sons, and their daughters.
10:29 All who were able to understand, pledged on behalf of their brothers, with their nobles, and they came forward to promise and to swear that they would walk in the law of God, which he had given to the hand of Moses, the servant of God, that they would do and keep all the commandments of the Lord our God, and his judgments and his ceremonies,
10:30 and that we would not give our daughters to the people of the land, and that we would not accept their daughters for our sons,
10:31 also that, if the people of the land carry in goods for sale or any useful things, so that they might sell them on the day of the Sabbath, that we would not buy them on the Sabbath, nor on a sanctified day, and that we would release the seventh year and the collection of debt from every hand.
10:32 And we established precepts over ourselves, so that we would give one third part of a shekel each year for the work of the house of our God,
10:33 for the bread of the presence, and for the continual sacrifice, and for a continual holocaust on the Sabbaths, on the new moons, on the solemnities, and for the holy things, and for the sin offering, so that atonement would be made for Israel, and for every use within the house of our God.
10:34 Then we cast lots concerning the oblation of the wood among the priests, そしてレビ人, そして人々, so that it would be carried into the house of our God, by the households of our fathers, at set times, from the times of one year to another, so that they might burn upon the altar of the Lord our God, モーセの律法に書かれているとおりです,
10:35 and so that we might bring in the first-fruits of our land, and the first-fruits of all the produce from every tree, from year to year, in the house of our Lord,
10:36 and the firstborn of our sons, and of our cattle, just as it was written in the law, and the firstborn of our oxen and our sheep, so that they might be offered in the house of our God, to the priests who minister in the house of our God,
10:37 and so that we might bring in the first-fruits of our foods, and of our libations, and the fruits of every tree, also of the vintage and of the oil, to the priests, to the storehouse of our God, with the tithes of our land for the Levites. The Levites also shall receive tithes from our works out of all the cities.
10:38 Now the priest, アロンの息子, shall be with the Levites in the tithes of the Levites, and the Levites shall offer a tenth part of their tithes in the house of our God, to the storeroom in the house of the treasury.
10:39 For the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi shall carry to the storehouse the first-fruits of the grain, of the wine, and of the oil. And the sanctified vessels shall be there, and the priests, そして歌う男たち, そして門番たち, and the ministers. And we shall not forsake the house of our God.

ネヘミヤ 11

11:1 Now the leaders of the people lived in Jerusalem. でも本当に, the remainder of the people cast lots, so that they might choose one part in ten who were to live in Jerusalem, the holy city, and nine parts for the other cities.
11:2 Then the people blessed all the men who freely offered themselves to live in Jerusalem.
11:3 And so these are the leaders of the province, who were living in Jerusalem, and in the cities of Judah. Now each one lived in his possession, in their cities: イスラエル, 司祭たち, レビ人, the temple servants, and the sons of the servants of Solomon.
11:4 And in Jerusalem, there lived some of the sons of Judah, and some of the sons of Benjamin: of the sons of Judah, Athaiah, the son of Aziam, ゼカリヤの息子, the son of Amariah, the son of Shephatiah, the son of Mahalalel, of the sons of Perez;
11:5 Maaseiah, the son of Baruch, コルホゼの息子, the son of Hazaiah, the son of Adaiah, the son of Joiarib, ゼカリヤの息子, the son of a Silonite.
11:6 All these sons of Perez lived in Jerusalem, four hundred sixty-eight strong men.
11:7 Now these are the sons of Benjamin: Sallu, the son of Meshullam, the son of Joed, the son of Pedaiah, the son of Kolaiah, マアセヤの息子, the son of Ithiel, the son of Jeshaiah;
11:8 and after him Gabbai, Sallai. These were nine hundred twenty-eight.
11:9 And Joel, the son of Zichri, was their foremost leader. そしてユダ, the son of Hassenuah, was second over the city.
11:10 And from the priests, there were Jedaiah, the son of Joiarib, Jachin,
11:11 セラヤ, ヒルキヤの息子, the son of Meshullam, ザドクの息子, the son of Meraioth, the son of Ahitub, the ruler of the house of God,
11:12 そして彼らの兄弟たち, who were doing the works of the temple: eight hundred twenty-two. And Adaiah, エロハムの息子, the son of Pelaliah, the son of Amzi, the son of Zachariah, the son of Pashhur, the son of Malchijah,
11:13 そして彼の兄弟たち, the leaders among the fathers: two hundred forty-two. And Amassai, the son of Azarel, the son of Ahzai, the son of Meshillemoth, インメルの息子,
11:14 そして彼らの兄弟たち, who were very powerful: 百二十八. And their foremost leader was Zabdiel, the son of the powerful.
11:15 And from the Levites, there were Shemaiah, the son of Hasshub, the son of Azrikam, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Bunni,
11:16 and Shabbethai and Jozabad, who were over all the works which were exterior to the house of God, from among the leaders of the Levites.
11:17 And Mattaniah, the son of Mica, ザブディの息子, the son of Asaph, was the leader of praise and confession in prayer, with Bakbukiah, second among his brothers, and Abda, the son of Shammua, the son of Galal, the son of Jeduthun.
11:18 All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred eighty-four.
11:19 And the gatekeepers, Akkub, Talmon, そして彼らの兄弟たち, who guarded the doorways, were one hundred seventy-two.
11:20 And the remainder of Israel, 祭司とレビ人, were in all the cities of Judah, each one in his own possession.
11:21 And the temple servants were living at Ophel, with Ziha and Gishpa, of the temple servants.
11:22 And the director of the Levites in Jerusalem was Uzzi, バニの息子, the son of Hashabiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Mica. The singing men in the ministry of the house of God were from the sons of Asaph.
11:23 実際には, there was a precept of the king about them, and an order among the singing men, 毎日を通して.
11:24 And Pethahiah, メシェザベルの息子, from the sons of Zerah, the son of Judah, was at the hand of the king concerning every word of the people,
11:25 and in the houses throughout all their regions. Some of the sons of Judah lived at Kiriatharba and in its daughter villages, and at Dibon and in its daughter villages, and at Jekabzeel and in its vicinity,
11:26 and at Jeshua, and at Moladah, and at Bethpelet,
11:27 and at Hazarshual, and at Beersheba and in its daughter villages,
11:28 and at Ziklag, and at Meconah and in its daughter villages,
11:29 and at Enrimmon, and at Zorah, and at Jarmuth,
11:30 Zanoah, Adullam, and in their villages, at Lachish and its regions, and at Azekah and in its daughter villages. And they dwelt from Beersheba as far as the valley of Hinnom.
11:31 But the sons of Benjamin lived from Geba, at Michmash, and Aija, and Bethel and in its daughter villages,
11:32 to Anathoth, Nob, Ananiah,
11:33 Hazor, Ramah, Gittaim,
11:34 ハディド, Zeboim, and Neballat, Lod,
11:35 そして小野, the valley of craftsmen.
11:36 And some of the Levites were apportioned with Judah and Benjamin.

ネヘミヤ 12

12:1 Now these are the priests and the Levites who ascended with Zerubbabel, シャルティエルの息子, そしてイエス: セラヤ, エレミヤ, エズラ,
12:2 Amariah, Malluch, ハットゥシュ,
12:3 Shecaniah, レフム, メレモス,
12:4 Iddo, Ginnethon, Abijah,
12:5 Mijamin, Maadiah, Bilgah,
12:6 シェマイア, and Joiarib, ジェダイア, Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, ジェダイア.
12:7 These were the leaders of the priests and of their brothers, in the days of Jeshua.
12:8 And the Levites, ジェシュア, ビンヌイ, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, ユダ, Mattaniah, they and their brothers were over the hymns,
12:9 with Bakbukiah, as well as Hannai, そして彼らの兄弟たち, each one in his office.
12:10 Now Jeshua conceived Joiakim, and Joiakim conceived Eliashib, and Eliashib conceived Joiada,
12:11 and Joiada conceived Jonathan, and Jonathan conceived Jaddua.
12:12 And in the days of Joiakim, the priests and the leaders of the families were: of Seraiah, Meraiah; of Jeremiah, ハナニア;
12:13 of Ezra, メシュラム; of Amariah, Jehohanan;
12:14 of Maluchi, ジョナサン; of Shebaniah, ジョセフ;
12:15 of Harim, Adna; of Meraioth, Helkai;
12:16 of Adaiah, ゼカリヤ; of Ginnethon, メシュラム;
12:17 of Abijah, Zichri; of Mijamin and Moadiah, Piltai;
12:18 of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shemaiah, Jehonathan;
12:19 of Joiarib, Mattenai; of Jedaiah, Uzzi;
12:20 of Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Eber;
12:21 of Hilkiah, ハシャビア; of Jedaiah, Nethanel.
12:22 レビ人, in the days of Eliashib, and Joiada, and Johanan, and Jaddua, and the priests, were written according to the leaders of the families, during the reign of Darius the Persian.
12:23 The sons of Levi, according to the leaders of the families, were written in the book of the words of those days, even to the days of Johanan, the son of Eliashib.
12:24 Now the leaders of the Levites were Hashabiah, Sherebiah, そしてイエス, the son of Kadmiel, そして彼らの兄弟たち, in their turns, so that they would praise and confess, according to the precept of David, 神の人. And they served equally and in order.
12:25 Mattaniah, and Bakbukiah, オバディア, メシュラム, Talmon, Akkub, were keepers of the gates and of the vestibules before the gates.
12:26 These were in the days of Joiakim, イエシュアの息子, ヨザダックの息子, and in the days of Nehemiah, the governor, and of Ezra, the priest and scribe.
12:27 Now at the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem, they sought the Levites from all their places, so that they might bring them to Jerusalem, and so that they might keep the dedication, and rejoice with thanksgiving, and with singing, and with cymbals, psalteries, and lyres.
12:28 Now the sons of the singing men were gathered from the plains surrounding Jerusalem, and from the villages of Netophati,
12:29 and from the house of Gilgal, and from the regions of Geba and Azmaveth. For the singing men had built villages for themselves around Jerusalem.
12:30 And the priests and the Levites were cleansed, and they cleansed the people, and the gates, and the wall.
12:31 Then I caused the leaders of Judah to ascend the wall, and I appointed two great choirs to give praise. And they went to the right upon the wall, toward the dung gate.
12:32 And after them went Hoshaiah, and one half part of the leadership of Judah,
12:33 そしてアザリア, エズラ, そしてメシュラム, ユダ, そしてベンジャミン, and Shemaiah, and Jeremiah.
12:34 And some of the sons of the priests went forth with trumpets: Zachariah, the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son of Zaccur, the son of Asaph.
12:35 And his brothers, シェマイア, and Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, and Judah, and Hanani, went forth with the canticles of David, 神の人. And Ezra, 書記官, was before them at the fountain gate.
12:36 And opposite them, they ascended by the steps of the city of David, at the ascent of the wall above the house of David, and as far as the water gate to the east.
12:37 And the second choir of those who gave thanks went forth on the opposite side, and I went after them, and one half part of the people were upon the wall, and upon the tower of the furnaces, as far as the widest wall,
12:38 and above the gate of Ephraim, and above the ancient gate, and above the fish gate, and the tower of Hananel, and the tower of Hamath, and as far as the flock gate. And they stood still at the watch gate.
12:39 And the two choirs of those who gave praise stood still at the house of God, with myself and one half part of the magistrates who were with me.
12:40 そして司祭たちも, Eliakim, Maaseiah, Mijamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, ゼカリヤ, ハナニア, went forth with trumpets,
12:41 with Maaseiah, and Shemaiah, そしてエレアザル, and Uzzi, and Jehohanan, and Malchijah, and Elam, and Ezer. And the singers were singing clearly, and Jezrahiah was their foremost leader.
12:42 そしてその日, they immolated great sacrifices, そして彼らは喜びました. For God had caused them to rejoice with great joy. And their wives and children also were glad. And the rejoicing of Jerusalem was heard from far away.
12:43 On that day also, they enrolled men over the storehouses of the treasury, for the libations, and for the first-fruits, and for the tithes, so that the leaders of the city might bring these in, 彼らによって, with proper thanksgiving, for the priests and the Levites. For Judah was rejoicing in the priests and the Levites who were assisting.
12:44 And they kept the vigil of their God, and the vigil of expiation, with the singing men and the gatekeepers, in accord with the precept of David, and of Solomon, 彼の息子.
12:45 For in the days of David and Asaph, from the beginning, there were leaders appointed over the singers, to give praise in verses, and to confess to God.
12:46 そしてイスラエル全土, in the days of Zerubbabel, and in the days of Nehemiah, gave portions to the singing men and to the gatekeepers, 毎日のために, and they sanctified the Levites, and the Levites sanctified the sons of Aaron.

ネヘミヤ 13

13:1 Now on that day, they read from the book of Moses in the hearing of the people. And in it, there was found written that the Ammonites and the Moabites must not enter the church of God, たとえずっと,
13:2 because they did not meet the sons of Israel with bread and water, and they hired Balaam against them, to curse them. But our God turned the curse into a blessing.
13:3 今、それが起こりました, when they had heard the law, they separated every foreigner from Israel.
13:4 そしてエリアシブ, 司祭, was over this task; he had been given charge of the treasury of the house of our God, and he was a close relative of Tobiah.
13:5 Then he made for himself a large storeroom, and in that place, there was laid before him gifts, and frankincense, and vessels, and the tithes of grain, ワイン, そして油, the portions of the Levites, and of the singing men, and of the gatekeepers, and the first-fruits of the priests.
13:6 But during all this, I was not in Jerusalem, because in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes, バビロンの王, I went to the king, and at the end of some days, I petitioned the king.
13:7 And I went to Jerusalem, and I understood the evil that Eliashib had done for Tobiah, such that he would make him a storeroom in the vestibules of the house of God.
13:8 And it seemed to me very evil. And I cast the vessels of the house of Tobiah outside of the storeroom.
13:9 And I gave instructions, and they cleansed again the storeroom. And I brought back, into that place, the vessels of the house of God, the sacrifice, and the frankincense.
13:10 And I realized that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them, and that each one had fled into his own region, from the Levites, and from the singing men, and from those who were ministering.
13:11 And I brought the case before the magistrates, そして私は言いました, “Why have we forsaken the house of God?” And I gathered them together, and I caused them to stand at their stations.
13:12 And all of Judah brought the tithes of the grain, そしてワイン, and the oil into the storehouses.
13:13 And we appointed over the storehouses, Shelemiah, 司祭, そしてザドク, 書記官, and Pedaiah from the Levites, and next to them Hanan, the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah. For they had proven to be faithful. And so the portions of their brothers were entrusted to them.
13:14 私を覚えてますか, なんてこった, このため, and may you not wipe away my acts of compassion, which I have done for the house of my God and for his ceremonies.
13:15 当時, 私が見た, in Judah, some who were treading the presses on the Sabbath, and who were carrying sheaves, and placing on donkeys burdens of wine, and of grapes, and of figs, and all manner of burdens, and who were bringing these into Jerusalem on the day of the Sabbath. And I contended with them, so that they would sell on a day when it was permitted to sell.
13:16 And some Tyrians dwelt within, who were bringing fish and all kinds of items for sale. And they were selling on the Sabbaths to the sons of Judah in Jerusalem.
13:17 And I put the nobles of Judah under oath, そして私は彼らに言った: “What is this evil thing that you are doing, profaning the Sabbath day?
13:18 Did not our fathers do these things, and so our God brought all this evil upon us and upon this city? And you are adding more wrath upon Israel by violating the Sabbath!」
13:19 そして、それは起こった, when the gates of Jerusalem had rested on the day of the Sabbath, I spoke, and they closed the gates. And I instructed that they should not open them until after the Sabbath. And I appointed some of my servants over the gates, so that no one would carry in a burden on the day of the Sabbath.
13:20 And so the merchants and those who sold all kinds of items remained just outside of Jerusalem, once and again.
13:21 And I contended with them, そして私は彼らに言った: “Why are you remaining just beyond the wall? If you do this again, I will send hands upon you.” And so, from that time, they no longer came on the Sabbath.
13:22 I also spoke to the Levites, so that they would be cleansed, and would arrive to guard the gates and to sanctify the day of the Sabbath. このことからも, なんてこった, remember me and spare me, in accord with the multitude of your mercies.
13:23 But also in those days, I saw some Jews taking wives from the Ashdodites, そしてアンモナイト, and the Moabites.
13:24 And their sons spoke partly in the speech of Ashdod, and they did not know how to speak the Jewish language, and they were speaking according to the language of one people or another.
13:25 And I put them under oath, and I cursed them. And I struck some of their men, and I shaved off their hair, and I made them swear to God that they would not give their daughters to their sons, nor take their daughters for their sons, nor for themselves, 言って:
13:26 “Did not Solomon, イスラエルの王, sin in this kind of thing? そして確かに, among many nations, there was no king similar to him, and he was beloved of his God, and God set him as king over all of Israel. And yet foreign women led even him into sin!
13:27 So how could we disobey and do all this great evil, so that we would transgress against our God, and take foreign wives?」
13:28 Now one of the sons of Joiada, the son of Eliashib, 大祭司, was a son-in-law to Sanballat, ホロナイト, and I made him flee from me.
13:29 主よ, 我が神よ, remember against those who defile the priesthood and the law of the priests and the Levites!
13:30 And so I cleansed them from all foreigners, and I established the orders of the priests and the Levites, each one in his ministry.
13:31 なんてこった, remember me also, 永遠に, because of the offering of wood, at the appointed times, and because of the first-fruits. アーメン.

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