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  • Balandis 25, 2024

    Feast of St. ženklas

    First Letter of Peter

    5:5Panašiai, young persons, be subject to the elders. And infuse all humility among one another, for God resists the arrogant, bet nuolankiesiems suteikia malonę.
    5:6Ir taip, būk pažemintas po galinga Dievo ranka, kad jis tave išaukštintų apsilankymo metu.
    5:7Visus savo rūpesčius meskite jam, nes jis tavimi rūpinasi.
    5:8Būkite blaivūs ir budrūs. Savo priešininkui, Velnias, yra kaip riaumojantis liūtas, keliauja aplinkui ir ieško tų, kuriuos galėtų praryti.
    5:9Pasipriešinkite jam būdami stiprūs tikėjime, žinodami, kad tos pačios aistros kamuoja ir tuos, kurie yra jūsų broliai pasaulyje.
    5:10Bet visos malonės Dievas, kuris pašaukė mus į savo amžinąją šlovę Kristuje Jėzuje, pats tobulės, patvirtinti, ir įkurti mus, po trumpos kančios.
    5:11Jam šlovė ir valdžia per amžių amžius. Amen.
    5:12Rašiau trumpai, per Silvaną, kurį laikau tau ištikimu broliu, maldauja ir liudija, kad tai yra tikroji Dievo malonė, kurioje įsitvirtinote.
    5:13Bažnyčia, kuri yra Babilone, renkasi kartu su tavimi, sveikina tave, kaip ir mano sūnus, ženklas.
    5:14Pasveikinkite vieni kitus šventu bučiniu. Malonė jums visiems, kurie esate Kristuje Jėzuje. Amen.

    ženklas 16: 15 – 20

    16:15 And he said to them: “Go forth to the whole world and preach the Gospel to every creature.

    16:16 Whoever will have believed and been baptized will be saved. Taciau tikrai, whoever will not have believed will be condemned.

    16:17 Now these signs will accompany those who believe. In my name, they shall cast out demons. They will speak in new languages.

    16:18 They will take up serpents, ir, if they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them. They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they will be well.”

    16:19 And indeed, the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven, and he sits at the right hand of God.

    16:20 Tada jie, nustatant, preached everywhere, with the Lord cooperating and confirming the word by the accompanying signs.

  • Balandis 24, 2024


    The Acts of the Apostles 12: 24- 13: 5

    12:24But the word of the Lord was increasing and multiplying.
    12:25Then Barnabas and Saul, having completed the ministry, returned from Jerusalem, bringing with them John, who was surnamed Mark.
    13:1Now there were, in the Church at Antioch, prophets and teachers, among whom were Barnabas, and Simon, who was called the Black, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, who was the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
    13:2Now as they were ministering for the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said to them: “Separate Saul and Barnabas for me, for the work for which I have selected them.”
    13:3Tada, fasting and praying and imposing their hands upon them, they sent them away.
    13:4And having been sent by the Holy Spirit, they went to Seleucia. And from there they sailed to Cyprus.
    13:5And when they had arrived at Salamis, they were preaching the Word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. And they also had John in the ministry.


    Jonas 12: 44- 50

    12:44But Jesus cried out and said: “Whoever believes in me, does not believe in me, but in him who sent me.
    12:45And whoever sees me, sees him who sent me.
    12:46I have arrived as a light to the world, so that all who believe in me might not remain in darkness.
    12:47And if anyone has heard my words and not kept them, I do not judge him. For I did not come so that I may judge the world, but so that I may save the world.
    12:48Whoever despises me and does not accept my words has one who judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him on the last day.
    12:49For I am not speaking from myself, but from the Father who sent me. He gave a commandment to me as to what I should say and how I should speak.
    12:50And I know that his commandment is eternal life. Todėl, the things that I speak, just as the Father has said to me, so also do I speak.”

  • Balandis 23, 2024

    Aktai 11: 19- 26

    11:19And some of them, having been dispersed by the persecution that had occurred under Stephen, traveled around, even to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the Word to no one, except to Jews only.
    11:20But some of these men from Cyprus and Cyrene, when they had entered into Antioch, were speaking also to the Greeks, announcing the Lord Jesus.
    11:21And the hand of the Lord was with them. And a great number believed and were converted to the Lord.
    11:22Now the news came to the ears of the Church at Jerusalem about these things, and they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch.
    11:23And when he had arrived there and had seen the grace of God, he was gladdened. And he exhorted them all to continue in the Lord with a resolute heart.
    11:24For he was a good man, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a great multitude was added to the Lord.
    11:25Then Barnabas set out for Tarsus, so that he might seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.
    11:26And they were conversing there in the Church for an entire year. And they taught such a great multitude, that it was at Antioch that the disciples were first known by the name of Christian.

    Jonas 10: 22- 30

    10:22Now it was the Feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem, and it was winter.
    10:23And Jesus was walking in the temple, in the portico of Solomon.
    10:24And so the Jews surrounded him and said to him: “How long will you hold our souls in suspense? If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.”
    10:25Jesus answered them: “I speak to you, and you do not believe. The works that I do in the name of my Father, these offer testimony about me.
    10:26But you do not believe, because you are not of my sheep.
    10:27My sheep hear my voice. And I know them, and they follow me.
    10:28And I give them eternal life, and they shall not perish, for eternity. And no one shall seize them from my hand.
    10:29What my Father gave to me is greater than all, and no one is able to seize from the hand of my Father.
    10:30I and the Father are one.”

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