رسولن جا ڪم

رسولن جا ڪم بابن ۾ ظاهر ٿيندا آهن جيڪي هن صفحي جا ذيلي صفحا آهن. انهن وٽ سٺو آهي “slugs” جهڙو /bible/acts/ch-1. (اسان بابن کي الڳ ڪرڻ ۾ اڌ رستي تي آهيون جيئن 11-28 Ch ۾ ظاهر ٿيو 11.) بهرحال, سڄو ڪتاب هيٺ پيش ڪجي ٿو, پڻ.

رسولن جا ڪم 1

1:1 يقينن, اي ٿيفيلس, مون هر شيءِ جي باري ۾ پهريون بيان ٺاهيو جيڪو عيسى ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو ۽ سيکاريو,
1:2 رسولن کي هدايت ڪرڻ, جنهن کي هن پاڪ روح جي ذريعي چونڊيو هو, ايستائين جو ان ڏينهن تائين جنهن ڏينهن هن کي کنيو ويو.
1:3 هن پاڻ کي به انهن آڏو زندهه پيش ڪيو, هن جي شوق کان پوء, اھي چاليھن ڏينھن تائين انھن کي ڏيکاريندا رھيا ۽ خدا جي بادشاھت جي باري ۾ گھڻيون ئي وضاحتون ڪندا رھيا.
1:4 ۽ انھن سان گڏ کاڌو, ھن انھن کي ھدايت ڪئي ته اھي يروشلم مان نه وڃن, پر اهي پيء جي واعدي جو انتظار ڪن, ”جنهن بابت تو ٻڌو آهي," ھن چيو, ”منهنجي ئي وات مان.
1:5 جان لاءِ, واقعي, پاڻي سان بپتسما, پر توهان کي پاڪ روح سان بپتسما ڏني ويندي, هاڻي کان وڌيڪ ڏينهن نه.
1:6 تنهن ڪري, جيڪي گڏ ٿيا هئا، تن کانئس پڇيو, چوڻ, ”رب, اھو اھو وقت آھي جڏھن توھان بني اسرائيل جي بادشاھت کي بحال ڪندا?”
1:7 پر هن کين چيو: ”وقت يا لمحن کي ڄاڻڻ توهان جي هٿ ۾ ناهي, جنهن کي پيءُ پنهنجي اختيار سان مقرر ڪيو آهي.
1:8 پر توهان کي پاڪ روح جي طاقت ملندي, توهان جي مٿان گذرڻ, ۽ تون منھنجي لاءِ يروشلم ۾ شاھد ٿيندين, ۽ سڄي يھوديہ ۽ سامريہ ۾, ۽ جيتوڻيڪ زمين جي پڇاڙيءَ تائين."
1:9 ۽ جڏهن هن اهي ڳالهيون ڪيون هيون, جڏهن اهي ڏسي رهيا هئا, هن کي مٿي ڪيو ويو, ۽ هڪ ڪڪر کيس سندن نظر کان وٺي ويو.
1:10 ۽ جڏھن اھي کيس آسمان ڏانھن مٿي ٿيندي ڏسي رھيا ھئا, ڏس, ٻه ماڻهو سفيد پوشاڪ ۾ سندن ويجهو اچي بيٺا.
1:11 ۽ چيائون: ”گليل جا ماڻهو, تون هتي آسمان ڏانهن ڇو بيٺو آهين? هي يسوع, جيڪو توکان آسمان ۾ کنيو ويو آهي, ائين ئي موٽي ايندو جيئن تو هن کي آسمان ڏانهن ويندي ڏٺو آهي.
1:12 پوءِ اھي جبل تان يروشلم ڏانھن موٽي آيا, جنهن کي زيتون چئبو آهي, جيڪو يروشلم جي ڀرسان آهي, سبت جي ڏينهن جي سفر ۾.
1:13 ۽ جڏھن اھي سيني ۾ داخل ٿيا, اھي انھيءَ جاءِ تي چڙھي ويا جتي پطرس ۽ يوحنا, جيمس ۽ اينڊريو, فلپ ۽ ٿامس, بارٿولوميو ۽ ميٿيو, جيمس آف الفايس ۽ سائمن دي زيليٽ, ۽ جوڊ آف جيمس, رهندا هئا.
1:14 اهي سڀئي عورتون گڏجي نماز ۾ هڪ دل سان صبر ڪري رهيا هئا, ۽ مريم سان, يسوع جي ماءُ, ۽ سندس ڀائرن سان.
1:15 انهن ڏينهن ۾, پيٽر, ڀائرن جي وچ ۾ اڀرڻ, چيو (ھاڻي ماڻھن جو ميڙ اٽڪل ھڪ سؤ ويھہ کن ھو):
1:16 ”سائين ڀائرو, ڪتاب کي پورو ٿيڻ گهرجي, جيڪو پاڪ روح يھوداہ جي باري ۾ دائود جي وات ذريعي پيش ڪيو, جيڪو يسوع کي پڪڙڻ وارن جو اڳواڻ هو.
1:17 هن جو شمار اسان جي وچ ۾ ٿي چڪو هو, ۽ هن کي هن وزارت لاءِ گهڻو ڪري چونڊيو ويو.
1:18 ۽ ھن ماڻھوءَ کي بي انصافيءَ جي اجرت مان ضرور ملڪيت ملي ھئي, ۽ ائين, ڦاسي پيو, هو وچ ۾ ڦاٽي پيو ۽ هن جا سمورا اندروني عضوا ٻاهر نڪري آيا.
1:19 ۽ اھو يروشلم جي سڀني رهاڪن کي معلوم ٿيو, ان ڪري هن ميدان کي سندن ٻوليءَ ۾ سڏيو ويو, اکلڊاما, اهو آهي, 'خون جو ميدان'.
1:20 ڇالاءِ⁠جو اھو زبور جي ڪتاب ۾ لکيل آھي: ”انهن جي رهڻ جي جاءِ ويران ٿي وڃي ۽ اتي ڪو به نه رهي جيڪو ان ۾ رهي,' ۽ 'ٻئي کي هن جي ايپسڪوپيٽ وٺڻ ڏيو.'
1:21 تنهن ڪري, اهو ضروري آهي ته, انھن ماڻھن مان جيڪي اسان سان گڏ گڏ رھيا آھن ان وقت تائين جڏھن خداوند عيسيٰ اسان جي وچ ۾ اندر ۽ ٻاھر ويو,
1:22 يوحنا جي بپتسما کان شروع, ان ڏينھن تائين جڏھن ھو اسان کان کسيو ويو, انهن مان هڪ کي اسان سان گڏ سندس قيامت جو شاهد بڻايو وڃي.
1:23 ۽ انهن ٻه مقرر ڪيا: جوزف, جنهن کي بارسبا سڏيو ويو, جنهن جو نالو Justus رکيو ويو, ۽ Matthias.
1:24 ۽ دعا ڪرڻ, هنن چيو: ”منهنجو, اي رب, جيڪو سڀني جي دل جي خبر آهي, ظاھر ڪريو انھن ٻنھي مان ڪھڙو توھان چونڊيو آھي,
1:25 هن وزارت ۽ رسول ۾ هڪ جاء وٺڻ لاء, جنهن کان يهودا اڳڀرو ٿيو, ته جيئن هو پنهنجي جاءِ تي وڃي.”
1:26 ۽ انھن جي باري ۾ گھڻا وڌا, ۽ ميٿياس تي لوٽ ڪري پيو. ۽ اھو يارھن رسولن سان گڏ ڳڻيو ويو.

رسولن جا ڪم 2

2:1 ۽ جڏھن پينٽيڪوست جا ڏينھن پورا ٿيا, اهي سڀ هڪ ئي هنڌ گڏ هئا.
2:2 ۽ اوچتو, آسمان مان آواز آيو, جيئن واءُ جو زور سان ويجهو اچڻ, ۽ اھو سڄو گھر ڀرجي ويو جتي اھي ويٺا ھئا.
2:3 ۽ انھن لاءِ جدا جدا ٻوليون نظر آيون, ڄڻ ته باهه, جيڪو انهن مان هر هڪ تي آباد هو.
2:4 ۽ اھي سڀيئي پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي ويا. ۽ اهي مختلف ٻولين ۾ ڳالهائڻ شروع ڪيو, جيئن ته روح القدس انهن کي فصاحت ڏني.
2:5 ھاڻي يروشلم ۾ يھودي رھيا ھئا, هر قوم مان نيڪ مرد جيڪي آسمان هيٺ آهن.
2:6 ۽ جڏهن اهو آواز آيو, ميڙ گڏ ٿي آيو ۽ ذهن ۾ پريشان ٿي ويو, ڇاڪاڻ ته ھر ڪو انھن کي پنھنجي ٻوليءَ ۾ ڳالھائيندي ٻڌندو ھو.
2:7 پوءِ سڀ حيران ٿي ويا, ۽ اھي حيران ٿي ويا, چوڻ: ”ڏس, اهي سڀئي نه آهن جيڪي گليلي ڳالهائي رهيا آهن?
2:8 ۽ اهو ڪيئن آهي ته اسان انهن کي هر هڪ پنهنجي پنهنجي زبان ۾ ٻڌو آهي, جنهن ۾ اسان پيدا ٿيا آهيون?
2:9 پارٿين ۽ ميڊيز ۽ ايلاميٽس, ۽ جيڪي ميسوپوٽيميا ۾ رهن ٿا, يھوديہ ۽ ڪيپادوشيا, پونٽس ۽ ايشيا,
2:10 فريگيا ۽ پيمفيليا, مصر ۽ لبيا جا حصا جيڪي سائرن جي چوڌاري آهن, ۽ رومن جي نئين آمد,
2:11 ساڳيءَ طرح يهودين ۽ نوان مسلمان, ڪريتان ۽ عرب: اسان انھن کي پنھنجين ٻولين ۾ خدا جي عظيم ڪمن بابت ڳالھائيندي ٻڌو آھي.
2:12 ۽ اھي سڀ حيران ٿي ويا, ۽ اھي حيران ٿي ويا, هڪ ٻئي کي چوڻ: ”پر ان جو مطلب ڇا آهي?”
2:13 پر ٻين ٺٺولي ڪندي چيو, "اهي ماڻهو نئين شراب سان ڀريل آهن."
2:14 پر پيٽر, يارنهن سان گڏ بيٺو, هن جو آواز بلند ڪيو, ۽ هن انهن سان ڳالهايو: ”يهودا جا ماڻهو, ۽ جيڪي يروشلم ۾ رھندا آھن, اهو توهان کي ڄاڻڻ ڏيو, ۽ پنهنجا ڪن منهنجي لفظن ڏانهن ڇڪيو.
2:15 ڇو ته اهي ماڻهو شرابي نه آهن, جيئن توهان سوچيو, ڇاڪاڻ ته اهو ڏينهن جو ٽيون ڪلاڪ آهي.
2:16 پر اھو اھو آھي جيڪو نبي جوئيل طرفان ٻڌايو ويو آھي:
2:17 ”۽ ائين ٿيندو: آخري ڏينهن ۾, رب فرمائي ٿو, مان وجھندس, منهنجي روح کان, سڀني گوشت تي. ۽ توهان جا پٽ ۽ توهان جون ڌيئرون نبوت ڪندا. ۽ اوھان جا نوجوان خواب ڏسندا, ۽ توهان جا بزرگ خواب ڏسندا.
2:18 ۽ يقينا, انهن ڏينهن ۾ منهنجي مردن ۽ عورتن جي ٻانهن تي, مان پنھنجي روح مان نڪرندس, ۽ اھي اڳڪٿي ڪندا.
2:19 ۽ مان مٿي آسمان ۾ معجزا ڏيندس, ۽ هيٺ زمين تي نشانيون: رت ۽ باهه ۽ دونھون جو بخار.
2:20 سج اوندهه ۾ ۽ چنڊ رت ۾ بدلجي ويندو, ان کان اڳ جو رب جو عظيم ۽ پڌرو ڏينهن اچي.
2:21 ۽ اهو ٿيندو: جيڪو به رب جي نالي کي سڏيندو، بچايو ويندو.
2:22 بني اسرائيل جا مرد, اهي لفظ ٻڌ: يسوع ناصري هڪ اهڙو ماڻهو آهي جيڪو خدا توهان جي وچ ۾ معجزن ۽ عجائبات ۽ نشانين جي ذريعي تصديق ڪري ٿو جيڪي خدا هن جي ذريعي توهان جي وچ ۾ پورا ڪيا., جيئن توهان پڻ ڄاڻو ٿا.
2:23 هي ماڻهو, خدا جي حتمي منصوبي ۽ اڳڪٿي جي تحت, ظالمن جي هٿن ۾ پهچايو ويو, ڏکايل, ۽ مارڻ.
2:24 ۽ جنهن کي الله اٿاريو آهي، تنهن جهنم جا ڏک ٽوڙي ڇڏيا آهن, ڇاڪاڻ ته يقيناً اهو ناممڪن هو ته هو ان کي هٿ ۾ رکي.
2:25 ڇاڪاڻ ته دائود هن جي باري ۾ چيو: ”مون رب کي هميشه پنهنجي نظر ۾ ڏٺو, ڇاڪاڻ ته هو منهنجي ساڄي هٿ تي آهي, ته جيئن مون کي منتقل نه ڪيو وڃي.
2:26 ان جي ڪري, منهنجي دل خوش ٿي وئي آهي, ۽ منهنجي زبان خوش ٿي وئي آهي. ان کان علاوه, منهنجو گوشت به اميد ۾ آرام ڪندو.
2:27 ڇو ته تون منهنجي روح کي دوزخ ڏانهن نه ڇڏيندين, ۽ نه ئي توهان کي پنهنجي پاڪ ذات کي فساد ڏسڻ جي اجازت ڏيندو.
2:28 تو مون کي زندگيءَ جا طريقا ٻڌائي ڇڏيا. تون پنهنجي موجودگيءَ سان مون کي خوشين سان ڀرپور ڪندين.
2:29 معزز ڀائر, مون کي اجازت ڏي ته توسان پير صاحب دائود بابت آزاديءَ سان ڳالهائي سگهان: ڇاڪاڻ ته هو مري ويو ۽ دفن ڪيو ويو, ۽ سندس مقبرو اسان سان گڏ آهي, جيتوڻيڪ اڄ ڏينهن تائين.
2:30 تنهن ڪري, هو هڪ نبي هو, ڇالاءِ⁠جو ھن کي خبر ھئي تہ خدا ھن سان سندس پٺيءَ جي ميوي بابت قسم کنيو ھو, ان بابت جيڪو پنهنجي تخت تي ويٺو هوندو.
2:31 هن جي اڳڪٿي ڪندي, هو مسيح جي جيئري ٿيڻ بابت ڳالهائي رهيو هو. ڇاڪاڻ ته هو نه ته جهنم ۾ پوئتي رهجي ويو هو, ۽ نه ئي سندس جسم فساد ڏٺو.
2:32 هي يسوع, خدا وري اٿاريو, ۽ ان جا اسين سڀ شاهد آهيون.
2:33 تنهن ڪري, خدا جي ساڄي هٿ ڏانهن بلند ٿيڻ, ۽ پيءُ کان پاڪ روح جو واعدو مليو, هن اهو اڇلايو, جيئن توهان هاڻي ڏسو ۽ ٻڌو.
2:34 ڇاڪاڻ ته دائود آسمان ڏانهن نه ويو. پر هن پاڻ چيو: ”منهنجي رب کي چيو: منهنجي ساڄي هٿ تي ويٺي,
2:35 جيستائين مان تنهنجي دشمنن کي تنهنجي پيرن جي صندلي نه ڪريان.
2:36 تنهن ڪري, ٿي سگھي ٿو ته بني اسرائيل جو سڄو گھر ضرور ڄاڻن ته خدا اھو ئي عيسيٰ کي بڻايو آھي, جنهن کي توهان صليب تي چاڙهيو, ٻئي خداوند ۽ مسيح."
2:37 هاڻي جڏهن هنن اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌيون هيون, اهي دل ۾ پشيمان هئا, ۽ انھن پطرس ۽ ٻين رسولن کي چيو: ”اسان کي ڇا ڪرڻ گهرجي, معزز ڀائر?”
2:38 اڃان تائين واقعي, پطرس انھن کي چيو: ”توبهه ڪر; ۽ بپتسما وٺڻ, توهان مان هر هڪ, يسوع مسيح جي نالي تي, توهان جي گناهن جي معافي لاء. ۽ توهان کي روح القدس جو تحفو ملندو.
2:39 ڇو جو واعدو تنھنجي ۽ تنھنجي پٽن لاءِ آھي, ۽ سڀني لاءِ جيڪي پري آهن: ان لاءِ جنهن کي خداوند اسان جو خدا سڏيو هوندو.
2:40 ۽ پوءِ, ٻين ڪيترن ئي لفظن سان, ھن شاھدي ڏني ۽ انھن کي نصيحت ڪئي, چوڻ, "پنهنجي پاڻ کي هن خراب نسل کان بچايو."
2:41 تنهن ڪري, جن سندس تقرير قبول ڪئي، تن بپتسما ڏني. ۽ اٽڪل ٽي هزار روح ان ڏينهن شامل ڪيا ويا.
2:42 هاڻي اهي رسولن جي نظريي تي قائم رهيا, ۽ ماني ٽوڙڻ جي گڏجاڻي ۾, ۽ نماز ۾.
2:43 ۽ هر روح ۾ خوف پيدا ٿيو. پڻ, ڪيترائي معجزا ۽ معجزا يروشلم ۾ رسولن پاران ڪيا ويا. ۽ سڀني ۾ هڪ وڏو خوف هو.
2:44 ۽ پوءِ سڀ ايمان وارا گڏ ٿيا, ۽ انهن سڀني شين کي گڏيل طور تي رکيو.
2:45 اهي پنهنجو مال ۽ مال وڪڻڻ لڳا, ۽ انهن کي سڀني کي ورهايو, جيئن انهن مان ڪنهن کي ضرورت هئي.
2:46 پڻ, انهن جاري رکيو, روزاني, مندر ۾ هڪ اتفاق ٿيڻ ۽ گهرن ۾ ماني ٽوڙڻ لاء; ۽ سندن ماني خوشي ۽ دل جي سادگي سان ورتي,
2:47 خدا جي وڏي ساراهه ڪرڻ, ۽ سڀني ماڻهن سان احسان ڪيو. ۽ هر روز, خداوند انھن کي وڌايو جيڪي انھن جي وچ ۾ بچيل ھئا.

رسولن جا ڪم 3

3:1 ھاڻي پطرس ۽ يوحنا ھيڪل ڏانھن ويا نماز جي نائين ڪلاڪ تي.
3:2 ۽ هڪ خاص ماڻهو, جيڪو پنهنجي ماءُ جي پيٽ مان لڪل هو, اندر کڻي وڃي رهيو هو. هو هر روز هن کي مندر جي دروازي تي رکندا هئا, جنهن کي خوبصورت سڏيو ويندو آهي, ته جيئن هو مندر ۾ داخل ٿيڻ وارن کان خيرات گهري.
3:3 ۽ هي ماڻهو, جڏهن هن پطرس ۽ يوحنا کي مندر ۾ داخل ٿيڻ شروع ڪيو, عرض ڪري رهيو هو, ته جيئن هو خيرات حاصل ڪري سگهي.
3:4 پوءِ پطرس ۽ جان, هن ڏانهن ڏسڻ, چيو, "اسان کي ڏسو."
3:5 ۽ هو انهن ڏانهن غور سان ڏسندو رهيو, اميد ته هو انهن مان ڪجهه حاصل ڪري سگهي ٿو.
3:6 پر پطرس چيو: ”چاندي ۽ سون منهنجو ناهي. پر جيڪو مون وٽ آهي, مان توکي ڏيان ٿو. يسوع مسيح ناصري جي نالي تي, اٿو ۽ هلو."
3:7 ۽ کيس ساڄي هٿ کان وٺي, هن کيس مٿي ڪيو. ۽ فوري طور تي سندس پير ۽ پير مضبوط ٿي ويا.
3:8 ۽ ٽپو ڏيڻ, هو بيٺو ۽ چوڌاري هلڻ لڳو. ۽ ھو انھن سان گڏ ھيڪل ۾ داخل ٿيو, هلڻ ۽ ٽپڻ ۽ خدا جي واکاڻ ڪرڻ.
3:9 ۽ سڀني ماڻھن کيس گھمندي ۽ خدا جي واکاڻ ڪندي ڏٺو.
3:10 ۽ انھن کيس سڃاڻي ورتو, اھو اھو ئي آھي جيڪو مندر جي خوبصورت دروازي تي خيرات لاءِ ويٺو ھو. ۽ اھي حيران ۽ حيران ٿي ويا ته ھن سان ڇا ٿيو.
3:11 پوءِ, جيئن هن پطرس ۽ يوحنا کي پڪڙيو, سڀ ماڻهو ڀڄندا وٽن در وٽ آيا, جنهن کي سليمان چيو وڃي ٿو, حيرت ۾.
3:12 پر پيٽر, اهو ڏسي, ماڻهن کي جواب ڏنو: ”مرد بني اسرائيل, توهان ان تي حيران ڇو آهيو? يا تون اسان کي ڇو ٿو ڏسن, ڄڻ ته اها اسان جي پنهنجي طاقت يا طاقت هئي ته اسان هن انسان کي هلڻ جو سبب بڻايو?
3:13 ابراھيم جو خدا ۽ اسحاق جو خدا ۽ يعقوب جو خدا, اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن جو خدا, پنھنجي پٽ عيسيٰ کي ساراھيو آھي, جنهن کي توهان, واقعي, جي حوالي ڪيو ويو ۽ پلاطس جي سامهون انڪار ڪيو, جڏهن هو کيس آزاد ڪرڻ جو فيصلو ڪري رهيو هو.
3:14 تڏھن تو پاڪ ۽ صرف ھڪڙي کي انڪار ڪيو, ۽ درخواست ڪئي ته هڪ قاتل انسان توهان کي ڏنو وڃي.
3:15 سچ پچ, اهو زندگي جو ليکڪ هو جنهن کي توهان موت جي سزا ڏني هئي, جن کي خدا مئلن مان جيئرو ڪيو, جنهن جا اسين شاهد آهيون.
3:16 ۽ سندس نالي تي ايمان سان, هي ماڻهو, جنهن کي توهان ڏٺو ۽ سڃاتو آهي, هن جي نالي جي تصديق ڪئي آهي. ۽ ايمان هن جي ذريعي هن انسان کي توهان سڀني جي نظر ۾ مڪمل صحت ڏني آهي.
3:17 ۽ ھاڻ, ڀائر, مون کي خبر آهي ته توهان اهو ڪم جهالت جي ڪري ڪيو آهي, جيئن توهان جي اڳواڻن پڻ ڪيو.
3:18 پر اهڙيءَ طرح خدا اهي ڳالهيون پوريون ڪيون جن جو هن اڳي ئي سڀني نبين جي وات ذريعي اعلان ڪيو هو: ته سندس مسيح ڏک ٿيندو.
3:19 تنهن ڪري, توبه ڪيو ۽ تبديل ڪيو وڃي, ته جيئن توهان جا گناهه ميٽجي وڃن.
3:20 ۽ پوءِ, جڏهن رب جي حضور کان تسلي جو وقت اچي ويندو, اھو انھيءَ کي موڪليندو جنھن جي اڳڪٿي ڪئي وئي ھئي, حضرت عيسٰي,
3:21 جن کي آسمان ضرور کڻڻ گهرجي, سڀني شين جي بحالي جي وقت تائين, جنهن جو ذڪر خدا پنهنجي پاڪ نبين جي وات سان ڪيو آهي, گذريل سالن کان.
3:22 بيشڪ, موسي چيو: 'ڇاڪاڻ ته رب توهان جو خدا توهان لاءِ توهان جي ڀائرن مان هڪ نبي پيدا ڪندو, مون جهڙو هڪ; ساڳيءَ طرح توهان کي هر شي جي مطابق ٻڌو جيڪو هو توهان سان ڳالهائيندو.
3:23 ۽ اهو ٿيندو: جيڪو به ان نبي کي نه ٻڌندو، ان کي ماڻهن مان خارج ڪيو ويندو.
3:24 ۽ سڀني نبين جو ذڪر ڪيو آهي, سموئيل کان پوءِ, انهن ڏينهن جو اعلان ڪيو آهي.
3:25 اوھين نبين جا فرزند آھيو ۽ انھيءَ وصيت جا آھيو جيڪو خدا اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن لاءِ مقرر ڪيو آھي, ابراهيم کي چيو: '۽ تنھنجي اولاد جي ڪري زمين جي سڀني خاندانن کي برڪت ملندي.
3:26 خدا پنھنجي فرزند کي جيئرو ڪيو ۽ کيس پھريون ڀيرو اوھان ڏانھن موڪليو, توهان کي برڪت ڏيڻ, ته جيئن هر هڪ پاڻ کي پنهنجي بڇڙائيءَ کان پري ڪري.”

رسولن جا ڪم 4

4:1 پر جڏهن اهي ماڻهن سان ڳالهائي رهيا هئا, پادرين ۽ مندر جي مئجسٽريٽ ۽ صدوقي انهن تي غالب ٿي ويا,
4:2 غمگين ٿي رهيا هئا ته اهي ماڻهن کي سيکاري رهيا هئا ۽ عيسى ۾ مئلن مان جيئرو ٿيڻ جو اعلان ڪري رهيا هئا.
4:3 ۽ انهن تي هٿ رکيا, ۽ انھن کي ٻئي ڏينھن تائين حفاظت ۾ رکيو. ڇو ته هاڻي شام ٿي چڪي هئي.
4:4 پر جن ڪلام ٻڌو تن مان گھڻن ئي ايمان آندو. ۽ ماڻھن جو تعداد پنج ھزار ٿي ويو.
4:5 ۽ ٻئي ڏينھن تي ائين ٿيو جو سندن اڳواڻ، بزرگ ۽ شريعت جا عالم يروشلم ۾ گڏ ٿيا,
4:6 انا سميت, اعليٰ پادري, ۽ ڪيفا, ۽ جان ۽ اليگزينڊر, ۽ جيترا به پادريءَ جي خاندان جا هئا.
4:7 ۽ انھن جي وچ ۾ اسٽيشن, انهن کان سوال ڪيو: ”ڪهڙي طاقت سان, يا جنهن جي نالي تي, ڇا توهان اهو ڪيو آهي?”
4:8 پوءِ پطرس, پاڪ روح سان ڀريل, انهن کي چيو: ”عوام جا اڳواڻ ۽ بزرگ, ٻڌ.
4:9 جيڪڏهن اسان اڄ هڪ ڪمزور انسان سان ڪيل نيڪ عمل سان فيصلو ڪيو وڃي, جنهن جي ذريعي هن کي مڪمل ڪيو ويو آهي,
4:10 اهو توهان سڀني کي ۽ بني اسرائيل جي سڀني ماڻهن کي معلوم ٿئي, ته اسان جي خداوند عيسى مسيح ناصري جي نالي تي, جنهن کي توهان صليب تي چاڙهيو, جن کي خدا مئلن مان جياريو, هن جي طرفان, هي ماڻهو توهان جي سامهون بيٺو آهي, صحتمند.
4:11 اھو پٿر آھي, جنهن کي توهان رد ڪيو هو, تعمير ڪندڙ, جيڪو ڪنڊ جو سر بڻجي ويو آهي.
4:12 ۽ ٻي ڪا به نجات نه آهي. ڇالاءِ⁠جو آسمان ھيٺان ڪو ٻيو نالو نہ آھي جيڪو ماڻھن کي ڏنو ويو آھي, جنهن جي ذريعي اهو ضروري آهي ته اسان کي بچايو وڃي.
4:13 پوءِ, پطرس ۽ جان جي استحڪام کي ڏسي, تصديق ڪئي وئي آهي ته اهي ماڻهو هئا جن کي خط يا سکيا کان سواء, اهي حيران ٿي ويا. ۽ انھن کي خبر پئي تہ اھي عيسيٰ سان گڏ ھئا.
4:14 پڻ, انھن سان گڏ بيٺل ماڻھوءَ کي ڏسي، جيڪو چڱو ڀلو ٿي چڪو ھو, اهي انهن جي مخالفت ڪرڻ لاء ڪجهه به چوڻ جي قابل نه هئا.
4:15 پر هنن حڪم ڏنو ته ٻاهر نڪري وڃو, ڪائونسل کان پري, ۽ پاڻ ۾ صلاح ڏني,
4:16 چوڻ: ”اسان انهن ماڻهن کي ڇا ڪريون? يقيناً انهن جي ذريعي هڪ عوامي نشاني ڪئي وئي آهي, يروشلم جي سڀني رهاڪن جي اڳيان. اهو پڌرو آهي, ۽ اسان ان کان انڪار نٿا ڪري سگهون.
4:17 پر ائين نه ٿئي ته اهو ماڻهن ۾ وڌيڪ پکڙجي وڃي, اچو ته انهن کي ڌمڪيون ڏيون ته هاڻي هن نالي تي ڪنهن به ماڻهو سان نه ڳالهايو.
4:18 ۽ انهن کي اندر سڏيندو رهيو, انھن انھن کي خبردار ڪيو تہ عيسيٰ جي نالي تي ڳالھائڻ يا سيکارڻ نہ ڏين.
4:19 اڃان تائين واقعي, پطرس ۽ جان کين جواب ۾ چيو: ”جج ڪريو ته ڇا اهو خدا جي نظر ۾ صرف توهان جي ٻڌڻ آهي, خدا جي بجاءِ.
4:20 ڇالاءِ⁠جو جيڪي اسان ڏٺا ۽ ٻڌا آھن، تن کي ٻڌائڻ کان انڪار ڪري سگھون ٿا.”
4:21 پر اهي, انهن کي ڌمڪيون ڏيڻ, کين موڪلايو, ڪو رستو نه مليو آهي ته اهي ماڻهن جي ڪري انهن کي سزا ڏين. ڇالاءِ⁠جو سڀ انھن ڳالھين جي واکاڻ ڪري رھيا ھئا جيڪي انھن واقعن ۾ ڪيا ھئا.
4:22 جنهن ماڻهوءَ ۾ علاج جي اها نشاني پوري ٿي چڪي هئي، ان جي عمر چاليهن سالن کان به مٿي هئي.
4:23 پوءِ, آزاد ڪيو ويو, اهي پنهنجن ڏانهن ويا, ۽ اھي پوريءَ طرح ٻڌايائون جيڪي ڪاھنن جي اڳواڻن ۽ بزرگن کين چيو ھو.
4:24 ۽ جڏھن اھي ٻڌو, هڪ اتفاق سان, انهن پنهنجو آواز خدا ڏانهن بلند ڪيو, ۽ چيائون: ”رب, تون ئي آهين جنهن آسمان ۽ زمين کي ٺاهيو, سمنڊ ۽ جيڪي انھن ۾ آھي,
4:25 WHO, پاڪ روح جي طرفان, اسان جي پيءُ دائود جي وات ذريعي, توهان جو خادم, چيو: ”غير قومون ڇو سڙي رهيون آهن, ۽ ماڻهو ڇو بيڪار سوچي رهيا آهن?
4:26 ڌرتيءَ جا بادشاهه اٿي بيٺا آهن, ۽ اڳواڻن گڏجي گڏ ٿي ويا آهن, رب جي خلاف ۽ سندس مسيح جي خلاف.
4:27 سچ پچ هيروديس ۽ پونٽيس پائلٽ لاء, غير قومن ۽ بني اسرائيلن سان گڏ, توهان جي پاڪ خادم عيسى جي خلاف هن شهر ۾ گڏ ٿيا, جنهن کي تو مسح ڪيو
4:28 اهو ڪم ڪرڻ لاءِ جيڪو توهان جي هٿ ۽ توهان جي صلاح جو حڪم ڏنو ويندو.
4:29 ۽ ھاڻ, اي رب, انهن جي خطرن کي ڏسو, ۽ پنھنجن ٻانھن کي عطا ڪر ته اھي تنھنجي ڳالھ پوري يقين سان ٻڌائين,
4:30 علاج ۽ نشانين ۽ معجزن ۾ پنهنجو هٿ وڌائڻ سان, توهان جي پاڪ پٽ جي نالي جي ذريعي ڪيو وڃي, يسوع“.
4:31 ۽ جڏھن اھي نماز پڙھندا ھئا, اها جاءِ جنهن ۾ اهي گڏ ٿيا هئا منتقل ڪيو ويو. ۽ اھي سڀيئي پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي ويا. ۽ اھي خدا جي ڪلام کي يقين سان ڳالھائي رھيا ھئا.
4:32 پوءِ ايمان وارن جو ڪثرت هڪ دل ۽ هڪ جان هئي. نه ئي ڪنهن اهو چيو ته هن وٽ جيڪي شيون آهن انهن مان ڪا به هن جي پنهنجي هئي, پر انهن لاءِ سڀ شيون عام هيون.
4:33 ۽ وڏي طاقت سان, رسول اسان جي خداوند عيسيٰ مسيح جي جيئري ٿيڻ جي شاھدي ڏئي رھيا ھئا. ۽ انھن سڀني ۾ وڏو فضل ھو.
4:34 ۽ نه ئي انهن مان ڪنهن کي ضرورت هئي. جيتري قدر زمينن يا گھرن جا مالڪ ھئا, انهن کي وڪرو ڪرڻ, جيڪي شيون وڪرو ڪري رهيا هئا انهن مان آمدني آڻيندا هئا,
4:35 ۽ ان کي رسولن جي پيرن اڳيان رکيو. پوءِ ان کي هر هڪ ۾ ورهايو ويو, جيئن هن کي ضرورت هئي.
4:36 هاڻي جوزف, جنهن کي رسولن برناباس سڏيو (جنهن جو ترجمو ڪيو ويو آهي 'تسلي جو پٽ'), جيڪو قبرصي نسل جو ليوي هو,
4:37 ڇاڪاڻ ته هن وٽ زمين هئي, هن ان کي وڪرو ڪيو, ۽ اھو رقم کڻي آيو ۽ رسولن جي پيرن تي رکيائين.

رسولن جا ڪم 5

5:1 پر حنانياس نالي ھڪڙو ماڻھو, پنهنجي زال صفيرا سان, هڪ ميدان وڪرو ڪيو,
5:2 ۽ هو ميدان جي قيمت بابت فريب هو, سندس زال جي رضامندي سان. ۽ صرف ان جو حصو آڻيندي, هن ان کي رسولن جي پيرن تي رکيو.
5:3 پر پطرس چيو: ”انانياس, شيطان تنهنجي دل کي ڇو آزمايو آهي, ته جيئن تون پاڪ روح سان ڪوڙ ڳالهائين ۽ زمين جي قيمت بابت ٺڳي ڪرين?
5:4 ڇا اهو توهان سان واسطو نه هو جڏهن توهان ان کي برقرار رکيو? ۽ ان کي وڪرو ڪيو, ڇا اهو توهان جي طاقت ۾ نه هو? دل ۾ اها ڳالهه ڇو رکيائين? توهان مردن سان ڪوڙ نه ڳالهايو آهي, پر خدا ڏانهن!”
5:5 پوءِ حنانياس, اهي لفظ ٻڌي, ڪري پيو ۽ ختم ٿي ويو. ۽ ھڪڙو وڏو خوف انھن سڀني تي غالب ٿي ويو جنھن اھو ٻڌو.
5:6 ۽ نوجوان اٿي بيٺا ۽ کيس هٽائي ڇڏيو; ۽ ان کي ٻاهر کڻي, انهن کيس دفن ڪيو.
5:7 پوءِ اٽڪل ٽي ڪلاڪ گذري ويا, ۽ سندس زال داخل ٿي, خبر ناهي ڇا ٿيو هو.
5:8 ۽ پطرس کيس چيو, "مون کي ٻڌاءِ, عورت, جيڪڏهن توهان هن رقم لاء فيلڊ وڪرو ڪيو?“ ۽ هن چيو, "ها, انهي رقم لاء.
5:9 ۽ پطرس کيس چيو: ”اوھين ڇو گڏ ٿيا آھيو رب جي روح کي جانچڻ لاءِ? ڏس, جن تنهنجي مڙس کي دفن ڪيو آهي انهن جا پير دروازي تي آهن, ۽ اھي اوھان کي وٺي ويندا!”
5:10 فوري طور تي, هوءَ هن جي پيرن اڳيان ڪري پئي ۽ ختم ٿي وئي. پوءِ نوجوان اندر داخل ٿيا ۽ ڏٺائون ته هوءَ مئل هئي. ۽ انھن کيس ٻاھر ڪڍي ڇڏيو ۽ ھن کي پنھنجي مڙس جي ڀرسان دفن ڪيو.
5:11 ۽ ھڪڙو وڏو خوف سڄي ڪليسيا تي ۽ انھن سڀني تي نازل ٿيو جن اھي ڳالھيون ٻڌيون.
5:12 ۽ رسولن جي ھٿن جي ذريعي ماڻھن ۾ ڪيترائي معجزا ۽ معجزا ڪيا ويا. ۽ اهي سڀ هڪ اتفاق سان سليمان جي پورٽيڪو ۾ مليا.
5:13 ۽ ٻين جي وچ ۾, ڪنهن کي به همت نه هئي ته هو پاڻ کي انهن ۾ شامل ڪري. پر ماڻهن انهن جي واکاڻ ڪئي.
5:14 ھاڻي انھن مردن ۽ عورتن جو ميڙ وڌي رھيو ھو جيڪي خداوند تي ايمان آڻيندا ھئا,
5:15 ايتري قدر جو انهن ڪمزورن کي گهٽين ۾ ويهاريو, انهن کي بسترن ۽ اسٽريچر تي رکڻ, تان ته, جيئن پطرس آيو, گهٽ ۾ گهٽ هن جو پاڇو انهن مان ڪنهن هڪ تي پوي, ۽ انهن جي ڪمزورين مان آزاد ٿي ويندا.
5:16 پر ھڪڙو ميڙ پڻ پاڙيسري شھرن مان يروشلم ڏانھن جلدي ويو, بيمارن کي کڻڻ ۽ جيڪي ناپاڪ روحن کان پريشان آهن, جيڪي سڀ صحتياب ٿيا.
5:17 پوءِ سردار ڪاھن ۽ اھي سڀيئي جيڪي ساڻس گڏ ھئا, اهو آهي, صدوقين جو مذهبي فرقو, اٿي بيٺا ۽ حسد سان ڀرجي ويا.
5:18 ۽ انهن رسولن تي هٿ رکيا, ۽ انھن کي عام جيل ۾ رکيو.
5:19 پر رات ۾, رب جي هڪ فرشتي جيل جا دروازا کوليا ۽ انهن کي ٻاهر ڪڍيو, چوڻ,
5:20 ”وڃ، مندر ۾ بيٺو, ماڻهن سان ڳالهائيندي زندگي جا اهي سڀئي لفظ.
5:21 ۽ جڏھن انھن اھو ٻڌو ھو, اهي پهرين روشني ۾ مندر ۾ داخل ٿيا, ۽ اهي تعليم ڏيندا هئا. پوءِ اعليٰ پادري, ۽ جيڪي ساڻس گڏ هئا, پهچ, ۽ انھن ڪائونسل ۽ بني اسرائيل جي سڀني بزرگن کي گڏ ڪيو. ۽ جيل ۾ موڪليائون ته کين وٺي اچي.
5:22 پر جڏهن حاضرين پهچي چڪا هئا, ۽, جيل کولڻ تي, انهن کي نه مليو هو, اهي واپس آيا ۽ انهن کي ٻڌايو,
5:23 چوڻ: ”اسان ڏٺو ته جيل کي يقيني طور تي پوري محنت سان بند ڪيو ويو آهي, ۽ دروازي اڳيان محافظ بيٺا. پر ان کي کولڻ تي, اسان کي اندر ڪو به نه مليو.
5:24 پوءِ, جڏھن ھيڪل جي مئجسٽريٽ ۽ سردار ڪاھن اھي ڳالھيون ٻڌيون, انهن جي باري ۾ غير يقيني هئا, جيئن ٿيڻ گهرجي.
5:25 پر ڪو آيو ۽ کين اطلاع ڏنو, ”ڏس, جن ماڻھن کي تو جيل ۾ رکيو آھي سي ھيڪل ۾ آھن, بيٺو ۽ ماڻهن کي تعليم ڏيڻ.
5:26 پوءِ مئجسٽريٽ, حاضرين سان گڏ, ويا ۽ انهن کي بغير طاقت جي وٺي آيا. ڇاڪاڻ ته اهي ماڻهن کان ڊڄندا هئا, متان انهن کي سنگسار ڪيو وڃي.
5:27 ۽ جڏھن انھن کي کڻي آيا, انهن کي ڪائونسل جي سامهون بيٺو. ۽ وڏي پادري کانئن پڇيو,
5:28 ۽ چيو: ”اسان توکي سخت حڪم ٿا ڏيون ته هن نالي تي تعليم نه ڏيو. ڏسڻ لاءِ, توهان يروشلم کي پنهنجي نظريي سان ڀريو آهي, ۽ توھان چاھيو ٿا ته ھن ماڻھوءَ جو خون اسان تي آڻي“.
5:29 پر پطرس ۽ رسولن جواب ۾ چيو: ”خدا جي فرمانبرداري ڪرڻ ضروري آهي, مردن کان وڌيڪ.
5:30 اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن جي خدا يسوع کي جيئرو ڪيو آهي, جنهن کي تو وڻ تي لٽڪائي ماري ڇڏيو.
5:31 اھو اھو آھي جنھن کي خدا پنھنجي ساڄي ھٿ تي حاڪم ۽ ڇوٽڪارو ڏيندڙ جي حيثيت سان بلند ڪيو آھي, جيئن بني اسرائيل کي توبه ڪرڻ ۽ گناهن جي معافي ڏيڻ لاء.
5:32 ۽ اسان انهن شين جا شاهد آهيون, روح القدس سان, جنهن کي خدا سڀني کي ڏنو آهي جيڪي سندس فرمانبردار آهن.
5:33 جڏهن هنن اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌيون, اهي سخت زخمي هئا, ۽ انهن کي مارڻ جو منصوبو ٺاهي رهيا هئا.
5:34 پر ڪائونسل ۾ ڪو, گمليل نالي هڪ فريسي, قانون جو هڪ استاد جنهن کي سڀني ماڻهن طرفان عزت ڏني وئي, اٿي بيٺو ۽ حڪم ڏنو ته ماڻھن کي ٿوري دير لاءِ ٻاهر ويھاريو وڃي.
5:35 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”مرد بني اسرائيل, توھان کي انھن ماڻھن بابت پنھنجي ارادن ۾ محتاط رھڻ گھرجي.
5:36 انهن ڏينهن کان اڳ, ٿيڊاس اڳتي وڌيو, پاڻ کي ڪو ماڻهو هجڻ جو يقين ڏياريو, ۽ ڪيترائي مرد, اٽڪل چار سئو, هن سان شامل ٿيو. پر کيس قتل ڪيو ويو, ۽ جيڪي مٿس ايمان آڻيندا ھئا سي ڀڄي ويا, ۽ اھي گھٽجي ويا.
5:37 هن کان پوء, يھوداہ گيليلي اڳتي وڌيو, داخلا جي ڏينهن ۾, ۽ ماڻھن کي پاڻ ڏانھن ڦيرايو. پر هو به مري ويو, ۽ اهي سڀ, جيترا به ساڻس گڏ هئا, منتشر ٿي ويا.
5:38 ۽ هاڻي تنهن ڪري, مان توکي چوان ٿو, انھن ماڻھن کان پاسو ڪريو ۽ انھن کي اڪيلو ڇڏي ڏيو. ڇو ته جيڪڏھن اھو صلاح يا ڪم ماڻھن جو آھي, ان کي ٽوڙيو ويندو.
5:39 اڃان تائين واقعي, جيڪڏھن اھو خدا جو آھي, توهان ان کي ٽوڙڻ جي قابل نه هوندا, ۽ ٿي سگهي ٿو ته توهان کي خدا جي خلاف وڙهندي ملي سگهي. ۽ اھي ساڻس متفق ٿيا.
5:40 ۽ رسولن کي سڏيندا, انهن کي مارڻ, انھن انھن کي خبردار ڪيو تہ عيسيٰ جي نالي تي ڪڏھن بہ نہ ڳالھايو. ۽ انهن کي برطرف ڪيو.
5:41 ۽ بيشڪ, اهي ڪائونسل جي موجودگي کان ٻاهر ويا, خوشي ٿي ته اهي يسوع جي نالي جي طرفان بي عزتي برداشت ڪرڻ جي لائق سمجهيا ويا.
5:42 ۽ هر روز, مندر ۾ ۽ گهرن جي وچ ۾, اهي سيکارڻ ۽ مسيح يسوع جي تبليغ ڪرڻ کان روڪي نه رهيا هئا.

رسولن جا ڪم 6

6:1 انهن ڏينهن ۾, جيئن شاگردن جو تعداد وڌي رهيو هو, اتي يونانين جي عبراني جي خلاف گوڙ ڪيو, ڇاڪاڻ ته انهن جي بيواهه روزاني وزارت ۾ بي عزتي ڪئي ويندي هئي.
6:2 ۽ ائين ٻارهن, شاگردن جي ميڙ کي گڏ ڪرڻ, چيو: ”اهو اسان لاءِ مناسب ناهي ته خدا جي ڪلام کي ڇڏي ڏيون ميز تي پڻ خدمت ڪرڻ لاءِ.
6:3 تنهن ڪري, ڀائر, پنھنجي وچ ۾ ست ماڻھن جي سٺي شاھدي جي ڳولا ڪريو, پاڪ روح ۽ حڪمت سان ڀريل, جنهن کي اسين هن ڪم تي مقرر ڪري سگهون ٿا.
6:4 اڃان تائين واقعي, اسان مسلسل دعا ۽ ڪلام جي وزارت ۾ ھونداسين.
6:5 ۽ منصوبي سڄي ڪثرت کي خوش ڪيو. ۽ انهن اسٽيفن کي چونڊيو, ھڪڙو ماڻھو ايمان ۽ پاڪ روح سان ڀريل آھي, ۽ فلپ ۽ پروچورس ۽ نڪانور ۽ ٽيمون ۽ پرميناس ۽ نڪولس, انٽيوچ کان نئين آمد.
6:6 اهي انهن رسولن جي سامهون رکيا, ۽ دعا ڪرڻ وقت, انهن تي هٿ وڌا.
6:7 ۽ رب جو ڪلام وڌي رهيو هو, ۽ يروشلم ۾ شاگردن جو تعداد تمام گھڻو وڌايو ويو. ۽ جيتوڻيڪ پادرين جو هڪ وڏو گروهه ايمان جي فرمانبردار هئا.
6:8 پوءِ اسٽيفن, فضل ۽ طاقت سان ڀريل, ماڻهن ۾ وڏا معجزا ۽ معجزا پيدا ڪيا.
6:9 پر ڪجهه خاص, لبرٽائنس جي عبادت گاهه کان, ۽ سائرن جي, ۽ اليگزينڊرين جي, ۽ جيڪي ڪليسيا ۽ ايشيا جا ھئا تن مان اٿيو ۽ اسٽيفن سان تڪرار ڪيو.
6:10 پر اھي انھيءَ عقل ۽ روح جو مقابلو ڪري نہ سگھيا جنھن سان ھو ڳالھائي رھيو ھو.
6:11 پوءِ انھن ماڻھن کي ماتحت ڪيو جن کي دعويٰ ڪرڻي ھئي ته ھنن کيس موسيٰ ۽ خدا جي خلاف ڪفر جون ڳالھيون ڪندي ٻڌو آھي..
6:12 ۽ اھڙيءَ طرح انھن ماڻھن ۽ بزرگن ۽ شريعت جي عالمن کي ڀڙڪايو. ۽ جلدي جلدي, انھن کيس پڪڙي ڪائونسل ۾ آندو.
6:13 ۽ ڪوڙا شاھد قائم ڪيائون, ڪنهن چيو: "هي ماڻهو مقدس جڳهه ۽ قانون جي خلاف ڳالهائڻ کان روڪي نه ٿو.
6:14 ڇالاءِ⁠جو اسان ھن کي اھو چوندي ٻڌو آھي تہ ھي عيسيٰ ناصري ھن جاءِ کي تباھ ڪندو ۽ روايتون بدلائيندو, جيڪو موسيٰ اسان جي حوالي ڪيو.
6:15 ۽ جيڪي به ڪائونسل ۾ ويٺا هئا, هن ڏانهن ڏسڻ, هن جو منهن ڏٺو, ڄڻ ته ڪنهن فرشتي جو چهرو بڻجي ويو هجي.


رسولن جا ڪم 7

7:1 پوءِ وڏي پادري چيو, ”ڇا اهي شيون اهڙيون آهن?”
7:2 ۽ اسٽيفن چيو: ”وڏو ڀائرو ۽ پيءُ, ٻڌ. جلال جو خدا اسان جي پيء ابراهيم ڏانهن ظاهر ٿيو, جڏهن هو ميسوپوٽيميا ۾ هو, هاران ۾ رهڻ کان اڳ.
7:3 ۽ خدا کيس چيو, ”پنهنجي ملڪ ۽ پنهنجي مائٽن کان هليو وڃ, ۽ ان ملڪ ۾ وڃ جيڪو مان توکي ڏيکاريندس.
7:4 پوءِ ھو ڪلدين جي ملڪ مان ھليو ويو, ۽ هاران ۾ رهندو هو. ۽ بعد ۾, سندس پيء جي وفات کان پوء, خدا کيس هن ملڪ ۾ آندو, جنهن ۾ توهان هاڻي رهندا آهيو.
7:5 ۽ کيس ان ۾ ڪا به ميراث نه ڏني, هڪ قدم جي گنجائش به نه. پر هن واعدو ڪيو ته اها کيس ملڪيت طور ڏئي, ۽ ان کان پوءِ سندس اولاد کي, جيتوڻيڪ هن کي پٽ نه هو.
7:6 پوءِ خدا کيس ٻڌايو ته سندس اولاد ڌارين ملڪ ۾ آباد ٿيندو, ۽ اھي انھن کي ماتحت ڪندا, ۽ انھن سان خراب سلوڪ, چار سؤ سالن تائين.
7:7 '۽ قوم جنهن جي اهي خدمت ڪندا, مان فيصلو ڪندس,“ رب چيو. ”۽ انهن شين کان پوءِ, اھي ھليا ويندا ۽ ھن جاءِ تي منھنجي خدمت ڪندا.
7:8 ۽ هن کيس طھر جو عهد ڏنو. تنھنڪري ھن اسحاق کي ڄاتو ۽ اٺين ڏينھن تي سندس طھر ڪيو. ۽ اسحاق يعقوب کي ڄاتو, ۽ جيڪب, ٻارهن سرپرست.
7:9 ۽ محب وطن, حسد ٿيڻ, يوسف کي مصر ۾ وڪرو ڪيو. پر خدا ساڻس گڏ هو.
7:10 ۽ هن کيس پنهنجي سڀني مصيبتن کان بچايو. ۽ فرعون جي نظر ۾ کيس فضل ۽ حڪمت ڏني, مصر جو بادشاهه. ۽ کيس مصر ۽ سندس سڄي گھر جو گورنر مقرر ڪيو.
7:11 پوءِ سڄي مصر ۽ ڪنعان ۾ ڏڪار پئجي ويو, ۽ وڏي مصيبت. ۽ اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن کي کاڌو نه مليو.
7:12 پر جڏھن يعقوب ٻڌو تہ مصر ۾ اناج آھي, هن اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن کي پهرين موڪليو.
7:13 ۽ ٻئي موقعي تي, يوسف کي سندس ڀائرن جي سڃاڻپ هئي, ۽ سندس نسب فرعون تي ظاهر ٿيو.
7:14 پوءِ يوسف موڪلايو ۽ پنهنجي پيءُ يعقوب کي وٺي آيو, پنهنجي سڀني مائٽن سان, پنجاهه روح.
7:15 ۽ يعقوب مصر ۾ لٿو, ۽ هو گذاري ويو, ۽ اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن ائين ڪيو.
7:16 ۽ اھي پار ڪري شڪم ۾ ويا, ۽ اھي قبر ۾ رکيا ويا، جيڪا ابراھيم حمور جي پٽن کان ھڪڙي رقم ۾ خريد ڪئي., سکيم جو پٽ.
7:17 ۽ جڏھن وعدي جو وقت ويجھو آيو جيڪو خدا ابراھيم ڏانھن وحي ڪيو ھو, ماڻهو وڌندا ويا ۽ مصر ۾ وڌندا ويا,
7:18 جيتوڻيڪ ٻئي بادشاهه تائين, جيڪو يوسف کي نه سڃاڻندو هو, مصر ۾ پيدا ٿيو.
7:19 هي هڪ, اسان جي مائٽن کي شامل ڪيو, اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن کي تڪليف ڏني, ته جيئن اهي پنهنجن ٻارن کي بي نقاب ڪن, نه ته انهن کي زنده رکيو وڃي.
7:20 ساڳئي وقت ۾, موسيٰ پيدا ٿيو. ۽ هو خدا جي فضل ۾ هو, ۽ ٽي مهينا پنهنجي پيءُ جي گهر ۾ پرورش ڪيائين.
7:21 پوءِ, ڇڏي ڏنو ويو آهي, فرعون جي ڌيءَ کيس اندر وٺي آئي, ۽ هن کيس پنهنجي پٽ وانگر پاليو.
7:22 ۽ موسى کي مصرين جي سڀني حڪمت ۾ هدايت ڪئي وئي. ۽ هو پنهنجي لفظن ۽ ڪمن ۾ زبردست هو.
7:23 پر جڏهن سندس عمر چاليهه سال پورا ٿي ويا, هن جي دل ۾ اها ڳالهه اڀري ته هو پنهنجي ڀائرن سان ملاقات ڪري, بني اسرائيلن.
7:24 ۽ جڏهن هن ڏٺو هو ته هڪ خاص زخمي زخمي, هن جو دفاع ڪيو. ۽ مصري کي مارڻ, هن ان لاءِ بدلو ورتو جيڪو زخم برداشت ڪري رهيو هو.
7:25 هاڻي هن سوچيو ته هن جا ڀائر سمجهندا ته خدا انهن کي پنهنجي هٿ ذريعي نجات ڏيندو. پر انهن کي اها ڳالهه سمجهه ۾ نه آئي.
7:26 تنهنڪري واقعي, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, هو انهن جي سامهون ظاهر ٿيو جيڪي بحث ڪري رهيا هئا, ۽ هو انهن سان صلح ڪري ڇڏي ها, چوڻ, ”مرد, توهان ڀائر آهيو. پوءِ ڇو هڪ ٻئي کي نقصان پهچائين?’
7:27 پر اھو جيڪو پنھنجي پاڙيسريءَ کي زخمي ڪري رھيو ھو، تنھن کيس رد ڪري ڇڏيو, چوڻ: ”جنهن توکي اسان تي اڳواڻ ۽ قاضي مقرر ڪيو آهي?
7:28 ٿي سگهي ٿو ته تون مون کي مارڻ چاهين, اهڙيءَ طرح جيئن تو ڪالهه مصري کي قتل ڪيو?’
7:29 پوءِ, هن لفظ تي, موسيٰ ڀڄي ويو. ۽ ھو مدين جي ملڪ ۾ پرديسي ٿيو, جتي کيس ٻه پٽ پيدا ٿيا.
7:30 ۽ جڏهن چاليهه سال پورا ٿيا, اتي هن کي ظاهر ٿيو, سينا ​​جبل جي صحرا ۾, هڪ فرشتو, هڪ ٻوٽي ۾ باهه جي شعلن ۾.
7:31 ۽ اهو ڏسڻ تي, موسيٰ اهو ڏسي حيران ٿي ويو. ۽ جيئن هو ان کي ڏسڻ لاءِ ويجهو آيو, رب جو آواز هن ڏانهن آيو, چوڻ:
7:32 'مان توهان جي ابن ڏاڏن جو خدا آهيان: ابراهيم جو خدا, اسحاق جو خدا, ۽ يعقوب جو خدا. ۽ موسي, ڏڪڻ لاءِ ٺاهيو پيو وڃي, ڏسڻ جي همت نه هئي.
7:33 پر رب کيس چيو: ”پنهنجي پيرن مان بوٽ لاهي ڇڏ. ڇالاءِ⁠جو جنھن جاءِ تي تون بيٺو آھين، اھو پاڪ زمين آھي.
7:34 يقينن, مون پنھنجي قوم جي مصيبت کي ڏٺو آھي جيڪي مصر ۾ آھن, ۽ مون سندن روئڻ ٻڌو آهي. ۽ ائين, مان انهن کي آزاد ڪرڻ لاءِ هيٺ اچي رهيو آهيان. ۽ ھاڻ, وڃ ۽ مان توکي مصر ۾ موڪليندس.
7:35 هي موسي, جنهن کي هنن رد ڪري ڇڏيو, ”جنهن توکي رهبر ۽ جج مقرر ڪيو آهي?' اھو ھڪڙو آھي جيڪو خدا موڪليو ويو آھي اڳواڻ ۽ ڇوٽڪارو ڏيندڙ, فرشتي جي هٿ سان جيڪو هن کي ٻوٽي ۾ ظاهر ٿيو.
7:36 اھو ماڻھو انھن کي ٻاھر ڪڍيو, مصر جي سرزمين ۾ معجزا ۽ معجزا, ۽ ڳاڙهي سمنڊ ۾, ۽ ريگستان ۾, چاليهن سالن تائين.
7:37 هي موسيٰ آهي, جن بني اسرائيلن کي چيو: ”خدا توهان لاءِ توهان جي ڀائرن مان مون جهڙو نبي پيدا ڪندو. تون هن کي ٻڌاءِ“.
7:38 اھو اھو آھي جيڪو چرچ ۾ بيابان ۾ ھو, ملائڪ سان جيڪو سينا ​​​​جبل تي ساڻس ڳالهائي رهيو هو, ۽ اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن سان. اھو اھو آھي جيڪو اسان کي ڏيڻ لاءِ زندگي جا لفظ حاصل ڪيا.
7:39 اھو اھو آھي جنھن کي اسان جا ابا ڏاڏا مڃڻ لاءِ تيار نه ھئا. بدران, انهن کيس رد ڪيو, ۽ انھن جي دلين ۾ مصر ڏانھن ڦري ويا,
7:40 هارون کي چيو: ”اسان لاءِ خدا ٺاهيو, جيڪو اسان جي اڳيان هلي سگهي ٿو. ان لاءِ موسيٰ, جنهن اسان کي مصر جي ملڪ مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو, اسان کي خبر ناهي ته هن کي ڇا ٿيو آهي.
7:41 ۽ ائين انهن ڏينهن ۾ هڪ گابي ٺاهيو, ۽ انهن هڪ بت تي قرباني ڏني, ۽ اھي پنھنجن ھٿن جي ڪم ۾ خوش ٿيا.
7:42 پوءِ خدا ڦري ويو, ۽ هن انهن کي حوالي ڪيو, آسمان جي فوجن جي تابعداري ڪرڻ, جيئن نبين جي ڪتاب ۾ لکيل آهي: ”ڇا تو مون تي چاليهه سال ريگستان ۾ قربانيون ۽ قربانيون نه ڏنيون؟, اي بني اسرائيل?
7:43 ۽ اڃا تائين توهان پنهنجي لاءِ مولوچ جو خيمو ۽ پنهنجي ديوتا رفان جو ستارو ورتو, انگ اکر جيڪي توهان پاڻ ٺاهي انهن کي پيار ڪرڻ لاءِ. ۽ ائين مان توکي کڻي ويندس, بابل کان اڳتي.
7:44 شاھدي جو خيمو اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن وٽ بيابان ۾ ھو, جيئن خدا انهن لاءِ مقرر ڪيو آهي, موسى سان ڳالهائيندي, ته جيئن هو ان کي ان شڪل مطابق ٺاهي جيڪو هن ڏٺو هو.
7:45 پر اسان جا ابا ڏاڏا, ان کي حاصل ڪرڻ, پڻ کڻي آيو, جوشوا سان, غير قومن جي ملڪ ۾, جن کي خدا اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن جي سامهون ڪڍي ڇڏيو, جيتوڻيڪ دائود جي ڏينهن تائين,
7:46 جنهن کي خدا جي اڳيان فضل مليو ۽ جنهن پڇيو ته هو يعقوب جي خدا لاءِ هڪ خيمو حاصل ڪري سگهي ٿو.
7:47 پر اھو سليمان ھو جنھن ھن لاءِ گھر ٺاھيو.
7:48 اڃان تائين اعليٰ حضرت هٿن سان ٺهيل گهرن ۾ نه ٿو رهي, جيئن هن نبيءَ جي معرفت چيو:
7:49 ”جنت منهنجو تخت آهي, ۽ زمين منهنجي پيرن جي صندلي آهي. تون منهنجي لاءِ ڪهڙو گهر ٺاهيندين? رب فرمائي ٿو. ۽ جيڪو منهنجي آرام گاهه آهي?
7:50 ڇا منهنجي هٿ اهي سڀ شيون نه ٺاهيون آهن?’
7:51 دل ۽ ڪنن ۾ سخت ڳچيءَ وارو ۽ اڻ سڌريل, توهان ڪڏهن به پاڪ روح جي مخالفت ڪندا آهيو. جيئن توهان جي ابن ڏاڏن ڪيو, ائين توهان پڻ ڪريو ٿا.
7:52 توهان جي ابن ڏاڏن مان ڪهڙن نبين تي ظلم نه ڪيو آهي? ۽ انهن انهن کي ماري ڇڏيو جن هڪ عادل جي اچڻ جي اڳڪٿي ڪئي هئي. ۽ هاڻي توهان هن جا غدار ۽ قاتل بڻجي ويا آهيو.
7:53 توهان کي قانون ملائڪن جي عملن سان مليو, ۽ اڃا توهان ان کي نه رکيو آهي."
7:54 پوءِ, اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌي, انهن جي دلين ۾ سخت زخم هئا, ۽ ھنن پنھنجا ڏند ڪرٽيا.
7:55 پر هو, پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي وڃڻ, ۽ آسمان ڏانهن ڌيان سان ڏسڻ, خدا جي شان ۽ يسوع کي خدا جي ساڄي هٿ تي بيٺل ڏٺو. ۽ هن چيو, ”ڏس, مون ڏٺو ته آسمان کليل آهي, ۽ ابن آدم خدا جي ساڄي هٿ تي بيٺو آهي.
7:56 پوءِ اهي, وڏي آواز سان روئڻ, انهن جا ڪن بند ڪيا ۽, هڪ اتفاق سان, تيزيءَ سان هن ڏانهن وڌيو.
7:57 ۽ هن کي ٻاهر ڪڍيو, شهر کان ٻاهر, انهن کيس سنگسار ڪيو. ۽ شاهدن پنهنجا ڪپڙا هڪ نوجوان جي پيرن جي ڀرسان رکيا, جنهن کي شائول سڏيو ويو.
7:58 ۽ جيئن اهي اسٽيفن کي سنگسار ڪري رهيا هئا, هن سڏ ڪيو ۽ چيو, ”خداوند يسوع, منهنجي روح کي حاصل ڪريو.
7:59 پوءِ, هن جي گوڏن تي آندو ويو, هن وڏي آواز سان رڙ ڪئي, چوڻ, ”رب, انهن جي خلاف هي گناهه نه رکو." ۽ جڏهن هن اهو چيو هو, هو رب ۾ سمهي پيو. ۽ شائول سندس قتل تي راضي ٿي ويو.

رسولن جا ڪم 8

8:1 هاڻي انهن ڏينهن ۾, يروشلم ۾ چرچ جي خلاف وڏو ظلم ٿيو. ۽ اھي سڀيئي يھوديہ ۽ سامريہ جي علائقن ۾ پکڙجي ويا, سواءِ رسولن جي.
8:2 پر خدا ترس ماڻھن اسٽيفن جي جنازي جو بندوبست ڪيو, ۽ انھن مٿس وڏو ماتم ڪيو.
8:3 پوءِ شائول سڀني گھرن ۾ داخل ٿي چرچ کي برباد ڪري رھيو ھو, ۽ مردن ۽ عورتن کي ڇڪڻ, ۽ انهن کي جيل موڪليو.
8:4 تنهن ڪري, جيڪي منتشر ٿي ويا هئا سي چوڌاري سفر ڪري رهيا هئا, خدا جي ڪلام کي تبليغ ڪرڻ.
8:5 هاڻي فلپ, سامريه جي هڪ شهر ڏانهن لٿو, انھن کي مسيح جي تبليغ ڪندو ھو.
8:6 ۽ ميڙ ڌيان سان ٻڌي رهيو هو ۽ هڪ اتفاق سان اهي ڳالهيون جيڪي فلپس چئي رهيو هو, ۽ اھي اھي نشانيون ڏسي رھيا ھئا جيڪي ھو ڪري رھيا ھئا.
8:7 انھن مان گھڻن لاءِ ناپاڪ روح ھئا, ۽, وڏي آواز سان روئڻ, اهي انهن کان جدا ٿي ويا.
8:8 ۽ ڪيترائي فالج جا مريض ۽ منڊا ٺيڪ ٿي ويا.
8:9 تنهن ڪري, ان شهر ۾ وڏي خوشي هئي. ھاڻي اتي ھڪڙو ماڻھو ھو جنھن جو نالو شمعون ھو, جيڪو اڳي ان شهر ۾ جادوگر هوندو هو, سامريه جي ماڻهن کي لالچائڻ, پاڻ کي ڪنهن عظيم شخص جي دعويٰ ڪرڻ.
8:10 ۽ انهن سڀني کي جيڪي ٻڌندا هئا, ننڍي کان وڏي تائين, هو چئي رهيو هو: ”هتي خدا جي قدرت آهي, جنهن کي عظيم سڏيو وڃي ٿو.
8:11 ۽ اهي هن ڏانهن ڌيان ڏيندا هئا ڇاڪاڻ ته, گهڻي وقت تائين, هن انهن کي پنهنجي جادوءَ سان ٺڳيو هو.
8:12 اڃان تائين واقعي, هڪ دفعو انهن فلپ تي ايمان آندو هو, جيڪو خدا جي بادشاھت جي تبليغ ڪندو ھو, ٻنهي مردن ۽ عورتن کي يسوع مسيح جي نالي تي بپتسما ڏني وئي.
8:13 پوءِ شمعون پاڻ به ايمان آندو ۽, جڏهن هن کي بپتسما ڏني وئي هئي, هن فلپ جي تابعداري ڪئي. ۽ ھاڻ, پڻ وڏيون نشانيون ۽ معجزا ڏسڻ ۾ اچن ٿا, هو حيران ۽ حيران ٿي ويو.
8:14 ھاڻي جڏھن يروشلم ۾ رسولن ٻڌو ھو تہ سامريہ کي خدا جو ڪلام مليو آھي, انھن پطرس ۽ يوحنا کي انھن ڏانھن موڪليو.
8:15 ۽ جڏهن اهي پهچي ويا هئا, انهن لاء دعا ڪئي, ته جيئن کين پاڪ روح ملي سگهي.
8:16 ڇاڪاڻ ته هو اڃا تائين انهن مان ڪنهن وٽ نه آيو هو, ڇاڪاڻ ته اهي صرف خداوند عيسى جي نالي تي بپتسما ڏني وئي هئي.
8:17 پوءِ انهن تي هٿ رکيا, ۽ انھن کي پاڪ روح مليو.
8:18 پر جڏهن سائمن اهو ڏٺو هو, رسولن جي هٿن جي لاڳو ٿيڻ سان, پاڪ روح ڏنو ويو, هن کين رقم جي آڇ ڪئي,
8:19 چوڻ, ”اها طاقت مون کي به ڏي, ته جيئن آئون جنهن تي هٿ رکان, هن کي پاڪ روح ملي سگهي ٿو. پر پطرس کيس چيو:
8:20 ”توهان جا پئسا توهان سان گڏ برباديءَ ۾ هجن, ڇالاءِ⁠جو توھان سمجھيو آھي تہ خدا جو تحفو پئسو ھجي.
8:21 هن معاملي ۾ توهان لاء ڪو به حصو يا جڳهه ناهي. ڇالاءِ⁠جو تنھنجي دل خدا جي نظر ۾ سڌي نہ آھي.
8:22 ۽ ائين, ان کان توبهه ڪريو, توهان جي شرارت, ۽ خدا کان دعا گهرو, ته جيئن تنهنجي دل جي اها رٿ توکي بخشي وڃي.
8:23 ڇالاءِ⁠جو آءٌ سمجھان ٿو تہ تون تلخيءَ جي پيٽ ۾ آھين ۽ بڇڙائيءَ جي بندن ۾“.
8:24 تڏهن سائمن جواب ڏيندي چيو, ”منهنجي لاءِ رب کان دعا گهر, انھيءَ لاءِ تہ جيڪي ڪجھہ تو چيو آھي سو مون کي نہ ٿئي.
8:25 ۽ بيشڪ, شاھدي ڏيڻ ۽ خداوند جي ڪلام کي ڳالهائڻ کان پوء, اھي يروشلم ڏانھن موٽي آيا, ۽ انهن سامرين جي ڪيترن ئي علائقن کي خوشخبري ڏني.
8:26 ھاڻي خداوند جي ھڪڙي ملائڪ فلپس سان ڳالھايو, چوڻ, ”اٿ ۽ ڏکڻ طرف وڃ, رستي ڏانهن جيڪو يروشلم کان غزه ۾ اچي ٿو, جتي ريگستان آهي.
8:27 ۽ اڀرڻ, هو ويو. ۽ ڏس, هڪ ايٿوپيائي ماڻهو, هڪ خوجاري, Candace هيٺ طاقتور, Ethiopians جي راڻي, جيڪو هن جي سڀني خزانن تي هو, يروشلم ۾ عبادت ڪرڻ آيو هو.
8:28 ۽ موٽڻ وقت, هو پنهنجي رٿ تي ويٺو هو ۽ يسعياه نبي کان پڙهي رهيو هو.
8:29 پوءِ روح فلپس کي چيو, "ويجھو وڃو ۽ پاڻ کي ھن رٿ ۾ شامل ڪريو."
8:30 ۽ فلپ, جلدي ڪرڻ, کيس يسعياه نبيءَ کان پڙهندي ٻڌو, ۽ هن چيو, ”ڇا تون سمجهين ٿو ته تون ڇا پڙهي رهيو آهين?”
8:31 ۽ هن چيو, ”پر مان ڪيئن ٿو ڪري سگهان, جيستائين ڪو مون کي ظاهر نه ڪندو?“ ۽ هن فلپ کي مٿي چڙهڻ ۽ ساڻس گڏ ويهڻ لاءِ چيو.
8:32 ھاڻي صحيفن ۾ اھو جڳھ جيڪو ھو پڙھي رھيو ھو: ”هڪ رڍ وانگر هن کي ذبح ڏانهن وٺي ويو. ۽ هڪ گهاٽي وانگر هن جي ڪٽڻ جي اڳيان خاموش, تنهنڪري هن پنهنجو وات نه کوليو.
8:33 هن عاجزي سان پنهنجي فيصلي کي برداشت ڪيو. سندس نسل مان ڪير بيان ڪندو ته ڪيئن سندس زندگي زمين تان کسي وئي?”
8:34 تڏھن يھودي فلپ کي جواب ڏنو, چوڻ: ”مان عرض ٿو ڪريان, جنهن جي باري ۾ نبي فرمايو آهي? پاڻ بابت, يا ڪنهن ٻئي جي باري ۾?”
8:35 پوءِ فلپ, هن جو وات کولڻ ۽ هن ڪتاب کان شروع ڪيو, هن کي يسوع جي تبليغ ڪئي.
8:36 ۽ جڏهن اهي رستي ۾ وڃي رهيا هئا, اهي هڪ خاص پاڻي جي ماخذ تي پهچي ويا. ۽ عيوض چيو: ”پاڻي آهي. ڇا مون کي بپتسما وٺڻ کان روڪي ها?”
8:37 تڏهن فلپ چيو, ”جيڪڏهن تون پوري دل سان مڃين ٿو, ان جي اجازت آهي.” ۽ جواب ڏيندي چيائين, ”مان سمجهان ٿو ته خدا جو فرزند عيسى مسيح آهي.
8:38 ۽ رٿ کي بيهڻ جو حڪم ڏنو. ۽ فلپس ۽ عيوض ٻئي پاڻيءَ ۾ لھي ويا. ۽ کيس بپتسما ڏني.
8:39 ۽ جڏھن پاڻيءَ مان مٿي چڙھيا, رب جو روح فلپس کي وٺي ويو, ۽ عيوض کيس وڌيڪ نه ڏٺو. پوءِ هو پنهنجي رستي تي هليو ويو, خوش ٿيڻ.
8:40 ھاڻي فلپ ازوٽس ۾ مليو. ۽ جاري, هن سڀني شهرن ۾ تبليغ ڪئي, جيستائين هو قيصريه ۾ پهتو.

رسولن جا ڪم 9

9:1 هاڻي ساؤل, اڃا تائين ڌمڪيون ۽ ڌمڪيون خداوند جي شاگردن جي خلاف, وڏي پادري ڏانهن ويو,
9:2 ۽ دمشق ۾ عبادت خانن ڏانهن خطن لاءِ عرض ڪيائين, تان ته, جيڪڏهن هن کي هن طريقي سان تعلق رکندڙ ڪو مرد يا عورت ملي, ھو انھن کي قيد ڪري يروشلم ڏانھن وٺي سگھي ٿو.
9:3 ۽ جيئن هن سفر ڪيو, ائين ٿيو جو هو دمشق ڏانهن وڃي رهيو هو. ۽ اوچتو, آسمان مان هڪ روشني هن جي چوڌاري چمڪي رهي هئي.
9:4 ۽ زمين تي ڪري پيو, هن هڪ آواز ٻڌو جنهن کيس چيو, ”سائل, ساول, تون مون کي ڇو ايذائي رهيو آهين?”
9:5 ۽ هن چيو, "تو ڪير آهين, رب?”۽ هو: ”مان عيسيٰ آهيان, جنهن کي توهان ايذايو ٿا. اهو توهان لاءِ مشڪل آهي ته توهان جي رستي تي لات مارڻ."
9:6 ۽ هو, ڏڪندڙ ۽ حيران, چيو, ”رب, تون مون کي ڇا ڪرڻ چاهين ٿو?”
9:7 ۽ رب کيس چيو, ”اٿ ۽ شهر ۾ وڃ, ۽ اتي توهان کي ٻڌايو ويندو ته توهان کي ڇا ڪرڻ گهرجي." ھاڻي جيڪي ماڻھو ساڻس گڏ ھئا، سي بيھي بيٺا ھئا, واقعي هڪ آواز ٻڌڻ, پر ڪو به نه ڏٺو.
9:8 پوءِ شائول زمين تان اٿيو. ۽ اکيون کولڻ تي, هن ڪجهه به نه ڏٺو. تنهن ڪري هن کي هٿ سان اڳتي وڌايو, اھي کيس دمشق ۾ وٺي آيا.
9:9 ۽ انهي جڳهه ۾, هو ٽن ڏينهن کان بيزار هو, ۽ هن نه کاڌو ۽ نه پيتو.
9:10 ھاڻي دمشق ۾ ھڪڙو خاص شاگرد ھو, نالو Ananias. ۽ خداوند کيس رويا ۾ چيو, ”انانياس!“ ۽ هن چيو, ”هتي مان آهيان, رب“.
9:11 ۽ رب کيس چيو: ”اُٿ ۽ ان گهٽيءَ ۾ وڃ، جنهن کي سِڌو چئبو آهي, ۽ ڳولهڻ, يهودين جي گھر ۾, جنهن جو نالو ساؤل آف ترسس. ڏسڻ لاءِ, هو دعا ڪري رهيو آهي.
9:12 (پولس حنانياس نالي ھڪڙي ماڻھوءَ کي اندر ايندي ڏٺو ۽ مٿس ھٿ رکيا, ته جيئن هو پنهنجي نظر حاصل ڪري سگهي.)
9:13 پر حناني جواب ڏنو: ”رب, مون هن شخص بابت ڪيترن کان ٻڌو آهي, هن يروشلم ۾ توهان جي بزرگن کي ڪيترو نقصان پهچايو آهي.
9:14 ۽ هن کي هتي پادرين جي اڳواڻن کان اختيار حاصل آهي ته انهن سڀني کي پابند ڪري جيڪي توهان جي نالي کي سڏين ٿا.
9:15 تڏهن رب کيس چيو: ”وڃ, ڇالاءِ⁠جو اھو ھڪڙو اوزار آھي جنھن مون کي چونڊيو آھي تہ منھنجو نالو قومن ۽ بادشاهن ۽ بني اسرائيلن جي اڳيان پھچائڻ لاءِ.
9:16 ڇالاءِ⁠جو مان ھن تي ظاھر ڪندس تہ ھن کي منھنجي نالي جي ڪري ڪيترو ڏک سھڻو پوندو.
9:17 ۽ حنانياس روانو ٿيو. ۽ هو گهر ۾ داخل ٿيو. ۽ مٿس هٿ رکيائين, ھن چيو: ”سائين ڀاءُ, خداوند عيسي, جيڪو توهان کي رستي تي ظاهر ٿيو جنهن ذريعي توهان پهتا آهيو, مون کي موڪليو اٿم ته جيئن تون پنهنجي نظر حاصل ڪرين ۽ پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي وڃ.
9:18 ۽ فوري طور تي, ڄڻ ته سندس اکين مان ترازو ڪري ويو هو, ۽ هن پنهنجي نظر حاصل ڪئي. ۽ اڀرڻ, هن بپتسما ڏني هئي.
9:19 ۽ جڏهن هن ماني ورتي هئي, هن کي مضبوط ڪيو ويو. ھاڻي ھو انھن شاگردن سان گڏ ھو، جيڪي ڪجھ ڏينھن کان دمشق ۾ ھئا.
9:20 ۽ ھو يھودي عبادت⁠خانن ۾ مسلسل عيسيٰ جي منادي ڪندو رھيو: ته هو خدا جو فرزند آهي.
9:21 ۽ جن به کيس ٻڌو سي حيران ٿي ويا, ۽ چيائون, ”ڇا هي اهو ناهي جيڪو, يروشلم ۾, هن نالي کي سڏڻ وارن جي خلاف وڙهندي هئي, ۽ ان لاءِ هتي ڪير آيو آهي: انھيءَ لاءِ تہ ھو انھن کي پادرين جي اڳواڻن ڏانھن وٺي وڃي?”
9:22 پر شائول قابليت ۾ وڏي حد تائين وڌي رهيو هو, ۽ ائين هو يهودين کي گمراهه ڪري رهيو هو جيڪي دمشق ۾ رهندا هئا, انهي جي تصديق ڪندي ته هو مسيح آهي.
9:23 ۽ جڏھن گھڻا ڏينھن پورا ٿيا, يهودين هڪ صلاح ڏني, ته جيئن کيس موت جي سزا ڏين.
9:24 پر انھن جي غداري شائول کي معلوم ٿي ويو. هاڻي اهي به دروازا ڏسي رهيا هئا, ڏينهن ۽ رات, ته جيئن کيس موت جي سزا ڏين.
9:25 پر شاگرد, رات جو کيس وٺي وڃڻ, کيس ٽوڪريءَ ۾ لاهي ڀت جي مٿان موڪليائين.
9:26 ۽ جڏھن ھو يروشلم ۾ پھتو, هن پاڻ کي شاگردن سان شامل ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي. ۽ اھي سڀ کانئس ڊڄندا ھئا, يقين نه آيو ته هو هڪ شاگرد هو.
9:27 پر برنباس کيس ھڪ طرف وٺي ويو ۽ کيس رسولن وٽ وٺي ويو. ۽ ھن انھن کي ٻڌايو تہ ڪيئن ھن خداوند کي ڏٺو ھو, ۽ اهو ته هن هن سان ڳالهايو هو, ۽ ڪيئن, دمشق ۾, هن يسوع جي نالي تي ايمانداري سان ڪم ڪيو هو.
9:28 ۽ هو ساڻن گڏ هو, يروشلم ۾ داخل ٿيڻ ۽ وڃڻ, ۽ خداوند جي نالي تي ايمانداري سان عمل ڪريو.
9:29 هو غير قومن سان پڻ ڳالهائيندو هو ۽ يونانين سان تڪرار ڪندو هو. پر اھي کيس مارڻ جي ڪوشش ڪري رھيا ھئا.
9:30 ۽ جڏهن ڀائرن کي اها خبر پئجي وئي, اھي کيس قيصريہ ڏانھن وٺي آيا ۽ کيس ترسس ڏانھن موڪليائون.
9:31 يقينن, چرچ کي سڄي يھوديہ ۽ گليل ۽ سامريہ ۾ امن ھو, ۽ ان کي تعمير ڪيو پيو وڃي, رب جي خوف ۾ هلڻ دوران, ۽ اھو پاڪ روح جي تسلي سان ڀرجي ويو.
9:32 پوءِ اهو ٿيو ته پطرس, جيئن هو هر هنڌ گهمندو رهيو, لدا ۾ رهندڙ بزرگن وٽ آيا.
9:33 پر هن کي اتي هڪ خاص ماڻهو مليو, نالو Aeneas, جيڪو مفلوج هو, جيڪو اٺن سالن کان بستري تي پيو هو.
9:34 ۽ پطرس کيس چيو: ”ايناس, خداوند يسوع مسيح توهان کي شفا ڏيندو. اٿي بيٺو ۽ بستري جو بندوبست ڪر“. ۽ هو هڪدم اٿي کڙو ٿيو.
9:35 ۽ لدا ۽ شارون ۾ رهندڙ سڀني کيس ڏٺو, ۽ اھي رب ڏانھن تبديل ٿي ويا.
9:36 ھاڻي يافا ۾ تبيتا نالي ھڪڙي شاگرد ھئي, جنهن کي ترجمي ۾ Dorcas سڏيو ويندو آهي. هوءَ چڱن ڪمن ۽ خيرات سان ڀريل هئي جيڪي هوءَ ڪري رهي هئي.
9:37 ۽ اهو ٿيو, انهن ڏينهن ۾, هوء بيمار ٿي ۽ مري ويو. ۽ جڏھن انھن کيس ڌوئي ڇڏيو ھو, هنن کيس مٿي واري ڪمري ۾ رکيو.
9:38 هاڻي لدا جڏهن ته يافا جي ويجهو هئي, شاگرد, جڏهن ٻڌو ته پطرس اتي هو, ٻه ماڻهو هن ڏانهن موڪليائين, هن کان پڇڻ: ”اسان وٽ اچڻ ۾ دير نه ڪر.
9:39 پوءِ پطرس, اٿڻ, انهن سان گڏ ويو. ۽ جڏهن هو آيو هو, اهي هن کي هڪ مٿين ڪمري ڏانهن وٺي ويا. ۽ سڀئي بيواهه سندس چوڌاري بيٺا هئا, روئڻ لڳو ۽ کيس اهي ٽنگون ۽ ڪپڙا ڏيکاريائين جيڪي ڊورڪس هنن لاءِ ٺاهيا هئا.
9:40 ۽ جڏهن اهي سڀئي ٻاهر موڪليا ويا هئا, پيٽر, گوڏا کوڙڻ, دعا ڪئي. ۽ جسم ڏانهن رخ, ھن چيو: ”تبيتا, اڀرڻ." ۽ هن پنهنجون اکيون کوليون ۽, پطرس کي ڏسڻ تي, ٻيهر اٿي بيٺو.
9:41 ۽ هن کي پنهنجو هٿ پيش ڪيو, هن هن کي مٿي ڪيو. ۽ جڏھن ھو بزرگن ۽ بيواھين کي سڏيائين, هن کيس جيئرو پيش ڪيو.
9:42 ھاڻي اھا ڳالھ سڄي يافا ۾ مشهور ٿي ويئي. ۽ ڪيترن ئي خداوند تي ايمان آندو.
9:43 ۽ ائين ٿيو جو ھو ڪيترائي ڏينھن يافا ۾ رھيو, هڪ خاص سائمن سان, هڪ ٽينر.

رسولن جا ڪم 10

10:1 ھاڻي قيصريہ ۾ ھڪڙو ماڻھو رھندو ھو, نالو Cornelius, ڪوهورٽ جو هڪ سينچري، جنهن کي اطالوي سڏيو ويندو آهي,
10:2 هڪ ايماندار ماڻهو, خدا کان ڊڄڻ سان گڏ سڄي گھر ۾, ماڻهن کي ڪيترائي خيرات ڏيڻ, ۽ خدا کان مسلسل دعا گهري ٿو.
10:3 ھن ماڻھوءَ کي خواب ۾ صاف ڏٺو, ڏينهن جي اٽڪل نائين ڪلاڪ تي, خدا جو فرشتو وٽس داخل ٿيو ۽ کيس چيو: ”ڪرنيليس!”
10:4 ۽ هو, هن ڏانهن ڏسڻ, خوف کان پڪڙيو ويو, ۽ هن چيو, "اهو ڇا آهي, مالڪ?“ ۽ هن کيس چيو: "توهان جون دعائون ۽ خيرات خدا جي نظر ۾ هڪ يادگار بڻجي ويا آهن..
10:5 ۽ ھاڻ, ماڻھن کي يافا ڏانھن موڪليو ۽ ھڪڙي خاص شمعون کي گھرايو, جنهن جو نالو پيٽر آهي.
10:6 هي ماڻهو هڪ خاص سائمن سان مهمان آهي, هڪ ٽينر, جنهن جو گهر سمنڊ جي ڪناري تي آهي. هو توهان کي ٻڌائيندو ته توهان کي ڇا ڪرڻ گهرجي.
10:7 ۽ جڏھن ملائڪ جيڪو ساڻس ڳالھائي رھيو ھو، سو ھليو ويو, هن سڏيو, انهن مان جيڪي هن جي تابع هئا, هن جي گهر جا ٻه نوڪر ۽ هڪ سپاهي جيڪو رب کان ڊڄندو هو.
10:8 ۽ جڏهن هن انهن کي سڀ ڪجهه بيان ڪيو, ھن انھن کي يافا ڏانھن موڪليو.
10:9 پوءِ, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, جڏهن اهي سفر ڪري رهيا هئا ۽ شهر جي ويجهو اچي رهيا هئا, پطرس مٿي چڙھي ويو, ته جيئن هو دعا ڪري, اٽڪل ڇهين ڪلاڪ تي.
10:10 ۽ جڏهن کان هو بکيو هو, هن ڪجهه کاڌو مزو ڪرڻ چاهيو. پوءِ, جيئن اهي تيار ڪري رهيا هئا, هن جي ذهن ۾ هڪ خوشيءَ جو انت اچي ويو.
10:11 ۽ هن آسمان کي کليل ڏٺو, ۽ هڪ خاص ڪنٽينر هيٺ, ڄڻ ڪا وڏي چادر هيٺ ڪري ڇڏي, ان جي چئن ڪنڊن سان, آسمان کان زمين تائين,
10:12 جنهن تي چار پيرن وارا جانور هئا, ۽ زمين جون چرندڙ شيون ۽ هوا جون اڏامندڙ شيون.
10:13 ۽ کيس آواز آيو: ”اٿ, پيٽر! ماريو ۽ کائو.”
10:14 پر پطرس چيو: ”اهو مون کان پري هجي, مالڪ. ڇالاءِ⁠جو مون ڪڏھن بہ ڪا عام يا ناپاڪ شيءِ نہ کاڌي آھي.
10:15 ۽ آواز, ٻيو ڀيرو ٻيهر هن ڏانهن: ”جنهن کي خدا پاڪ ڪيو آهي, توهان کي عام نه سڏيو ويندو.
10:16 هاڻي اهو ٽي ڀيرا ڪيو ويو. ۽ فوري طور تي ڪنٽينر آسمان ڏانهن کنيو ويو.
10:17 هاڻي جڏهن پطرس اڃا تائين پنهنجي اندر ۾ پريشان هو ته اهو خواب ڇا آهي, جيڪو هن ڏٺو هو, مطلب ٿي سگھي ٿو, ڏس, جيڪي ماڻھو ڪرنيليس کان موڪليا ويا ھئا سي دروازي تي بيٺا ھئا, سائمن جي گهر بابت پڇيائين.
10:18 ۽ جڏهن انهن کي سڏيو هو, انهن پڇيو ته سائمن, جنهن جو نالو پيٽر آهي, ان جاءِ تي مهمان هو.
10:19 پوءِ, جيئن پطرس خواب بابت سوچي رهيو هو, روح کيس چيو, ”ڏس, ٽي ماڻهو توهان کي ڳولي رهيا آهن.
10:20 ۽ ائين, اٿڻ, نازل ٿيڻ, ۽ انھن سان گڏ وڃو, شڪ نه ڪرڻ. ڇاڪاڻ ته مون انهن کي موڪليو آهي.
10:21 پوءِ پطرس, مردن ڏانهن نازل ٿيڻ, چيو: ”ڏس, مان اهو آهيان جنهن کي توهان ڳولي رهيا آهيو. ڪهڙو سبب آهي جو تو وٽ آيو آهين?”
10:22 ۽ چيائون: ”ڪرنيليس, هڪ صوبيدار, هڪ انصاف پسند ۽ خدا ترس انسان, جنھن کي يھودين جي سڄي قوم مان سٺي شاھدي ملي ٿي, هڪ مقدس فرشتي جو پيغام مليو ته توهان کي پنهنجي گهر گهرايو ۽ توهان جون ڳالهيون ٻڌي.
10:23 تنهن ڪري, ان جي اڳواڻي ۾, هن انهن کي مهمان طور قبول ڪيو. پوءِ, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, اٿڻ, هو انهن سان گڏ روانو ٿيو. ۽ يافا جا ڪي ڀائر ساڻس گڏ ھئا.
10:24 ۽ ٻئي ڏينهن تي, هو قيصريه ۾ داخل ٿيو. ۽ واقعي, ڪرنيليس انهن جو انتظار ڪري رهيو هو, هن پنهنجي خاندان ۽ ويجهي دوستن کي گڏ ڪيو.
10:25 ۽ اهو ٿيو, جڏهن پطرس داخل ٿيو هو, ڪرنيليس ساڻس ملڻ ويو. ۽ سندس پيرن اڳيان ڪري پيو, هن عزت ڪئي.
10:26 اڃان تائين واقعي, پيٽر, هن کي مٿي کڻڻ, چيو: ”اٿ, ڇاڪاڻ ته مان پڻ صرف هڪ انسان آهيان.
10:27 ۽ هن سان ڳالهائيندي, هو داخل ٿيو, ۽ هن ڪيترن ئي ماڻهن کي ڏٺو جيڪي گڏ ٿيا هئا.
10:28 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”توهان کي خبر آهي ته هڪ يهودي ماڻهوءَ جو پاڻ ۾ شامل ٿيڻ ڪيترو ناگوار هوندو, يا شامل ڪيو وڃي, هڪ غير ملڪي ماڻهو. پر خدا مون ڏانھن وحي ڪيو آھي تہ ڪنھن ماڻھوءَ کي ناپاڪ يا ناپاڪ نہ سڏيان.
10:29 انهي جي ڪري ۽ بغير ڪنهن شڪ جي, مون کي سڏڻ تي آيو. تنهن ڪري, مان توکان پڇان ٿو, توهان مون کي ڪهڙي سبب لاءِ گهرايو آهي?”
10:30 ۽ ڪرنيليس چيو: ”هاڻي چوٿون ڏينهن آهي, هن ڪلاڪ تائين, جڏهن ته مان پنهنجي گهر ۾ نائين وڳي نماز پڙهي رهيو هوس, ۽ ڏسو, هڪ ماڻهو سفيد پوشاڪ ۾ منهنجي سامهون اچي بيٺو, ۽ هن چيو:
10:31 ”ڪرنيليس, توهان جي دعا ٻڌي وئي آهي ۽ توهان جي خيرات کي خدا جي نظر ۾ ياد ڪيو ويو آهي.
10:32 تنهن ڪري, يافا ڏانھن موڪل ۽ شمعون کي سڏي, جنهن جو نالو پيٽر آهي. هي ماڻهو سائمن جي گهر ۾ مهمان آهي, هڪ ٽينر, سمنڊ جي ويجهو.'
10:33 ۽ ائين, مون توهان کي فوري طور تي موڪليو. ۽ توهان هتي اچڻ ۾ سٺو ڪيو آهي. تنهن ڪري, اسان سڀيئي ھاڻي تنھنجي نظر ۾ حاضر آھيون ته اھي سڀ ڳالھيون ٻڌڻ لاءِ جيڪي توھان کي خداوند جي طرفان سيکاريون ويون آھن.
10:34 پوءِ, پيٽر, سندس وات کولڻ, چيو: ”مون سچ ۾ اهو نتيجو ڪڍيو آهي ته خدا ماڻهن جو احترام ڪرڻ وارو ناهي.
10:35 پر هر قوم جي اندر, جيڪو به ان کان ڊڄي ٿو ۽ انصاف ڪري ٿو، ان کي قبول آهي.
10:36 خدا ڪلام موڪليو بني اسرائيلن ڏانهن, يسوع مسيح جي ذريعي امن جو اعلان, ڇاڪاڻ ته هو سڀني جو رب آهي.
10:37 توھان کي خبر آھي تہ اھو ڪلام سڄي يھوديہ ۾ ظاھر ڪيو ويو آھي. گليل کان شروع ڪرڻ لاء, بپتسما کان پوء جيڪو يوحنا تبليغ ڪيو,
10:38 يسوع ناصري, جن کي خدا پاڪ روح ۽ قدرت سان مسح ڪيو, چڱا ڪم ڪرڻ جي چوڌاري سفر ڪيو ۽ شيطان جي مظلوم سڀني کي شفا ڏيندو. ڇاڪاڻ ته خدا ساڻس گڏ هو.
10:39 ۽ اسين انھن سڀني جا شاھد آھيون جيڪي ھن يھوديہ جي علائقي ۽ يروشلم ۾ ڪيا, جنهن کي هنن هڪ وڻ تي لٽڪائي قتل ڪيو.
10:40 خدا کيس ٽئين ڏينھن تي جيئرو ڪيو ۽ کيس ظاھر ٿيڻ جي اجازت ڏني,
10:41 سڀني ماڻهن کي نه, پر خدا جي طرفان مقرر ڪيل شاهدن کي, اسان مان جن هن سان گڏ کاڌو ۽ پيتو پوءِ هو مئلن مان جيئرو ٿي اٿيو.
10:42 ۽ هن اسان کي ماڻهن کي تبليغ ڪرڻ جي هدايت ڪئي, ۽ شاھدي ڏيڻ لاءِ ته اھو اھو آھي جيڪو خدا جي طرفان مقرر ڪيو ويو آھي جيئرن ۽ مئلن جو جج ٿيڻ لاءِ.
10:43 ان لاءِ سڀئي نبي گواهي ڏين ٿا ته هن جي نالي سان جيڪي به مٿس ايمان رکن ٿا انهن جي گناهن جي معافي ملي ٿي.
10:44 جڏهن پطرس اڃا تائين اهي لفظ ڳالهائي رهيو هو, پاڪ روح انھن سڀني تي نازل ٿيو جيڪي ڪلام ٻڌي رھيا ھئا.
10:45 ۽ طھرين جا وفادار, جيڪو پطرس سان گڏ آيو هو, حيران ٿي ويا ته پاڪ روح جو فضل غير قومن تي پڻ نازل ٿيو.
10:46 ڇالاءِ⁠جو انھن انھن کي زبانن ۾ ڳالھائيندي ۽ خدا جي واکاڻ ڪندي ٻڌو.
10:47 پوءِ پطرس جواب ڏنو, ”پاڻيءَ کي ڪو ڪيئن روڪي سگهي ٿو, انھيءَ لاءِ تہ جن کي پاڪ روح مليو آھي اھي بپتسما نہ وٺن, جيئن اسان پڻ ٿي چڪا آهيون?”
10:48 ۽ ھن انھن کي حڪم ڏنو تہ خداوند عيسيٰ مسيح جي نالي تي بپتسما وٺن. پوءِ هنن کيس عرض ڪيو ته هو ڪجهه ڏينهن ساڻن گڏ رهي.


رسولن جا ڪم 11

11:1 ھاڻي يھوديہ ۾ رسولن ۽ ڀائرن ٻڌو تہ غير قومن کي بہ خدا جو ڪلام مليو آھي..
11:2 پوءِ, جڏھن پطرس يروشلم ڏانھن ويو ھو, جيڪي طھريل ھئا تن سندس خلاف بحث ڪيو,
11:3 چوڻ, ”توهان اڻ طويل مردن وٽ ڇو داخل ٿيا آهيو؟, ۽ توهان انهن سان ڇو کاڌو?”
11:4 ۽ پطرس انھن کي سمجھائڻ لڳو, منظم انداز ۾, چوڻ:
11:5 ”مان يافا شهر ۾ دعا ڪري رهيو هوس, ۽ مون ڏٺو, ذهن جي خوشي ۾, هڪ خواب: هڪ خاص ڪنٽينر هيٺ, هڪ وڏي چادر وانگر آسمان مان ان جي چئن ڪنڊن کان هيٺ لٿو. ۽ اهو منهنجي ويجهو آيو.
11:6 ۽ ان ۾ ڏسندا, مون غور ڪيو ۽ زمين جي چئن پيرن وارن جانورن کي ڏٺو, ۽ جهنگلي جانور, ۽ reptiles, ۽ هوا جون اڏامندڙ شيون.
11:7 پوءِ مون کي به هڪ آواز ٻڌڻ ۾ آيو: ”اٿ, پيٽر. ماريو ۽ کائو.'
11:8 پر مون چيو: 'ڪڏهن به نه, مالڪ! ڇالاءِ⁠جو جيڪو عام يا ناپاڪ آھي سو منھنجي وات ۾ ڪڏھن بہ داخل نہ ٿيو آھي.
11:9 پوءِ آواز آسمان مان ٻيو ڀيرو جواب ڏنو, ”جيڪو الله پاڪ صاف ڪيو آهي, تون عام نه سڏ.
11:10 هاڻي اهو ٽي ڀيرا ڪيو ويو. ۽ پوءِ سڀڪنھن شيءِ کي وري آسمان ڏانھن کنيو ويو.
11:11 ۽ ڏس, هڪدم ٽي ماڻهو بيٺا هئا، جنهن گهر جي ڀرسان آئون هو, قيصريه کان مون ڏانهن موڪليو ويو.
11:12 پوءِ روح مون کي چيو ته مون کي انھن سان گڏ وڃڻ گھرجي, شڪ نه ڪرڻ. ۽ اهي ڇهه ڀائر به مون سان گڏ ويا. ۽ اسان ان ماڻھوءَ جي گھر ۾ داخل ٿي وياسين.
11:13 ۽ هن اسان لاءِ بيان ڪيو ته ڪيئن هن پنهنجي گهر ۾ هڪ فرشتو ڏٺو هو, بيٺو ۽ کيس چوڻ لڳو: ”يافا ڏانھن موڪل ۽ شمعون کي سڏ, جنهن جو نالو پيٽر آهي.
11:14 ۽ اھو اوھان سان ڳالھائيندو, جنهن جي ذريعي توهان کي پنهنجي سڄي گهر سان بچايو ويندو.
11:15 ۽ جڏهن مون ڳالهائڻ شروع ڪيو هو, پاڪ روح مٿن نازل ٿيو, جيئن اسان تي پڻ, شُروعات م.
11:16 تڏهن مون کي رب جا لفظ ياد آيا, جيئن هن پاڻ چيو: 'جان, واقعي, پاڻي سان بپتسما, پر توهان کي روح القدس سان بپتسما ڏني ويندي.
11:17 تنهن ڪري, جيڪڏهن خدا انهن کي ساڳيو فضل ڏنو, جيئن اسان کي پڻ, جن خداوند عيسيٰ مسيح تي ايمان آندو آھي, مان ڪير هوس, ته مان خدا کي منع ڪري سگهان ها?”
11:18 اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌي, اهي خاموش هئا. ۽ انھن خدا جي واکاڻ ڪئي, چوڻ: ”اهڙيءَ طرح خدا غير قومن کي به توبه عطا ڪئي آهي زندگيءَ لاءِ.
11:19 ۽ انهن مان ڪجهه, اسٽيفن جي ماتحت ٿيندڙ ظلمن کان منتشر ٿي ويو, چوڌاري سفر ڪيو, جيتوڻيڪ فينيشيا ۽ قبرص ۽ انتاخيا تائين, لفظ ڪنهن سان نه ڳالهائڻ, صرف يهودين کان سواء.
11:20 پر انھن مان ڪي قبرص ۽ سائرين جا آھن, جڏھن اھي انتاخيا ۾ داخل ٿيا ھئا, يونانين سان پڻ ڳالهائي رهيا هئا, خداوند يسوع جو اعلان.
11:21 ۽ رب جو هٿ ساڻن گڏ هو. ۽ ھڪڙو وڏو تعداد ايمان آندو ۽ خداوند ڏانھن تبديل ٿي ويا.
11:22 ھاڻي انھن ڳالھين جي خبر يروشلم جي چرچ جي ڪنن تائين پھتي, ۽ انھن برنباس کي انتاخيا ڏانھن موڪليو.
11:23 ۽ جڏھن ھو اتي پھتو ۽ خدا جي فضل کي ڏٺو, هو خوش ٿيو. ۽ ھن انھن سڀني کي نصيحت ڪئي ته خداوند ۾ جاري رکو دل سان.
11:24 ڇاڪاڻ ته هو سٺو ماڻهو هو, ۽ ھو پاڪ روح ۽ ايمان سان ڀرجي ويو. ۽ ھڪڙو وڏو ميڙ رب ڏانھن شامل ڪيو ويو.
11:25 پوءِ برنباس ترسس ڏانھن روانو ٿيو, ته جيئن هو شائول کي ڳولي سگهي. ۽ جڏھن کيس مليو ھو, ھو کيس انتاخيا ڏانھن وٺي آيو.
11:26 ۽ اُتي سڄو سال چرچ ۾ گفتگو ڪندا رهيا. ۽ انهن اهڙي وڏي ميڙ کي سيکاريو, اهو انٽيوچ ۾ هو ته شاگرد پهريون ڀيرو عيسائي جي نالي سان مشهور هئا.
11:27 هاڻي انهن ڏينهن ۾, يروشلم کان پيغمبر انتاخيا ڏانھن ويا.
11:28 ۽ انهن مان هڪ, نالو Agabus, اٿڻ, روح جي ذريعي اشارو ڪيو ويو ته سڄي دنيا ۾ هڪ وڏو ڏڪار ٿيڻ وارو هو, جيڪو Claudius جي دور ۾ ٿيو.
11:29 پوءِ شاگردن اعلان ڪيو, هر هڪ جي ملڪيت جي مطابق, اهي جيڪي پيش ڪن ٿا انهن کي موڪليو وڃي يهودين ۾ رهندڙ ڀائرن ڏانهن.
11:30 ۽ ائين ئي ڪيائون, برنباس ۽ شائول جي هٿان بزرگن ڏانهن موڪليائين.

رسولن جا ڪم 12

12:1 هاڻي ساڳئي وقت, بادشاهه هيروديس پنهنجو هٿ وڌايو, چرچ کان ڪجهه متاثر ڪرڻ لاء.
12:2 ان کان پوء هن جيمس کي قتل ڪيو, جان جو ڀاءُ, تلوار سان.
12:3 ۽ اھو ڏسي يھودين کي خوش ٿيو, هو پطرس کي به پڪڙڻ لاءِ اڳتي وڌيو. هاڻي بيخميري مانيءَ جا ڏينهن هئا.
12:4 پوءِ جڏهن هن کيس پڪڙيو, هن کيس جيل ۾ موڪليو, کيس چار سپاهين جي چئن گروپن جي حوالي ڪيو, هن کي عيد فصح کان پوءِ ماڻهن ڏانهن پيش ڪرڻ جو ارادو ڪيو.
12:5 پوءِ پطرس کي جيل ۾ رکيو ويو. پر بغير ڪنهن وقفي جي نماز ادا ڪئي پئي وڃي, چرچ طرفان, هن جي طرفان خدا ڏانهن.
12:6 ۽ جڏھن ھيروديس کيس پيش ڪرڻ لاء تيار ھو, ساڳئي رات ۾, پطرس ٻن سپاهين جي وچ ۾ سمهي رهيو هو, ۽ ٻن زنجيرن سان جڪڙيل هو. ۽ دروازي جي اڳيان محافظ هئا, جيل جي حفاظت ڪرڻ.
12:7 ۽ ڏس, رب جو هڪ فرشتو ويجهو بيٺو, ۽ سيل ۾ روشني وڌي وئي. ۽ پطرس کي پاسي تي ڇڪيو, هن کي بيدار ڪيو, چوڻ, ”اٿ, جلدي." ۽ هن جي هٿن مان زنجير ٿي ويا.
12:8 پوءِ فرشتي کيس چيو: ”پنهنجو لباس, ۽ پنھنجا بوٽ پائڻ." ۽ هن ائين ڪيو. ۽ هن کيس چيو, ”پنهنجو لباس پاڻ جي چوڌاري ويڙهيو ۽ منهنجي پٺيان هل.
12:9 ۽ ٻاهر وڃڻ, هن جي پٺيان لڳو. ۽ هن کي اها حقيقت نه هئي: ته اهو ڪم هڪ فرشتو ڪري رهيو هو. ڇاڪاڻ ته هن سوچيو ته هو هڪ خواب ڏسي رهيو آهي.
12:10 ۽ پھرين ۽ ٻئي گارڊن وٽان لنگھيو, اهي لوهي دروازي وٽ آيا، جيڪو شهر ۾ وڃي ٿو; ۽ اھو انھن لاءِ پاڻ ئي کوليو ويو. ۽ روانگي, اهي هڪ خاص پاسي واري گهٽي تي جاري رهيا. ۽ اوچتو فرشتو کانئس پري ٿي ويو.
12:11 ۽ پيٽر, پاڻ ڏانهن واپس, چيو: ”هاڻي مون کي خبر آهي, واقعي, ته رب پنهنجو فرشتو موڪليو, ۽ هن مون کي هيروديس جي هٿان ۽ انهن سڀني ڳالهين کان بچايو جنهن جي يهودين کي اميد هئي.
12:12 ۽ جيئن هو ان ڳالهه تي غور ڪري رهيو هو, هو مريم جي گهر پهتو, جان جي ماءُ, جنهن جو نالو مارڪ رکيو ويو, جتي ڪيترائي ماڻهو گڏ ٿيا ۽ دعائون گهري رهيا هئا.
12:13 پوءِ, جيئن هن دروازي تي کڙڪايو, هڪ ڇوڪري جواب ڏيڻ لاءِ ٻاهر وئي, جنهن جو نالو رودا هو.
12:14 ۽ جڏهن هوء پطرس جي آواز کي سڃاڻي, خوشي کان ٻاهر, هن دروازو نه کوليو, پر بدران, اندر هلڻ, هن ٻڌايو ته پطرس دروازي جي اڳيان بيٺو هو.
12:15 پر هنن کيس چيو, "تون چريو آهين." پر هوء ٻيهر تصديق ڪئي ته اهو ئي هو. پوءِ چوندا هئا, "اهو هن جو فرشتو آهي."
12:16 پر پطرس ٺٺول ڪرڻ ۾ ثابت قدم رهيو. ۽ جڏھن اھي کوليا ويا, انھن کيس ڏٺو ۽ حيران ٿي ويا.
12:17 پر هٿ سان کين خاموش ٿيڻ جو اشارو ڪيو, هن وضاحت ڪئي ته ڪيئن رب کيس جيل مان ڪڍيو هو. ۽ هن چيو, "جيمس ۽ انهن ڀائرن کي خبر ڏيو." ۽ ٻاهر وڃڻ, هو ٻئي هنڌ هليو ويو.
12:18 پوءِ, جڏهن روشني آئي, سپاهين جي وچ ۾ ڪو به ننڍڙو شور نه هو, جيئن پطرس بابت ڇا ٿيو هو.
12:19 ۽ جڏھن ھيروديس کيس گھرايو ھو ۽ کيس حاصل نہ ڪيو, گارڊن کان پڇا ڳاڇا ڪئي, هن حڪم ڏنو ته کين پري وڃڻ. ۽ يھوديہ کان قيصريہ ڏانھن لٿو, هو اتي رهيو.
12:20 ھاڻي ھو صور ۽ صيدا وارن کان ناراض ھو. پر اهي هڪ اتفاق سان هن وٽ آيا, ۽, بلاسٽس کي قائل ڪرڻ, جيڪو بادشاهه جي بستري تي ويٺو هو, انهن امن لاء درخواست ڪئي, ڇاڪاڻ ته انهن جي علائقن کي هن جي طرفان کاڌو فراهم ڪيو ويو.
12:21 پوءِ, مقرر ڏينهن تي, هيروديس شاهي لباس ۾ ملبوس هو, ۽ هو فيصلي جي سيٽ تي ويٺو, ۽ هن انهن کي هڪ تقرير ڏني.
12:22 پوءِ ماڻهو روئڻ لڳا, ”خدا جو آواز, ۽ نه هڪ انسان جي!”
12:23 ۽ فوري طور تي, رب جي هڪ فرشتي کيس ماريو, ڇاڪاڻ ته هن خدا کي عزت نه ڏني هئي. ۽ ڪيڙن جو کاڄ ٿي ويو, هو ختم ٿي ويو.
12:24 پر خداوند جو ڪلام وڌندو ۽ وڌندو ويو.
12:25 پوءِ برنباس ۽ شائول, وزارت مڪمل ڪرڻ, يروشلم کان واپس آيو, جان پاڻ سان گڏ کڻي آيو, جنهن جو نالو مارڪ رکيو ويو.

رسولن جا ڪم 13

13:1 هاڻي اتي هئا, انٽيوچ ۾ چرچ ۾, نبي ۽ استاد, جن ۾ برنباس به شامل هئا, ۽ سائمن, جنهن کي ڪارو سڏيو ويندو هو, ۽ سائرين جو لوسيس, ۽ مناهن, جيڪو هيروديس جو پالڻهار ڀاءُ هو, ۽ ساؤل.
13:2 ھاڻي جيئن اھي خداوند جي خدمت ڪري رھيا ھئا ۽ روزا رکندا ھئا, پاڪ روح انھن کي چيو: ”مون لاءِ شائول ۽ برنباس کي الڳ ڪريو, جنهن ڪم لاءِ مون انهن کي چونڊيو آهي.
13:3 پوءِ, روزو رکڻ ۽ دعا ڪرڻ ۽ انهن تي هٿ رکڻ, انهن کي موڪلايو.
13:4 ۽ پاڪ روح جي طرفان موڪليو ويو, اهي Seleucia ڏانهن ويا. ۽ اتان کان قبرص ڏانهن روانا ٿيا.
13:5 ۽ جڏھن اھي سلامس وٽ پھتا, اھي يھودين جي عبادت⁠خانن ۾ خدا جي ڪلام جي تبليغ ڪندا ھئا. ۽ انھن وٽ پڻ يوحنا وزارت ۾ ھو.
13:6 ۽ جڏھن اھي سڄي ٻيٽ ۾ گھمندا ھئا, جيتوڻيڪ Paphos تائين, انهن کي هڪ خاص ماڻهو مليو, هڪ جادوگر, هڪ ڪوڙو نبي, هڪ يهودي, جنهن جو نالو بار-جيسو هو.
13:7 ۽ هو پراسيڪيوٽر سان گڏ هو, سرجيس پولس, هڪ هوشيار ماڻهو. هي ماڻهو, برنباس ۽ شائول کي سڏڻ, خدا جو ڪلام ٻڌڻ چاهيان ٿو.
13:8 پر ايليماس جادوگر (تنهن ڪري هن جو نالو ترجمو ڪيو ويو آهي) انهن جي خلاف بيٺو, پرڪونسل کي ايمان کان پري ڪرڻ جي ڪوشش ڪئي.
13:9 پوءِ شائول, جنهن کي پال به سڏيو وڃي ٿو, پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي ويو, هن ڏانهن غور سان ڏٺو,
13:10 ۽ هن چيو: ”تنهنڪري هر فريب ۽ هر ڪوڙ سان ڀريل, شيطان جو پٽ, سڀني انصاف جو دشمن, توهان ڪڏهن به رب جي صالح طريقن کي ختم ڪرڻ کان روڪي نه ڇڏيو!
13:11 ۽ ھاڻ, ڏس, رب جو هٿ توهان تي آهي. ۽ توهان انڌا ٿي ويندا, گهڻي وقت تائين سج نه ڏٺو. ۽ فوري طور تي هڪ ڪوهيڙو ۽ اونداهي هن جي مٿان ڪري پيو. ۽ گهمڻ ڦرڻ, هو ڪنهن کي ڳولي رهيو هو جيڪو هن کي هٿ سان وٺي سگهي.
13:12 پوءِ پراسيڪيوٽر, جڏهن هن ڏٺو ته ڇا ڪيو ويو آهي, ايمان آندو, رب جي نظريي تي عجب ۾ پئجي وڃڻ.
13:13 ۽ جڏھن پولس ۽ جيڪي ساڻس گڏ ھئا سي پافس مان جھاز ۾ آيا, اهي پمفيليا ۾ پرگا ۾ پهتا. پوءِ يوحنا انھن کان روانو ٿيو ۽ يروشلم ڏانھن موٽي ويو.
13:14 اڃان تائين واقعي, اهي, پرگا کان سفر ڪندي, پيسيڊيا ۾ انتاخيا ۾ پهتو. ۽ سبت جي ڏينھن تي عبادت⁠خاني ۾ داخل ٿيڻ تي, اهي ويٺا.
13:15 پوءِ, قانون ۽ نبين کان پڙهڻ کان پوء, عبادت گاهه جي اڳواڻن انهن ڏانهن موڪليو, چوڻ: ”سائين ڀائرو, جيڪڏھن توھان ۾ آھي ماڻھن کي نصيحت جو ڪو لفظ, ڳالهايو.”
13:16 پوءِ پولس, اٿڻ ۽ پنهنجي هٿ سان خاموشيءَ لاءِ اشارو ڪندي, چيو: ”اي بني اسرائيل جا مرد ۽ اوھين جيڪي خدا کان ڊڄو, غور سان ٻڌو.
13:17 بني اسرائيل جي خدا اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن کي چونڊيو, ۽ ماڻهن کي بلند ڪيو, جڏهن اهي مصر جي ملڪ ۾ آباد هئا. ۽ وڏي هٿ سان, هن انهن کي اتان کان پري ڪيو.
13:18 ۽ چاليهن سالن جي عرصي ۾, هن صحرا ۾ سندن رويي کي برداشت ڪيو.
13:19 ۽ کنعان جي ملڪ ۾ ستن قومن کي تباهه ڪندي, هن انهن جي زمين کي انهن جي وچ ۾ ورهايو,
13:20 اٽڪل چار سؤ پنجاهه سالن کان پوءِ. ۽ انهن شين کان پوء, هن انهن کي جج ڏنو, ايستائين جو سموئيل نبي تائين.
13:21 ۽ بعد ۾, هنن هڪ بادشاهه لاءِ درخواست ڪئي. ۽ خدا انھن کي شائول ڏنو, ڪش جو پٽ, بنيامين جي قبيلي مان هڪ ماڻهو, چاليهن سالن تائين.
13:22 ۽ کيس هٽائي ڇڏيو, ھن انھن لاءِ بادشاھہ دائود پيدا ڪيو. ۽ هن جي باري ۾ گواهي پيش ڪري ٿو, ھن چيو, ”مون کي دائود مليو آهي, جيسي جو پٽ, منهنجي پنهنجي دل جي مطابق هڪ انسان ٿيڻ, جيڪو مان اهو سڀ ڪجهه پورو ڪندس.
13:23 سندس اولاد مان, وعدي جي مطابق, خدا يسوع کي نجات ڏيندڙ بني اسرائيل ڏانهن آندو آهي.
13:24 يوحنا تبليغ ڪري رهيو هو, هن جي آمد جي منهن کان اڳ, بني اسرائيل جي سڀني ماڻهن کي توبه جو بپتسما.
13:25 پوءِ, جڏهن جان پنهنجو ڪورس مڪمل ڪيو, هو چئي رهيو هو: ”مان اهو نه آهيان، جيڪو تون سمجهين ٿو. ڏسڻ لاءِ, منهنجي پٺيان هڪ اچي, جن جي پيرن جا بوٽ لاهڻ جي لائق نه آهيان.
13:26 معزز ڀائر, ابراهيم جي اسٽاڪ جا پٽ, ۽ جيڪي اوھان مان الله کان ڊڄندا آھن, اهو توهان ڏانهن هن نجات جو لفظ موڪليو ويو آهي.
13:27 انھن لاءِ جيڪي يروشلم ۾ رھندا ھئا, ۽ ان جا حڪمران, هن کي نه ٻڌي, ۽ نڪي نبين جا آواز جيڪي ھر سبت جي ڏينھن پڙھيا ويندا آھن, هن کي فيصلو ڪندي انهن کي پورو ڪيو.
13:28 ۽ جيتوڻيڪ انهن کي هن جي خلاف موت جو ڪو به ڪيس نه مليو, هنن پائلٽ کي عرض ڪيو, ته جيئن کيس موت جي سزا ڏين.
13:29 ۽ جڏھن اھي سڀڪنھن شيء کي پورو ڪيو ته سندس باري ۾ لکيو ويو هو, هن کي وڻ تان هيٺ لاٿو, انهن کيس قبر ۾ رکيو.
13:30 اڃان تائين واقعي, خدا کيس ٽئين ڏينھن تي مئلن مان جيئرو ڪيو.
13:31 ۽ ھو ڪيترن ئي ڏينھن تائين انھن کي نظر آيو، جيڪي ساڻس گڏ گليل کان يروشلم ڏانھن ويا ھئا, جيڪي اڄ به سندس ماڻهن لاءِ شاهد آهن.
13:32 ۽ اسان توهان کي اعلان ڪري رهيا آهيون ته وعدو, جيڪو اسان جي ابن ڏاڏن کي ڪيو ويو,
13:33 اسان جي ٻارن لاءِ خدا جي طرفان يسوع کي بلند ڪرڻ سان پورو ڪيو ويو آهي, جيئن ٻئي زبور ۾ پڻ لکيو ويو آهي: ”تون منهنجو پٽ آهين. اڄ ڏينهن مون توکي جنم ڏنو آهي.
13:34 هاڻي, ڇاڪاڻ ته هن کيس مئلن مان جيئرو ڪيو, ته جيئن وري ڪرپشن ڏانهن واپس نه اچي, هن اهو چيو آهي: ”مان توکي دائود جون مقدس شيون ڏيندس, وفادار.'
13:35 ۽ پوءِ به, ٻئي هنڌ, هن چيو: 'توهان پنهنجي مقدس ذات کي فساد ڏسڻ جي اجازت نه ڏيندا.'
13:36 دائود لاء, جڏهن هن خدا جي مرضي مطابق پنهنجي نسل جي خدمت ڪئي هئي, ننڊ پئجي وڃڻ, ۽ هن کي پنهنجي ابن ڏاڏن جي ڀرسان رکيو ويو, ۽ هن ڪرپشن کي ڏٺو.
13:37 اڃان تائين واقعي, جنھن کي خدا مئلن مان جيئرو ڪيو آھي تنھن فساد نه ڏٺو آھي.
13:38 تنهن ڪري, اهو توهان کي ڄاڻڻ ڏيو, معزز ڀائر, ته هن جي ذريعي توهان کي گناهن کان معافي جو اعلان ڪيو ويو آهي ۽ هر شيء کان جنهن جي ذريعي توهان موسى جي قانون ۾ درست نه ٿي سگهيا آهيو..
13:39 هن ۾, جيڪي ايمان آڻين ٿا، سڀ جائز آھن.
13:40 تنهن ڪري, خيال رکجو, متان نبين جي فرمائش ڪيل ڳالهه اوهان تي غالب اچي:
13:41 ”توهان بي عزتي ڪريو ٿا! ڏس, ۽ عجب, ۽ پکڙجي وڃي! ڇالاءِ⁠جو مان توھان جي ڏينھن ۾ ھڪڙو ڪم ڪري رھيو آھيان, هڪ عمل جنهن تي توهان يقين نه ڪندا, جيتوڻيڪ ڪو توهان کي ان جي وضاحت ڪري ها.
13:42 پوءِ, جيئن اهي وڃي رهيا هئا, انهن کان پڇيو ته جيڪڏهن, هيٺين سبت تي, اهي اهي لفظ انهن سان ڳالهائي سگهن ٿا.
13:43 ۽ جڏھن عبادت گاہ کي برطرف ڪيو ويو, يھودين مان گھڻا ماڻھو ۽ نوان پوڄاري پولس ۽ برنباس جي پٺيان لڳا. ۽ اهي, انهن سان ڳالهائيندي, انهن کي خدا جي فضل ۾ جاري رکڻ لاء قائل ڪيو.
13:44 اڃان تائين واقعي, هيٺين سبت تي, تقريبن سڄو شهر خدا جو ڪلام ٻڌڻ لاءِ گڏ ٿيو.
13:45 پوءِ يهودي, ميڙ کي ڏسڻ, حسد سان ڀريل هئا, ۽ اهي, ڪفر ڪرڻ, انھن ڳالھين جي خلاف آھي جيڪي پولس جي چوڻ تي ھو.
13:46 پوءِ پولس ۽ برنباس مضبوطيءَ سان چيو: ”اهو ضروري هو ته توهان کي پهرين خدا جو ڪلام ٻڌايان. پر ڇاڪاڻ ته توهان ان کي رد ڪيو, ۽ تنھنڪري پاڻ کي دائمي زندگي جي لائق نه سمجھو, ڏس, اسان غير قومن ڏانهن رخ ڪريون ٿا.
13:47 جيئن ته رب اسان کي هدايت ڪئي آهي: ”مون تو کي غير قومن لاءِ روشني بڻائي ڇڏيو آهي, ته جيئن تون زمين جي پڇاڙيءَ تائين ڇوٽڪارو آڻين.
13:48 پوءِ غير قومون, اهو ٻڌڻ تي, خوش ٿيا, ۽ اھي خداوند جي ڪلام جي واکاڻ ڪندا ھئا. ۽ جيترا مڃيا ويا آھن تن کي ابدي زندگيءَ لاءِ اڳي ئي مقرر ڪيو ويو آھي.
13:49 هاڻي رب جو ڪلام سڄي علائقي ۾ پکڙجي ويو.
13:50 پر يهودين ڪجهه ايماندار ۽ ايماندار عورتن کي ڀڙڪايو, ۽ شهر جا اڳواڻ. ۽ انھن پولس ۽ برنباس جي خلاف سخت ظلم ڪيو. ۽ انهن کي انهن جي حصن مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو.
13:51 پر اهي, انهن جي پيرن جي مٽي انهن جي خلاف ڇڪڻ, Iconium ڏانهن ويو.
13:52 شاگرد پڻ خوشيءَ ۽ پاڪ روح سان ڀرجي ويا.

رسولن جا ڪم 14

14:1 ھاڻي اھو ٿيو جو اِڪونيم ۾ اھي يھودين جي عبادت⁠خاني ۾ گڏ ٿيا, ۽ اھي اھڙيءَ طرح ڳالھائي رھيا ھئا جو يھودين ۽ يونانين جو ھڪڙو وڏو ميڙ ايمان آندو.
14:2 اڃان تائين واقعي, يھودي جيڪي ڪافر ھئا تن غير قومن جي روحن کي ڀائرن جي خلاف ڀڙڪايو ۽ ڀڙڪايو..
14:3 ۽ ائين, اهي هڪ ڊگهي وقت تائين رهيا, خداوند ۾ ايمانداري سان عمل ڪرڻ, سندس فضل جي ڪلام جي گواهي پيش ڪندي, انهن جي هٿن سان ڪيل نشانيون ۽ معجزا مهيا ڪن ٿا.
14:4 پوءِ شهر جو ميڙ ورهائجي ويو. ۽ يقينا, ڪجهه يهودين سان گڏ هئا, پر سچ پچ ٻيا به رسولن سان گڏ هئا.
14:5 ھاڻي جڏھن غير قومن ۽ يھودين پنھنجن اڳواڻن سان گڏ حملي جي رٿابندي ڪئي ھئي, ته جيئن اهي انهن کي حقارت سان پيش ڪن ۽ انهن کي سنگسار ڪن,
14:6 اهي, هن کي سمجهڻ, گڏجي لسٽرا ۽ ڊربي ڏانهن ڀڄي ويا, Lycaonia جي شهرن, ۽ سڄي ڀرپاسي واري علائقي ڏانهن. ۽ اھي انھيءَ جاءِ تي تبليغ ڪندا ھئا.
14:7 ۽ لسترا ۾ ھڪڙو ماڻھو ويٺو ھو, پيرن ۾ معذور, پنهنجي ماءُ جي پيٽ مان نڪتل, جيڪو ڪڏهن به نه هليو هو.
14:8 ھن ماڻھوءَ پولس کي ڳالھائيندي ٻڌو. ۽ پال, هن کي غور سان ڏسڻ, ۽ سمجھي ٿو ته ھن کي ايمان آھي, ته جيئن هن کي شفا ملي سگهي,
14:9 وڏي آواز سان چيو, ”پنهنجي پيرن تي سڌو بيٺو!“ ۽ هو ٽپو ڏئي چوڌاري هلڻ لڳو.
14:10 پر جڏھن ميڙ ڏٺو تہ پولس ڇا ڪيو, انهن پنهنجو آواز لائيڪونين زبان ۾ بلند ڪيو, چوڻ, ”ديوتا, مردن جي مثالن کي ورتو, اسان وٽ اچي ويا آهن!”
14:11 ۽ انھن برنباس کي سڏيو, ”جپان,' پر پوءِ به هنن سچ پچ پولس کي سڏيو, 'پارو,' ڇاڪاڻ ته هو ليڊ اسپيڪر هو.
14:12 پڻ, جپان جو پادري, جيڪو شهر کان ٻاهر هو, دروازي جي سامهون, ڍڳا ۽ مالا کڻي اچڻ, عوام سان گڏ قرباني ڏيڻ لاءِ تيار هو.
14:13 ۽ جيترو جلدي رسولن, برنباس ۽ پولس, اهو ٻڌو هو, سندن ٽنگون ڦاڙي, اهي ميڙ ۾ داخل ٿيا, روئڻ
14:14 ۽ چوڻ: ”مرد, تون ائين ڇو ڪندين? اسان به انسان آهيون, توهان وانگر مرد, توهان کي تبديل ٿيڻ جي تبليغ, انهن بيڪار شين کان, زنده خدا ڏانهن, جنھن آسمان ۽ زمين ۽ سمنڊ ۽ جيڪي ڪجھ انھن ۾ آھي پيدا ڪيو.
14:15 گذريل نسلن ۾, هن سڀني قومن کي اجازت ڏني ته هو پنهنجي طريقي سان هلن.
14:16 پر ضرور, هن پاڻ کي شاهدي کان سواء نه ڇڏيو, جنت مان نيڪي ڪرڻ, مينهن ۽ ميوي واري موسم ڏيڻ, انهن جي دلين کي کاڌي ۽ خوشي سان ڀرڻ.
14:17 ۽ اهي ڳالهيون چوڻ سان, اهي مشڪل سان ميڙ کي روڪڻ جي قابل هئا ته انهن کي باهه ڏيڻ کان.
14:18 ھاڻي ڪي يھودي انتاخيا ۽ اِڪونيم کان اتي پھتا. ۽ ميڙ کي قائل ڪيو, انھن پولس کي سنگسار ڪري شھر کان ٻاھر گھليو, هن کي مئل سمجهي.
14:19 پر جيئن ته شاگرد سندس چوڌاري بيٺا هئا, هو اٿيو ۽ شهر ۾ داخل ٿيو. ۽ ٻئي ڏينهن, ھو برنباس سان گڏ دربي ڏانھن روانو ٿيو.
14:20 ۽ جڏھن اھي انھيءَ شھر ۾ تبليغ ڪندا ھئا, ۽ ڪيترن کي سيکاريو, اھي وري لسترا، ايڪونيم ۽ انتاخيا ڏانھن موٽي آيا,
14:21 شاگردن جي روح کي مضبوط ڪرڻ, ۽ انھن کي نصيحت ڪري ٿو ته اھي ھميشه ايمان ۾ رھن, ۽ اھو ضروري آھي ته اسان لاءِ خدا جي بادشاھت ۾ گھڻن مصيبتن مان داخل ٿيڻ گھرجي.
14:22 And when they had established priests for them in each church, and had prayed with fasting, they commended them to the Lord, in whom they believed.
14:23 And traveling by way of Pisidia, they arrived in Pamphylia.
14:24 And having spoken the word of the Lord in Perga, they went down into Attalia.
14:25 And from there, they sailed to Antioch, where they had been commended to the grace of God for the work which they had now accomplished.
14:26 And when they had arrived and had gathered together the church, they related what great things God had done with them, and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles.
14:27 And they remained for no small amount of time with the disciples.

رسولن جا ڪم 15

15:1 And certain ones, descending from Judea, were teaching the brothers, “Unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses, you cannot be saved.”
15:2 تنهن ڪري, when Paul and Barnabas made no small uprising against them, they decided that Paul and Barnabas, and some from the opposing side, should go up to the Apostles and priests in Jerusalem concerning this question.
15:3 تنهن ڪري, being led by the church, they traveled through Phoenicia and Samaria, describing the conversion of the Gentiles. And they caused great joy among all the brothers.
15:4 And when they had arrived in Jerusalem, they were received by the church and the Apostles and the elders, reporting what great things God had done with them.
15:5 But some from the sect of the Pharisees, those who were believers, rose up saying, “It is necessary for them to be circumcised and to be instructed to keep the Law of Moses.”
15:6 And the Apostles and elders came together to take care of this matter.
15:7 And after a great contention had taken place, Peter rose up and said to them: ”سائين ڀائرو, you know that, in recent days, God has chosen from among us, by my mouth, Gentiles to hear the word of the Gospel and to believe.
15:8 And God, who knows hearts, شاهدي پيش ڪئي, by giving the Holy Spirit to them, just as to us.
15:9 And he distinguished nothing between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
15:10 هاڻي تنهن ڪري, why do you tempt God to impose a yoke upon the necks of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we have been able to bear?
15:11 But by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, we believe in order to be saved, in the same manner also as them.”
15:12 Then the entire multitude was silent. And they were listening to Barnabas and Paul, describing what great signs and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles through them.
15:13 And after they had been silent, James responded by saying: ”سائين ڀائرو, listen to me.
15:14 Simon has explained in what manner God first visited, so as to take from the Gentiles a people to his name.
15:15 And the words of the Prophets are in agreement with this, جيئن لکيو ويو آهي:
15:16 ‘After these things, I will return, and I will rebuild the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down. And I will rebuild its ruins, and I will raise it up,
15:17 so that the rest of men may seek the Lord, along with all the nations over whom my name has been invoked, رب فرمائي ٿو, who does these things.’
15:18 To the Lord, his own work has been known from eternity.
15:19 ان جي ڪري, I judge that those who were converted to God from among the Gentiles are not to be disturbed,
15:20 but instead that we write to them, that they should keep themselves from the defilement of idols, and from fornication, and from whatever has been suffocated, and from blood.
15:21 For Moses, from ancient times, has had in each city those who preach him in the synagogues, where he is read on every Sabbath.”
15:22 Then it pleased the Apostles and elders, with the whole Church, to choose men from among them, and to send to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, and Judas, who was surnamed Barsabbas, and Silas, preeminent men among the brothers,
15:23 what was written by their own hands: “The Apostles and elders, ڀائر, to those who are at Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, brothers from the Gentiles, سلام.
15:24 Since we have heard that some, going out from among us, have troubled you with words, subverting your souls, to whom we gave no commandment,
15:25 it pleased us, being assembled as one, to choose men and to send them to you, with our most beloved Barnabas and Paul:
15:26 men who have handed over their lives on behalf of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
15:27 تنهن ڪري, we have sent Judas and Silas, who themselves also will, with the spoken word, reaffirm to you the same things.
15:28 For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us to impose no further burden upon you, other than these necessary things:
15:29 that you abstain from things immolated to idols, and from blood, and from what has been suffocated, and from fornication. You will do well to keep yourselves from these things. Farewell.”
15:30 ۽ ائين, having been dismissed, they went down to Antioch. And gathering the multitude together, they delivered the epistle.
15:31 And when they had read it, they were gladdened by this consolation.
15:32 But Judas and Silas, being also prophets themselves, consoled the brothers with many words, and they were strengthened.
15:33 پوءِ, after spending some more time there, they were dismissed with peace, by the brothers, to those who had sent them.
15:34 But it seemed good to Silas to remain there. So Judas alone departed to Jerusalem.
15:35 And Paul and Barnabas remained at Antioch, with many others, teaching and evangelizing the Word of the Lord.
15:36 پوءِ, after some days, Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us return to visit the brothers throughout all the cities in which we have preached the Word of the Lord, to see how they are.”
15:37 And Barnabas wanted to take John, جنهن جو نالو مارڪ رکيو ويو, with them also.
15:38 But Paul was saying that he ought not to be received, since he withdrew from them at Pamphylia, and he had not gone with them in the work.
15:39 And there occurred a dissension, to such an extent that they departed from one another. And Barnabas, indeed taking Mark, sailed to Cyprus.
15:40 اڃان تائين واقعي, پال, choosing Silas, set out, being delivered by the brothers to the grace of God.
15:41 And he traveled through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the Churches, instructing them to keep the precepts of the Apostles and the elders.

رسولن جا ڪم 16

16:1 Then he arrived at Derbe and Lystra. ۽ ڏس, a certain disciple named Timothy was there, the son of a faithful Jewish woman, his father a Gentile.
16:2 The brothers who were at Lystra and Iconium rendered good testimony to him.
16:3 Paul wanted this man to travel with him, and taking him, he circumcised him, because of the Jews who were in those places. For they all knew that his father was a Gentile.
16:4 And as they were traveling through the cities, they delivered to them the dogmas to be kept, which were decreed by the Apostles and elders who were at Jerusalem.
16:5 ۽ يقينا, the Churches were being strengthened in faith and were increasing in number every day.
16:6 پوءِ, while crossing through Phrygia and the region of Galatia, they were prevented by the Holy Spirit from speaking the Word in Asia.
16:7 But when they had arrived in Mysia, they attempted to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not permit them.
16:8 پوءِ, when they had crossed through Mysia, they descended to Troas.
16:9 And a vision in the night was revealed to Paul of a certain man of Macedonia, standing and pleading with him, ۽ چوڻ: “Cross into Macedonia and help us!”
16:10 پوءِ, after he saw the vision, immediately we sought to set out for Macedonia, having been assured that God had called us to evangelize to them.
16:11 And sailing from Troas, taking a direct path, we arrived at Samothrace, and on the following day, at Neapolis,
16:12 and from there to Philippi, which is the preeminent city in the area of Macedonia, a colony. Now we were in this city some days, conferring together.
16:13 پوءِ, سبت جي ڏينهن تي, we were walking outside the gate, beside a river, where there seemed to be a prayer gathering. ۽ ويٺو, we were speaking with the women who had assembled.
16:14 ۽ هڪ خاص عورت, named Lydia, a seller of purple in the city of Thyatira, a worshiper of God, listened. And the Lord opened her heart to be receptive to what Paul was saying.
16:15 And when she had been baptized, with her household, she pleaded with us, چوڻ: “If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, enter into my house and lodge there.” And she convinced us.
16:16 پوءِ ائين ٿيو, as we were going out to prayer, a certain girl, having a spirit of divination, met with us. She was a source of great profit to her masters, through her divining.
16:17 This girl, following Paul and us, was crying out, چوڻ: “These men are servants of the Most High God! They are announcing to you the way of salvation!”
16:18 Now she behaved in this way for many days. But Paul, being grieved, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you, يسوع مسيح جي نالي تي, to go out from her.” And it went away in that same hour.
16:19 But her masters, seeing that the hope of their profit went away, apprehended Paul and Silas, and they brought them to the rulers at the courthouse.
16:20 And presenting them to the magistrates, هنن چيو: “These men are disturbing our city, since they are Jews.
16:21 And they are announcing a way which is not lawful for us to accept or to observe, since we are Romans.”
16:22 And the people rushed together against them. And the magistrates, سندن ٽنگون ڦاڙي, ordered them to be beaten with staffs.
16:23 And when they had inflicted many scourges on them, they cast them into prison, instructing the guard to watch them diligently.
16:24 And since he had received this kind of order, he cast them into the interior prison cell, and he restricted their feet with stocks.
16:25 پوءِ, in the middle of the night, Paul and Silas were praying and praising God. And those who were also in custody were listening to them.
16:26 اڃان تائين واقعي, there was a sudden earthquake, so great that the foundations of the prison were moved. And immediately all the doors were opened, and the bindings of everyone were released.
16:27 Then the prison guard, having been jarred awake, and seeing the doors of the prison open, drew his sword and intended to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had fled.
16:28 But Paul cried out with a loud voice, چوڻ: “Do no harm to yourself, for we are all here!”
16:29 Then calling for a light, هو داخل ٿيو. And trembling, he fell before the feet of Paul and Silas.
16:30 And bringing them outside, ھن چيو, “Sirs, what must I do, so that I may be saved?”
16:31 تڏهن چيائون, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and then you will be saved, with your household.”
16:32 And they spoke the Word of the Lord to him, along with all those who were in his house.
16:33 ۽ هو, taking them in the same hour of the night, washed their scourges. And he was baptized, and next his entire household.
16:34 And when he had brought them into his own house, he set a table for them. And he was joyous, with his entire household, believing in God.
16:35 ۽ جڏهن روشني اچي وئي هئي, the magistrates sent the attendants, چوڻ, “Release those men.”
16:36 But the prison guard reported these words to Paul: “The magistrates have sent to have you released. هاڻي تنهن ڪري, depart. آرام سان وڃ.”
16:37 But Paul said to them: “They have beaten us publicly, though we were not condemned. They have cast men who are Romans into prison. And now they would drive us away secretly? Not so. بدران, let them come forward,
16:38 and let us drive them away.” Then the attendants reported these words to the magistrates. And upon hearing that they were Romans, اهي ڊڄي ويا.
16:39 ۽ اچڻ, they pleaded with them, and leading them out, they begged them to depart from the city.
16:40 And they went away from the prison and entered into the house of Lydia. And having seen the brothers, they consoled them, and then they set out.

رسولن جا ڪم 17

17:1 Now when they had walked through Amphipolis and Apollonia, they arrived at Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
17:2 پوءِ پولس, رواج مطابق, entered to them. And for three Sabbaths he disputed with them about the Scriptures,
17:3 interpreting and concluding that it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise again from the dead, and that “this is the Jesus Christ, whom I am announcing to you.”
17:4 And some of them believed and were joined to Paul and Silas, and a great number of these were from the worshipers and the Gentiles, and not a few were noble women.
17:5 But the Jews, حسد ٿيڻ, and joining with certain evildoers among the common men, caused a disturbance, and they stirred up the city. And taking up a position near the house of Jason, they sought to lead them out to the people.
17:6 And when they had not found them, they dragged Jason and certain brothers to the rulers of the city, روئڻ: “For these are the ones who have stirred up the city. And they came here,
17:7 and Jason has received them. And all these men act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, يسوع“.
17:8 And they incited the people. And the rulers of the city, اهي ڳالهيون ٻڌي,
17:9 and having received an explanation from Jason and the others, released them.
17:10 اڃان تائين واقعي, the brothers promptly sent Paul and Silas away by night to Beroea. ۽ جڏهن اهي پهچي ويا هئا, they entered the synagogue of the Jews.
17:11 But these were more noble than those who were at Thessalonica. They received the Word with all enthusiasm, daily examining the Scriptures to see if these things were so.
17:12 ۽ بيشڪ, many believed among them, as well as not a few among the honorable Gentile men and women.
17:13 پوءِ, when the Jews of Thessalonica had realized that the Word of God was also preached by Paul at Beroea, they went there also, stirring up and disturbing the multitude.
17:14 And then the brothers quickly sent Paul away, so that he might travel by sea. But Silas and Timothy remained there.
17:15 Then those who were leading Paul brought him as far as Athens. And having received an order from him to Silas and Timothy, that they should come to him quickly, they set out.
17:16 Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was stirred up within him, seeing the city given over to idolatry.
17:17 ۽ ائين, he was disputing with the Jews in the synagogue, and with the worshipers, and in public places, throughout each day, with whomever was there.
17:18 Now certain Epicurean and Stoic philosophers were arguing with him. And some were saying, “What does this sower of the Word want to say?” Yet others were saying, “He seems to be an announcer for new demons.” For he was announcing to them Jesus and the Resurrection.
17:19 ۽ کيس گرفتار ڪيو, they brought him to the Areopagus, چوڻ: “Are we able to know what this new doctrine is, about which you speak?
17:20 For you bring certain new ideas to our ears. And so we would like to know what these things mean.”
17:21 (Now all the Athenians, and arriving visitors, were occupying themselves with nothing other than speaking or hearing various new ideas.)
17:22 But Paul, standing in the middle of the Areopagus, چيو: “Men of Athens, I perceive that in all things you are rather superstitious.
17:23 For as I was passing by and noticing your idols, I also found an altar, on which was written: TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. تنهن ڪري, what you worship in ignorance, this is what I am preaching to you:
17:24 the God who made the world and all that is in it, the One who is the Lord of heaven and earth, who does not live in temples made with hands.
17:25 Neither is he served by the hands of men, as if in need of anything, since it is he who gives to all things life and breath and all else.
17:26 And he has made, out of one, every family of man: to live upon the face of the entire earth, determining the appointed seasons and the limits of their habitation,
17:27 so as to seek God, if perhaps they may consider him or find him, though he is not far from each one of us.
17:28 ‘For in him we live, and move, and exist.’ Just as some of your own poets have said. ‘For we are also of his family.’
17:29 تنهن ڪري, since we are of the family of God, we must not consider gold or silver or precious stones, or the engravings of art and of the imagination of man, to be a representation of what is Divine.
17:30 ۽ بيشڪ, خدا, having looked down to see the ignorance of these times, has now announced to men that everyone everywhere should do penance.
17:31 For he has appointed a day on which he will judge the world in equity, through the man whom he has appointed, offering faith to all, by raising him from the dead.”
17:32 And when they had heard about the Resurrection of the dead, واقعي, some were derisive, while others said, “We will listen to you about this again.”
17:33 So Paul departed from their midst.
17:34 اڃان تائين واقعي, certain men, adhering to him, did believe. Among these were also Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman named Damaris, and others with them.

رسولن جا ڪم 18

18:1 انهن شين کان پوء, having departed from Athens, he arrived at Corinth.
18:2 And upon finding a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, who had recently arrived from Italy with Priscilla his wife, (because Claudius had ordered all Jews to depart from Rome,) he met with them.
18:3 And because he was of the same trade, he lodged with them and was working. (Now they were tentmakers by trade.)
18:4 And he was arguing in the synagogue on every Sabbath, introducing the name of the Lord Jesus. And he was persuading Jews and Greeks.
18:5 And when Silas and Timothy had arrived from Macedonia, Paul stood firm in the Word, testifying to the Jews that Jesus is the Christ.
18:6 But since they were contradicting him and blaspheming, he shook out his garments and said to them: “Your blood is on your own heads. I am clean. هينئر کان, I will go to the Gentiles.”
18:7 And moving from that place, he entered into the house of a certain man, named Titus the Just, a worshiper of God, whose house was adjoined to the synagogue.
18:8 Now Crispus, a leader of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, هن جي سڄي گهر سان. And many of the Corinthians, upon hearing, believed and were baptized.
18:9 Then the Lord said to Paul, through a vision in the night: "ڊڄ نه. بدران, speak out and do not be silent.
18:10 For I am with you. And no one will take hold of you, so as to do you harm. For many of the people in this city are with me.”
18:11 Then he settled there for a year and six months, teaching the Word of God among them.
18:12 But when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia, the Jews rose up with one accord against Paul. And they brought him to the tribunal,
18:13 چوڻ, “He persuades men to worship God contrary to the law.”
18:14 پوءِ, when Paul was beginning to open his mouth, Gallio said to the Jews: “If this were some matter of injustice, or a wicked deed, O noble Jews, I would support you, as is proper.
18:15 Yet if truly these are questions about a word and names and your law, you should see to it yourselves. I will not be the judge of such things.”
18:16 And he ordered them from the tribunal.
18:17 پر اهي, apprehending Sosthenes, a leader of the synagogue, beat him in front of the tribunal. And Gallio showed no concern for these things.
18:18 اڃان تائين واقعي, پال, after he had remained for many more days, having said goodbye to the brothers, sailed into Syria, and with him were Priscilla and Aquila. Now he had shaved his head in Cenchreae, for he had made a vow.
18:19 And he arrived at Ephesus, and he left them behind there. اڃان تائين واقعي, he himself, entering into the synagogue, was disputing with the Jews.
18:20 پوءِ, although they were asking him to remain for a longer time, he would not agree.
18:21 بدران, saying goodbye and telling them, “I will return to you again, God willing,” he set out from Ephesus.
18:22 And after going down to Caesarea, he went up to Jerusalem, and he greeted the Church there, and then he descended to Antioch.
18:23 And having spent some length of time there, هو روانو ٿيو, and he walked in order through the region of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the disciples.
18:24 Now a certain Jew named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man who was powerful with the Scriptures, arrived at Ephesus.
18:25 He was learned in the Way of the Lord. And being fervent in spirit, he was speaking and teaching the things that are of Jesus, but knowing only the baptism of John.
18:26 ۽ ائين, he began to act faithfully in the synagogue. And when Priscilla and Aquila had heard him, they took him aside and expounded the Way of the Lord to him more thoroughly.
18:27 پوءِ, since he wanted to go to Achaia, the brothers wrote an exhortation to the disciples, so that they might accept him. ۽ جڏهن هو آيو هو, he held many discussions with those who had believed.
18:28 For he was vehemently and publicly reproving the Jews, by revealing through the Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ.

رسولن جا ڪم 19

19:1 هاڻي اهو ٿيو, while Apollo was at Corinth, پال, after he had journeyed through the upper regions, arrived at Ephesus. And he met with certain disciples.
19:2 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو, “After believing, have you received the Holy Spirit?“ پر هنن کيس چيو, “We have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.”
19:3 اڃان تائين واقعي, ھن چيو, “Then with what have you been baptized?“ ۽ چيائون, “With the baptism of John.”
19:4 Then Paul said: “John baptized the people with the baptism of repentance, saying that they should believe in the One who is to come after him, اهو آهي, in Jesus.”
19:5 Upon hearing these things, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
19:6 And when Paul had imposed his hands on them, the Holy Spirit came over them. And they were speaking in tongues and prophesying.
19:7 Now the men were about twelve in all.
19:8 پوءِ, upon entering the synagogue, he was speaking faithfully for three months, disputing and persuading them about the kingdom of God.
19:9 But when certain ones became hardened and would not believe, cursing the Way of the Lord in the presence of the multitude, پال, withdrawing from them, separated the disciples, disputing daily in a certain school of Tyrannus.
19:10 Now this was done throughout two years, so that all who were living in Asia listened to the Word of the Lord, both Jews and Gentiles.
19:11 And God was accomplishing powerful and uncommon miracles by the hand of Paul,
19:12 so much so that even when small cloths and wrappings were brought from his body to the sick, the illnesses withdrew from them and the wicked spirits departed.
19:13 پوءِ, even some of the traveling Jewish exorcists had attempted to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus over those who had evil spirits, چوڻ, “I bind you by oath through Jesus, whom Paul preaches.”
19:14 And there were certain Jews, the seven sons of Sceva, leaders among the priests, who were acting in this way.
19:15 But a wicked spirit responded by saying to them: “Jesus I know, and Paul I know. But who are you?”
19:16 And the man, in whom there was a wicked spirit, leaping at them and getting the better of them both, prevailed against them, so that they fled from that house, naked and wounded.
19:17 ۽ ائين, this became known to all the Jews and Gentiles who were living at Ephesus. And a fear fell over them all. And the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified.
19:18 And many believers were arriving, confessing, and announcing their deeds.
19:19 Then many of those who had followed odd sects brought together their books, and they burned them in the sight of all. And after determining the value of these, they found the price to be fifty thousand denarii.
19:20 هن طريقي سان, the Word of God was increasing strongly and was being confirmed.
19:21 پوءِ, when these things were completed, Paul decided in the Spirit, after crossing through Macedonia and Achaia, to go to Jerusalem, چوڻ, “Then, after I have been there, it is necessary for me to see Rome also.”
19:22 But sending two of those who were ministering to him, Timothy and Erastus, into Macedonia, he himself remained for a time in Asia.
19:23 Now at that time, there occurred no small disturbance concerning the Way of the Lord.
19:24 For a certain man named Demetrius, a silversmith making silver shrines for Diana, was providing no small profit to craftsmen.
19:25 And calling them together, with those who were employed in the same way, ھن چيو: ”مرد, you know that our income is from this craft.
19:26 And you are seeing and hearing that this man Paul, by persuasion, has turned away a great multitude, not only from Ephesus, but from nearly all of Asia, چوڻ, ‘These things are not gods which have been made by hands.’
19:27 اهڙيء طرح, not only is this, our occupation, in danger of being brought into repudiation, but also the temple of the great Diana will be reputed as nothing! Then even her majesty, whom all of Asia and the world worships, will begin to be destroyed.”
19:28 Upon hearing this, they were filled with anger, ۽ اھي رڙيون ڪيون, چوڻ, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!”
19:29 And the city was filled with confusion. And having seized Gaius and Aristarchus of Macedonia, companions of Paul, they rushed violently, هڪ اتفاق سان, into the amphitheatre.
19:30 پوءِ, when Paul wanted to enter to the people, the disciples would not permit him.
19:31 And some of the leaders from Asia, who were his friends, also sent to him, requesting that he not present himself in the amphitheatre.
19:32 But others were crying out various things. For the assembly was in confusion, and most did not know the reason they had been called together.
19:33 So they dragged Alexander from the crowd, while the Jews were propelling him forward. And Alexander, gesturing with his hand for silence, wanted to give the people an explanation.
19:34 But as soon as they realized him to be a Jew, all with one voice, for about two hours, were crying out, “Great is Diana of the Ephesians!”
19:35 And when the scribe had calmed the crowds, ھن چيو: “Men of Ephesus, now what man is there who does not know that the city of the Ephesians is in the service of the great Diana and of the offspring of Jupiter?
19:36 تنهن ڪري, since these things are not able to be contradicted, it is necessary for you to be calm and to do nothing rash.
19:37 For you have brought forward these men, who are neither sacrilegious nor blasphemers against your goddess.
19:38 But if Demetrius and the craftsmen who are with him have a case against anyone, they can convene in the courts, and there are proconsuls. Let them accuse one another.
19:39 But if you would inquire about other things, this can be decided in a lawful assembly.
19:40 For now we are in peril of being convicted of sedition over today’s events, since there is no one guilty (against whom we are able to provide evidence) in this gathering.” And when he had said this, he dismissed the assembly.

رسولن جا ڪم 20

20:1 پوءِ, after the tumult ceased, پال, calling the disciples to himself and exhorting them, said farewell. And he set out, so that he might go into Macedonia.
20:2 And when he had walked through those areas and had exhorted them with many sermons, he went into Greece.
20:3 After he had spent three months there, treacheries were planned against him by the Jews, just as he was about to sail into Syria. And having been advised of this, he return through Macedonia.
20:4 Now those accompanying him were Sopater, the son of Pyrrhus from Beroea; and also the Thessalonians, Aristarchus and Secundus; and Gaius of Derbe, ۽ ٽموٿي; and also Tychicus and Trophimus from Asia.
20:5 هنن, after they had gone ahead, waited for us at Troas.
20:6 اڃان تائين واقعي, we sailed from Philippi, after the days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days we went to them at Troas, where we stayed for seven days.
20:7 پوءِ, on the first Sabbath, when we had assembled together to break bread, Paul discoursed with them, intending to set out the next day. But he prolonged his sermon into the middle of the night.
20:8 Now there were plenty of lamps in the upper room, where we were gathered.
20:9 And a certain adolescent named Eutychus, sitting on the window sill, was being weighed down by a heavy drowsiness (for Paul was preaching at length). پوءِ, as he went to sleep, he fell from the third floor room downward. And when he was lifted up, he was dead.
20:10 When Paul had gone down to him, he laid himself over him and, embracing him, چيو, “Do not worry, for his soul is still within him.”
20:11 ۽ ائين, going up, and breaking bread, and eating, and having spoken well on until daylight, he then set out.
20:12 Now they had brought the boy in alive, and they were more than a little consoled.
20:13 Then we climbed aboard the ship and sailed to Assos, where we were to take in Paul. For so he himself had decided, since he was making the journey by land.
20:14 And when he had joined us at Assos, we took him in, and we went to Mitylene.
20:15 And sailing from there, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, we arrived opposite Chios. And next we landed at Samos. And on the following day we went to Miletus.
20:16 For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not be delayed in Asia. For he was hurrying so that, if it were possible for him, he might observe the day of Pentecost at Jerusalem.
20:17 پوءِ, sending from Miletus to Ephesus, he called those greater by birth in the church.
20:18 And when they had come to him and were together, هن انهن کي چيو: “You know that from the first day when I entered into Asia, I have been with you, for the entire time, هن طريقي سان:
20:19 serving the Lord, with all humility and despite the tears and trials which befell me from the treacheries of the Jews,
20:20 how I held back nothing that was of value, how well I have preached to you, and that I have taught you publicly and throughout the houses,
20:21 testifying both to Jews and to Gentiles about repentance in God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
20:22 ۽ ھاڻ, ڏس, being obliged in spirit, I am going to Jerusalem, not knowing what will happen to me there,
20:23 except that the Holy Spirit, throughout every city, has cautioned me, saying that chains and tribulations await me at Jerusalem.
20:24 But I dread none of these things. Neither do I consider my life to be more precious because it is my own, provided that in some way I may complete my own course and that of the ministry of the Word, which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the Gospel of the grace of God.
20:25 ۽ ھاڻ, ڏس, I know that you will no longer see my face, all of you among whom I have traveled, preaching the kingdom of God.
20:26 ان لاءِ, I call you as witnesses on this very day: that I am clean from the blood of all.
20:27 For I have not turned aside in the least from announcing every counsel of God to you.
20:28 Take care of yourselves and of the entire flock, over which the Holy Spirit has stationed you as Bishops to rule the Church of God, which he has purchased by his own blood.
20:29 I know that after my departure ravenous wolves will enter among you, not sparing the flock.
20:30 And from among yourselves, men will rise up, speaking perverse things in order to entice disciples after them.
20:31 ان جي ڪري, محتاط رھڻ, retaining in memory that throughout three years I did not cease, رات ۽ ڏينهن, with tears, to admonish each and every one of you.
20:32 ۽ ھاڻ, I commend you to God and to the Word of his grace. He has the power to build up, and to give an inheritance to all who are sanctified.
20:33 I have coveted neither silver and gold, nor apparel,
20:34 as you yourselves know. For that which was needed by me and by those who are with me, these hands have provided.
20:35 I have revealed all things to you, because by laboring in this way, it is necessary to support the weak and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
20:36 ۽ جڏهن هن اهي ڳالهيون ڪيون هيون, گوڏا کوڙڻ, he prayed with all of them.
20:37 Then a great weeping occurred among them all. ۽, falling upon the neck of Paul, they kissed him,
20:38 being grieved most of all over the word which he had said, that they would never see his face again. And they brought him to the ship.

رسولن جا ڪم 21

21:1 And after these things had happened, having reluctantly parted from them, we sailed a direct course, arriving at Cos, and on following the day at Rhodes, and from there to Patara.
21:2 And when we had found a ship sailing across to Phoenicia, climbing aboard, we set sail.
21:3 پوءِ, after we had caught sight of Cyprus, keeping it to the left, we sailed on to Syria, and we arrived at Tyre. For the ship was going to unload its cargo there.
21:4 پوءِ, having found the disciples, we lodged there for seven days. And they were saying to Paul, through the Spirit, that he should not go up to Jerusalem.
21:5 And when the days were completed, ترتيب ڏيڻ, we went on; and they all accompanied us with their wives and children, until we were outside of the city. And we kneeled down at the shore and prayed.
21:6 And when we had said farewell to one another, we climbed aboard the ship. And they returned to their own.
21:7 اڃان تائين واقعي, having completed our journey by boat from Tyre, we descended to Ptolemais. And greeting the brothers, we lodged with them for one day.
21:8 پوءِ, after setting out the next day, we arrived at Caesarea. And upon entering into the house of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven, we stayed with him.
21:9 Now this man had four daughters, virgins, who were prophesying.
21:10 And while we were delayed for some days, a certain prophet from Judea, نالو Agabus, پهتو.
21:11 ۽ هو, when he had come to us, took Paul’s belt, and binding his own feet and hands, ھن چيو: “Thus says the Holy Spirit: The man whose belt this is, the Jews will bind in this way at Jerusalem. And they will deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.”
21:12 And when we had heard this, both we and those who were from that place begged him not to go up to Jerusalem.
21:13 Then Paul responded by saying: “What do you accomplish by weeping and afflicting my heart? For I am prepared, not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem, for the name of the Lord Jesus.”
21:14 And since we were not able to persuade him, we quieted, چوڻ: “May the will of the Lord be done.”
21:15 پوءِ, انهن ڏينهن کان پوء, having made preparations, we ascended to Jerusalem.
21:16 Now some of the disciples from Caesarea also went with us, bringing with them a certain Cypriot named Mnason, a very old disciple, whose guests we would be.
21:17 And when we had arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers received us willingly.
21:18 پوءِ, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, Paul entered with us to James. And all the elders were assembled.
21:19 And when he had greeted them, he explained each thing that God had accomplished among the Gentiles through his ministry.
21:20 ۽ اهي, upon hearing it, magnified God and said to him: “You understand, ڀاءُ, how many thousands there are among the Jews who have believed, and they are all zealous for the law.
21:21 Now they have heard about you, that you are teaching those Jews who are among the Gentiles to withdraw from Moses, telling them that they should not circumcise their sons, nor act according to custom.
21:22 اڳتي ڇا آهي? The multitude ought to be convened. For they will hear that you have arrived.
21:23 تنهن ڪري, do this thing that we ask of you: We have four men, who are under a vow.
21:24 Take these and sanctify yourself with them, and require them to shave their heads. And then everyone will know that the things that they have heard about you are false, but that you yourself walk in keeping with the law.
21:25 پر, about those Gentiles who have believed, we have written a judgment that they should keep themselves from what has been immolated to idols, and from blood, and from what has been suffocated, and from fornication.”
21:26 پوءِ پولس, taking the men on the next day, was purified with them, and he entered the temple, announcing the process of the days of purification, until an oblation would be offered on behalf of each one of them.
21:27 But when the seven days were reaching completion, those Jews who were from Asia, when they had seen him in the temple, incited all the people, and they laid hands on him, روئڻ:
21:28 ”مرد بني اسرائيل, help! This is the man who is teaching, everyone, everywhere, against the people and the law and this place. ان کان سواء, he has even brought Gentiles into the temple, and he has violated this holy place.”
21:29 (For they had seen Trophimus, an Ephesian, in the city with him, and they supposed that Paul had brought him into the temple.)
21:30 And the entire city was stirred up. And it happened that the people ran together. And apprehending Paul, they dragged him outside of the temple. And immediately the doors were closed.
21:31 پوءِ, as they were seeking to kill him, it was reported to the tribune of the cohort: “All Jerusalem is in confusion.”
21:32 ۽ ائين, immediately taking soldiers and centurions, he rushed down to them. And when they had seen the tribune and the soldiers, they ceased to strike Paul.
21:33 Then the tribune, ويجهو اچڻ, apprehended him and ordered that he be bound with two chains. And he was asking who he was and what he had done.
21:34 Then they were crying out various things within the crowd. And since he could not understand anything clearly because of the noise, he ordered him to be brought into the fortress.
21:35 And when he had arrived at the stairs, it happened that he was carried up by the soldiers, because of the threat of violence from the people.
21:36 For the multitude of the people were following and crying out, ”هن کي کڻي وڃو!”
21:37 And as Paul was beginning to be brought into the fortress, he said to the tribune, “Is it permissible for me to say something to you?“ ۽ هن چيو, “You know Greek?
21:38 ته پوء, are you not that Egyptian who before these days incited a rebellion and led out into the desert four thousand murderous men?”
21:39 But Paul said to him: “I am a man, indeed a Jew, from Tarsus in Cilicia, a citizen of a well-known city. So I petition you, permit me to speak to the people.”
21:40 And when he had given him permission, پال, standing on the stairs, motioned with his hand to the people. And when a great silence occurred, he spoke to them in the Hebrew language, چوڻ:

رسولن جا ڪم 22

22:1 ”وڏو ڀائرو ۽ پيءُ, listen to the explanation that I now give to you.”
22:2 And when they heard him speaking to them in the Hebrew language, they offered a greater silence.
22:3 ۽ هن چيو: “I am a Jewish man, born at Tarsus in Cilicia, but raised in this city beside the feet of Gamaliel, taught according to the truth of the law of the fathers, zealous for the law, just as all of you also are to this day.
22:4 I persecuted this Way, جيتوڻيڪ موت تائين, binding and delivering into custody both men and women,
22:5 just as the high priest and all those greater by birth bear witness to me. Having received letters from them to the brothers, I journeyed to Damascus, so that I might lead them bound from there to Jerusalem, so that they might be punished.
22:6 پر ائين ٿيو, as I was traveling and was approaching Damascus at midday, suddenly from heaven a great light shone around me.
22:7 ۽ زمين تي ڪري پيو, I heard a voice saying to me, ‘Saul, ساول, تون مون کي ڇو ايذائي رهيو آهين?’
22:8 And I responded, ‘Who are you, رب?’ And he said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.’
22:9 And those who were with me, واقعي, saw the light, but they did not hear the voice of him who was speaking with me.
22:10 ۽ مون چيو, 'مونکي ڇا ڪرڻ گهرجي, رب?’ Then the Lord said to me: ”اٿ, and go to Damascus. ۽ اتي, you shall be told all that you must do.’
22:11 And since I could not see, because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by my companions, and I went to Damascus.
22:12 Then a certain Ananias, a man in accord with the law, having the testimony of all the Jews who were living there,
22:13 drawing near to me and standing close by, said to me, ‘Brother Saul, ڏسو!’ And in that same hour, I looked upon him.
22:14 پر هن چيو: ‘The God of our fathers has preordained you, so that you would come to know his will and would see the Just One, and would hear the voice from his mouth.
22:15 For you shall be his witness to all men about those things which you have seen and heard.
22:16 ۽ ھاڻ, why do you delay? اٿڻ, ۽ بپتسما وٺڻ, ۽ پنهنجا گناهه ڌوئي, by invoking his name.’
22:17 پوءِ ائين ٿيو, when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, a mental stupor came over me,
22:18 and I saw him saying to me: ‘Hurry! Depart quickly from Jerusalem! For they will not accept your testimony about me.’
22:19 ۽ مون چيو: ”رب, they know that I am beating and enclosing in prison, throughout every synagogue, those who have believed in you.
22:20 And when the blood of your witness Stephen was poured out, I stood nearby and was consenting, and I watched over the garments of those who put him to death.’
22:21 ۽ هن مون کي چيو, ‘Go forth. For I am sending you to far away nations.’ ”
22:22 Now they were listening to him, until this word, and then they lifted up their voice, چوڻ: “Take this kind away from the earth! For it is not fitting for him to live!”
22:23 And while they were shouting, and tossing aside their garments, and casting dust into the air,
22:24 the tribune ordered him to be brought into the fortress, and to be scourged and tortured, in order to discover the reason that they were crying out in this way against him.
22:25 And when they had tied him with straps, Paul said to the centurion who was standing near him, “Is it lawful for you to scourge a man who is a Roman and has not been condemned?”
22:26 Upon hearing this, the centurion went to the tribune and reported it to him, چوڻ: “What do you intend to do? For this man is a Roman citizen.”
22:27 And the tribune, ويجهو اچڻ, هن کي چيو: "مون کي ٻڌاءِ. Are you a Roman?“ سو هن چيو, "ها."
22:28 And the tribune responded, “I obtained this citizenship at great cost.” And Paul said, “But I was born to it.”
22:29 تنهن ڪري, those who were going to torture him, immediately withdrew from him. The tribune was similarly afraid, after he realized that he was a Roman citizen, for he had bound him.
22:30 But on the next day, wanting to discover more diligently what the reason was that he was accused by the Jews, he released him, and he ordered the priests to convene, with the entire council. ۽, producing Paul, he stationed him among them.

رسولن جا ڪم 23

23:1 پوءِ پولس, gazing intently at the council, چيو, ”سائين ڀائرو, I have spoken with all good conscience before God, even to this present day.”
23:2 ۽ اعليٰ پادري, Ananias, instructed those who were standing nearby to strike him on the mouth.
23:3 Then Paul said to him: “God shall strike you, you whitewashed wall! For would you sit and judge me according to the law, جڏهن, contrary to the law, you order me to be struck?”
23:4 And those who were standing nearby said, “Are you speaking evil about the high priest of God?”
23:5 And Paul said: “I did not know, ڀائر, that he is the high priest. ان لاءِ لکيل آهي: ‘You shall not speak evil of the leader of your people.’ ”
23:6 Now Paul, knowing that one group were Sadducees and the other were Pharisees, exclaimed in the council: ”سائين ڀائرو, I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees! It is over the hope and resurrection of the dead that I am being judged.”
23:7 ۽ جڏهن هن اهو چيو هو, a dissension occurred between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. And the multitude was divided.
23:8 For the Sadducees claim that there is no resurrection, and neither angels, nor spirits. But the Pharisees confess both of these.
23:9 Then there occurred a great clamor. And some of the Pharisees, اٿڻ, were fighting, چوڻ: “We find nothing evil in this man. What if a spirit has spoken to him, or an angel?”
23:10 And since a great dissension had been made, the tribune, fearing that Paul might be torn apart by them, ordered the soldiers to descend and to seize him from their midst, and to bring him into the fortress.
23:11 پوءِ, on the following night, the Lord stood near him and said: “Be constant. For just as you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so also it is necessary for you to testify at Rome.”
23:12 And when daylight arrived, some of the Jews gathered together and bound themselves with an oath, saying that they would neither eat nor drink until they had killed Paul.
23:13 Now there were more than forty men who had taken this oath together.
23:14 And they approached the leaders of the priests, ۽ بزرگ, ۽ چيائون: “We have sworn ourselves by an oath, so that we will taste nothing, until we have killed Paul.
23:15 تنهن ڪري, with the council, you should now give notice to the tribune, so that he may bring him to you, as if you intended to determine something else about him. But before he approaches, we have made preparations to put him to death.”
23:16 But when Paul’s sister’s son had heard of this, about their treachery, he went and entered into the fortress, and he reported it to Paul.
23:17 ۽ پال, calling to him one of the centurions, چيو: “Lead this young man to the tribune. For he has something to tell him.”
23:18 ۽ بيشڪ, he took him and led him to the tribune, ۽ هن چيو, “Paul, the prisoner, asked me to lead this young man to you, since he has something to say to you.”
23:19 Then the tribune, هن کي هٿ ۾ کڻڻ, withdrew with him by themselves, and he asked him: “What is it that you have to tell me?”
23:20 پوءِ چيائين: “The Jews have met to ask you to bring Paul tomorrow to the council, as if they intended to question him about something else.
23:21 پر واقعي, you should not believe them, for they would ambush him with more than forty men from among them, who have bound themselves by an oath neither to eat, nor to drink, until they have put him to death. And they are now prepared, hoping for an affirmation from you.”
23:22 And then the tribune dismissed the young man, instructing him not to tell anyone that he had made known these things to him.
23:23 پوءِ, having called two centurions, هن انهن کي چيو: “Prepare two hundred soldiers, so that they may go as far as Caesarea, and seventy horsemen, and two hundred spearmen, for the third hour of the night.
23:24 And prepare beasts of burden to carry Paul, so that they may lead him safely to Felix, the governor.”
23:25 For he was afraid, lest perhaps the Jews might seize him and kill him, and that afterwards he would be falsely accused, as if he had accepted a bribe. And so he wrote a letter containing the following:
23:26 “Claudius Lysias, to the most excellent governor, Felix: سلام.
23:27 هي ماڻهو, having been apprehended by the Jews and being about to be put to death by them, I rescued, overwhelming them with soldiers, since I realized that he is a Roman.
23:28 And wanting to know the reason that they objected to him, I brought him into their council.
23:29 And I discovered him to be accused about questions of their law. اڃان تائين واقعي, nothing deserving of death or imprisonment was within the accusation.
23:30 And when I had been given news of ambushes, which they had prepared against him, I sent him to you, notifying his accusers also, so that they may plead their accusations before you. Farewell.”
23:31 Therefore the soldiers, taking Paul according to their orders, brought him by night to Antipatris.
23:32 ۽ ٻئي ڏينهن, sending the horsemen to go with him, they returned to the fortress.
23:33 And when they had arrived at Caesarea and had delivered the letter to the governor, they also presented Paul before him.
23:34 And when he had read it and had asked which province he was from, realizing that he was from Cilicia, ھن چيو:
23:35 “I will hear you, when your accusers have arrived.” And he ordered him to be kept in the praetorium of Herod.

رسولن جا ڪم 24

24:1 پوءِ, after five days, the high priest Ananias came down with some of the elders and a certain Tertullus, a speaker. And they went to the governor against Paul.
24:2 And having summoned Paul, Tertullus began to accuse him, چوڻ: “Most excellent Felix, since we have much peace through you, and many things may be corrected by your providence,
24:3 we acknowledge this, always and everywhere, with acts of thanksgiving for everything.
24:4 But lest I speak at too great a length, مان توکي عرض ٿو ڪريان, by your clemency, to listen to us briefly.
24:5 We have found this man to be pestilent, to be inciting seditions among all the Jews in the entire world, and to be the author of the sedition of the sect of the Nazarenes.
24:6 And he has even been attempting to violate the temple. And having apprehended him, we wanted him to be judged according to our law.
24:7 But Lysias, the tribune, overwhelming us with great violence, snatched him away from our hands,
24:8 ordering his accusers to come to you. From them, you yourself will be able, by judging about all these things, to understand the reason that we accuse him.”
24:9 And then the Jews interjected, saying that these things were so.
24:10 پوءِ, since the governor had motioned for him to speak, Paul responded: “Knowing that you have been the judge over this nation for many years, I will give an explanation of myself with an honest soul.
24:11 لاءِ, as you may realize, it has only been twelve days since I went up to worship in Jerusalem.
24:12 And they did not find me in the temple arguing with anyone, nor causing a rally of the people: neither in the synagogues, nor in the city.
24:13 And they are not able to prove to you the things about which they now accuse me.
24:14 But I confess this to you, that according to that sect, which they call a heresy, so do I serve my God and Father, believing all that is written in the Law and the Prophets,
24:15 having a hope in God, which these others themselves also expect, that there will be a future resurrection of the just and the unjust.
24:16 And in this, I myself always strive to have a conscience that is lacking in any offence toward God and toward men.
24:17 پوءِ, after many years, I went to my nation, bringing alms and offerings and vows,
24:18 through which I obtained purification in the temple: neither with a crowd, nor with a commotion.
24:19 But certain Jews out of Asia are the ones who should have appeared before you to accuse me, if they have anything against me.
24:20 Or let these ones here say if they have found in me any iniquity, while standing before the council.
24:21 For while standing among them, I spoke out solely about this one matter: about the resurrection of the dead. It is about this that I am being judged today by you.”
24:22 Then Felix, after having ascertained much knowledge about this Way, kept them waiting, چوڻ سان, “When Lysias the tribune has arrived, I will give you a hearing.”
24:23 And he ordered a centurion to guard him, and to take rest, and not to prohibit any of his own from ministering to him.
24:24 پوءِ, after some days, Felix, arriving with his wife Drusilla who was a Jew, called for Paul and listened to him about the faith that is in Christ Jesus.
24:25 And after he discoursed about justice and chastity, and about the future judgment, Felix was trembling, and he responded: “For now, وڃ, but remain under guard. پوءِ, at an opportune time, I will summon you.”
24:26 He was also hoping that money might be given to him by Paul, ۽ ان جي ڪري, he frequently summoned him and spoke with him.
24:27 پوءِ, when two years had passed, Felix was succeeded by Portius Festus. And since Felix wanted to show particular favor to the Jews, he left Paul behind as a prisoner.

رسولن جا ڪم 25

25:1 ۽ ائين, when Festus had arrived in the province, ٽن ڏينهن کان پوء, he ascended to Jerusalem from Caesarea.
25:2 ۽ پادرين جي اڳواڻن, and those first among the Jews, went to him against Paul. And they were petitioning him,
25:3 asking for favor against him, so that he would order him to be led to Jerusalem, where they were maintaining an ambush in order to kill him along the way.
25:4 But Festus responded that Paul was to be kept in Caesarea, and that he himself would soon go there.
25:5 ”تنهنڪري," ھن چيو, “let those among you who are able, descend at the same time, and if there is any guilt in the man, they may accuse him.”
25:6 پوءِ, having stayed among them no more than eight or ten days, he descended to Caesarea. ۽ ٻئي ڏينهن تي, he sat in the judgment seat, and he ordered Paul to be led in.
25:7 And when he had been brought, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem stood around him, throwing out many serious accusations, none of which they were able to prove.
25:8 Paul offered this defense: “Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I offended in any matter.”
25:9 But Festus, wanting to show greater favor to the Jews, responded to Paul by saying: “Are you willing to ascend to Jerusalem and to be judged there about these things before me?”
25:10 But Paul said: “I stand in Caesar’s tribunal, which is where I ought to be judged. I have done no harm to the Jews, as you well know.
25:11 For if I have harmed them, or if I have done anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying. But if there is nothing to these things about which they accuse me, no one is able to deliver me to them. I appeal to Caesar.”
25:12 Then Festus, having spoken with the council, responded: “You have appealed to Caesar, to Caesar you shall go.”
25:13 And when some days had passed, king Agrippa and Bernice descended to Caesarea, to greet Festus.
25:14 And since they remained there for many days, Festus spoke to the king about Paul, چوڻ: “A certain man was left behind as a prisoner by Felix.
25:15 When I was at Jerusalem, the leaders of the priests and the elders of the Jews came to me about him, asking for condemnation against him.
25:16 I answered them that it is not the custom of the Romans to condemn any man, before he who is being accused has been confronted by his accusers and has received the opportunity to defend himself, so as to clear himself of the charges.
25:17 تنهن ڪري, when they had arrived here, without any delay, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, sitting in the judgment seat, I ordered the man to be brought.
25:18 But when the accusers had stood up, they did not present any accusation about him from which I would suspect evil.
25:19 بدران, they brought against him certain disputes about their own superstition and about a certain Jesus, who had died, but whom Paul asserted to be alive.
25:20 تنهن ڪري, being in doubt about this kind of question, I asked him if he was willing go to Jerusalem and to be judged there about these things.
25:21 But since Paul was appealing to be kept for a decision before Augustus, I ordered him to be kept, until I might send him to Caesar.”
25:22 Then Agrippa said to Festus: “I myself also want to hear the man.” “Tomorrow," ھن چيو, “you shall hear him.”
25:23 ۽ ٻئي ڏينهن تي, when Agrippa and Bernice had arrived with great ostentation and had entered into the auditorium with the tribunes and the principal men of the city, Paul was brought in, at the order of Festus.
25:24 And Festus said: “King Agrippa, and all who are present together with us, you see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews disturbed me at Jerusalem, petitioning and clamoring that he should not be allowed to live any longer.
25:25 سچ پچ, I have discovered nothing brought forth against him that is worthy of death. But since he himself has appealed to Augustus, it was my judgment to send him.
25:26 But I have not determined what to write to the emperor about him. ان جي ڪري, I have brought him before you all, and especially before you, O king Agrippa, تان ته, once an inquiry has occurred, I may have something to write.
25:27 For it seems to me unreasonable to send a prisoner and not to indicate the accusations set against him.”

رسولن جا ڪم 26

26:1 اڃان تائين واقعي, Agrippa said to Paul, “It is permitted for you to speak for yourself.” Then Paul, هن جو هٿ وڌايو, began to offer his defense.
26:2 “I consider myself blessed, O king Agrippa, that I am to give my defense today before you, about everything of which I am accused by the Jews,
26:3 especially since you know everything that pertains to the Jews, both customs and questions. ان جي ڪري, I beg you to listen to me patiently.
26:4 ۽ يقينا, all the Jews know about my life from my youth, which had its beginning among my own people in Jerusalem.
26:5 They knew me well from the beginning, (if they would be willing to offer testimony) for I lived according to the most determined sect of our religion: as a Pharisee.
26:6 ۽ ھاڻ, it is in the hope of the Promise which was made by God to our fathers that I stand subject to judgment.
26:7 It is the Promise that our twelve tribes, worshiping night and day, hope to see. About this hope, O king, I am accused by the Jews.
26:8 Why should it be judged so unbelievable with you all that God might raise the dead?
26:9 ۽ يقينا, I myself formerly considered that I ought to act in many ways which are contrary to the name of Jesus the Nazarene.
26:10 This is also how I acted at Jerusalem. ۽ ائين, I enclosed many holy persons in prison, having received authority from the leaders of the priests. And when they were to be killed, I brought the sentence.
26:11 And in every synagogue, frequently while punishing them, I compelled them to blaspheme. And being all the more maddened against them, I persecuted them, even to foreign cities.
26:12 ان کان پوءِ, as I was going to Damascus, with authority and permission from the high priest,
26:13 at midday, O king, I and those who were also with me, saw along the way a light from heaven shining around me with a splendor greater than that of the sun.
26:14 And when we had all fallen down to the ground, I heard a voice speaking to me in the Hebrew language: ‘Saul, ساول, تون مون کي ڇو ايذائي رهيو آهين? It is hard for you to kick against the goad.’
26:15 Then I said, ‘Who are you, رب?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus, جنهن کي توهان ايذايو ٿا.
26:16 But rise up and stand on your feet. For I appeared to you for this reason: so that I may establish you as a minister and a witness concerning the things that you have seen, and concerning the things that I will show to you:
26:17 rescuing you from the people and the nations to which I am now sending you,
26:18 in order to open their eyes, so that they may be converted from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may receive the remission of sins and a place among the saints, through the faith that is in me.’
26:19 From then on, O king Agrippa, I was not unbelieving to the heavenly vision.
26:20 But I preached, first to those who are at Damascus and at Jerusalem, and then to the entire region of Judea, ۽ غير قومن ڏانهن, so that they would repent and convert to God, doing the works that are worthy of repentance.
26:21 It was for this reason that the Jews, having apprehended me when I was in the temple, attempted to kill me.
26:22 But having been aided by the help of God, جيتوڻيڪ اڄ تائين, I stand witnessing to the small and the great, saying nothing beyond what the Prophets and Moses have said would be in the future:
26:23 that the Christ would suffer, and that he would be the first from the resurrection of the dead, and that he would bring light to the people and to the nations.”
26:24 While he was speaking these things and presenting his defense, Festus said with a loud voice: “Paul, you are insane! Too much studying has turned you to insanity.”
26:25 And Paul said: “I am not insane, most excellent Festus, but rather I am speaking words of truth and sobriety.
26:26 For the king knows about these things. To him also, I am speaking with constancy. For I think that none of these things are unknown to him. And neither were these things done in a corner.
26:27 Do you believe the Prophets, O king Agrippa? I know that you believe.”
26:28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “To some extent, you persuade me to become a Christian.”
26:29 And Paul said, “I hope to God that, both to a small extent and to a great extent, not only you, but also all those who hear me this day will become just as I also am, except for these chains.”
26:30 And the king rose up, and the governor, and Bernice, and those who were sitting with them.
26:31 And when they had withdrawn, they were speaking among themselves, چوڻ, “This man has done nothing worthy of death, nor of imprisonment.”
26:32 Then Agrippa said to Festus, “This man could have been released, if he had not appealed to Caesar.”

رسولن جا ڪم 27

27:1 Then it was decided to send him by ship to Italy, and that Paul, with the others in custody, should be delivered to a centurion named Julius, of the cohort of Augusta.
27:2 After climbing aboard a ship from Adramyttium, we set sail and began to navigate along the ports of Asia, with Aristarchus, the Macedonian from Thessalonica, joining us.
27:3 And on the following day, we arrived at Sidon. And Julius, treating Paul humanely, permitted him to go to his friends and to look after himself.
27:4 And when we had set sail from there, we navigated below Cyprus, because the winds were contrary.
27:5 And navigating though the sea of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we arrived at Lystra, which is in Lycia.
27:6 And there the centurion found a ship from Alexandria sailing to Italy, and he transferred us to it.
27:7 And when we had sailed slowly for many days and had barely arrived opposite Cnidus, for the wind was hindering us, we sailed to Crete, near Salmone.
27:8 And barely being able to sail past it, we arrived at a certain place, which is called Good Shelter, next to which was the city of Lasea.
27:9 پوءِ, after much time had passed, and since sailing would no longer be prudent because the Fast Day had now passed, Paul consoled them,
27:10 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”مرد, I perceive that the voyage is now in danger of injury and much damage, not only to the cargo and the ship, but also to our own lives.”
27:11 But the centurion put more trust in the captain and the navigator of the ship, than in the things being said by Paul.
27:12 And since it was not a fitting port in which to winter, the majority opinion was to sail from there, so that somehow they might be able to arrive at Phoenicia, in order to winter there, at a port of Crete, which looks out toward the southwest and northwest.
27:13 And since the south wind was blowing gently, they thought that they might reach their goal. And after they had set out from Asson, they weighed anchor at Crete.
27:14 But not long afterward, a violent wind came against them, which is called the Northeast Wind.
27:15 And once the ship had been caught in it and was not able to strive against the wind, giving over the ship to the winds, we were driven along.
27:16 پوءِ, being forced along a certain island, which is called the Tail, we were barely able to hold on to the ship’s lifeboat.
27:17 When this was taken up, they used it to assist in securing the ship. For they were afraid that they might run aground. And having lowered the sails, they were being driven along in this way.
27:18 پوءِ, since we were being tossed about strongly by the tempest, ايندڙ ڏينهن تي, they threw the heavy items overboard.
27:19 ۽ ٽئين ڏينهن تي, with their own hands, they threw the equipment of the ship overboard.
27:20 پوءِ, when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no end to the storm was imminent, all hope for our safety was now taken away.
27:21 And after they had fasted for a long time, پال, standing in their midst, چيو: ”ضرور, men, you should have listened to me and not set out from Crete, so as to cause this injury and loss.
27:22 ۽ ھاڻ, let me persuade you to be courageous in soul. For there shall be no loss of life among you, but only of the ship.
27:23 For an Angel of God, who is assigned to me and whom I serve, stood beside me this night,
27:24 چوڻ: ‘Do not be afraid, پال! It is necessary for you to stand before Caesar. ۽ ڏس, God has given to you all those who are sailing with you.’
27:25 ان جي ڪري, men, be courageous in soul. For I trust God that this will happen in the same way that it has been told to me.
27:26 But it is necessary for us to arrive at a certain island.”
27:27 پوءِ, after the fourteenth night arrived, as we were navigating in the sea of Adria, about the middle of the night, the sailors believed that they saw some portion of the land.
27:28 And upon dropping a weight, they found a depth of twenty paces. And some distance from there, they found a depth of fifteen paces.
27:29 پوءِ, fearing that we might happen upon rough places, they cast four anchors out of the stern, and they were hoping for daylight to arrive soon.
27:30 اڃان تائين واقعي, the sailors were seeking a way to flee from the ship, for they had lowered a lifeboat into the sea, on the pretext that they were attempting to cast anchors from the bow of the ship.
27:31 So Paul said to the centurion and to the soldiers, “Unless these men remain in the ship, you will not be able to be saved.”
27:32 Then the soldiers cut the ropes to the lifeboat, and they allowed it to fall.
27:33 And when it began to be light, Paul requested that they all take food, چوڻ: “This is the fourteenth day that you have been waiting and continuing to fast, taking nothing.
27:34 ان لاءِ, I beg you to accept food for the sake of your health. For not a hair from the head of any of you shall perish.”
27:35 ۽ جڏهن هن اهي ڳالهيون ڪيون هيون, taking bread, he gave thanks to God in the sight of them all. And when he had broken it, he began to eat.
27:36 Then they all became more peaceful in soul. And they also took food.
27:37 سچ پچ, we were two hundred and seventy-six souls on the ship.
27:38 And having been nourished with food, they lightened the ship, casting the wheat into the sea.
27:39 And when day had arrived, they did not recognize the landscape. اڃان تائين واقعي, they caught sight of a certain narrow inlet having a shore, into which they thought it might be possible to force the ship.
27:40 And when they had taken up the anchors, they committed themselves to the sea, at the same time loosing the restraints of the rudders. ۽ ائين, raising the mainsail to the gusting wind, they pressed on toward the shore.
27:41 And when we happened upon a place open to two seas, they ran the ship aground. ۽ بيشڪ, the bow, being immobilized, remained fixed, but truly the stern was broken by the violence of the sea.
27:42 Then the soldiers were in agreement that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone, after escaping by swimming, might flee.
27:43 But the centurion, wanting to save Paul, prohibited it from being done. And he ordered those who were able to swim to jump in first, and to escape, and to get to the land.
27:44 And as for the others, some they carried on boards, and others on those things that belonged to the ship. And so it happened that every soul escaped to the land.

رسولن جا ڪم 28

28:1 And after we had escaped, we then realized that the island was called Malta. اڃان تائين واقعي, the natives offered us no small amount of humane treatment.
28:2 For they refreshed us all by kindling a fire, because rain was imminent and because of the cold.
28:3 But when Paul had gathered together a bundle of twigs, and had placed them on the fire, a viper, which had been drawn to the heat, fastened itself to his hand.
28:4 ۽ واقعي, when the natives saw the beast hanging from his hand, they were saying to one another: ”ضرور, this man must be a murderer, for though he escaped from the sea, vengeance will not permit him to live.”
28:5 But shaking off the creature into the fire, he indeed suffered no ill effects.
28:6 But they were supposing that he would soon swell up, and then would suddenly fall down and die. But having waited a long time, and seeing no ill effects in him, they changed their minds and were saying that he was a god.
28:7 Now among these places were estates owned by the ruler of the island, named Publius. ۽ هو, taking us in, showed us kind hospitality for three days.
28:8 Then it happened that the father of Publius lay ill with a fever and with dysentery. Paul entered to him, and when he had prayed and had laid his hands on him, he saved him.
28:9 When this had been done, all who had diseases on the island approached and were cured.
28:10 And then they also presented us with many honors. And when we were ready to set sail, they gave us whatever we needed.
28:11 ۽ ائين, after three months, we sailed in a ship from Alexandria, whose name was ‘the Castors,’ and which had wintered at the island.
28:12 And when we had arrived at Syracuse, we were delayed there for three days.
28:13 From there, sailing close to the shore, we arrived at Rhegium. And after one day, with the south wind blowing, we arrived on the second day at Puteoli.
28:14 اتي, after locating the brothers, we were asked to remain with them for seven days. And then we went on to Rome.
28:15 ۽ اتي, when the brothers had heard of us, they went to meet us as far as the Forum of Appius and the Three Taverns. And when Paul had seen them, giving thanks to God, he took courage.
28:16 And when we had arrived at Rome, Paul was given permission to stay by himself, with a soldier to guard him.
28:17 And after the third day, he called together the leaders of the Jews. And when they had convened, هن انهن کي چيو: ”سائين ڀائرو, I have done nothing against the people, nor against the customs of the fathers, yet I was delivered as a prisoner from Jerusalem into the hands of the Romans.
28:18 And after they held a hearing about me, they would have released me, because there was no case for death against me.
28:19 But with the Jews speaking against me, I was constrained to appeal to Caesar, though it was not as if I had any kind of accusation against my own nation.
28:20 ۽ ائين, هن جي ڪري, I requested to see you and to speak to you. For it is because of the hope of Israel that I am encircled with this chain.”
28:21 پر هنن کيس چيو: “We have not received letters about you from Judea, nor have any of the other new arrivals among the brothers reported or spoken anything evil against you.
28:22 But we are asking to hear your opinions from you, for concerning this sect, we know that it is being spoken against everywhere.”
28:23 And when they had appointed a day for him, very many persons went to him at his guest quarters. And he discoursed, testifying to the kingdom of God, and persuading them about Jesus, using the law of Moses and the Prophets, from morning until evening.
28:24 And some believed the things that he was saying, yet others did not believe.
28:25 And when they could not agree among themselves, they departed, while Paul was speaking this one word: “How well did the Holy Spirit speak to our fathers through the prophet Isaiah,
28:26 چوڻ: ‘Go to this people and say to them: Hearing, you shall hear and not understand, ۽ ڏسڻ, you shall see and not perceive.
28:27 For the heart of this people has grown dull, and they have listened with reluctant ears, and they have closed their eyes tightly, lest perhaps they might see with the eyes, and hear with the ears, and understand with the heart, and so be converted, and I would heal them.’
28:28 تنهن ڪري, اهو توهان کي ڄاڻڻ ڏيو, that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they shall listen to it.”
28:29 ۽ جڏهن هن اهي ڳالهيون ڪيون هيون, the Jews went away from him, though they still had many questions among themselves.
28:30 Then he remained for two whole years in his own rented lodgings. And he received all who went in to him,
28:31 preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which are from the Lord Jesus Christ, with all faithfulness, without prohibition.

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