
Естхер 1

1:1 У другој години владавине Артаксеркса Великог, првог дана месеца нисана, Мардохеј, син Јаиров, син Шимејев, син Кишов, од Венијаминовог племена,
1:2 Јеврејин који је живео у граду Сузи, велики господин, и међу првима краљевог двора, видео сан.
1:3 Сада је био један од бројних заробљеника, кога је Навуходоносор, краљ вавилонски, одвео из Јерусалима са Јеконијом, краљем Јудиним.
1:4 А ово је био његов сан: појавили су се гласови, и забуна, и грми, и земљотреси, и неред на земљи.
1:5 И гле, постојала су два велика змаја који су се припремали један против другог за битку.
1:6 И на њихов вапај сви су народи похрлили у борбу против народа праведника.
1:7 И то је био дан мрака и подела, невоље и муке, и над земљом је постојао неприродан страх.
1:8 И народ праведника био је узнемирен, бојећи се својих зла, и био спреман за смрт.
1:9 И завапише Богу, и од њиховог гласног плача, мала чесма је прерасла у велику реку и излила се у многе воде.
1:10 Изашло је светло и сунце, а понизни су били узвишени, и прождирали су славне.
1:11 Када је Мардохеј видео ово, и устао је из постеље, размишљао је шта би Бог могао да учини, и држао га је чврсто у души, желећи да сазнам шта би сан могао да значи.

Естхер 2

2:1 Он је у то време боравио у краљевом двору са Багатом и Таром, краљевим евнусима, који су били портири палате.
2:2 А када је спознао њихове мисли, и марљиво је посветио велику пажњу, сазнао је да покушавају да дигну руку на краља Артаксеркса, и он то извести цару.
2:3 Тада је краљ дао обојицу испитати, а када су признали, наредио је смртну казну.
2:4 Али краљ је у коментарима написао шта се догодило. Чак је и Мардохеј предао сећање на ове ствари у писаној форми.
2:5 И цар га је упутио да остане у двору палате, давши му ово место на знање.
2:6 У истини, Хаман, син Хамедате Бугејца, имао је велику част у очима краља, и хтео је да науди Мардохеју и његовом народу због двојице краљевих евнуха који су били погубљени.

Естхер 3

3:1 У дане Артаксеркса, који је владао од Индије до Етиопије над сто двадесет и седам провинција,
3:2 када је сео на престо свог царства, град Суса је био корен његовог краљевства.
3:3 И тако, у трећој години своје владавине, направио је велику гозбу за све вође и његове слуге, за најмоћнијег међу Персијанцима и истакнутог међу Медијцима, и за владаре провинција пре њега,
3:4 да би показао славно богатство свога царства, као и њена величина, и тако се хвали својом моћи, дуже време, Наиме, сто осамдесет дана.
3:5 И када су дани празника били скоро завршени, позвао је сав народ, који је био пронађен у Сузи, од највећег до најмањег, и заповеди да се припреми гозбу, за седам дана, у дворишту баште и арборетума, који је био засађен бригом и руком краљевом.
3:6 И, у сваком правцу, окачени су шатори боје неба и лана као и зумбула, обешене платненим и чак пурпурним врпцама, који су били постављени кроз прстенове од слоноваче и држани мермерним стубовима. Каучи такође, од злата и сребра, била распоређена преко смарагднозеленог плочника, носећи разбацане драгуље, која је била украшена дивном разноликошћу слика.
3:7 Штавише, они који су били позвани пили су из златних чаша, а јела са јелима уносили су се једно за другим. исто тако, изборно вино било је представљено у изобиљу, као што је било достојно царске величанствености.
3:8 Нити је било ко приморан да пије ко није вољан, али, баш онако како је краљ одредио, по један од његових племића био је постављен над сваким столом, да би свако могао изабрати оно што жели.
3:9 исто тако, Краљица Васти је направила гозбу за жене, у палати у којој је цар Артаксеркс имао обичај да преноћи.
3:10 И тако, седмог дана, кад је краљ био ведрији, и, после прекомерног пијења, био загрејан вином, наредио је Мехуману, анд Бизтха, и Харбона, и Бигта, и Абагта, и Зетар, и Чаркаш, седам евнуха који су служили у његовом присуству,
3:11 да доведу краљицу Вашти пред краља, са круном на њеној глави, да покаже своју лепоту целом народу и вођама, јер је била веома лепа.
3:12 Она је одбила, а она је показала презир према краљевој заповести, које јој беше испоручио евнуси. При чему је краљ, љути се и распаљује се веома великом јарошћу,
3:13 испитивао мудраце, СЗО, по краљевском обичају увек су били у његовој близини и све што је чинио било је по њиховом савету, који су познавали законе као и судове својих предака,
3:14 (али су пре свега били Каршена, и Шетар, и Адматха, и Таршиш, и Мерес, и Марсена, и Мемуцан, седам владара Персијанаца као и Миђана, који су видели лице царево и који су били навикли да први седе за њим,)
3:15 о томе која казна треба да падне на краљицу Вашти, који је одбио да изврши заповест краља Артаксеркса, које јој беше испоручио евнуси.
3:16 А Мемуцан одговори, у слуху краља као и владара, „Краљица Вашти је ранила не само краља, али и сав народ и вође, који су у свим покрајинама цара Артаксеркса.
3:17 О краљици ће се прочути све жене, тако да ће показати презир према својим мужевима, а они ће рећи, „Краљ Артаксеркс је наредио да краљица Вашти уђе пре њега, а она не би.’
3:18 И тако, овим примером све жене вођа Персијанаца и Медијаца ће омаловажити ауторитет својих мужева; дакле, огорчење царево је праведно.
3:19 Ако ти је драго, нека се пошаље указ из присуства твог, и нека буде написано по закону Персијанаца и Миђана, које је забрањено занемарити, да Вашти више неће улазити пред краља, али нека друга, ко је бољи од ње, прими њену краљицу.
3:20 И нека се ово објави у свим покрајинама вашег царства, (који је веома широк,) и нека све жене, што већи колико мањи, одају част својим мужевима“.
3:21 Његови савети су се свидели краљу и владарима, а краљ је поступио по савету Мемуканову,
3:22 и послаше писма у све покрајине свог царства, тако да је сваки народ умео да чује и да чита, на разним језицима и писмима, да мужеви треба да буду већи владари у својим кућама, и да ово треба објавити сваком народу.

Естхер 4

4:1 И тако, након што је ово спроведено, а огорчење краља Артаксеркса је спласнуло, сетио се Вашти, и шта је урадила, и шта јој се догодило.
4:2 И слуге цареве, и његови министри, рекао, „Нека се траже младе жене за краља, девице и лепе,
4:3 и нека се пошаљу истражитељи по свим провинцијама за младе жене, лепе и девице. И нека их донесу у град Сузу, и предати их кући жена под руком Хегаја евнуха, који је надзорник и чувар краљевих жена. И нека добију женствене украсе, и друге ствари неопходне за њихову употребу.
4:4 И ко од свих њих ће угодити царевим очима, нека царује уместо Вашти.” Та идеја се свидела краљу, и зато је наредио да се уради како су они предложили.
4:5 Био је један Јеврејин у граду Суса, по имену Мардохеј, син Јаиров, син Шимејев, син Кишов, из куће Венијаминове,
4:6 који је био одведен из Јерусалима у време када је Навуходоносор, краљ вавилонски, одвео Јехоније, краља Јуде,
4:7 који је одгајао ћерку свог брата Хадасу, која се другим именом звала Јестира. И изгубила је оба родитеља. Била је веома лепа, грациозног изгледа. Пошто су јој и отац и мајка умрли, Мардохеј ју је усвојио као своју ћерку.
4:8 А када је краљева заповест постала веома позната, у складу са његовом командом, у Сузу су доведене многе лепе девојке, и предати су Хегају евнуху. исто тако, Естхер, заједно са осталим младим женама, му је достављена, да буде заштићен са окупљеним женама.
4:9 Била му је угодна, и нашла је милост у његовим очима. И заповеди евнуху да убрза женске украсе, и да јој достави њен део, заједно са седам најлепших младих жена краљеве куће, па да и њу и њене слушкиње украсе и почасте.
4:10 Није била вољна да му открије ни свој народ ни свој родни крај. Јер Мардохеј јој је рекао да треба да ћути о свему овоме.
4:11 Сваки дан је ишао у шетњу, у предњем дворишту куће у којој су се чувале изабране девице, бринући се за Естерино добро и желећи да знају шта ће јој се догодити.
4:12 Али, када је дошло време да свака у низу младих жена уђе код краља, након што је све било завршено што се тиче женског дотеривања, био је достигнут дванаести месец, до те мере да су шест месеци били помазани мироточивим уљем, и још шест месеци користиле одређене врсте шминке и парфема.
4:13 И кад су улазили код цара, шта год су тражили да се украсе, добили, и када је свака била задовољна собом, пошто је припремљен у одаји жена, прешла је у краљеве одаје.
4:14 И ко год је ушао увече, отпутовао ујутру, а потом је одведена у другу кућу, који је био под руком евнуха Шашгаза, који је председавао краљевим конкубинама. Нити је имала моћ да се поново врати краљу, осим ако је краљ то желео и није је позвао по имену.
4:15 Али, како је поредак даље напредовао, стигао је дан када је Естер, кћерка Авихаила, брата Мардохејева, коју је усвојио као своју кћер, требало је да оде код краља. Није тражила женствене украсе, осим што је год Хегај евнух и чувар девственика изабрао, даде јој да је украси. Јер је била веома привлачна, а њена невероватна лепота учинила је да она изгледа милостива и љубазна у очима свих.
4:16 И тако је одведена у одају краља Артаксеркса, у десетом месецу, која се зове Тебет, у седмој години његове владавине.
4:17 А цар ју је волео више од свих жена, и имала је наклоност и милост у његовим очима изнад свих жена, и на главу јој постави царску круну, и поставио ју је за краљицу уместо Вашти.
4:18 И нареди да се приреди величанствена гозба за све владаре, и за његове слуге, због сједињења и венчања Јестире. И даде празник свим покрајинама, и даривао је дарове који пристоје кнежевској великодушности.
4:19 И када су девојке по други пут тражене и сабране, Мардохеј је остао на краљевим вратима.
4:20 Јестира још није прогласила своју родну земљу и свој народ, по његовој заповести. За шта год је упутио, Естер је приметила. И тако је радила све како је навикла у време када ју је он одгајао од раног детињства.
4:21 Стога, у то време, када је Мардохеј боравио на царским вратима, Багата и Тара, два краљева евнуха, који су били вратари и који су председавали првим улазом у палату, били љути, и решише да устану на краља и да га убију.
4:22 Али Мардохеј није чувао ову тајну, и одмах је то пријавио краљици Јестири, и она је то пријавила краљу у Мардохејево име, који јој је донео ствар.
4:23 Истражена је и откривена, и обојица су обешени на вешала. И била је посвећена историјама и хроникама које су предате у очи краља.

Естхер 5

5:1 После овога, цар Артаксеркс је узвисио Амана, син Хамедате, који је био Агагове лозе, и поставио је свој престо изнад свих владара које је имао.
5:2 И све краљеве слуге, који је прошао поред врата палате, савијали колена и обожавали Амана, јер их је тако поучио владар. Само Мардохеј није савио колено, нити га обожавати.
5:3 Краљеве слуге, који је председавао дверима палате, рече му, "Зашто и ти, више од осталих, не придржавајте се цареве заповести?”
5:4 И када су то често говорили, а он их није хтео послушати, пријавили су то Аману, желећи да зна да ли ће наставити са својом резолуцијом, јер им је рекао да је Јеврејин.
5:5 Сада када је Аман ово чуо, и тестом је доказао да Мардохеј није клечио пред њим, нити га обожавати, био је веома љут.
5:6 И сматрао је бесмисленим да се само на Мардохеја диже, јер је чуо да је део јеврејског народа. И тако је желео више: да уништи цео јеврејски народ, који су били у царству Артаксеркса.
5:7 У првом месецу, који се зове нисан, у дванаестој години владавине Артаксеркса, жреб је бачен у урну, који се на јеврејском зове Пур, у присуству Амана, да се одреди ког дана и у ком месецу треба уништити јеврејски народ. И испоставило се да је дванаести месец, који се зове Адар.
5:8 И рече Аман цару Артаксерксу, „Постоји народ расејан по свим провинцијама вашег краљевства и одвојени један од другог, који се служе необичним законима и церемонијама, и ко, додатно, показати презир према краљевим уредбама. И добро знаш да за твоје царство није сврсисходно да се осамостаљењем дрске.
5:9 Ако ти је драго, изјавити да могу бити уништени, и измерићу десет хиљада таланата чуварима твоје ризнице.”
5:10 И тако је краљ узео прстен који је користио, из своје руке, и даде га Аману, син Хамедате, лозе Агаг, непријатеља Јевреја.
5:11 И рече му, „Нека сребро, које обећавате, буди за себе. Што се тиче народа, ради с њима како ти је воља.”
5:12 И сазвани су писари цареви, у првом месецу нисану, тринаестог дана истог месеца. И било је написано, како је Аман заповедио, свим царевим намесницима, и покрајинским судијама, и разним народима, да би сваки народ могао читати и чути према својим разним језицима, in the name of king Artaxerxes. And the letters were sealed with his ring.
5:13 These were sent by the king’s messengers to all the provinces, so as to kill and destroy all the Jews, from children all the way to the elderly, even little children and women, on one day, то је, on the thirteenth of the twelfth month, који се зове Адар, and to plunder their goods, even their necessities.

Естхер 6

6:1 And this was the text of the letter: “Artaxerxes, the great king from India all the way to Ethiopia, to the leaders and generals of the one hundred twenty-seven provinces, which are subject to his authority, greetings.
6:2 Although I have reigned over many nations and subjugated the whole world under my realm, I was by no means willing to abuse the greatness of this power, but to govern my subjects with clemency and leniency, so that they would settle into a quiet life, apart from any terror, and delight in peace, as all mortals would choose to do.
6:3 Ипак, in asking my counselors how this might be able to be accomplished, one who excelled the others in wisdom and fidelity, and who was second after the king, named Haman,
6:4 explained to me that there was a people, scattered throughout the whole world, that used strange laws, и, acting against the customs of all peoples, despised the commandments of kings and violated the harmony of all nations with their dissension.
6:5 When we had learned this, seeing one nation rebellious against all mankind, having overthrown the usefulness of laws, and going against our orders, and disturbing the peace and harmony of the provinces subject to us,
6:6 we commanded that whomever Haman, who is chief over all the provinces, and second after the king, and whom we honor in the place of a father, whomever he would point out should be destroyed by their enemies, with their wives and children, and that no one may take pity on them, on the fourteenth day of the twelfth month Adar of this present year,
6:7 so that these guilty men, all on one day, may go down to the underworld, restoring to our empire the peace that they had disturbed.”
6:8 And the effect of the letters was this: that all provinces would know and prepare for the prescribed day.
6:9 The couriers, who had been sent, hurried to complete the king’s command, but the edict was hung up in Susa immediately. And the king and Haman celebrated a feast, while all the Jews in the city were weeping.

Естхер 7

7:1 When Mordecai had heard this, he tore his garments and put on sackcloth, strewing ashes on his head, and he cried out with a loud voice in the main street of the city, revealing the anguish of his soul.
7:2 And he continued with this lamenting, even up to the gate of the palace, for no one clothed with sackcloth is permitted to enter the king’s court.
7:3 исто тако, in all provinces, towns, and places where the king’s cruel decision arrived, there was extraordinary mourning among the Jews with fasting, wailing, and weeping, with many using sackcloth and ashes for their bed.
7:4 Then Esther’s maids and eunuchs went in and informed her. When she heard it, she was shocked, and she sent a garment to clothe him and to take away the sackcloth, but he would not accept it.
7:5 And she sent for Hathach the eunuch, whom the king had appointed to minister to her, and she instructed him to go to Mordecai and to discern from him why he was doing this.
7:6 И одлазећи, Hathach went to Mordecai, who was standing in the street of the city, in front of the palace entrance.
7:7 He told him everything that had happened, how Haman had promised to transfer silver into the king’s treasury for the death of the Jews.
7:8 Такође, he gave him a copy of the edict that was hanging up in Susa, so that he would show it to the queen and advise her to go in to the king and beg him on behalf of her people.
7:9 And Hathach returned and informed Esther of all that Mordecai had said.
7:10 “Remember," рекао је, “the days of your lowliness, how you were nurtured as if in my hand, because Haman, who is second after the king, has spoken against us to death.
7:11 And you must call upon the Lord, and speak with the king on our behalf, and free us from death.”
7:12 She answered him, and ordered him say to Mordecai:
7:13 “All the servants of the king and all the provinces that are under his realm understand that anyone, whether man or woman, who enters the king’s inner court, who has not been summoned, is immediately to be put to death without any delay, unless the king should happen to extend the golden scepter to him, as a sign of clemency, so that he will be able to live. How then can I go in to the king, када, for thirty days now, I have not been called to him?”
7:14 And when Mordecai had heard this, he again sent word to Esther, говорећи, “Do not think that you will save so much as your own soul, just because you are in the king’s house and are above all the Jews.
7:15 За, if you remain silent now, the Jews will be delivered through some other opportunity, but you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for this reason, so that you would be prepared for such a time as this?”
7:16 And he entrusted her (there was no question but that it was Mordecai) to go in to the king, and to petition on behalf of her people and her native land.
7:17 And again Esther sent to Mordecai in these words:
7:18 “Go and gather together all the Jews whom you will find in Susa, and pray for me. Neither eat nor drink for three days and three nights, and I will fast with my handmaids similarly, and then I will go in to the king, doing what is against the law, not having been called, and so expose myself to mortal danger.”
7:19 And so Mordecai went, and he did everything that Esther had instructed him.
7:20 Now Mordecai beseeched the Lord, remembering all his works,
7:21 и рекао је, "О Боже, Господе, almighty King, truly all things are possible for you, and there is no one who is able to resist your will, if you would determine to save Israel.
7:22 You have created heaven and earth, and everything that is contained under the cycle of heaven.
7:23 You are Lord of all, and there is no one who can resist your majesty.
7:24 You know everything, and you know that it was not out of arrogance or indignation or some desire for glory that I did this, so that I refused to adore the very proud Haman.
7:25 (For I was freely prepared, for the sake of the salvation of Israel, to have willingly kissed even the footsteps of his feet.)
7:26 But I feared, lest I should transfer the honor of my God to a man, and lest I should adore anyone except my God.
7:27 And now Lord, King, God of Abraham, may you have mercy on your people because our enemies want to destroy us and to erase your inheritance.
7:28 Do not despise your portion, which you have redeemed for yourself out of Egypt.
7:29 Listen to my supplication, and be gracious to your lot and your token, and change our sorrow into gladness, тако да, у животу, we may praise your name, Господе; and do not close the mouths of those who sing to you.”
7:30 исто тако, all Israel cried out to the Lord with the same intention and supplication because certain death was hanging over them.

Естхер 8

8:1 Queen Esther also, fearing the danger that was imminent, fled to the Lord.
8:2 And when she had put aside her royal apparel, she took up garments suitable for weeping and mourning, and instead of various ointments, she covered her head with ashes from burnt dung, and she humbled her body with fasting, and all the aspects of her beauty, she covered with her torn hair.
8:3 And she begged the Lord God of Israel, говорећи, “My Lord, who alone is our King, help me, a solitary woman, for there is no other helper but you.
8:4 My peril is close at hand.
8:5 I have heard from my father that you, Господе, chose Israel from among all nations and our fathers from among all their former ancestors, to possess them as an everlasting inheritance, and you have done for them just as you said.
8:6 We have sinned in your sight, and therefore you have delivered us into the hands of our enemies,
8:7 for we have worshipped their gods. You are just, Господе.
8:8 And now they are not content to oppress us with a very difficult servitude, but attributing the strength of their hands to the power of their idols,
8:9 they want to alter your promises, and erase your inheritance, and close the mouths of those who praise you, and extinguish the glory of your temple and your altar,
8:10 so that they may open the mouths of the nations, and praise the strength of idols, and proclaim a worldly king in perpetuity.
8:11 Господе, do not hand over your scepter to that which does not exist, lest they laugh at our ruin, but turn their counsel upon themselves and destroy him who has begun to rage against us.
8:12 Be mindful, Господе, and show yourself to us in the time of our tribulation, and give me faith, Господе, King of gods and of every power.
8:13 Grant fitting words to my mouth in the sight of the lion, and transform his heart to hate our enemy, so that both he, and the others who conspire with him, may perish.
8:14 But free us by your hand, and help me, who has no other helper but you, Господе, who holds the knowledge of all things.
8:15 And you know that I hate the glory of the wicked, and I detest the bed of the uncircumcised, and of all outsiders.
8:16 You know my necessity, that I loathe the sign of my exaltation and glory, which is on my head in the days of my exhibition, and that I detest it like a menstruous rag and do not wear it in the days of my silence,
8:17 and that I have not eaten at Haman’s table, nor has the king’s feasts pleased me, and that I have not drunk the wine of his libations,
8:18 and that your handmaid has never rejoiced, from the time that I was carried here until this very day, except in you, Господе, God of Abraham.
8:19 О Боже, whose strength is above all things, heed the voice of those who have no other hope, and free us from the hand of the wicked, and rescue me from my fear.”

Естхер 9

9:1 Тако, on the third day, she put away her ornate apparel, and surrounded herself with glory.
9:2 And when she was shining in a royal manner, and had called upon God, the Guide and Savior of all, she took two maids with her.
9:3 And she was leaning upon one of them, as if, out of delicateness and great tenderness, she were not able to bear carrying her own body.
9:4 And the other maid followed her lady, carrying her garment flowing on the ground.
9:5 Yet she had a rosy color pouring over her face, за, with gracious and bright eyes, she restrained a sorrowful soul and very great fear.
9:6 И тако, entering hesitantly through a series of doors, she stood opposite the king, where he sat upon his royal throne, clothed in royal robes, and shining with gold and precious stones. And he was terrible to behold.
9:7 And when he had lifted up his face, and with burning eyes had shown the fury of his heart, the queen collapsed, and her color turned pale, and she rested her exhausted head upon her handmaid.
9:8 And God changed the king’s spirit into gentleness; quickly and apprehensively, he leapt from his throne, and lifting her up in his arms until she came to herself, he coaxed her with these words:
9:9 “What is the matter, Естхер? I am your brother, не бој се.
9:10 You will not die. For this law has not been established for you, but for all others.
9:11 So approach and touch the scepter.”
9:12 And since she remained silent, he took the golden scepter and placed it on her neck, and he kissed her and said, “Why do you not speak to me?”
9:13 Она је одговорила, “I saw you, о Боже, as an angel of God, and my heart was disturbed for fear of your glory.
9:14 За тебе, о Боже, are great and wonderful, and your face is full of grace.”
9:15 And while she was speaking, she collapsed again, because she was out of breath.
9:16 But the king was troubled, and all his servants consoled her.

(Alternate text from the Hebrew, verses 17-18:)

9:17 И тако, on the third day, Esther had put on her royal apparel and was standing in the atrium of the king’s house, which was inside, opposite the king’s hall, while he was sitting on his throne in the council room of the palace, opposite the entrance of the house.
9:18 And when he saw Esther the queen standing there, she pleased his eyes, and he extended toward her the golden scepter, which he held in his hand, and she approached and kissed the top of his scepter.

9:19 И рече јој цар, "Шта желите, queen Esther? What is your request? Even if you ask for half of the kingdom, it will be given to you.”
9:20 Али она је одговорила, “If it pleases the king, I beg you to come with me today, and Haman with you, to the feast that I have prepared.”
9:21 And immediately the king said, “Call Haman quickly, so that he may obey Esther’s will. And so the king and Haman came to the feast, which the queen had prepared for them.
9:22 И рече јој цар, after he had drunk wine abundantly, “What are you asking for that should be given to you? And which things do you require? Even if you request half of my kingdom, you will obtain it.”
9:23 Esther answered him, “My petition and prayer is this:
9:24 If I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to give me what I ask, and to fulfill my petition, let the king and Haman come to the feast which I have prepared for them, and tomorrow I will open my mind to the king.”
9:25 And so Haman went out that day joyful and cheerful. And when he saw that Mordecai was sitting in front of the gate of the palace, and that he alone did not get up for him, but did not so much as move from the place where he sat, he was very indignant.
9:26 Али, concealing his anger and returning into his house, he gathered to him his friends and Zeresh, his wife.
9:27 And he explained to them the greatness of his riches, and the influence of his sons, и како, with such glory, the king had elevated him above all his rulers and servants.
9:28 И после овога, рекао је, „Такође, queen Esther has called no one else to the feast with the king, except me. And I will be dining with the king again tomorrow.
9:29 And though I have all these things, I consider that I have nothing as long as I see Mordecai the Jew sitting in front of the king’s gate.”
9:30 And Zeresh his wife and his other friends answered him, “Order a great beam to be prepared, having a height of fifty cubits, and in the morning speak to the king, so that Mordecai may be hanged from it, and so you will go joyfully with the king to the feast.” This advice pleased him, and so he ordered a high cross to be prepared.

Естхер 10

10:1 The king passed that night without sleep, and so he ordered the histories and chronicles of former times to be brought to him. And when they were reading them before him,
10:2 they came to that place where it had been written, how Mordecai had reported the treachery of Bigthan and Teresh the eunuchs, who desired to cut the throat of king Artaxerxes.
10:3 When the king had heard this, рекао је, “What honor and reward has Mordecai been given for this fidelity?” His servants and ministers said to him, “He has received no compensation at all.”
10:4 And immediately the king said, “Who is in the atrium?” For, you see, Haman was entering the inner atrium of the king’s house to suggest to the king that he should order Mordecai to be hanged on the gallows, which had been prepared for him.
10:5 The servants answered, “Haman is standing in the atrium.” And the king said, “Let him enter.”
10:6 And when he had entered, рече му, “What ought to be done for the man whom the king wishes to honor?” But Haman, thinking in his heart and supposing that the king would honor no one else but himself,
10:7 answered, “The man whom the king wishes to honor,
10:8 ought to be clothed with the king’s apparel, and be set upon the horse that the king rides, and receive the royal crown upon his head.
10:9 And let the first of the king’s rulers and sovereigns hold his horse, и, as they advance through the street of the city, proclaim before him and say, ‘Thus shall he be honored, whom the king decides to honor.’ ”
10:10 And the king said to him, “Hurry, take the robe and the horse, and do as you have said to Mordecai the Jew, who sits in front of the gate of the palace. Be careful not to omit any of those things which you have mentioned.”
10:11 And so Haman took the robe and the horse, and arraying Mordecai in the street of the city, and setting him on the horse, he went before him and cried out, “He is worthy of this honor, whom the king has decided to honor.”
10:12 And Mordecai returned to the palace door. And Haman hurried to go to his house, mourning and hiding his head.
10:13 And he explained to Zeresh his wife and to his friends all that had happened to him. And the wise men, whom he held in counsel, и његова жена, answered him, “If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is from the offspring of the Jews, you will not be able to withstand him, but you will fall in his sight.”
10:14 As they were still speaking, the king’s eunuchs arrived and compelled him to go quickly to the feast, which the queen had prepared.

Естхер 11

11:1 And so the king and Haman entered to drink with the queen.
11:2 And the king said to her again on the second day, after he was warmed with wine, “What is your request, Естхер, so that it may be given to you? And what do you want done? Even if you ask for half of my kingdom, you will obtain it.”
11:3 She answered him, “If I have found favor in your eyes, о краљу, and if it pleases you, spare my soul, Ја вас питам, and spare my people, преклињем те.
11:4 For I and my people have been handed over to be crushed, to be slain, and to perish. And if we were only being sold as servants and slaves, the evil might be tolerable, and I would have mourned in silence. But now our enemy is one whose cruelty overflows upon the king.”
11:5 And king Artaxerxes answered and said, "Ко је ово, and of what power, that he would dare to do these things?”
11:6 And Esther said, “This is our most wicked enemy and foe: Haman!” Hearing this, Haman was suddenly dumbfounded, unable to bear the faces of the king and the queen.
11:7 But the king, being angry, rose up and, from the place of the feast, entered into the arboretum of the garden. Haman likewise rose up to entreat Esther the queen for his soul, for he understood that evil was prepared for him by the king.
11:8 When the king returned from the arboretum of the garden and entered into the place of the feast, he found Haman collapsed on the couch on which Esther lay, и рекао је, “And now he wishes to oppress the queen, in my presence, in my house!” The word had not yet gone out of the king’s mouth, and immediately they covered his face.
11:9 And Harbona, one of the eunuchs who stood in ministry to the king, рекао, “Behold the wood, which he had prepared for Mordecai, who spoke up on behalf of the king, stands in Haman’s house, having a height of fifty cubits.” The king said to him, “Hang him from it.”
11:10 And so Haman was hanged on the gallows, which he had prepared for Mordecai, and the king’s anger was quieted.

Естхер 12

12:1 On that day king, Artaxerxes gave the house of Haman, the adversary of the Jews, to queen Esther, and Mordecai entered before the king. For Esther had confessed to him that he was her paternal uncle.
12:2 And the king took the ring, which he had ordered to be taken from Haman, and he handed it to Mordecai. And Esther appointed Mordecai over her house.
12:3 Not content with these things, she threw herself down at the king’s feet and wept, и, speaking to him, pleaded that he would give orders that the malice of Haman the Agagite, and his most wicked schemes, which he had contrived against the Jews, would be made ineffective.
12:4 Али је он, as was the custom, extended the golden scepter with his hand, which was the sign of clemency, and she rose up and stood before him.
12:5 И рекла је, “If it pleases the king, and if I have found favor in his eyes, and my request is not seen to be disagreeable to him, I beg you that the former letters of Haman, the traitor and enemy of the Jews, by which he instructed them to be destroyed in all the king’s provinces, may be corrected by new letters.
12:6 For how will I be able to endure the murder and execution of my people?”
12:7 And king Artaxerxes answered Esther the queen and Mordecai the Jew, “I have granted Haman’s house to Esther, and I have ordered him to be fastened to a cross, because he dared to lay hands on the Jews.
12:8 Стога, write to the Jews, just as it pleases you, in the king’s name, sealing the letters with my ring.” For this was the custom, that letters which were sent in the king’s name and were sealed with his ring, no one would dare to contradict.
12:9 Then the scribes and copyists were brought in, (now it was the time of the third month which is called Sivan,) on the twenty-third day of the month, and letters were written, as Mordecai wanted, Јеврејима, and to the governors, and procurators, and judges, who presided over the one hundred twenty-seven provinces, from India all the way to Ethiopia: to one province and another, to one people and another, in accordance with their languages and letters, and to the Jews, exactly as they were able to read and hear.
12:10 And these letters, which were sent in the king’s name, had been signed with his ring, and were sent by swift couriers who were to rush in every direction, through all the provinces, so as to prevent the former letters with new messages.
12:11 The king commanded them to bring together the Jews throughout each city, and to instruct them to join together, so as to make a stand for their lives, and to execute and destroy all their enemies, with their wives and children and their entire houses, and to plunder their spoil.
12:12 And one day of retribution was established throughout all the provinces, Наиме, the thirteenth of the twelfth month Adar.

Естхер 13

13:1 “Artaxerxes, the great king from India all the way to Ethiopia, to the generals and leaders of the one hundred twenty-seven provinces that obey our command: greetings, он каже.
13:2 In arrogance, many have abused the goodness of leaders and the honor that has been bestowed on them,
13:3 and they strive, not only to oppress the king’s subjects, али, not acting according to the glory given to them, set in motion a plan to ambush those very ones who gave it.
13:4 Neither are they content to withhold thanks for benefits and to violate in themselves the laws of humanity, but they also think they are able to escape from every sentence of the sifting judgment of God.
13:5 And they rush forth in such insanity that they attempt to subvert by filthy lies those who carefully fulfill the offices delegated to them and so perform everything that is deserving of the praise of all.
13:6 У међувремену, they craftily deceive by fraud the ears of single-minded leaders, and they judge others according to their own nature.
13:7 These things are proven both from the ancient histories and from those things which happen daily: how the zeal of kings can be corrupted by the evil suggestions of such persons.
13:8 Стога, we will make provision for the peace of all the provinces.
13:9 Neither should you think, if we change our orders, that they come from a fickle mind, but that we draw conclusions from the quality and necessity of the times, just as the expediency of the public good demands.
13:10 И, so that you may more clearly understand what we are saying: Haman the son of Hammedatha, a Macedonian both in mind and ancestry, and foreign to Persian blood, and with his cruelty contaminating our piety, was accepted by us as a sojourner.
13:11 And our humanity proved to be so great towards him that he was called our father and was adored by all as second only to the king.
13:12 But he was so filled with arrogance as to strive to deprive us of our kingdom and our life.
13:13 На пример, with certain strange and unheard of machinations, he sought the death of Mordecai, whose faith and kindness kept us alive, and Esther, the partner of our kingdom, and all their people.
13:14 This he planned so that, after they were executed, he might work treason against us in our solitude and transfer the kingdom of the Persians to the Macedonians.
13:15 Али смо, having been resolved to ruin in death the mortal Jews, discovered no fault within them, but on the contrary, they use just laws
13:16 and are sons of the highest and greatest and ever-living God, by whose kindness the kingdom was handed down both to our fathers and to us, and is cared for even unto this day.
13:17 Стога, you should understand to be null and void those letters that he administered under our name.
13:18 For this crime, before the gates of this city, то је, Susa, both he who devised it, and all his associates, hang on gallows: not we, but God repaying him as he deserved.
13:19 But this edict, which we now send, shall be displayed in all cities so that the Jews may be allowed to use their own laws.
13:20 You must be a support to them, so that they may be able to execute those, who themselves had prepared to kill them, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, који се зове Адар.
13:21 For the almighty God has turned this day of grief and sorrow into joy for them.
13:22 Стога, you too will keep this day, along with the other festival days, and celebrate it with all joy, so that it may be known even by future generations.
13:23 All those who faithfully obey the Persians deserve, for their fidelity, to receive a reward, but those who are traitors to their kingdom deserve to be destroyed for their crime.
13:24 But every province and city, which is not willing to participate in this solemnity, must perish by the sword and by fire, and be destroyed in this way so that they will be forever an indisputable example of contempt and disobedience, not only to humans, but even to wild animals.”
13:25 And such was the content of the letter, so that it would be made known in all lands and nations, which are subject to the authority of king Artaxerxes, that the Jews have been made ready to be vindicated of their enemies.
13:26 And so the swift couriers departed in haste, carrying through the announcement, and the king’s edict was hung up in Susa.
13:27 But Mordecai, going forth from the palace and from the king’s presence, shone in royal apparel the color of hyacinth and of the sky, wearing a golden crown on his head, and clothed with a cloak of silk and purple. And all the city rejoiced and was joyful.
13:28 But for the Jews, a new light seemed to rise; there was joy, част, and dancing.
13:29 With all the peoples, cities, and provinces, wherever the king’s orders arrived, there was wonderful rejoicing, banquets and feasts, and a solemn holy day, so much so that many of the other nations joined themselves to their religious practices and ceremonies. For a great fear of the name of the Jews had overcome them all.

Естхер 14

14:1 Стога, on the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, which as we have said before is called Adar, when all the Jews were prepared to be executed and their enemies were greedy for their blood, the situation turned around, and the Jews began to have the upper hand and to vindicate themselves of their adversaries.
14:2 And they gathered together throughout each city, and town, and place, so as to extend their hands against their enemies and their persecutors. And no one dared to resist them, because their great power had pierced all the peoples.
14:3 For even the judges of the provinces, и владари, and the procurators, and everyone of dignity, who presided over every place and work, extolled the Jews for fear of Mordecai.
14:4 For they knew him to be the leader of the palace and to have much power. исто тако, the fame of his name increased daily and flew everywhere through word of mouth.
14:5 And so the Jews struck their enemies like a great plague and killed them, repaying according to what they had prepared to do to them,
14:6 so much so that even in Susa they executed five hundred men, besides the ten sons of Haman the Agagite, the enemy of the Jews, and their names are these:
14:7 Parshandatha, and Dalphon, and Aspatha
14:8 and Poratha, and Adalia, and Aridatha,
14:9 and Parmashta, and Arisai, and Aridai, and Vaizatha.
14:10 When they had slain them, they were unwilling to touch the spoils of their belongings.
14:11 And immediately the number of those who had been killed in Susa was reported to the king.
14:12 He said to the queen, “In the city of Susa, the Jews have executed five hundred men, and also the ten sons of Haman. How many executions do you think that they have carried out in all the provinces? What more do you ask, and what do you wish, so that I may order it to be done?”
14:13 And she answered, “If it pleases the king, may power be granted to the Jews, so as to do tomorrow in Susa just as they have done today, and that the ten sons of Haman may be hung up the gallows.”
14:14 And the king instructed that it should be so done. And immediately the edict was hung up in Susa, and the ten sons of Haman were hung up.
14:15 On the fourteenth day of the month Adar, the Jews gathered themselves together, and they executed in Susa three hundred men, but they did not seize their belongings from them.
14:16 Штавише, throughout all the provinces which were subject to the king’s dominion, the Jews made a stand for their lives, and they executed their enemies and their persecutors, so much so that the number of those who were killed amounted to seventy-five thousand, and yet no one touched any of their belongings.
14:17 Now the thirteenth day of the month Adar was the first day with all of the executions, and on the fourteenth day they ceased the killing. This day they established to be sacred, so that in all times hereafter they would be free for feasting, joyfulness, and celebration.
14:18 Али, as for those who were carrying out the killings in the city of Susa, they turned to killing on the thirteenth and fourteenth day of the same month. But on the fifteenth day they ceased to attack. And for that reason they established that day as sacred, with feasting and with gladness.
14:19 Али у истини, those Jews who were staying in unwalled towns and villages, appointed the fourteenth day of the month Adar for celebration and gladness, so as to rejoice on that day and send one another portions of their feasts and their meals.
14:20 And so Mordecai wrote down all these things and sent them, composed in letters, to the Jews who were staying in all the king’s provinces, as much to those in nearby places as to those far away,
14:21 so that they would accept the fourteenth and fifteenth day of the month Adar for holy days, and always, at the return of the year, would celebrate them with sacred esteem.
14:22 For on those days, the Jews vindicated themselves of their enemies, and their mourning and sorrow were turned into mirth and joy, so that these would be days of feasting and gladness, in which they would send one another portions of their feasts, and would grant gifts to the poor.
14:23 And the Jews accepted as a solemn ritual all the things which they had begun to do at that time, which Mordecai had commanded with letters to be done.
14:24 For Haman, the son of Hammedatha of Agag lineage, the enemy and adversary of the Jews, had devised evil against them, to kill them and to destroy them. And he had cast Pur, which in our language means the lot.
14:25 И после овога, Esther had entered before the king, begging him that his efforts might be made ineffective by the king’s letters, and that the evil he intended against the Jews might return upon his own head. Коначно, both he and his sons were fastened to a cross.
14:26 И тако, from that time, these days are called Purim, то је, of the lots, because Pur, то је, the lot, was cast into the urn. And all things that had been carried out are contained in the volume of this epistle, то је, of this book.
14:27 And whatever they suffered, and whatever was altered afterwards, the Jews received for themselves and their offspring and for all who were willing to be joined to their religion, so that none would be permitted to transgress the solemnity of these two days, to which the writing testifies, and which certain times require, as the years continually succeed one another.
14:28 These are the days which no one ever will erase into oblivion, and which every province in the whole world, throughout each generation, shall celebrate. Neither is there any city wherein the days of Purim, то је, of lots, may not be observed by the Jews, and by their posterity, which has been obligated to these ceremonies.
14:29 And Esther the queen, the daughter of Abihail, and Mordecai the Jew, also wrote a second letter, so that with all zealousness this day would be confirmed as customary for future generations.
14:30 And they sent to all the Jews, who had been stirred up in the one hundred twenty-seven provinces of king Artaxerxes, that they should have peace and receive truth,
14:31 and observe the days of lots, and celebrate them with joy at their proper time, just as Mordecai and Esther had established. And they accepted these to be observed by themselves and by their offspring: fasting, and crying out, and the days of lots,
14:32 and all things which are contained in the history of this book, which is called Esther.

Естхер 15

15:1 Заиста, king Artaxerxes made all the land, and all the islands of the sea, tributaries.
15:2 And his strength and his authority, and the dignity and supremacy with which he exalted Mordecai, have been written in the books of the Medes and the Persians,
15:3 and how Mordecai of Jewish birth, was second after king Artaxerxes, and great among the Jews, and acceptable to the people of his brethren, seeking the good of his people, and speaking about things which pertained to peace for their descendents.
15:4 And Mordecai said, “By God have these things been done.
15:5 I remember a dream that I saw, which signified these same things, and nothing of this whatsoever has failed to occur.
15:6 The little fountain which grew into a river, and had turned into light and into the sun, and overflowed into many waters, is Esther, whom the king received as wife and whom he preferred to be queen.
15:7 But the two dragons are I and Haman.
15:8 The peoples who gathered together are those who had attempted to erase the name of the Jews.
15:9 And my people is Israel, who cried out to the Lord, and the Lord brought salvation to his people, and he freed us from all evils, and he created great signs and portents among the nations.
15:10 And he commanded there to be two lots, one for the people of God and the other for all the nations.
15:11 And both lots arrived at the day appointed before God, even from that past time, for all peoples.
15:12 And the Lord remembered his people and had mercy on his inheritance.
15:13 And these days shall be observed in the month of Adar, on the fourteenth and fifteenth day of the same month, with all zealousness and joy, by the people gathered together into one union, throughout all the generations hereafter of the people of Israel.”
15:14 In the fourth year of the reigns of Ptolemy and Cleopatra, Dositheus, who was himself a priest and born of the Levites, and Ptolemy his son, brought this epistle of Purim, which they said was a translation by Lysimachus the son of Ptolemy in Jerusalem.

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