April 7, 2019

Isaiah 43: 16- 21

43:16Thus says the Lord, who gave you a way through the sea and a path through the torrent of waters,
43:17who led out the chariot and the horse, the column of robust troops. They went to sleep together, and they will not arise. They have been crushed like flax, and they have been extinguished.
43:18You need not call to mind the past, nor consider the things of antiquity.
43:19Behold, I am accomplishing new things. And presently, they will spring forth. With certainty, you will know them. I will make a way in the desert, and rivers in an impassible place.
43:20The wild beasts of the field will glorify me, with the serpents and the ostriches. For I have brought waters to the desert, rivers to inaccessible places, in order to give drink to my people, to my elect.
43:21This is the people whom I have formed for myself. They will speak my praise.

Philippians 3: 8- 14

3:8Yet truly, I consider everything to be a loss, because of the preeminent knowledge of Jesus Christ, my Lord, for whose sake I have suffered the loss of everything, considering it all to be like dung, so that I may gain Christ,
3:9and so that you may be found in him, not having my justice, which is of the law, but that which is of the faith of Christ Jesus, the justice within faith, which is of God.
3:10So shall I know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his Passion, having been fashioned according to his death,
3:11if, by some means, I might attain to the resurrection which is from the dead.
3:12It is not as though I have already received this, or were already perfect. But rather I pursue, so that by some means I might attain, that in which I have already been attained by Christ Jesus.
3:13Brothers, I do not consider that I have already attained this. Instead, I do one thing: forgetting those things that are behind, and extending myself toward those things that are ahead,
3:14I pursue the destination, the prize of the heavenly calling of God in Christ Jesus.

John 8: 1- 11

8:1But Jesus continued on to the Mount of Olives.
8:2And early in the morning, he went again to the temple; and all the people came to him. And sitting down, he taught them.
8:3Now the scribes and Pharisees brought forward a woman caught in adultery, and they stood her in front of them.
8:4And they said to him: “Teacher, this woman was just now caught in adultery.
8:5And in the law, Moses commanded us to stone such a one. Therefore, what do you say?”
8:6But they were saying this to test him, so that they might be able to accuse him. Then Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the earth.
8:7And then, when they persevered in questioning him, he stood upright and said to them, “Let whoever is without sin among you be the first to cast a stone at her.”
8:8And bending down again, he wrote on the earth.
8:9But upon hearing this, they went away, one by one, beginning with the eldest. And Jesus alone remained, with the woman standing in front of him.
8:10Then Jesus, raising himself up, said to her: “Woman, where are those who accused you? Has no one condemned you?”
8:11And she said, “No one, Lord.” Then Jesus said: “Neither will I condemn you. Go, and now do not choose to sin anymore.”