…Not Jesus!
A friend of ours once thanked us for his winning a prize at a play that included audience interaction. It was Nunsense or something similar in which an actress–playing a nun–asked about the Immaculate Conception. Something like: who was immaculately conceived?
He was one of many Catholics in the audience and was the only one to answer correctly, which is a shame, of course. He credited us because we had previously mentioned that many Catholics incorrectly believed it was about Jesus’ birth. (But, his birth is on Christmas for goodness sake!)
It is Mary’s Immaculate Conception–she being born in the state of Grace–that we celebrate on December 8. We think the confusion arises because the Gospel Reading for the day describes the annunciation– Angel Gabriel’s visit to the Virgin Mary.
For more information and why it’s important, please see our page on the Immaculate Conception.
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