January 16, 2013, Reading

The Letter to the Hebrews    2: 14-18

2:14 Therefore, because children have a common flesh and blood, he himself also, in like manner, has shared in the same, so that through death, he might destroy him who held the dominion of death, that is, the devil,
2:15 and so that he might free those who, through the fear of death, had been condemned to servitude throughout their entire life.
2:16 For at no time did he take hold of the Angels, but instead he took hold of the offspring of Abraham.
2:17 Therefore, it is fitting for him to be made similar to his brothers in all things, so that he might become a merciful and faithful High Priest before God, in order that he might bring forgiveness to the offenses of the people.
2:18 For in as much as he himself has suffered and has been tempted, he also is able to assist those who are tempted.


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