July 26, 2016


The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 14: 17-22

14:17 And you shall speak this word to them: Let my eyes shed tears throughout the night and day, and let them not cease. For the virgin daughter of my people has been crushed by a great affliction, by a very grievous wound.”
14:18 “If I go out into the fields: behold, those slain by the sword. And if I enter into the city: behold, those weakened by famine. Likewise, the prophet, too, and the priest, have gone into a land that they did not know.
14:19 Could you have utterly cast out Judah? Or has your soul abhorred Zion? Then why have you struck us, so much so that there is no health for us? We have waited for peace, but there is nothing good, and for the time of healing, and behold, trouble.
14:20 O Lord, we acknowledge our impieties, the iniquities of our fathers, that we have sinned against you.
14:21 For the sake of your name, do not give us over into disgrace. And do not dishonor in us the throne of your glory. Remember, do not make void, your covenant with us.
14:22 Could any of the graven images of the Gentiles send rain? Or are the heavens able to give showers? Have we not hoped in you, the Lord our God? For you have made all these things.”


Matthew 13: 36- 43

13:36 Then, dismissing the crowds, he went into the house. And his disciples drew near to him, saying, “Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field.”
13:37 Responding, he said to them: “He who sows the good seed is the Son of man.
13:38 Now the field is the world. And the good seeds are the sons of the kingdom. But the weeds are the sons of wickedness.
13:39 So the enemy who sowed them is the devil. And truly, the harvest is the consummation of the age; while the reapers are the Angels.
13:40 Therefore, just as weeds are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the consummation of the age.
13:41 The Son of man shall send out his Angels, and they shall gather from his kingdom all who lead astray and those who work iniquity.
13:42 And he shall cast them into the furnace of fire, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
13:43 Then the just ones shall shine like the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears to hear, let him hear.