Tobit 12: 1, 5- 15, 20
12:1 Then Tobit called his son to him, and he said to him, “What are we able to give to this holy man, who accompanied you?”
12:5 And calling him, the father especially, and the son, they took him aside. And they began to petition him, so that he would deign to accept ownership of one half part of all things that they had brought.
12:6 Then he said to them privately: “Bless the God of heaven, and confess to him in the sight of all who live, for he has acted in his mercy toward you.
12:7 For it is good to conceal the secret of a king, just as it is also honorable to reveal and to confess the works of God.
12:8 Prayer with fasting is good, and almsgiving is better than hiding away gold in storage.
12:9 For almsgiving delivers from death, and the same is what purges sins and makes one able to find mercy and everlasting life.
12:10 But those who commit sin and iniquity are enemies to their own soul.
12:11 Therefore, I reveal the truth to you, and I will not hide the explanation from you.
12:12 When you prayed with tears, and buried the dead, and left behind your dinner, and hid the dead by day in your house, and buried them by night: I offered your prayer to the Lord.
12:13 And because you were acceptable to God, it was necessary for you to be tested by trials.
12:14 And now, the Lord has sent me to cure you, and to free Sarah, your son’s wife, from the demon.
12:15 For I am the Angel Raphael, one of seven, who stand before the Lord.”
12:20 Therefore, it is time that I return to him who sent me. But as for you, bless God, and describe all his wonders.”
The Holy Gospel According to Mark 12: 38-44
12:38 | And he said to them in his doctrine: “Beware of the scribes, who prefer to walk in long robes and to be greeted in the marketplace, |
12:39 | and to sit in the first chairs in the synagogues, and to have the first seats at feasts, |
12:40 | who devour the houses of widows under the pretense of long prayers. These shall receive the more extensive judgment.” |
12:41 | And Jesus, sitting opposite the offertory box, considered the way in which the crowd cast coins into the offertory, and that many of the wealthy cast in a great deal. |
12:42 | But when one poor widow had arrived, she put in two small coins, which is a quarter. |
12:43 | And calling together his disciples, he said to them: “Amen I say to you, that this poor widow has put in more than all those who contributed to the offertory. |
12:44 | For they all gave from their abundance, yet truly, she gave from her scarcity, even all that she had, her entire living.” |
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