November 30, 2019

Romans 10: 9- 18

10:9For if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, and if you believe in your heart that God has raised him up from the dead, you shall be saved.
10:10For with the heart, we believe unto justice; but with the mouth, confession is unto salvation.
10:11For Scripture says: “All those who believe in him shall not be confounded.”
10:12For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek. For the same Lord is over all, richly in all who call upon him.
10:13For all those who have called upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
10:14Then in what way will those who have not believed in him call upon him? Or in what way will those who have not heard of him believe in him? And in what way will they hear of him without preaching?
10:15And truly, in what way will they preach, unless they have been sent, just as it has been written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who evangelize peace, of those who evangelize what is good!”
10:16But not all are obedient to the Gospel. For Isaiah says: “Lord, who has believed our report?”
10:17Therefore, faith is from hearing, and hearing is through the Word of Christ.
10:18But I say: Have they not heard? For certainly: “Their sound has gone forth throughout all the earth, and their words unto the limits of the whole world.”

Matthew 4: 18- 22

4:18And Jesus, walking near the Sea of Galilee, saw two brothers, Simon who is called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea (for they were fishermen).
4:19And he said to them: “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
4:20And at once, leaving behind their nets, they followed him.
4:21And continuing on from there, he saw another two brothers, James of Zebedee, and his brother John, in a ship with their father Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them.
4:22And immediately, leaving their nets and their father behind, they followed him.