October 31, 2020

Philippians 1: 18- 26

1:18But what does it matter? As long as, by every means, whether under pretext or in truthfulness, Christ is announced. And about this, I rejoice, and moreover, I will continue to rejoice.
1:19For I know that this will bring me to salvation, through your prayers and under the ministration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ,
1:20by means of my own expectation and hope. For in nothing shall I be confounded. Instead, with all confidence, now just as always, Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
1:21For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
1:22And while I live in the flesh, for me, there is the fruit of works. But I do not know which I would choose.
1:23For I am constrained between the two: having a desire to be dissolved and to be with Christ, which is the far better thing,
1:24but then to remain in the flesh is necessary for your sake.
1:25And having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and that I shall continue to remain with all of you, for your advancement and for your joy in the faith,
1:26so that your rejoicing may abound in Christ Jesus for me, through my return to you again.

Luke 14: 1, 7- 11

14:1And it happened that, when Jesus entered the house of a certain leader of the Pharisees on the Sabbath to eat bread, they were observing him.
14:7Then he also told a parable, to those who were invited, noticing how they chose the first seats at the table, saying to them:
14:8“When you are invited to a wedding, do not sit down in the first place, lest perhaps someone more honored than yourself may have been invited by him.
14:9And then he who called both you and him, approaching, may say to you, ‘Give this place to him.’ And then you would begin, with shame, to take the last place.
14:10But when you are invited, go, sit down in the lowest place, so that, when he who invited you arrives, he may say to you, ‘Friend, go up higher.’ Then you will have glory in the sight of those who sit at table together with you.
14:11For everyone who exalts himself shall be humbled, and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.”