October 5, 2013, Reading

Baruch   4: 5-12, 27-29

4:5 Be ever more peaceful in soul, O people of God, the memorial of Israel.
4:6 You have been sold to the nations, not into destruction, but because of this, in resentment, you provoked God to wrath, and so you have been delivered to adversity.
4:7 For you have exasperated him who made you, the eternal God, by sacrificing to evil spirits, and not to God.
4:8 For you have forgotten God, who nurtured you, and you have saddened Jerusalem, your nurse.
4:9 For she saw the wrath of God approaching you, and she said, “Listen, region of Zion, for God has brought upon me great sorrow.
4:10 For I have seen the captivity of my people, my sons and daughters, which the Eternal has led over them.
4:11 For I nurtured them with joy, but I sent them away with weeping and sorrow.
4:12 Let no one rejoice over me, a widow and a desolation, for I am forsaken by many because of the sins of my sons, because they strayed from the law of God.
4:25 Sons, endure patiently the wrath that has come upon you, for your enemy has persecuted you, but you will quickly see his destruction and you will climb over his neck.
4:26 My delicate ones have walked rough ways, for they were regarded as a flock torn apart by enemies.
4:27 Be ever more peaceful in soul, sons, and call out to the Lord, for you will be remembered by him who led you away.
4:28 For as much as you thought to go astray from God, ten times as much again he will require of you when converting.
4:29 For he who led you into evil, he himself will again lead you to eternal happiness with your salvation.”


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