September 4, 2016

First Reading

Wisdom 9: 13- 18

9:13 For who among men can know the counsel of God? Or who can imagine the will of God?
9:14 For the thoughts of mortals are timid, and our foresight is uncertain.
9:15 For the corruptible body weighs down the soul, and this earthy dwelling presses many thoughts upon the mind.
9:16 And we assess with difficulty the things that are of earth, and we discover with labor the things that are within our view. So who will search out the things that are in heaven?
9:17 Moreover, who will know your mind, unless you give wisdom and send your holy spirit from on high?
9:18 And in this way, those who are on earth are corrected in their path, and men learn the things that are pleasing to you.

Second Reading

Philemon 9-10, 12- 17

1:9 but I beg you instead, for the sake of charity, since you are so much like Paul: an old man and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ.
1:10 I beg you, on behalf of my son, whom I have begotten in my chains, Onesimus.
1:12 So I have sent him back to you. And may you receive him like my own heart.
1:13 I myself wanted to retain him with me, so that he might minister to me, on your behalf, while I am in the chains of the Gospel.
1:14 But I was willing to do nothing without your counsel, so as not to make use of your good deed as if out of necessity, but only willingly.
1:15 So perhaps, then, he departed from you for a time, so that you might receive him again for eternity,
1:16 no longer as a servant, but, in place of a servant, a most beloved brother, especially to me: but how much so more to you, both in the flesh and in the Lord!
1:17 Therefore, if you hold me to be a companion, receive him as you would me.


Luke 14: 25- 33

14:25 Now great crowds traveled with him. And turning around, he said to them:
14:26 “If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers, and sisters, and yes, even his own life, he is not able to be my disciple.
14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, is not able to be my disciple.
14:28 For who among you, wanting to build a tower, would not first sit down and determine the costs that are required, to see if he has the means to complete it?
14:29 Otherwise, after he will have laid the foundation and not been able to finish it, everyone who sees it may begin to mock him,
14:30 saying: ‘This man began to build what he was not able to finish.’
14:31 Or, what king, advancing to engage in war against another king, would not first sit down and consider whether he may be able, with ten thousand, to meet one who comes against him with twenty thousand?
14:32 If not, then while the other is still far away, sending a delegation, he would ask him for terms of peace.
14:33 Therefore, everyone of you who does not renounce all that he possesses is not able to be my disciple.