September 4, 2019


Colossians 1: 1- 8

1:1 Paul, an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and Timothy, a brother,

1:2 to the saints and faithful brothers in Christ Jesus who are at Colossae.

1:3 Grace and peace to you, from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. We give thanks to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, praying for you always.

1:4 For we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus, and of the love that you have toward all the saints,

1:5 because of the hope that has been stored up for you in heaven, which you have heard through the Word of Truth in the Gospel.

1:6 This has reached you, just as it is present in the whole world, where it grows and bears fruit, as it has also done in you, since the day when you first heard and knew the grace of God in truth,

1:7 just as you learned it from Epaphras, our most beloved fellow servant, who is for you a faithful minister of Christ Jesus.

1:8 And he has also manifested to us your love in the Spirit.


The Holy Gospel According to Luke    4: 38-44

4:38Then Jesus, rising up from the synagogue, entered into the house of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was in the grip of a severe fever. And they petitioned him on her behalf.
4:39And standing over her, he commanded the fever, and it left her. And promptly rising up, she ministered to them.
4:40Then, when the sun had set, all those who had anyone afflicted with various diseases brought them to him. Then, laying his hands on each one of them, he cured them.
4:41Now demons departed from many of them, crying out and saying, “You are the son of God.” And rebuking them, he would not permit them to speak. For they knew him to be the Christ.
4:42Then, when it was daytime, going out, he went to a deserted place. And the crowds sought him, and they went all the way to him. And they detained him, so that he would not depart from them.
4:43And he said to them, “I must also preach the kingdom of God to other cities, because it was for this reason that I was sent.”
4:44And he was preaching in the synagogues of Galilee.