August 7, 2014


The Book of the Prophet Jeremiah 31: 31-34

31:31 Behold, the days are approaching, says the Lord, when I will form a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah,
31:32 not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by the hand, so as to lead them away from the land of Egypt, the covenant which they nullified, though I was the ruler over them, says the Lord.
31:33 But this will be the covenant that I will form with the house of Israel, after those days, says the Lord: I will give my law to their inner most being, and I will write it upon their heart. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
31:34 And they will no longer teach, a man his neighbor, and a man his brother, 諺語: ‘Know the Lord.’ For all will know me, from the littlest of them even to the greatest, says the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will no longer remember their sin.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 16: 13-23

16:13 然後耶穌進入了該撒利亞腓立比的部分地區. 佢質疑佢嘅門徒, 諺語, “人話人子係邊個??"
16:14 佢哋話, 朕有人話施洗約翰, 仲有人話以利亞, 仲有啲人話耶利米或先知之一。
16:15 耶穌對佢哋話, 噉 但係 你 話 我 係 邊個?"
16:16 西蒙·彼得回應說, 噉 你 係 基督, 永生神個仔。
16:17 作為回應, 耶穌對佢講: 噉 你 有 福 喇, 約拿個仔西門. 因為血肉之軀冇向你揭示啲。, 但我的父親, 邊個喺天堂.
16:18 我對你說, 你係彼得, 我將喺嚿磐石上建造我嘅教會, 地獄之門必不勝其敗.
16:19 我會將天國嘅鎖匙畀你. 凡你喺地下綑綁嘅,都要被綑綁。, 即使喺天堂. 凡是你哋喺地下釋放嘅,都要釋放。, 即使喺天堂。
16:20 然後他吩咐他的門徒,他們不要告訴任何人他是耶穌基督。.
16:21 從那時起, 耶穌開始向他的門徒啟示,他必須去耶路撒冷。, 並遭受長老、文士同祭司領袖嘅痛苦, 並被殺死, 並喺第三天再次復活.
16:22 而彼得·, 將佢帶到一路, 開始責備佢, 諺語, “主, 願它離你很遠; 唔會發生在你身上。
16:23 然後轉身離開, 耶穌對彼得說: “ 跟在我身後, 撒旦; 你係我嘅障礙. 因為你冇按照上帝嘅行事, 但根據人嘅情況。




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