
托比特 1

1:1 托比特來自纳夫塔利部落同城市 (位於亞設上方嘅加利利上部, 路後, 通往西方, 在它的左邊係塞菲特市).
1:2 雖然佢喺沙尔曼尼瑟時代被俘虜, 亞述人嘅王, 即使喺囚禁嘅情況下, 佢冇飛真理嘅道路.
1:3 咁咁, 每日, 佢所能得到嘅一切, 他賜予他的俘虜兄弟, 誰來自他的親戚.
1:4 和, 当佢係纳夫塔利部落中最後生嘅人之一時, 佢喺工作中表現出嘅與其話係幼稚嘅行為,不如話係幼稚嘅行為.
1:5 然之後, 当所有嘅人都去咗耶罗波安嘅金牛犢時, 以色列王, 有製作, 佢一個人逃離咗佢哋所有人嘅陪伴.
1:6 然而,佢繼續前往耶路撒冷。, 到主嘅殿, 喺嗰度,佢崇拜以色列嘅主神, 忠心地獻上佢所有嘅初熟菓子同什一奉獻.
1:7 咁咁, 在第三年, 佢將所有嘅什一奉獻畀新歸主嘅人同新嚟嘅人。.
1:8 呢啲同類似的事情, 即使還是個男孩, 佢按照上帝嘅律法觀察.
1:9 真正, 当佢成為一個男人, 佢娶咗自己部落嘅安娜為妻, 佢為她懷了一個個仔, 佢畀邊個起咗自己嘅名.
1:10 由他的嬰兒時期開始, 他教導他敬畏上帝,遠離一切罪惡.
1:11 因此, 幾時, 在囚禁期間, 佢同佢嘅妻子同個仔一齊抵達尼尼微城, 與他所有的部落,
1:12 (即使佢哋都食外邦人嘅食物,) 佢保護自己嘅靈魂,從不畀佢哋嘅食物污染.
1:13 因為佢全心全意咁念住主, 上帝喺國王沙尔曼尼瑟面前畀咗佢恩惠.
1:14 佢畀咗佢權力,畀佢去任何佢想去嘅地方, 有為所欲為的自由.
1:15 因此, 佢繼續對所有被囚禁嘅人講。, 佢畀咗佢哋有用嘅建議.
1:16 但係当佢到達憤怒時, 米底人嘅城市, 佢有十個銀子天賦, 從國王為榮譽而賜畀佢嘅嘢.
1:17 當, 喺佢親人嘅大騷亂中, 佢睇到咗加拜尔嘅貧困, 誰來自他的部落, 佢借畀佢, 根據書面協議, 上述銀嘅重量.
1:18 講真, 過咗好耐, 沙尔曼尼瑟國王去世, 而佢個仔西拿基立則代替佢統治, 佢對以色列個仔懷有仇恨.
1:19 每日, 托比特走遍咗佢所有自己嘅人, 佢安慰佢哋, 他從他的資源中儘可能多地派畀個個.
1:20 佢滋養咗飢餓嘅人, 佢為裸體嘅人提供衫, 佢對死者和被殺者嘅埋葬表示關心.
1:21 然之後, 当西拿基立王由猶太回來時, 逃離上帝因褻瀆而喺佢周圍造成嘅禍害, 和, 生氣, 他由以色列人嗰度殺咗好多人, 托比特埋葬了他們的屍體.
1:22 当它被報告畀國王時, 佢下令殺死佢, 佢攞走咗佢所有嘅財物.
1:23 講真, 托比特, 只監個仔同妻子逃離, 能夠隱藏起來,因為好多人都愛佢.
1:24 講真, 四十五天後, 國王畀自己個仔殺死,
1:25 托比特得以回到他的房子, 佢嘅所有資源都歸還畀咗佢.

托比特 2

2:1 講真, 在此之後, 当有主嘅節日時, 托比特屋企有準備好一餐豐盛嘅晚餐,
2:2 佢對個仔講: “走吧, 並由我哋部落中帶來一些敬畏上帝嘅人與我哋一齊享用盛宴。
2:3 喺佢走後, 返回, 佢向佢報告話,以色列嘅一個仔, 割斷喉嚨, 躺喺街上. 並立即, 他從斜倚在桌子上的位置上跳了起來, 留低咗佢嘅晚餐, 並禁食身體.
2:4 並接受它, 他偷偷地把它帶到了自己的房子裡。, 因此, 太陽落山後, 佢可能會小心翼翼咁埋葬佢.
2:5 佢將屍體收埋之後緊, 佢監哀悼和恐懼嚼住麵包,
2:6 記得主透過先知阿摩司所講嘅話: 徜徉你哋嘅節期必變成哀嘆和哀悼。徜徉
2:7 真正, 當太陽落山時, 佢出去了, 佢埋葬咗佢.
2:8 然而,佢所有嘅鄰居都與他爭論, 諺語: 噉 而家, 因為呢件事下達咗處決你嘅命令, 你勉強逃脫了死刑判決, 你又喺埋葬死者?"
2:9 但係托比特, 敬畏上帝勝過敬畏國王, 偷走咗被殺者嘅屍體,藏喺自己嘅屋度, 而喺半夜, 佢埋葬咗佢哋.
2:10 但它發生喺一日, 埋葬死者感到疲倦, 佢走進他的房子, 佢將自己扔喺牆隔离, 佢瞓咗.
2:11 和, 當他睡覺時, 燕窩里温暖嘅糞便落喺佢嘅眼上, 佢瞎了.
2:12 所以主允許呢個試煉臨到佢身上。, 以便為後人樹立佢嘅耐心嘅榜樣, 甚至像聖約伯.
2:13 為, even from his infancy, he had always feared God and kept his commandments, so he was not discouraged before God because of the scourge of blindness that had befallen him.
2:14 But he remained immoveable in the fear of God, giving thanks to God all the days of his life.
2:15 For just as kings have mocked blessed Job, so also his relatives and acquaintances ridiculed his life, 諺語:
2:16 “Where is your hope, on behalf of which you gave alms and buried the dead?"
2:17 講真, Tobit corrected them, 諺語: “Do not speak in this way,
2:18 for we are the sons of the holy ones, and we look forward to that life which God will give to those who never change in their faith before him.”
2:19 講真, his wife Anna went out to weaving work daily, 佢帶回咗佢透過雙手勞動能夠獲得嘅供應.
2:20 于是發生, 收到一隻小山羊, 佢將佢帶回家.
2:21 當她的丈夫聽到牠的桎梏聲時, 佢話, “ 看, 這樣它就唔會被盜, 將其歸還給其所有者, 因為我哋食嘢都唔合法, 或觸摸, 任何被盜嘅嘢。
2:22 此時, 他的妻子, 生氣, 回答, 朕顯然, 你嘅希望變成了虛榮, 你施捨嘅方式有好明显。
2:23 並用呢啲同其他類似嘅詞, 她責備他.

托比特 3

3:1 然後托比特嘆了口氣, 佢開始流着淚祈禱,
3:2 諺語, “主啊, 你係公正嘅,你所有嘅判斷都係公正嘅, 你所有嘅道路都係憐憫, 同真相, 和判斷.
3:3 現時, 耶和華, 記住我, 唔好為我嘅罪報仇, 唔好想起我嘅罪行, 都唔係我父母嘅.
3:4 因為我哋冇遵守你嘅訓誡, 所以我哋被移交畀掠奪和俘虜, 並致死, 和嘲弄, 喺萬國面前係一種恥辱, 其中你分散咗我哋.
3:5 現時, 耶和華, 你嘅判斷係偉大嘅. 因為我哋冇按照你嘅戒律行事, 我哋冇真誠咁走喺你面前.
3:6 現時, 耶和華, 按照你嘅意願與我一起做, 並命令我嘅靈魂喺和平中被接納. 因為我死更方便, 而唔係在生。
3:7 所以, 衕一天, 碰巧莎拉·, 拉格尔個女, 在憤怒中, 米底人嘅城市, 仲聽到咗佢老竇嘅一個僕人女僕嘅責備.
3:8 因為她被賜畀咗七個丈夫, 一個名叫阿斯莫德斯嘅惡魔殺死咗佢哋, 佢哋一走近她.
3:9 因此, 當她糾正女僕的過錯時, 她答了她, 諺語, 朕願我哋永遠唔會喺地球上睇到你個仔或女兒, 你謀殺你丈夫.
3:10 你都要殺咗我咩, 就好似你有殺死七個丈夫一樣?“喺呢啲話中, 她走到她家的樓上房間. 三日三夜, 佢唔食唔飲.
3:11 但, 流着淚繼續祈禱, 她懇求上帝, 這樣他就可以把她從這種責備中解放出來.
3:12 它發生喺第三天, 当她完成祈禱時, 祝福主,
3:13 佢話: “你嘅名有福了, 我哋祖先嘅上帝啊, 誰, 雖然你嬲咗, 會表現出憐憫. 患難緊嘅時候, 你摒棄那些呼求你嘅人嘅罪孽.
3:14 俾你, 耶和華, 我轉過面嚟; 俾你, 我引導我的眼.
3:15 我求你, 耶和華, 你可以赦免我由責備嘅枷鎖中解脫出嚟, 抑或至少帶我離開地球.
3:16 你知嘅, 耶和華, 我從未覬覦過丈夫, 我保存了我的靈魂,遠離一切唔純潔嘅欲望.
3:17 我從來冇同嗰啲玩過嘅人行埋一齊. 而且我冇把自己表現為那些輕浮行走嘅人嘅參與者.
3:18 但我同意接受丈夫, 在你的恐懼中, 不在我的情慾中.
3:19 和, 一係我配不上佢哋, 抑或佢哋可能配不上我. 因為或者你為另一個丈夫保存了我.
3:20 因為你嘅忠告不在人嘅能力之內.
3:21 但所有崇拜你嘅人都確信啲: 嗰個人嘅生活, 是否應該進行測試, 應加冕, 如果它應該喺磨難中, 應交付, 以及是否應該糾正, 將被允許接近你嘅憐憫.
3:22 因為你唔開心我哋嘅滅亡. 為, 暴風雨過後, 你創造寧靜, 在流淚和哭泣之後, 你傾吐出欣喜若狂.
3:23 願你嘅名, 以色列嘅神呀, 永遠祝福。
3:24 當時, 佢哋兩個嘅禱告都係喺至高神嘅榮耀面前聽到嘅。.
3:25 仲有主嘅聖天使, 拉斐尔, 被派去照顧佢哋兩個, 佢哋嘅祈禱文喺主面前同時被背誦.

托比特 4

4:1 因此, 当托比特認為佢嘅祈禱被聽到時, 咁佢就可以死咗, 佢將個仔托比亚斯叫到佢身邊.
4:2 佢對佢講: 噉 我 個 仔, 聽到我口中嘅話, 並設置它們, 像基金會一樣, 在你心裡.
4:3 上帝何時會接受我的靈魂, 埋葬我的屍體. 你要孝敬你的母親, 她生命中所有嘅日子.
4:4 For you are obliged to be mindful of what great perils she suffered because of you in her womb.
4:5 But when she too will have completed the time of her life, bury her near me.
4:6 Yet, for all the days of your life, have God in your mind. And be careful that you never consent to sin, nor overlook the precepts of the Lord our God.
4:7 Give alms from your substance, and do not turn away your face from any pauper. For so it shall be that neither will the face of the Lord be turned away from you.
4:8 In whatever way that you are able, so shall you be merciful.
4:9 If you have much, distribute abundantly. If you have little, nevertheless strive to bestow a little freely.
4:10 For you store up for yourself a good reward for the day of necessity.
4:11 For almsgiving liberates from every sin and from death, 它唔會畀靈魂陷入黑暗.
4:12 施捨將係至高神面前信仰嘅偉大行為, 對於所有練習它的人.
4:13 注意保持自己, 我個仔, 從所有嘅, 和, 除了你的妻子, 永遠唔好畀自己知噉嘅冒犯.
4:14 永遠唔好畀傲慢統治你嘅思想或言語. 因為在其中, 所有嘅滅亡都有它的開始.
4:15 誰為你做了任何工作, 立即支付佢嘅人工, 並且根本唔好畀你僱用嘅工人嘅人工留喺你身邊.
4:16 無論你憎人對你做乜, 睇到你永遠唔會對另一個人這樣做.
4:17 與飢餓同有需要嘅人一齊食麵包, 並用自己嘅衫遮住裸體.
4:18 將你嘅麵包同酒放喺一個正義人嘅葬禮上, and do not eat and drink from it with sinners.
4:19 Always seek the counsel of a wise man.
4:20 Bless God at all times. And petition him that he direct your ways and that all your counsels may remain in him.
4:21 現時, I reveal to you, 我個仔, that I lent ten talents of silver, while you were still a young child, to Gabael, 在憤怒中, 米底人嘅城市, and I have his written agreement with me.
4:22 所以, inquire how you may travel to him and receive from him the aforementioned weight of silver, and return to him the written agreement.
4:23 Do not be afraid, 我個仔. We do indeed lead a poor life, but we will have many good things: if we fear God, and withdraw from all sin, and do what is good.”

托比特 5

5:1 Then Tobias responded to his father, 佢話: “I will do everything just as you have instructed me, father.
5:2 But I do not know how to obtain this money. He does not know me, 我唔識佢. 我該畀佢乜嘢證據? 而且我唔知路嘅任何部分, 通向嗰個地方。
5:3 然後他的父親答咗佢, 佢話: 朕確實, 我有一份書面協議, 哪, 当你將佢展示畀佢睇時, 佢會立即償還.
5:4 但係而家出去, 並詢問一些忠實嘅人, 邊個會和你一齊去保護你嘅安全以換取佢嘅人工, 這樣你就可以喺我仲在生嘅時候得到它。
5:5 然後托比亚斯, 離開, 搵到一個燦爛嘅後生仔, 企住,似乎準備旅行.
5:6 唔知佢係上帝嘅天使, 佢向佢打招呼, 佢話, 噉 你 由 邊度 來, 好後生仔?"
5:7 所以佢答, 徜徉由以色列嘅子孫而來。徜徉 托比亚斯對佢講, 你知道通往米底地區嘅路呀?"
5:8 他回答說: 噉 我 知. 我經常走過它的所有道路, 我同加贝尔住喺一齐, 我哋嘅兄弟, 邊個住喺憤怒, 米底人嘅城市, 位於埃克巴塔纳山。
5:9 托比亚斯對佢講, “我懇求你, 喺呢度等我, 直到我將呢啲同樣嘅事情話畀咗我老竇。
5:10 然後托比亚斯, 進入, 向父親透露了這一切. 在此基礎上, 他的父親, 在欽佩中, 要求佢會進入佢.
5:11 所以, 進入, 佢向佢打招呼, 佢話, 朕願快樂永遠與你同喺。徜徉
5:12 托比特話, 徜徉對我嚟講會係点样嘅快樂, 因為我坐在黑暗中,睇唔到天堂嘅光?"
5:13 後生仔對佢講, 徜徉靈魂堅定. 你由上帝嗰度得到嘅醫治近了。
5:14 所以托比特對佢講, 你可唔可以帶領我個仔喺憤怒中去加拜尔啊?, 米底人嘅城市? 當你回來時, 我會付給你人工。
5:15 天使對佢講。, 噉 我 會 帶領 佢, 我會把他帶回你身邊。
5:16 托比特回應咗佢, “我請你告訴我: 你來自哪個家庭或哪個部落?"
5:17 天使拉斐尔話, 噉 你 揾 你 請 你 請 嘅 人 嘅 家人 啊 ?, 否則僱傭隻手自己, 和你個仔一齊去?
5:18 但, 免得我讓你擔心: 我係亞撒利亞, 哈拿尼雅大帝個仔。
5:19 托比特回應了, “你來自一個偉大嘅家庭. 但我問你, 唔好因為我想知你家人而嬲。
5:20 但係天使對佢講, 噉 我 會 平安 帶 你 個仔 嘅, 我會把他安全帶回你身邊。
5:21 所以托比特, 回答, 說, “願你行得好, 願上帝喺你嘅旅程中與你同喺, 願佢嘅天使陪伴你。
5:22 然之後, 当所有嘅嘢都準備好晒,要監佢哋嘅旅程, 托比亚斯告別父親, 同佢老母, 兩人一齊走.
5:23 当佢哋出發時, 他的母親開始哭泣, 並說: “你拿走了我們晚年的法杖, 你有把他由我哋身邊打發走.
5:24 我希望錢, 你派佢去嘅, 從未有過.
5:25 因為我哋嘅貧窮對我們來說有足夠, 這樣我們就可以把看到我們的兒子算作財富。
5:26 托比特對佢講: “不要哭泣. 我哋嘅個仔將安全到達, 佢會安全回到我哋身邊, 你的眼必見到佢.
5:27 因為我相信上帝嘅善良天使陪伴住佢,佢命令佢周圍發生嘅一切美好事物。, 這樣他就會很高興地回到我們身邊。
5:28 喺呢啲說話中, 他的母親停止了哭泣, 她沉默了.

托比特 6

6:1 所以托比亚斯繼續, 狗跟埋佢, 佢停留喺第一個停靠啲, 靠近底格里斯河.
6:2 佢出去洗腳, 瞧瞧, 一條巨大嘅魚出嚟吞噬佢.
6:3 而托比亚斯·, 害怕它, 大聲喊道, 諺語, “先生, 它在攻擊我!"
6:4 天使對佢講。, “抓住它的鰓, 並將佢畫畀你。 當他這樣做時, 佢將佢屙到乾燥嘅土地上, 它開始喺佢腳前捶打.
6:5 然後天使對佢講: “ 開膛破肚這條魚, 把他的心放在一邊, 同佢嘅膽量, and his liver for yourself. For these things are necessary as useful medicines.”
6:6 And when he had done so, he roasted its flesh, and they took it with them on the way. The rest they salted, so that it might be sufficient for them, until they would arrive at Rages, 米底人嘅城市.
6:7 Then Tobias questioned the Angel, 佢對佢講, “我懇求你, brother Azariah, to tell me what remedies these things hold, which you have told me to retain from the fish?"
6:8 And the Angel, 回答, said to him: “If you put a little piece of its heart on burning coals, its smoke will drive away all kind of demons, whether from a man or from a woman, so that they will no longer approach them.
6:9 And the gall is useful for anointing the eyes, in which there may be a white speck, and they will be cured.”
6:10 And Tobias said to him, 噉 你 希望 我哋 住 喺 邊?"
6:11 And the Angel, 響應, 說: 噉 呢 係 一 個 叫 拉格爾 嘅 人, 來自你部落嘅與你關係密切嘅男人, 佢有一個女,名叫莎拉, 但佢冇其他男性或女性, 除了她.
6:12 佢所有嘅生計都靠你, 你應該在婚姻中把她帶到自己身邊.
6:13 因此, 向父親索要她, 佢會將佢畀你做妻子。
6:14 然後托比亚斯回應, 佢話: “我聽說她被送給了七個丈夫, 佢哋去咗. 但我什至聽說過呢個: 惡魔殺死咗佢哋.
6:15 因此, 恐怕, 以免這也可能發生在我身上. 因為我係父母唯一嘅仔, 我可能會將佢哋嘅晚年送入墳墓。
6:16 然後天使拉斐尔對佢講: “ 聽我說, 我會向你揭示佢哋係邊個, over whom the demon can prevail.
6:17 For example, those who receive marriage in such manner as to exclude God from themselves and from their mind, and in such a manner as to empty themselves to their lust, like the horse and mule, which have no understanding, over them the demon has power.
6:18 But you, when you will have accepted her, enter the bedroom and for three days keep yourself continent from her, and empty yourself to nothing other than prayers with her.
6:19 此外, on that night, burn the liver of the fish like incense, and the demon will be put to flight.
6:20 講真, on the second night, you will become ready to receive a physical union like that of the holy Patriarchs.
6:21 然之後, on the third night, you will obtain a blessing, so that healthy children may be procreated from you both.
6:22 所以, the third night having been accomplished, 你將以敬畏耶和華嘅心情接受童貞女, 更多嘅係出於對孩子的愛而唔係身體嘅欲望, 因此, 作為亚伯拉罕嘅後裔, 然後你會喺孩子身上得到祝福.

托比特 7

7:1 所以佢哋去了拉格尔, 拉格尔開心咁接受咗佢哋.
7:2 同拉格尔, 凝視住托比亚斯, 對安娜話佢嘅妻子, 嗱呢個後生仔多麼像我表哥!"
7:3 当佢話呢句話時, 佢話, “你來自我哋嘅邊個弟兄, 年輕人?"
7:4 但佢哋話, 嗱我哋來自纳夫塔利部落, 從尼尼微嘅囚禁中。
7:5 拉格尔對佢哋話, 噉 你 知 我 大佬 托比特 啊?噉 佢哋 對 佢 講, 噉 我哋 識 佢 。 嗱 嗱
7:6 既然佢講咗好多關於佢嘅好話, 天使對拉格尔話, “你打聽嘅嗰個托比特,就係呢個後生仔嘅老竇。”
7:7 And Raguel threw himself towards him and kissed him with tears and weeping upon his neck, 諺語, “May a blessing be upon you, 我個仔, because you are the son of a good and most noble man.”
7:8 And his wife Anna, and their daughter Sarah, were weeping.
7:9 所以, after they had spoken, Raguel instructed a sheep to be killed, and a feast to be prepared. And when he exhorted them to recline for dinner,
7:10 Tobias said, “Here, today, I will not eat or drink, unless you first confirm my petition, and promise to give Sarah your daughter to me.”
7:11 When Raguel heard this word, he became afraid, knowing what had befallen those seven men, who had approached her. And he began to fear, lest it might happen to him also in the same way. 和, since he wavered and gave no further response to the petition,
7:12 the Angel said to him: “Do not be afraid to give her to this one, because this one fears God. He is obliged to be joined to your daughter. 正因為如此, no other one could have her.”
7:13 Then Raguel said: “I do not doubt that God has admitted my prayers and tears before his sight.
7:14 And I believe, 因此, that he has caused you to come to me, so that this one might be joined in marriage to one of her own kindred, according to the law of Moses. 現時, do not continue to doubt that I will give her to you.”
7:15 And taking the right hand of his daughter, he gave it into the right hand of Tobias, 諺語, “May the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob be with you. And may he join you together in marriage and fulfill his blessing in you.”
7:16 And taking paper, they made a written record of the marriage.
7:17 And after this, they feasted, blessing God.
7:18 And Raguel called his wife Anna to him, and he instructed her to prepare another bedroom.
7:19 And she brought her daughter Sarah into it, and she was weeping.
7:20 And she said to her, “Be steadfast in spirit, my daughter. May the Lord of heaven give you gladness in place of the grief that you have had to endure.”

托比特 8

8:1 講真, after they had dined, they introduced the young man to her.
8:2 所以, Tobias, remembering the word of the Angel, took part of the liver from his bag, and he placed it over the live coals.
8:3 Then the Angel Raphael caught the demon, and bound him in the desert of upper Egypt.
8:4 Then Tobias exhorted the virgin, and he said to her: “Sarah, get up and let us pray to God this day, and tomorrow, and the following day. 為, during these three nights, we are being joined to God. 然之後, when the third night has passed, we ourselves will be joined together.
8:5 For certainly, we are the children of the saints, and we must not be joined together in such a manner as the heathens, who are ignorant of God.”
8:6 所以, rising up together, they both prayed earnestly, at the same time, that health might be given to them.
8:7 And Tobias said: “主, the God of our fathers, may the heavens and the earth bless you, and the sea, and the fountains, and the rivers, and all your creatures that are in them.
8:8 You formed Adam from the mud of the earth, and you gave Eve to him as a helper.
8:9 現時, 耶和華, you know that I take my sister in conjugal union, not by reason of worldly pleasure, but solely for the love of posterity, in which your name may be blessed forever and ever.”
8:10 Sarah likewise said, “Be merciful to us, 耶和華, be merciful to us. And let us both grow old together in health.”
8:11 And it happened, about the time of the rooster’s crowing, that Raguel ordered his servants to be summoned, and they went out with him together to dig a grave.
8:12 For he said, “Lest perhaps, in the same way, it may have happened to him, as it did also to the other seven men who approached her.”
8:13 And when they had prepared the pit, Raguel returned to his wife, and he said to her,
8:14 “Send one of your maids, and let her see if he is dead, so that I may bury him before the dawn of day.”
8:15 所以, she sent one of her maidservants, who entered the bedroom and discovered them safe and unharmed, sleeping both together.
8:16 And returning, she reported the good news. And they blessed the Lord: Raguel, especially, and his wife Anna.
8:17 佢哋話: “We bless you, Lord God of Israel, because it has not happened in the way that we thought it might.
8:18 For you have acted in your mercy toward us, and you have excluded from us the enemy who pursued us.
8:19 此外, you have had compassion on two only children. Make them, 耶和華, able to bless you more fully and to offer you a sacrifice of your praise and of their health, so that all peoples everywhere may know that you alone are God in all the earth.”
8:20 And immediately Raguel instructed his servants to refill the pit, which they had made, before daylight.
8:21 And then he told his wife to make ready a feast, and to prepare all the provisions that are necessary for those who undertake a journey.
8:22 Likewise, he caused two fat cows and four rams to be killed, and a banquet to be prepared for all his neighbors and every one of his friends.
8:23 And Raguel pleaded with Tobias to delay with him for two weeks.
8:24 此外, of all the things that Raguel possessed, he gave one half part to Tobias, and he made a writing, so that the half that remained should also pass into the ownership of Tobias, after their deaths.

托比特 9

9:1 Then Tobias called the Angel to him, whom he indeed considered to be a man, 佢對佢講: “Brother Azariah, I implore you to listen to my words:
9:2 If I should give myself to be your servant, I would not be equally worthy of your providence.
9:3 Even so, I beg you to take with you beasts or even servants, and to go to Gabael in Rages, the city of the Medes, and restore to him his handwritten note, 並由佢嗰度收到錢, 並請佢嚟參加我嘅婚禮慶典.
9:4 因為你知我老竇數日子. 如果我再耽誤一日, 他的靈魂將受到折磨.
9:5 你肯定睇到拉格尔係點樣獲得我嘅誓言嘅, 一個我唔可以拒絕嘅誓言。
9:6 然後拉斐尔借咗拉盖尔嘅四個僕人, 同兩隻駱駝, 他前往憤怒, the city of the Medes. 喺搵到加贝尔之後, 佢將手寫嘅便條畀咗佢, 佢由佢嗰度收到咗所有嘅錢.
9:7 佢向佢透露, 關於托比特個仔托比亚斯, 所有已經完成嘅工作. 佢畀佢同佢一齊去參加婚禮慶典.
9:8 当佢進入拉盖尔嘅屋時, 佢發現托比亚斯斜倚喺枱上. 並躍升, 並躍升. And Gabael wept, and he blessed God.
9:9 佢話: “May the God of Israel bless you, for you are the son of a man most noble and just, fearing God and performing almsgiving.
9:10 And may a blessing be spoken over your wife and over your parents.
9:11 And may you see your sons, and the sons of your sons, even to the third and fourth generation. And may your offspring be blessed by the God of Israel, who reigns forever and ever.”
9:12 And when all had said, “ 阿門,” they approached the feast. But they also celebrated the marriage feast with the fear of the Lord.

托比特 10

10:1 講真, when Tobias was delayed because of the marriage celebration, his father Tobit was worried, 諺語: “Why do you think my son is delayed, or why has he been detained there?
10:2 Do you think that Gabael has died, and that no one will repay him the money?"
10:3 所以佢開始非常悲傷, 佢同佢嘅妻子安娜都同佢一齊. 佢哋兩個開始一起哭泣, 因為佢哋個仔至少冇喺指定嘅日子回到佢哋身邊.
10:4 但他的母親喊得無法安慰嘅眼淚, 仲話: “禍了, 我有禍了, 哦,我個仔. 我哋點解要送你去遠方旅行, 你: 我哋眼嘅光, 我哋晚年嘅工作人員, 我哋生活嘅慰藉, 我哋後代嘅希望?
10:5 將所有嘅嘢都放在一起,在你身上, 我哋唔應該把你由我哋身邊解僱。
10:6 托比特喺對佢講: “冷靜啲, 唔好煩惱. 我哋個仔好安全. 嗰個人, 我哋派佢嚟嘅係邊個, 足夠忠實。
10:7 然而,她絕不能夠得到安慰。. 但, 每日跳躍, 她環顧四周, 並走遍了各個方面, by which there seemed any hope that he might return, so that she might possibly see him coming from afar.
10:8 講真, Raguel said to his son-in-law, “Remain here, and I will send a message of your health to your father Tobit.”
10:9 And Tobias said to him, “I know that my father and my mother have now counted the days, and their spirit must be tortured within them.”
10:10 And when Raguel had repeatedly petitioned Tobias, and he was by no means willing to listen to him, he delivered Sarah to him, and half of all his substance: with men and women servants, with sheep, camels, and cows, and with much money. And he dismissed him away, in safety and gladness, from him,
10:11 諺語: “May the holy Angel of the Lord be with your journey, and may he lead you through unharmed, and may you discover that all is right concerning your parents, and may my eyes see your sons before I die.”
10:12 And the parents, taking hold of their daughter, kissed her and let her go:
10:13 admonishing her to honor her father-in-law, to love her husband, to guide the family, to govern the household, and to behave irreproachably herself.

托比特 11

11:1 And as they were returning, they came through to Haran, which is in the middle of the journey, opposite Nineveh, on the eleventh day.
11:2 And the Angel said: “Brother Tobias, you know how you left behind your father.
11:3 所以, if it pleases you, let us go on ahead, and let the family follow after us with a slower step, together with your bride, and with the animals.”
11:4 And since it pleased him to go on in this way, Raphael said to Tobias, “Take with you from the gall of the fish, for it will be necessary.” And so, Tobias took from its gall, and he went ahead.
11:5 But Anna sat beside the way every day, on the top of a hill, from where she would be able to see for a long distance.
11:6 And while she was watching for his arrival from that place, she looked far off, and soon she realized that her son was approaching. And running, she reported it to her husband, 諺語: “ 睇邊, your son arrives.”
11:7 And Raphael said to Tobias: “As soon as you enter into your house, immediately adore the Lord your God. 和, giving thanks to him, approach your father, and kiss him.
11:8 And immediately anoint his eyes from this gall of the fish, which you carry with you. For you should know that his eyes will soon be opened, and your father will see the light of heaven, and he will rejoice at the sight of you.”
11:9 Then the dog, which had been with them in the way, ran ahead, 和, arriving like a messenger, he showed his joy by fawning and wagging his tail.
11:10 並崛起, his blind father began to run, stumbling with his feet. And giving his hand to a servant, he ran on to meet his son.
11:11 And receiving him, he kissed him, as did his wife, and they both began to weep for joy.
11:12 And when they had adored God and had given thanks, they sat down together.
11:13 然後托比亚斯, taking from the gall of the fish, anointed his father’s eyes.
11:14 And about half an hour passed, and then a white film began to come out of his eyes, like the membrane of an egg.
11:15 So, taking hold of it, Tobias pulled it away from his eyes, and immediately he received his sight.
11:16 And they glorified God: Tobit especially, and his wife, and all those who knew him.
11:17 托比特話, “I bless you, O Lord God of Israel, because you have chastised me, and you have saved me, 瞧瞧, I see my son Tobias.”
11:18 然之後, after seven days, Sarah, the wife of his son, and all the family arrived safely, along with the sheep, and the camels, and much money from his wife, but also with that money which he had received from Gabael.
11:19 And he explained to his parents all the benefits from God, which he had produced all around him, by means of the man who had led him.
11:20 And then Ahikar and Nadab arrived, the maternal first cousins of Tobias, rejoicing for Tobias, and congratulating with him for all the good things that God had revealed all around him.
11:21 And for seven days they feasted, and all were rejoicing with great joy.

托比特 12

12:1 Then Tobit called his son to him, 佢對佢講, “What are we able to give to this holy man, who accompanied you?"
12:2 Tobias, 回答, said to his father: “Father, what wages shall we give him? And what could be worthy of his benefits?
12:3 He led me and he brought me back safely. He received the money from Gabael. He caused me to have my wife. And he confined the demon away from her. He caused joy to her parents. Myself, he rescued from being devoured by the fish. As for you, he also caused you to see the light of heaven. 所以, we have been filled with all good things through him. What could we possibly give to him that would be worthy of these things?
12:4 But I implore you, my father, to ask him if he would perhaps deign to take for himself half of all the things that have been brought.”
12:5 And calling him, the father especially, and the son, they took him aside. And they began to petition him, so that he would deign to accept ownership of one half part of all things that they had brought.
12:6 Then he said to them privately: “Bless the God of heaven, and confess to him in the sight of all who live, for he has acted in his mercy toward you.
12:7 For it is good to conceal the secret of a king, just as it is also honorable to reveal and to confess the works of God.
12:8 Prayer with fasting is good, and almsgiving is better than hiding away gold in storage.
12:9 For almsgiving delivers from death, and the same is what purges sins and makes one able to find mercy and everlasting life.
12:10 But those who commit sin and iniquity are enemies to their own soul.
12:11 因此, I reveal the truth to you, and I will not hide the explanation from you.
12:12 When you prayed with tears, and buried the dead, and left behind your dinner, and hid the dead by day in your house, and buried them by night: I offered your prayer to the Lord.
12:13 And because you were acceptable to God, it was necessary for you to be tested by trials.
12:14 現時, the Lord has sent me to cure you, and to free Sarah, your son’s wife, from the demon.
12:15 For I am the Angel Raphael, one of seven, who stand before the Lord.”
12:16 And when they had heard these things, they were troubled, and being seized with fear, they fell upon the ground on their face.
12:17 And the Angel said to them: “Peace be to you. Fear not.
12:18 For when I was with you, I was there by the will of God. Bless him, and sing to him.
12:19 Indeed, I seemed to eat and drink with you, but I make use of an invisible food and drink, which cannot be seen by men.
12:20 因此, it is time that I return to him who sent me. But as for you, bless God, and describe all his wonders.”
12:21 And when he had said these things, he was taken from their sight, and they were not able to see him any longer.
12:22 然之後, lying prostrate for three hours upon their face, they blessed God. 並崛起, they described all his wonders.

托比特 13

13:1 所以, the elder Tobit, opening his mouth, blessed the Lord, 佢話: “主啊, you are great in eternity and your kingdom is with all ages.
13:2 For you scourge, and you save. You lead down to the grave, and you bring up again. And there is no one who can escape from your hand.
13:3 Confess to the Lord, O sons of Israel, and praise him in the sight of the nations.
13:4 為, 講真, he has dispersed you among the Gentiles, who are ignorant of him, that you may proclaim his wonders, and that you may cause them to know that there is no other almighty God, except him.
13:5 He has chastised us because of our iniquities, and he will save us because of his mercy.
13:6 因此, look upon what he has done for us, 和, with fear and trembling, confess to him. And extol the King of all ages with your works.
13:7 But as for me, I will confess him in the land of my captivity. For he has revealed his majesty within a sinful nation.
13:8 所以, be converted, you sinners, and do justice in the presence of God, believing that he will act in his mercy toward you.
13:9 But I and my soul will rejoice in him.
13:10 Bless the Lord, all you his elect. Keep days of rejoicing, and confess to him.
13:11 O Jerusalem, the city of God, the Lord has chastised you for the works of your hands.
13:12 Confess to the Lord with your good things, and bless the God of all ages, so that he may rebuild his tabernacle in you, and he may recall all the captives to you, and you may be glad in all ages and forever.
13:13 You will shine with a splendid light, and all the ends of the earth will adore by you.
13:14 Nations from far away will come to you, bringing gifts. And in you, they shall adore the Lord, and they will hold your land in sanctification.
13:15 For they will invoke the Great Name in you.
13:16 Those who despise you will be cursed, and all those who blaspheme by you will be condemned, and those who build you up will be blessed.
13:17 But you will rejoice in your sons, because they will all be blessed, and they will be gathered together for the Lord.
13:18 Blessed are all those who love you and who rejoice in your peace.
13:19 Bless the Lord, O my soul, for the Lord our God has freed Jerusalem, his city, from every one of her tribulations.
13:20 Happy will I be, if any of my offspring will be left to see the brightness of Jerusalem.
13:21 The gates of Jerusalem will be built from sapphire and emerald, and all its walls will be surrounded with precious stones.
13:22 All its streets will be paved with stones, white and clean. And ‘Alleluia’ will be sung throughout its neighborhoods.
13:23 Blessed be the Lord, who has exalted it, and may he reign over it, forever and ever. Amen.”

托比特 14

14:1 And the sermon of Tobit was completed. And after Tobit received his sight, he lived forty-two years, and he saw the sons of his grandchildren.
14:2 所以, having completed one hundred and two years, he was buried honorably at Nineveh.
14:3 For he was fifty-six years old, when he lost the light of his eyes, and he was sixty years old, when he truly received it again.
14:4 和, in truth, the remainder of his life was in gladness. 所以, with the good accomplishment of the fear of God, he departed in peace.
14:5 但, in the hour of his death, he called to himself his son Tobias, along with his sons, the seven youths who were his grandsons, and he said to them:
14:6 “Nineveh will pass away soon. For the word of the Lord goes forward, and our brothers, who have been dispersed away from the land of Israel, shall return to it.
14:7 Thus its deserted land will be entirely filled again. And the house of God, which was burned like incense within it, will be rebuilt again. And all those who fear God will return there.
14:8 And the Gentiles will relinquish their idols, and they will enter into Jerusalem, and they will dwell in it.
14:9 And all the kings of the earth will rejoice in it, adoring the King of Israel.
14:10 因此, my sons, listen to your father. Serve the Lord in truth, and seek to do the things that please him.
14:11 And command your sons, so that they may accomplish justice and almsgiving, and so that they may be mindful of God and may bless him at all times, in truth and with all their strength.
14:12 現時, sons, listen to me, and do not remain here. 但, on whatever day you will bury your mother near me in one sepulcher, from that time, direct your steps to leave this place.
14:13 For I see that its iniquity will bring about its end.”
14:14 碰巧嘅係, after the death of his mother, Tobias withdrew from Nineveh, with his wife, and sons, and sons of sons, and he was returned to his father-in-law.
14:15 And he found them unharmed in a good old age. And he took care of them, and he closed their eyes. And all the inheritance of the house of Raguel passed to him. And he saw the sons of his sons to the fifth generation.
14:16 和, having completed ninety-nine years in the fear of the Lord, with joy, they buried him.
14:17 But all his family and all his lineage continued with a good life and in holy conversation, so that they were acceptable both to God and to men, as well as to everyone who dwelt in the land.

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