November 7, 2014


The Letter of Saint Paul to the Philippians 3: 17- 4:1

3:17 Be imitators of me, brothers, and observe those who are walking similarly, just as you have seen by our example.
3:18 For many persons, about whom I have often told you (and now tell you, weeping,) are walking as enemies of the cross of Christ.
3:19 Their end is destruction; their god is their belly; and their glory is in their shame: for they are immersed in earthly things.
3:20 But our way of life is in heaven. And from heaven, too, we await the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ,
3:21 who will transform the body of our lowliness, according to the form of the body of his glory, by means of that power by which he is even able to subject all things to himself.

Philippians 4

4:1 所以, my most beloved and most desired brothers, my joy and my crown: stand firm in this way, in the Lord, most beloved.


馬修 16: 1-8

16:1 法利賽人同撒都該人接近佢嚟試探佢, 佢哋要求佢畀佢哋睇一個來自天堂嘅徵兆.

16:2 但他回應說:: 朕当傍晚到來時, 你講, “會好平靜, 因為天空係紅色嘅,'

16:3 早上, “ 今日會有一場暴風雨, 因為天空係紅色嘅,陰沉嘅。 咁咁, 你知道如何判斷天空的外觀, 但你無法知道時代嘅迹象?

16:4 邪惡和通姦嘅一代尋求徵兆. 並且不得給它一個標誌, 除了先知約拿嘅徵兆。 將佢哋拋在腦後, 佢走咗.

16:5 当佢嘅門徒漂洋過海時, 佢哋唔記得帶麵包.

16:6 佢對佢哋講, 并考慮並提防法利賽人同撒都該人嘅酵。喏

16:7 但佢哋喺自己內心思考, 諺語, 噉 係因為 我哋 冇 帶 麵包 。 嗱 嗱

16:8 然後耶穌, 知道這一點, 說: “你哋點解要喺自己心裏考慮, 信心不足, 係因為你冇麵包?


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