August 10, 2014

Éischt Liesung

First Book of Kings 19: 9, 11-13

9:9 And when he had arrived there, he stayed in a cave. And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, and said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?"

19:11 An hie sot zu him, “Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by. And there was a great and strong wind, tearing apart the mountains, and crushing the rocks before the Lord. But the Lord was not in the wind. And after the wind, there was an earthquake. But the Lord was not in the earthquake.

19:12 And after the earthquake, there was a fire. But the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, there was the whisper of a gentle breeze.

19:13 And when Elijah had heard it, he covered his face with his cloak, and going out, he stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there was a voice to him, gesot: “What are you doing here, Elijah?” And he responded

Zweet Liesung

Réimer 9: 1-5

9:1 I am speaking the truth in Christ; I am not lying. My conscience offers testimony to me in the Holy Spirit,

9:2 because the sadness within me is great, and there is a continuous sorrow in my heart.

9:3 For I was desiring that I myself might be anathemized from Christ, for the sake of my brothers, who are my kinsmen according to the flesh.

9:4 These are the Israelites, to whom belongs adoption as sons, and the glory and the testament, and the giving and following of the law, and the promises.

9:5 Theirs are the fathers, and from them, according to the flesh, is the Christ, who is over all things, blessed God, for all eternity. Amen.


Matthew 14: 22-33

14:22 An de Jesus huet seng Jünger prompt gezwongen an d'Boot ze klammen, a fir him virzegoen beim Kräizgang vum Mier, während hien d'Leit entlooss huet.

14:23 An déi vill entlooss hunn, hien ass eleng op e Bierg geklommen fir ze bieden. A wéi den Owend ukomm ass, hien war eleng do.

14:24 Awer an der Mëtt vum Mier, d'Boot gouf vun de Wellen ëmgedréint. Well de Wand war géint si.

14:25 Dann, an der véierter Nuecht Iwwerwaachung, hien ass bei hinnen komm, op d'Mier trëppelen.

14:26 A gesinn hien op d'Mier trëppelen, si goufen gestéiert, gesot: "Et muss eng Erscheinung sinn." A si hunn geruff, wéinst Angscht.

14:27 An direkt, De Jesus huet mat hinnen geschwat, gesot: "Vertrauen. Et ass ech. Fäert net."

14:28 Dunn huet de Peter geäntwert andeems hie gesot huet, "Här, wann et du bass, Uerdnung, datt ech bei dech iwwer d'Waasser kommen."

14:29 An hie sot, "Komm." An Peter, aus dem Boot erofkommen, iwwer d'Waasser geklommen, fir bei de Jesus ze goen.

14:30 Trotzdem wierklech, gesinn, datt de Wand staark war, hien huet Angscht. A wéi hien ugefaang ze ënnerzegoen, hien huet geruff, gesot: "Här, rett mech."

14:31 An direkt huet de Jesus seng Hand ausgestreckt an hie festgeholl. An hie sot zu him, "O kleng am Glawen, firwat hutt Dir gezweiwelt?"

14:32 A wéi si an d'Boot geklommen waren, de Wand opgehalen.

14:33 Dunn sinn déi, déi am Boot waren, no komm an hunn hien bewonnert, gesot: "Wierklech, du bass de Jong vu Gott."



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