
2fish.co is a company of men and women, including a few Catholic priests, dedicated to defending and explaining the Catholic faithparticularly the Roman Catholic faiththrough reason and truth.

All are welcome to explore our site and read God’s message and our interpretations. You are also welcome to submit questions for ourДин кызматчыдан сураpage or to submit a favorite sermon. We will post replies and accept content as soon as possible, but we are a volunteer organization, and each member has (at least) one full-time job.

To the extent possible, our message is welcoming and ecumenical, without ever betraying the central tenets of Catholicism. There are more similarities than differences among various Christian sects, and while we celebrate those similarities, we will also explain why we believe what we do and practice as we do.

We hope to do it all in clear, simple English.

We chose the name “2балык” because of the double meaning.

Алгачкы, like the Miracle of the (two) Fish and (беш) Loaves that appears in each of the four Gospels, we want to affect as many people as we can with very few resources. Ошентип, like Springsteen sings, “We’re countinon a miracle.

Second, through our informal (to the extent possible), positive, inclusive (жана, hopefully, inspiring) message, we hope to catch a few fish, да. Contact us for more information.

Автордук укук 2010 – 2023 2fish.co