Laga yaabaa 24, 2015

Akhriska Koowaad

Falimaha Rasuullada 2: 1-11

2:1 And when the days of Pentecost were completed, they were all together in the same place.

2:2 And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, like that of a wind approaching violently, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting.

2:3 And there appeared to them separate tongues, as if of fire, which settled upon each one of them.

2:4 Oo kulligood waxaa ka wada buuxsamay Ruuxa Quduuska ah. And they began to speak in various languages, just as the Holy Spirit bestowed eloquence to them.

2:5 Now there were Jews staying in Jerusalem, pious men from every nation that is under heaven.

2:6 And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together and was confused in mind, because each one was listening to them speaking in his own language.

2:7 Then all were astonished, and they wondered, isagoo leh: “Bal eeg, are not all of these who are speaking Galileans?

2:8 And how is it that we have each heard them in our own language, into which we were born?

2:9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and those who inhabit Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,

2:10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya which are around Cyrene, and new arrivals of the Romans,

2:11 likewise Jews and new converts, Cretans and Arabs: we have heard them speaking in our own languages the mighty deeds of God.”

Akhriska Labaad

The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians 12: 3-7, 12-13

12:3 Taas aawadeed, I would have you know that no one speaking in the Spirit of God utters a curse against Jesus. And no one is able to say that Jesus is Lord, except in the Holy Spirit.

12:4 Runtii, there are diverse graces, but the same Spirit.

12:5 And there are diverse ministries, but the same Lord.

12:6 And there are diverse works, but the same God, who works everything in everyone.

12:7 Si kastaba ha ahaatee, the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one toward what is beneficial.

12:12 For just as the body is one, and yet has many parts, so all the parts of the body, though they are many, are only one body. So also is Christ.

12:13 Oo runtii, in one Spirit, we were all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Gentiles, whether servant or free. And we all drank in the one Spirit.


The Holy Gospel According John 20: 19-23

20:19 Markaa, markii ay soo daahday isla maalintaas, sabtiyada ugu horreeya, oo albaabbadiina waa la xidhay meeshii xertu isugu timid, Yahuudda cabsi darteed, Markaasaa Ciise yimid oo dhexdooda istaagay, markaasuu ku yidhi: "Asalaamu calaykum"

20:20 Oo markuu sidaas yidhi, wuxuu tusay gacmihiisii ​​iyo dhinaciisii. Xertii waa ku farxeen markay Sayidkii arkeen.

20:21 Sidaa darteed, Mar kale ayuu ku yidhi: “Asalaamu calaykum. Sida Aabbuhu ii soo diray, marka waan ku diraa.

20:22 Markuu sidaas yidhi, ayuu ku afuufay. Markaasuu ku yidhi: “Aqbal Ruuxa Quduuska ah.

20:23 Kuwa aad dembiyadooda cafido, waa la cafiyay, iyo kuwa aad dembiyadooda xajin doontid, waa la hayaa.”





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