October 31, 2013, Injil

Lukas 13: 31-35

13:31 On the same day, some of the Pharisees approached, mengatakan kepadanya: “Depart, and go away from here. For Herod wishes to kill you.”
13:32 Dan dia berkata kepada mereka: “Go and tell that fox: 'Melihat, I cast out demons and accomplish healings, today and tomorrow. And on the third day I reach the end.’
13:33 Namun sungguh, it is necessary for me to walk today and tomorrow and the following day. For it does not fall to a prophet to perish beyond Jerusalem.
13:34 Yerusalem, Yerusalem! You kill the prophets, and you stone those who are sent to you. Daily, I wanted to gather together your children, in the manner of a bird with her nest under her wings, but you were not willing!
13:35 Melihat, your house will be left desolate for you. Tapi saya katakan kepada Anda, that you shall not see me, until it happens that you say: ‘Blessed is he who has arrived in the name of the Lord.’ ”


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