July 23, 2014

Nyeem ntawv

Yelemis 1: 1, 4-10

1:1 Cov lus ntawm Yelemis, Hilkiah tus tub ntawm cov pov thawj uas nyob hauv Anathoth hauv tebchaws Benjamin.

11:4 Thiab tus Tswv txoj lus tau los rau kuv, hais: 1:5 “Ua ntej kuv tsim koj hauv plab, kuv paub koj. Thiab ua ntej koj tawm hauv plab, Kuv ua koj dawb huv. Thiab kuv tsa koj ua yaj saub rau txhua haiv neeg. "

1:6 Thiab kuv hais: “Alas, alas, alas, Tswv Ntuj! Saib seb, Kuv tsis paub hais lus li cas, vim kuv yog ib tug tub."

1:7 Thiab tus Tswv tau hais rau kuv: “Tsis txhob xaiv hais, ‘Kuv yog ib tug tub.” Rau qhov koj yuav tawm mus rau txhua tus uas kuv yuav txib koj mus. Thiab koj yuav tsum hais txhua yam uas kuv yuav txib koj.

1:8 Koj yuav tsum tsis txhob ntshai ua ntej lawv lub ntsej muag. Rau kuv nrog koj, xwv kuv thiaj yuav cawm tau koj,” hais tias tus Tswv.

1:9 Thiab tus Tswv tau tso nws txhais tes, thiab nws kov kuv lub qhov ncauj. Thiab tus Tswv tau hais rau kuv: “Saib seb, Kuv tau tso kuv cov lus rau hauv koj lub qhov ncauj.

1:10 Saib seb, Hnub no kuv tau tsa koj hla tebchaws thiab hla tebchaws, yog li ntawd koj yuav rooting, thiab rub cia, thiab rhuav tshem, thiab tawg, thiab yog li ntawd koj yuav tsim thiab cog."

Txoj moo zoo

Lukas 13: 1-9

13:1 And there were present, at that very time, some who were reporting about the Galileans, whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices.
13:2 And responding, nws hais rau lawv: “Do you think that these Galileans must have sinned more than all other Galileans, because they suffered so much?
13:3 No, I tell you. But unless you repent, you will all perish similarly.
13:4 And those eighteen upon whom the tower of Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they also were greater transgressors than all the men living in Jerusalem?
13:5 No, I tell you. But if you do not repent, you will all perish similarly.”
13:6 And he also told this parable: “A certain man had a fig tree, which was planted in his vineyard. And he came seeking fruit on it, but found none.
13:7 Then he said to the cultivator of the vineyard: 'Saib seb, for these three years I came seeking fruit on this fig tree, and I have found none. Yog li ntawd, cut it down. For why should it even occupy the land?'
13:8 But in response, he said to him: ‘Lord, let it be for this year also, during which time I will dig around it and add fertilizer.
13:9 Thiab, tseeb, it should bear fruit. But if not, in the future, you shall cut it down.’ ”


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