四月 26, 2015


The Acts of the Apostles 4: 8-12

4:8 然后彼得, 被圣灵充满, 对他们说: “人民领袖和长老们, 听.
4:9 如果我们今天是根据对一个体弱者所做的好事来判断的, 他因此而变得完整,
4:10 让你们所有人和所有以色列人都知道, 奉我们主耶稣基督拿撒勒人的名, 你把谁钉在十字架上, 上帝从死里复活的人, 由他, 这个人站在你面前, 健康.
4:11 他是石头, 被你拒绝了, 建设者, 这已经成为角落的头.
4:12 没有任何其他救赎. 因为天下人没有赐下别的名, 我们得救是必要的。”


The First Letter of Saint John 3: 1-2

3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we would be called, and would become, the sons of God. 因为这, the world does not know us, for it did not know him.
3:2 Most beloved, we are now the sons of God. But what we shall be then has not yet appeared. We know that when he does appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.


The Holy Gospel According to John 10: 11-18

10:11 I am the good Shepherd. The good Shepherd gives his life for his sheep.
10:12 But the hired hand, and whoever is not a shepherd, to whom the sheep do not belong, he sees the wolf approaching, and he departs from the sheep and flees. And the wolf ravages and scatters the sheep.
10:13 And the hired hand flees, because he is a hired hand and there is no concern for the sheep within him.
10:14 I am the good Shepherd, and I know my own, and my own know me,
10:15 just as the Father knows me, and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for my sheep.
10:16 And I have other sheep that are not of this fold, and I must lead them. They shall hear my voice, and there shall be one sheepfold and one shepherd.
10:17 为此原因, the Father loves me: because I lay down my life, so that I may take it up again.
10:18 No one takes it away from me. 反而, I lay it down of my own accord. And I have the power to lay it down. And I have the power to take it up again. This is the commandment that I have received from my Father.”


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