February 27, 2024

以赛亚书 1: 10, 16- 20

1:10听主的话, 你们这些所多玛人的首领. 仔细聆听我们上帝的律法, 蛾摩拉人啊.
1:16洗, 变得干净, 从我眼中带走你邪恶的意图. 停止不正当行为.
1:17学会做好事. 寻求判断, 支持被压迫者, 为孤儿审判, 保卫寡妇.
1:18然后接近并指责我, 耶和华说. 然后, 如果你的罪像猩红, 他们将变得洁白如雪; 如果它们像朱砂一样红, 他们将变得像羊毛一样洁白.
1:19如果你愿意, 你听我说, 然后你就会吃地上的美物.
1:20但如果你不愿意, 你激怒了我, 然后剑会吞噬你. 因为耶和华亲口说.

马修 23: 1- 12

23:1Then Jesus spoke to the crowds, and to his disciples,
23:2说: “The scribes and the Pharisees have sat down in the chair of Moses.
23:3所以, all things whatsoever that they shall say to you, observe and do. 然而真的, do not choose to act according to their works. For they say, but they do not do.
23:4For they bind up heavy and unbearable burdens, and they impose them on men’s shoulders. But they are not willing to move them with even a finger of their own.
23:5确实, they do all their works so that they may be seen by men. For they enlarge their phylacteries and glorify their hems.
23:6And they love the first places at feasts, and the first chairs in the synagogues,
23:7and greetings in the marketplace, and to be called Master by men.
23:8But you must not be called Master. For One is your Master, and you are all brothers.
23:9And do not choose to call anyone on earth your father. For One is your Father, 谁在天堂.
23:10Neither should you be called teachers. For One is your Teacher, the Christ.
23:11Whoever is greater among you shall be your minister.
23:12But whoever has exalted himself, shall be humbled. And whoever has humbled himself, shall be exalted.