July 30, 2015


出埃及记 40: 16- 21, 34- 36

40:16 摩西将它举起来, 他放置了面板、底座和横杆, 他立起了柱子,

40:17 他把屋顶盖在圣幕上, 在其上方加盖一个盖子, 正如主所吩咐的.

40:18 他把见证放在方舟里, 应用下面的栏, 以及上面的神谕.

40:19 当他把约柜搬进圣幕时, 他在它面前拉上了面纱, 为了履行主的诫命.

40:20 他把桌子放在法柜的帐幕里, 在北侧, 超越面纱,

40:21 在它面前摆上代表面包, 正如耶和华吩咐摩西的.

40:34 每当云彩离开圣幕时, 以色列人按着他们的军队出发了.

40:35 但如果它仍然悬在上面, 他们留在同一个地方.

40:36 当然, 白天,耶和华的云彩遮盖会幕, 和夜间的火, 以色列全体人民在他们所有的安息之地都能看见.


马太福音 13: 47-53

13:47 再次, the kingdom of heaven is like a net cast into the sea, which gathers together all kinds of fish.
13:48 When it has been filled, drawing it out and sitting beside the shore, they selected the good into vessels, but the bad they threw away.
13:49 So shall it be at the consummation of the age. The Angels shall go forth and separate the bad from the midst of the just.
13:50 And they shall cast them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
13:51 Have you understood all these things?” They say to him, “Yes.”
13:52 他对他们说, “所以, every scribe well-taught about the kingdom of heaven, is like a man, the father of a family, who offers from his storehouse both the new and the old.”
13:53 事情发生了, when Jesus had completed these parables, 他离开了那里.




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