June 11, 2014


The Acts of the Apostles 11: 21-26, 13: 1-3

11:21 And the hand of the Lord was with them. And a great number believed and were converted to the Lord.
11:22 Now the news came to the ears of the Church at Jerusalem about these things, and they sent Barnabas as far as Antioch.
11:23 And when he had arrived there and had seen the grace of God, he was gladdened. And he exhorted them all to continue in the Lord with a resolute heart.
11:24 For he was a good man, and he was filled with the Holy Spirit and with faith. And a great multitude was added to the Lord.
11:25 Then Barnabas set out for Tarsus, so that he might seek Saul. And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch.
11:26 And they were conversing there in the Church for an entire year. And they taught such a great multitude, that it was at Antioch that the disciples were first known by the name of Christian.

使徒行传 13

13:1 Now there were, in the Church at Antioch, prophets and teachers, among whom were Barnabas, and Simon, who was called the Black, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manahen, who was the foster brother of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
13:2 Now as they were ministering for the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said to them: “Separate Saul and Barnabas for me, for the work for which I have selected them.”
13:3 然后, fasting and praying and imposing their hands upon them, they sent them away.


马太福音 10: 7-13

10:7 继续前行, 宣讲, 说: “因为天国临近了。”
10:8 治病救人, 复活死者, 净化麻风病人, 赶鬼. 您已免费获得, 所以自由地给予.
10:9 不要选择拥有黄金, 也不是银, 腰带上也没有钱,
10:10 也没有旅行的规定, 也没有两件束腰外衣, 也不是鞋子, 也不是工作人员. 因为劳动者应得他的份.
10:11 现在, 进入你将进入的任何城市或城镇, 询问谁是值得的. 并留在那里直到你离开.
10:12 然后, 当你进屋时, 打招呼, 说, “愿这所房子平安。”
10:13 而如果, 的确, 那房子值得, 你的平安将依靠它. 但如果不值得, 你的平安会回到你身边.


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