UCanzibe 13, 2015


IZenzo zabaPostile 17: 15, 22-18:1

17:15 Baza abo babehamba naye uPawulos, bamsa eAtene. Kwaye emva kokuba amkele umyalelo kuye ukuba uSilas noTimoti, ukuze beze kuye kamsinya, bahamba.
17:22 Kodwa uPawulos, emi esazulwini seAreyopago, watsho: “Madoda aseAtene, ndiyabona ukuba ezintweni zonke nincamisa kakhulu.
17:23 Kuba njengoko bendidlula ndaza ndazibona izithixo zenu ezingento, Ndafumana nesibingelelo, ekubhalwe kuyo: KUTHIXO ONGAZIWAYO. Ngoko ke, izinto enizinqula ngokungazi, yiyo le nto ndinishumayezayo:
17:24 uThixo yena owenza ihlabathi neento zonke ezikulo, Lowo uyiNkosi yezulu nomhlaba, ongahlali zitempileni zenziwe ngazandla.
17:25 Kananjalo akakhonzwa zizandla zabantu, ngokungathi uswele nantoni na, ngokuba inguye ozinika zonke izinto ubomi, nomphefumlo, nazo zonke ezinye.
17:26 Kwaye uyenzile, ngaphandle kwenye, yonke intsapho yomntu: ukuhlala phezu kobuso behlabathi lonke, ukugqiba kwamaxesha amisiweyo, nemida yokuhlala kwazo,
17:27 ukuze bafune uThixo, ukuba mhlawumbi bangamgqala, mhlawumbi bamfumane, nakuba engekude kuthi sonke ngabanye.
17:28 ‘Kuba sihleli kuye, kwaye uhambe, kwaye zibekho.’ Kanye njengokuba ezinye iimbongi zenu zitshilo. ‘Kuba nathi singabentsapho yakhe.’
17:29 Ngoko ke, ngokuba singabendlu kaThixo, masingagqali ngegolide, nesilivere, namatye anqabileyo, okanye imizobo yobugcisa nengcamango yomntu, ukuba ngummeleli wento eNgcwele.
17:30 Kwaye ngokwenene, uThixo, ejonge phantsi ukuze abone ukungazi kwala maxesha, ngoku ubhengeze ebantwini ukuba wonke umntu makaguquke.
17:31 Kuba umise umhla aza kuligweba ngawo elimiweyo ngobulungisa, ngendoda ayimiseleyo, enikela ukholo kubo bonke, ngokumvusa kwabafileyo.
17:32 Kwaye xa bevile ngoVuko lwabafileyo, kanjalo, abanye babehlekisa, ngelixa abanye besithi, “Siza kukuphulaphula ngale nto kwakhona.”
17:33 Wemka ke uPawulos phakathi kwabo.
17:34 Kodwa ngokwenene, amadoda athile, babambelele kuye, nakholwa. Phakathi kwabo kwakukho noDiyonisiyo waseAreyopago, nenkazana egama linguDamaris, nabanye kunye nabo.

IZenzo zabaPostile 18

18:1 Emva kwezi zinto, emkile eAtene, wafika eKorinte.



IVangeli Engcwele ngokukaYohane 16: 12-15

16:12 I still have many things to say to you, but you are not able to bear them now.
16:13 But when the Spirit of truth has arrived, he will teach the whole truth to you. For he will not be speaking from himself. Kunoko, whatever he will hear, he will speak. And he will announce to you the things that are to come.
16:14 He shall glorify me. For he will receive from what is mine, and he will announce it to you.
16:15 All things whatsoever that the Father has are mine. Ngesi sizathu, I said that he will receive from what is mine and that he will announce it to you.



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