EyoMsintsi 9, 2014


The First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians 6: 1-11

6:1 Kunjani ukuba nabani na kuni, ukuba nengxabano nomnye, ube nobuganga bokugwetywa phambi kwabangendawo, kungekhona phambi kwabangcwele?
6:2 Anazi na, ukuba abangcwele bakweli phakade baya kuligweba?? Kwaye ukuba ihlabathi liya kugwetywa nini, awufanelekanga, ngoko, ukugweba nezona zinto zincinane?
6:3 Anazi na, ukuba siya kugweba izithunywa zezulu?? Kobeka phi na ke kwizinto zeli phakade!?
6:4 Ngoko ke, ukuba nineendawo zokugweba kweli phakade, kutheni ungakhethi abo badelekileyo eBandleni ukuba bagwebe ezi zinto!
6:5 Ke ndithetha ukuze nidane. Akukho bani ulumkileyo ngokwaneleyo phakathi kwenu?, ukuze abe nako ukugweba phakathi kwabazalwana bakhe?
6:6 Kunoko, umzalwana umangalela umzalwana enkundleni, Oku kuphambi kwabangathembekanga!
6:7 Ngoku kukho isikhubekiso phakathi kwenu, ngaphezu kwayo yonke enye into, xa nimangalelane. Akufunekanga wamkele ukwenzakala endaweni yoko? Ngaba akufanele unyamezele ukuqhathwa endaweni yoko?
6:8 Ke nina nenza ukwenzakala nokuqhatha, nakubazalwana!
6:9 Anazi na, ukuba abangendawo abayi kubudla ilifa ubukumkani bukaThixo?? Musa ukukhetha ukubhadula. nokuba abenza umbulo, kwanabakhonzi bezithixo, nabakrexezi,
6:10 okanye umfazi, kwanamadoda alala namadoda, namasela, okanye abakhohlakeleyo, kwanabo banxilileyo, nabahlebi, nabaphangi abayi kubudla ilifa ubukumkani bukaThixo.
6:11 Kwaye abanye benu babenje. Kodwa uxolelwe, ningcwalisiwe ke nina, ke wena ugwetyelwe: konke egameni leNkosi yethu uYesu Kristu, nangoMoya kaThixo wethu.


IVangeli Engcwele ngokukaLuka 6: 12-19

6:12 Kwaye kwenzeka ukuba, ngaloo mihla, he went out to a mountain to pray. And he was in the prayer of God throughout the night.
6:13 Kwaye kwafika imini, he called his disciples. And he chose twelve out of them (whom he also named Apostles):
6:14 USimon, whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,
6:15 Matthew and Thomas, James of Alphaeus, and Simon who is called the Zealot,
6:16 noYuda kaYakobi, and Judas Iscariot, who was a traitor.
6:17 And descending with them, he stood in a level place with a multitude of his disciples, and a copious multitude of people from all of Judea and Jerusalem and the seacoast, neTire neTsidon,
6:18 who had come so that they might listen to him and be healed of their diseases. And those who were troubled by unclean spirits were cured.
6:19 And the entire crowd was trying to touch him, because power went out from him and healed all.


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