Aprilie 5, 2012, Evening Mass, Prima Lectură

The Book of Exodus 12: 1-8, 11-14

12:1 The Lord also said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:
12:2 “This month will be for you the beginning of the months. It will be first in the months of the year.
12:3 Speak to the entire assembly of the sons of Israel, și le spuneți: On the tenth day of this month, let everyone take a lamb, by their families and houses.
12:4 But if the number is less than may suffice to be able to consume the lamb, he shall accept his neighbor, who has been joined with his house according to the number of souls that may suffice to be able to eat the lamb.
12:5 And it shall be a lamb without blemish, a one year old male. According to this rite, you shall also take a young goat.
12:6 And you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month. And the entire multitude of the sons of Israel shall immolate it toward evening.
12:7 And they shall take from its blood, and place it on both the door posts and the upper threshold of the houses, in which they will consume it.
12:8 And that night they shall eat the flesh, roasted by fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce.
12:11 Now you shall consume it in this way: You shall gird your waist, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall consume it in haste. For it is the Passover (acesta este, the Crossing) of the Lord.
12:12 And I will cross through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from man, even to cattle. And I will bring judgments against all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord.
12:13 But the blood will be for you as a sign in the buildings where you will be. And I will see the blood, and I will pass over you. And the plague will not be with you to destroy, when I strike the land of Egypt.
12:14 Then you shall have this day as a memorial, and you shall celebrate it as a solemnity to the Lord, in your generations, as an everlasting devotion.