Martie 20, 2023

Solemnity of Saint Joseph

Second Samuel 7: 4- 5, 12- 14, 16

7:4 Dar s-a întâmplat în acea noapte, Iată, Cuvântul Domnului a venit la Natan, zicală:
7:5 "Merge, și spune robului meu David: „Așa vorbește Domnul: Ar trebui să-mi construiești o casă ca locuință?
7:12 Și când zilele tale vor fi împlinite, şi vei dormi cu părinţii tăi, Îți voi ridica urmașii după tine, care va ieși din coapsele tale, și voi întări împărăția lui.
7:13 El însuși va zidi o casă numelui meu. Și voi întări tronul împărăției lui, chiar și pentru totdeauna.
7:14 Voi fi un tată pentru el, și el va fi un fiu pentru mine. Și dacă va săvârși vreo nelegiuire, Îl voi îndrepta cu toiagul oamenilor și cu rănile fiilor oamenilor.
7:16 Și casa ta va fi credincioasă, și împărăția ta va fi înaintea feței tale, pentru eternitate, și tronul tău va fi neîncetat în siguranță.”

Romans 4: 13, 16- 18, 22

4:13 For the Promise to Abraham, and to his posterity, that he would inherit the world, was not through the law, but through the justice of faith.
4:16 Din acest motiv, it is from faith according to grace that the Promise is ensured for all posterity, not only for those who are of the law, but also for those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all before God,
4:17 in whom he believed, who revives the dead and who calls those things that do not exist into existence. For it is written: “I have established you as the father of many nations.”
4:18 And he believed, with a hope beyond hope, so that he might become the father of many nations, according to what was said to him: “Thus shall your posterity shall be.”
4:22 Și din acest motiv, it was reputed to him unto justice.

Matei 1: 16, 18- 21, 24

1:16 And Jacob conceived Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.
1:18 Now the procreation of the Christ occurred in this way. After his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they lived together, she was found to have conceived in her womb by the Holy Spirit.
1:19 Then Joseph, her husband, since he was just and was not willing to hand her over, preferred to send her away secretly.
1:20 But while thinking over these things, Iată, an Angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, zicală: “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to accept Mary as your wife. For what has been formed in her is of the Holy Spirit.
1:21 And she shall give birth to a son. And you shall call his name JESUS. For he shall accomplish the salvation of his people from their sins.”
1:24 Then Joseph, arising from sleep, did just as the Angel of the Lord had instructed him, and he accepted her as his wife.