UCanzibe 11, 2015

IZenzo 16: 11-15

16:11 Wemka ngomkhombe eTrowa, ukuthatha indlela ethe ngqo, sifike eSamotrace, nangemini elandelayo, eNeapoli,


16:12 ukusuka apho, seza eFilipi, owona mzi mkhulu kwelaseMakedoni, ikoloni. Ke kaloku besikulo mzi iintsuku ezithile, ukuthetha kunye.


16:13 Emva koko, ngomhla wesabatha, besihamba ngaphandle kwe gate, ecaleni komlambo, apho kwakubonakala ngathi kukho indibano yomthandazo. Kwaye ehlala phantsi, sasithetha nabafazi ababebuthelene ndawonye.


16:14 Kwaye umfazi othile, ogama linguLidiya, umthengisi weengubo ezimfusa kwisixeko saseTiyatira, umnquli kaThixo, ndimamele. Yaza ke iNkosi yayivula intliziyo yakhe, ukuba amkele into eyayithethwa nguPawulos.


16:15 Kwaye emva kokuba ebhaptiziwe, nendlu yakhe, uye wasicenga, esithi: “Ukuba nithe nandibona ndithembekile kuYehova;, ngena endlwini yam, ulale khona. Kwaye wasiqinisekisa.



UYohane 15: 26-16: 4

15:26 But when the Advocate has arrived, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, he will offer testimony about me.


15:27 And you shall offer testimony, because you are with me from the beginning.”


16:1 “These things I have spoken to you, so that you would not stumble.


16:2 They will put you out of the synagogues. But the hour is coming when everyone who puts you to death will consider that he is offering an excellent service to God.


16:3 And they will do these things to you because they have not known the Father, nor me.


16:4 But these things I have spoken to you, lo nto, when the hour for these things will have arrived, you may remember that I told you.






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