UCanzibe 25, 2015


Sirrarch 17: 20-24

17:20 Ngoku, to the repentant, he has given the way of justice, and he has strengthened those lacking in patience, and he has fastened them to a destiny of truth.
17:21 Convert to the Lord, and relinquish your sins.
17:22 Make supplication before the face of the Lord, and diminish your offenses.
17:23 Return to the Lord, and turn away from your injustice, and have immense hatred for abomination.
17:24 And acknowledge the justices and judgments of God, and stand firm in the circumstances set before you and in prayer to the most high God.



The Holy Gospel According to Mark 10: 17-27

10:17 Waphuma endleleni, ethile, ebaleka, eguqa phambi kwakhe, wambuza, “Mfundisi olungileyo, ndithini na, ukuze ndibuzuze ubomi obungunaphakade?”
10:18 Wathi ke uYesu kuye, “Kutheni undibiza ngokuba ndilungile? Akukho ulungileyo, mnye kwaphela, nguThixo.
10:19 Uyayazi imimiselo: “Musa ukukrexeza. Musa ukubulala. Musa ukuba. Musani ukuthetha ubungqina bobuxoki. Musani ukukhohlisa. Beka uyihlo nonyoko.
10:20 Kodwa ekuphenduleni, Wathi kuye, “Mfundisi, zonke ezo zinto ndazigcina kwasebuncinaneni bam.
10:21 Emva koko uYesu, emjongile, wayemthanda, wathi kuye: Inye into oyisweleyo. Hamba, thengisa ngayo nantoni na onayo, niphe amahlwempu, wandule ke ukuba nobutyebi ezulwini. Kwaye yiza, Ndilandele."
10:22 Wemka ke ebuhlungu, bebuhlungu kakhulu ngeli lizwi. kuba ebenemfuyo eninzi.
10:23 Kwaye uYesu, ebhekabheka, Wathi kubafundi bakhe, Hayi indlela ekunzima ngayo kwabo banobutyebi ukungena ebukumkanini bukaThixo!”
10:24 Bakhwankqiswa ke abafundi ngamazwi akhe. Kodwa uYesu, ephendula kwakhona, Wathi kubo: “Oonyana abancinci, Hayi indlela ekunzima ngayo ukuba abo bakholose ngemali bangene ebukumkanini bukaThixo!
10:25 Kulula ukuba inkamela iphumele entunjeni yenaliti, kunokuba izityebi zingene ebukumkanini bukaThixo.
10:26 Baye bemangala ngakumbi, bethetha phakathi kwabo, "I-WHO, ngoko, inokugcinwa?”
10:27 Kwaye uYesu, ebajongile, watsho: “Kubantu akunakwenzeka; kodwa kungekhona kuThixo. Kuba zonke izinto zinako ukwenzeka kuye uThixo.”



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