UCanzibe 26, 2015


Sirach 35: 1- 12

35:1 Whoever observes the law multiplies oblations.

35:2 It is a salutary sacrifice to attend to the commandments and to withdraw from all iniquity.

35:3 And to depart from injustice is to offer a propitiatory sacrifice for injustices and a supplication for sins.

35:4 Whoever gives thanks, offers a gift of fine flour, and whoever acts with mercy, offers a sacrifice.

35:5 To withdraw from iniquity is well-pleasing to the Lord. And to withdraw from injustice is a supplication for sins.

35:6 You should not appear empty before the sight of the Lord.

35:7 For all these things are to be done because of the commandment of God.

35:8 The oblation of the just fattens the altar, and is a fragrance of sweetness in the sight of the Most High.

35:9 The sacrifice of the just is acceptable, and the Lord will never forget the memorial of it.

35:10 Render glory to God with a good heart. And you should not reduce the first-fruits of your hands.

35:11 With every gift, have a cheerful countenance, and sanctify your tithes with exultation.

35:12 Give to the Most High according to his gifts to you, and act with a good eye toward the creations of your hands.


The Holy Gospel According to Mark 10: 28-31

10:28 Waqala wathi uPetros kuye, “Khangela!, sishiye iinto zonke sakulandela.
10:29 Ukuphendula, Wathi uYesu: “Amen ndithi kuni, Akukho mntu ushiye ngasemva kwendlu, okanye abazalwana, okanye oodade, okanye utata, okanye umama, okanye abantwana, okanye umhlaba, ngenxa yam nangenxa yeVangeli,
10:30 ongayi kufumana ngokuphindwe kalikhulu, ngoku ngeli xesha: izindlu, kunye nabazalwana, kunye noodade, kunye noomama, kunye nabantwana, nomhlaba, ngeentshutshiso, nakwixesha elizayo ubomi obungunaphakade.
10:31 Ke baninzi abokuqala abaya kuba ngabokugqibela, baze abokugqibela babe ngabokuqala.



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