Abril 24, 2024


The Acts of the Apostles 12: 24- 13: 5

12:24Pero la palabra del Señor iba creciendo y multiplicándose.
12:25Entonces Bernabé y Saulo, habiendo completado el ministerio, regresó de Jerusalén, trayendo consigo a Juan, que se apellidaba Marcos.
13:1Ahora había, en la Iglesia de Antioquia, profetas y maestros, entre los cuales estaban Bernabé, y simon, quien se llamaba el negro, y Lucio de Cirene, y Manahén, quien fue el hermano de crianza de Herodes el tetrarca, y Saulo.
13:2Mientras servían para el Señor y ayunaban, el Espíritu Santo les dijo: “Separadme a Saulo y a Bernabé, para la obra para la cual los he seleccionado.”
13:3Entonces, ayunando y orando e imponiendo sus manos sobre ellos, los enviaron lejos.
13:4Y habiendo sido enviados por el Espíritu Santo, fueron a Seleucia. Y de allí navegaron a Chipre.
13:5Y cuando hubieron llegado a Salamina, predicaban la Palabra de Dios en las sinagogas de los judíos. Y también tenían a Juan en el ministerio.


John 12: 44- 50

12:44But Jesus cried out and said: “Whoever believes in me, does not believe in me, but in him who sent me.
12:45And whoever sees me, sees him who sent me.
12:46I have arrived as a light to the world, so that all who believe in me might not remain in darkness.
12:47And if anyone has heard my words and not kept them, I do not judge him. For I did not come so that I may judge the world, but so that I may save the world.
12:48Whoever despises me and does not accept my words has one who judges him. The word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him on the last day.
12:49For I am not speaking from myself, but from the Father who sent me. He gave a commandment to me as to what I should say and how I should speak.
12:50And I know that his commandment is eternal life. Por lo tanto, the things that I speak, just as the Father has said to me, so also do I speak.”