November 6, Evangelio

Lucas 14:15-30
14:25 Now great crowds traveled with him. And turning around, les dijo:
14:26 “If anyone comes to me, and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, y hermanos, and sisters, and yes, even his own life, he is not able to be my disciple.
14:27 And whoever does not bear his cross and come after me, is not able to be my disciple.
14:28 For who among you, wanting to build a tower, would not first sit down and determine the costs that are required, to see if he has the means to complete it?
14:29 De lo contrario, after he will have laid the foundation and not been able to finish it, everyone who sees it may begin to mock him,
14:30 dicho: ‘This man began to build what he was not able to finish.’


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