October 28, 2014


Letter to Ephesians 2: 19-22

2:19 Now, त्यसैले, you are no longer visitors and new arrivals. सट्टा, you are citizens among the saints in the household of God,
2:20 having been built upon the foundation of the Apostles and of the Prophets, with Jesus Christ himself as the preeminent cornerstone.
2:21 In him, all that has been built is framed together, rising up into a holy temple in the Lord.
2:22 In him, you also have been built together into a habitation of God in the Spirit.

लुक 6: 12-16

6:12 र त्यो भयो, त्यो दिनहरु मा, he went out to a mountain to pray. And he was in the prayer of God throughout the night.
6:13 And when daylight had arrived, he called his disciples. And he chose twelve out of them (whom he also named Apostles):
6:14 Simon, whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,
6:15 Matthew and Thomas, James of Alphaeus, and Simon who is called the Zealot,
6:16 र जेम्स को यहूद, and Judas Iscariot, who was a traitor.


जवाफ छाड्नुस्