Meyi 25, 2014

Ukufunda Okokuqala

IzEnzo 8: 5-8, 14-17

8:5 Manje uFiliphu, esehlela emzini waseSamariya, wayeshumayela uKristu kubo.

8:6 Isixuku salalela nganhliziyonye lokho okwakhulunywa nguFiliphu, futhi babebuka izibonakaliso ayezenza.

8:7 Ngokuba abaningi kubo babenomoya abangcolileyo;, futhi, ememeza ngezwi elikhulu, laba basuka kubo.

8:8 Abaningi kwabafe uhlangothi nabayizinyonga baphulukiswa.

8:14 Manje lapho abaPhostoli ababeseJerusalema bezwa ukuthi iSamariya lamukele iZwi likaNkulunkulu, bathuma kubo oPetru noJohane.

8:15 Kwathi sebefikile, babathandazela, ukuze bamukele uMoya oNgcwele.

8:16 Ngoba wayengakafiki kunoma yimuphi phakathi kwabo, ngoba babhabhathizwa nje ebizweni leNkosi uJesu.

8:17 base bebeka izandla phezu kwabo, base bemukela uMoya oNgcwele.

Ukufunda Kwesibili

UPetru 3: 15-18

3:15 But sanctify Christ the Lord in your hearts, being always ready to give an explanation to all who ask you the reason for that hope which is in you.

3:16 But do so with meekness and fear, having a good conscience, ukuze, in whatever matter they may slander you, they shall be confounded, since they falsely accuse your good behavior in Christ.

3:17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if it is the will of God, than for doing evil.

3:18 For Christ also died once for our sins, the Just One on behalf of the unjust, so that he might offer us to God, having died, ngokuqinisekile, enyameni, but having been enlivened by the Spirit.


UJohane 14: 15-21

14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments.

14:16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give another Advocate to you, so that he may abide with you for eternity:

14:17 the Spirit of Truth, whom the world is not able to accept, because it neither perceives him nor knows him. But you shall know him. For he will remain with you, and he will be in you.

14:18 I will not leave you orphans. I will return to you.

14:19 Yet a little while and the world will not see me any longer. But you will see me. For I live, njalo uzaphila.

14:20 Ngalolo suku, you shall know that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

14:21 Noma ubani ogcina imiyalo yami futhi ayigcine: nguye ongithandayo. Futhi lowo ongithandayo uyothandwa nguBaba. Futhi ngizomthanda, futhi ngizozibonakalisa kuye.”




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