اپريل 1, 2012 Gospel

The Passion of Our Lord According to Mark 14: 1, 15: 47

14:1 Now the feast of Passover and of Unleavened Bread was two days away. ۽ پادرين جي اڳواڻن, ۽ لکندڙن, were seeking a means by which they might deceitfully seize him and kill him.
14:2 پر چيائون, ”عيد جي ڏينهن تي نه, ائين نه ٿئي جو ماڻهن ۾ ڪو فساد پيدا ٿئي“.
14:3 And when he was in Bethania, شمعون ڪوڙھ جي مرض جي گھر ۾, and was reclining to eat, a woman arrived having an alabaster container of ointment, of precious spikenard. And breaking open the alabaster container, she poured it over his head.
14:4 But there were some who became indignant within themselves and who were saying: “What is the reason for this waste of the ointment?
14:5 For this ointment could have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and been given to the poor.” And they murmured against her.
14:6 پر يسوع چيو: ”هن کي اجازت ڏيو. What is the reason that you trouble her? She has done a good deed for me.
14:7 غريبن لاءِ, توهان هميشه سان گڏ آهيو. And whenever you wish, you are able to do good to them. But you do not have me always.
14:8 But she has done what she could. She has arrived in advance to anoint my body for burial.
14:9 آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, wherever this Gospel shall be preached throughout the entire world, the things she has done also shall be told, هن جي ياد ۾."
14:10 And Judas Iscariot, ٻارهن مان هڪ, went away, to the leaders of the priests, in order to betray him to them.
14:11 ۽ اهي, upon hearing it, خوش ٿيا. And they promised him that they would give him money. And he sought an opportune means by which he might betray him.
14:12 And on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they immolate the Passover, the disciples said to him, “Where do you want us to go and prepare for you to eat the Passover?”
14:13 And he sent two of his disciples, ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”شهر ۾ وڃ. And you will meet a man carrying a pitcher of water; follow him.
14:14 And wherever he will have entered, say to the owner of the house, ‘The Teacher says: Where is my dining room, جتي مان پنهنجي شاگردن سان گڏ عيد فصح کائي سگهان?’
14:15 ۽ اھو اوھان کي ھڪڙو وڏو سيننال ڏيکاريندو, مڪمل طور تي تيار ڪيل. ۽ اتي, you shall prepare it for us.”
14:16 And his disciples departed and went into the city. And they found it just as he had told them. ۽ عيد فصح تيار ڪيائون.
14:17 پوءِ, when evening came, he arrived with the twelve.
14:18 And while reclining and eating with them at table, عيسي چيو, ”آمين مان توکي چوان ٿو, that one of you, who eats with me, will betray me.”
14:19 But they began to be sorrowful and to say to him, one at a time: “Is it I?”
14:20 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: “It is one of the twelve, who dips his hand with me in the dish.
14:21 ۽ بيشڪ, ابن آدم وڃي ٿو, just as it has been written of him. پر افسوس آھي انھيءَ ماڻھوءَ لاءِ جنھن جي وسيلي ابن⁠آدم کي پڪڙايو ويندو. It would be better for that man if he had never been born.”
14:22 And while eating with them, يسوع ماني ورتي. And blessing it, he broke it and gave it to them, ۽ هن چيو: “Take. هي منهنجو جسم آهي.”
14:23 ۽ چيلهه کڻي ويو, شڪر ادا ڪرڻ, he gave it to them. And they all drank from it.
14:24 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: “This is my blood of the new covenant, which shall be shed for many.
14:25 آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, that I will no longer drink from this fruit of the vine, until that day when I will drink it new in the kingdom of God.”
14:26 And having sung a hymn, اھي زيتون جي جبل ڏانھن نڪري ويا.
14:27 ۽ عيسي انھن کي چيو: ”توهان سڀ هن رات مون کان پري ٿي ويندا. ان لاءِ لکيو ويو آهي: ”مان ريڍار کي ماريندس, and the sheep will be scattered.’
14:28 پر مون کان پوءِ وري جيئرو ٿي اٿم, مان توھان کان اڳ گليل ڏانھن ويندس.
14:29 پوءِ پطرس کيس چيو, “Even if all will have fallen away from you, yet I will not.”
14:30 ۽ عيسي کيس چيو, ”آمين مان توکي چوان ٿو, that this day, in this night, before the rooster has uttered its voice twice, تون مون کي ٽي ڀيرا انڪار ڪندين.
14:31 But he spoke further, “Even if I must die along with you, I will not deny you.” And they all spoke similarly also.
14:32 And they went to a country estate, by the name of Gethsemani. ۽ هن پنهنجي شاگردن کي چيو, “Sit here, while I pray.”
14:33 And he took Peter, ۽ جيمس, and John with him. And he began to be afraid and wearied.
14:34 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”منهنجو روح اداس آهي, جيتوڻيڪ موت تائين. Remain here and be vigilant.”
14:35 And when he had proceeded on a little ways, he fell prostrate on the ground. And he prayed that, جيڪڏهن ممڪن هجي ها, the hour might pass away from him.
14:36 ۽ هن چيو: ”ابا, پيءُ, all things are possible to you. Take this chalice from me. But let it be, not as I will, پر جيئن تون چاهين.”
14:37 And he went and found them sleeping. ۽ پطرس کي چيو: ”سائمن, are you sleeping? Were you not able to be vigilant for one hour?
14:38 Watch and pray, ته جيئن توهان آزمائش ۾ داخل نه ٿيو. The spirit indeed is willing, پر گوشت ڪمزور آهي.
14:39 And going away again, هن دعا ڪئي, ساڳيا لفظ چوڻ.
14:40 ۽ واپسي تي, he found them sleeping yet again, (ڇاڪاڻ ته سندن اکيون ڳريون هيون) and they did not know how to respond to him.
14:41 And he arrived for the third time, ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: “Sleep now, and take rest. It is enough. The hour has arrived. ڏس, the Son of man will be betrayed into the hands of sinners.
14:42 اٿڻ, اچو ته هلون. ڏس, he who will betray me is near.”
14:43 ۽ جڏهن هو اڃا ڳالهائي رهيو هو, يهوداس اسڪريوٽ, ٻارهن مان هڪ, پهتو, ۽ ساڻس گڏ تلوارن ۽ لٺن سان گڏ ھڪڙو وڏو ميڙ ھو, sent from the leaders of the priests, ۽ لکندڙن, ۽ بزرگ.
14:44 Now his betrayer had given them a sign, چوڻ: “He whom I shall kiss, اھو آھي. Take hold of him, and lead him away cautiously.”
14:45 ۽ جڏهن هو آيو هو, immediately drawing near to him, ھن چيو: ”سلام, ماسٽر!” And he kissed him.
14:46 But they laid hands on him and held him.
14:47 Then a certain one of those standing near, drawing a sword, struck a servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.
14:48 ۽ جواب ۾, عيسي انھن کي چيو: “Have you set out to apprehend me, just as if to a robber, تلوارن ۽ ڪلبن سان?
14:49 روزاني, I was with you in the temple teaching, ۽ توهان مون کي نه پڪڙيو. پر هن طريقي سان, the scriptures are fulfilled.”
14:50 Then his disciples, هن کي پٺيان ڇڏي, all fled away.
14:51 Now a certain young man followed him, having nothing but a fine linen cloth over himself. And they took hold of him.
14:52 پر هو, rejecting the fine linen cloth, escaped from them naked.
14:53 And they led Jesus to the high priest. And all the priests and the scribes and the elders came together.
14:54 But Peter followed him from a distance, even into the court of the high priest. And he sat with the servants at the fire and warmed himself.
14:55 اڃان تائين واقعي, the leaders of the priests and the entire council sought testimony against Jesus, ته جيئن هو کيس موت جي حوالي ڪن, and they found none.
14:56 For many spoke false testimony against him, but their testimony did not agree.
14:57 And certain ones, اٿڻ, bore false witness against him, چوڻ:
14:58 “For we heard him say, ‘I will destroy this temple, made with hands, and within three days I will build another, not made with hands.’ ”
14:59 And their testimony did not agree.
14:60 ۽ اعليٰ پادري, rising up in their midst, questioned Jesus, چوڻ, “Do you have nothing to say in answer to the things that are brought against you by these ones?”
14:61 But he was silent and gave no answer. ٻيهر, the high priest questioned him, ۽ هن کيس چيو, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed God?”
14:62 تڏهن عيسيٰ کيس چيو: “I am. And you shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the power of God and arriving with the clouds of heaven.”
14:63 پوءِ اعليٰ پادري, rending his garments, چيو: “Why do we still require witnesses?
14:64 You have heard the blasphemy. توهان کي ڪيئن لڳي?” And they all condemned him, as guilty unto death.
14:65 And some began to spit on him, and to cover his face and to strike him with fists, and to say to him, “Prophesy.” And the servants struck him with the palms their hands.
14:66 And while Peter was in the court below, one of the maidservants of the high priest arrived.
14:67 And when she had seen Peter warming himself, she stared at him, ۽ هن چيو: “You also were with Jesus of Nazareth.”
14:68 But he denied it, چوڻ, “I neither know nor understand what you saying.” And he went outside, in front of the court; and a rooster crowed.
14:69 Then again, when a maidservant had seen him, she began to say to the bystanders, “For this is one of them.”
14:70 But he denied it again. ۽ ٿوري دير کان پوء, again those standing near said to Peter: “In truth, you are one of them. توهان لاءِ, پڻ, are a Galilean.”
14:71 Then he began to curse and to swear, چوڻ, “For I do not know this man, about whom you are speaking.”
14:72 And immediately the rooster crowed again. And Peter remembered the word that Jesus had said to him, “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me three times.” And he began to weep.
15:1 ۽ فوري طور تي صبح جو, پادرين جي اڳواڻن بزرگن ۽ شريعت جي عالمن ۽ سڄي ڪائونسل سان صلاح ڪرڻ کان پوء, يسوع کي پابند ڪرڻ, اھي کيس وٺي ويا ۽ کيس پلاطس جي حوالي ڪيائون.
15:2 ۽ پلاطس کانئس پڇيو, ”تون يهودين جو بادشاهه آهين?“ پر جواب ۾, هن کيس چيو, ”تون چئي رهيو آهين“.
15:3 ۽ پادرين جي اڳواڻن کيس ڪيترن ئي شين ۾ الزام لڳايو.
15:4 پوءِ پلاطس کانئس وري پڇيو, چوڻ: ”تو وٽ ڪو به جواب ڪونهي? ڏس ته اهي توتي ڪيترا الزام ٿا لڳائين“.
15:5 پر يسوع ڪو به جواب نه ڏنو, تنھنڪري پلاطس حيران ٿي ويو.
15:6 هاڻي عيد جي ڏينهن تي, هو انهن جي قيدين مان هڪ کي آزاد ڪرڻ جو عادي هو, جنهن کي هنن عرض ڪيو.
15:7 پر برابا نالي ھڪڙو ماڻھو ھو, جنهن بغاوت ۾ قتل ڪيو هو, جيڪو انهن غدارين سان محدود هو.
15:8 ۽ جڏهن ميڙ مٿي ٿي چڪو هو, انهن کيس عرض ڪرڻ شروع ڪيو ته جيئن هو هميشه انهن لاءِ ڪندو هو.
15:9 پر پلاطس انھن کي جواب ڏنو ۽ چيو, ”ڇا توهان چاهيو ٿا ته مان توهان جي لاءِ يهودين جي بادشاهه کي آزاد ڪريان?”
15:10 ڇالاءِ⁠جو ھن کي خبر ھئي تہ اھا حسد جي ڪري، پادرين جي اڳواڻن ساڻس دغا ڪيو آھي.
15:11 پوءِ سردار ڪاھنن ماڻھن کي ڀڙڪايو, ته جيئن هو انهن جي بدران برابا کي آزاد ڪري.
15:12 پر پائلٽ, ٻيهر جواب ڏيڻ, انهن کي چيو: ”پوءِ تون ڇا ٿو چاهين ته مان يهودين جي بادشاهه سان ڪريان?”
15:13 پر وري به روئڻ لڳا, "هن کي صليب تي چاڙهيو."
15:14 اڃان تائين واقعي, پلاطس کين چيو: "ڇو? هن ڪهڙو ڏوهه ڪيو آهي?“ پر اهي وڌيڪ رڙيون ڪري رهيا هئا, "هن کي صليب تي چاڙهيو."
15:15 پوءِ پائلٽ, ماڻهن کي راضي ڪرڻ چاهي ٿو, برابا کي انهن جي حوالي ڪيو, ۽ هن يسوع کي بچايو, هن کي سخت ڌڪ هنيو, صليب تي چڙهڻ.
15:16 پوءِ سپاهي کيس پريتوريم جي درٻار ۾ وٺي ويا. ۽ انهن سڄي جماعت کي گڏ ڪيو.
15:17 ۽ انھن کيس واڱڻائي ڪپڙا پھرايا. ۽ ڪنڊن جو تاج پلائڻ, ان تي رکيائون.
15:18 ۽ اھي کيس سلام ڪرڻ لڳا: ”سلام, يهودين جو بادشاهه“.
15:19 ۽ ھنن سندس مٿي کي لٺ سان ماريو, ۽ انھن مٿس ٿڪايو. ۽ گوڏا کوڙي, اهي هن جي عزت ڪندا هئا.
15:20 ۽ پوءِ انھن مٿس ٺٺوليون ڪيون, انهن کيس جامني رنگ مان ڪڍي ڇڏيو, ۽ انھن کيس پنھنجا ڪپڙا پھرايا. ۽ اھي کيس وٺي ويا, ته جيئن هو کيس صليب تي چاڙهي سگهن.
15:21 ۽ انهن هڪ خاص مسافر کي مجبور ڪيو, سائمن سائرن, جيڪو ڳوٺ کان اچي رهيو هو, اليگزينڊر ۽ روفس جو پيءُ, سندس صليب کڻڻ لاء.
15:22 ۽ اھي کيس گلگٿا نالي جاءِ ڏانھن وٺي ويا, جنهن جو مطلب, 'ڪلويري جي جڳهه.'
15:23 ۽ انھن کيس پيئڻ لاءِ مھر سان گڏ شراب ڏنو. پر هن قبول نه ڪيو.
15:24 ۽ کيس صليب تي چاڙهڻ وقت, انهن هن جا ڪپڙا ورهايا, انهن جي مٿان چڙهڻ, ڏسڻ لاءِ ته ڪير ڇا وٺندو.
15:25 هاڻي ٽيون ڪلاڪ هو. ۽ انھن کيس صليب تي چاڙھيو.
15:26 ۽ سندس مقدمي جو عنوان لکيل هو: يهودين جو بادشاهه.
15:27 ۽ ھن سان گڏ ٻن ڌاڙيلن کي صليب تي چاڙھيائون: هڪ سندس ساڄي پاسي, ۽ ٻيو سندس کاٻي پاسي.
15:28 ۽ ڪلام پورو ٿيو, جيڪو چوي ٿو: "۽ بدڪارن سان هن جي شهرت هئي."
15:29 ۽ لنگھندڙن کيس گاريون ڏنيون, ڪنڌ ڌوڻيندي چيو, ”آه, تون جيڪو خدا جي مندر کي تباهه ڪندو, ۽ ٽن ڏينهن ۾ ان کي ٻيهر ٺاهيو,
15:30 صليب تان هيٺ لهي پاڻ کي بچايو.
15:31 ۽ ساڳيءَ طرح پادرين جا اڳواڻ, هن کي لکندڙن سان ٺٺوليون, هڪ ٻئي کي چيو: ”هن ٻين کي بچايو. هو پاڻ کي بچائڻ جي قابل نه آهي.
15:32 مسيح کي ڏيو, اسرائيل جو بادشاهه, ھاڻي صليب تان ھيٺ وڃو, ته جيئن ڏسون ۽ ايمان آڻيون“. جن کي هن سان گڏ صليب تي چاڙهيو ويو انهن به هن جي بي عزتي ڪئي.
15:33 ۽ جڏهن ڇهين ڪلاڪ پهتو, سڄي زمين تي اوندهه ڇانيل هئي, نائين ڪلاڪ تائين.
15:34 ۽ نائين ڪلاڪ تي, عيسيٰ وڏي آواز سان رڙ ڪئي, چوڻ, ”ايلو, ايلائي, لما سبطاني?" جنهن جو مطلب, ”منهنجا خدا, منهنجا خدا, تو مون کي ڇو ڇڏيو آهي?”
15:35 ۽ ڪجهه ويجھا بيٺا, اهو ٻڌڻ تي, چيو, ”ڏس, هو ايليا کي سڏي رهيو آهي.
15:36 پوء انهن مان هڪ, ڊوڙڻ ۽ سرڪي سان اسپنج ڀرڻ, ۽ ان کي هڪ ريڊ جي چوڌاري رکڻ, هن کي پيئڻ لاءِ ڏنو, چوڻ: ”انتظار ڪر. اچو ته ڏسون ته ڇا ايليا هن کي هيٺ آڻڻ لاءِ ايندو.
15:37 پوء عيسي, هڪ زوردار روئي ڇڏڻ, ختم ٿي ويو.
15:38 ۽ مندر جو پردو ٻن حصن ۾ ڦاٽي ويو, مٿي کان هيٺ تائين.
15:39 پوءِ صوبيدار جيڪو سندس سامهون بيٺو هو, اهو ڏسي ته هو اهڙيءَ طرح روئڻ دوران مري ويو هو, چيو: ”سچ, اھو ماڻھو خدا جو فرزند ھو.
15:40 هاڻي اتي عورتون به پري کان ڏسي رهيون هيون, جن ۾ مريم مگدليني به هئي, ۽ مريم ننڍي جيمس جي ماءُ ۽ يوسف جي, ۽ سلوم,
15:41 (۽ جڏھن ھو گليل ۾ ھو, اھي سندس پٺيان لڳا ۽ سندس خدمت ڪرڻ لڳا) ۽ ٻيون ڪيتريون عورتون, جيڪو ساڻس گڏ يروشلم ڏانهن ويو هو.
15:42 ۽ جڏهن شام ٿي چڪي هئي (ڇاڪاڻ ته اهو تياري جو ڏينهن هو, جيڪو سبت جي ڏينھن کان اڳ آھي)
15:43 اتي ارميٿيا جو يوسف آيو, هڪ عظيم ڪائونسل ميمبر, جيڪو پاڻ به خدا جي بادشاهي جو انتظار ڪري رهيو هو. ۽ ھو دليريءَ سان پلاطس وٽ ويو ۽ عيسيٰ جي لاش لاءِ عرض ڪيائين.
15:44 پر پلاطس حيران ٿي ويو ته ڇا هو اڳي ئي مري چڪو هو. ۽ صوبيدار کي سڏڻ, هن کانئس پڇيو ته ڇا هو اڳ ئي مري چڪو آهي.
15:45 ۽ جڏھن کيس صوبيدار طرفان خبر پئجي وئي ھئي, هن لاش يوسف کي ڏنو.
15:46 پوءِ يوسف, هڪ نفيس ڪپڙو خريد ڪيو, ۽ هن کي هيٺ لاٿو, کيس سٺي ڪپڙي ۾ ويڙهي قبر ۾ دفن ڪيو, جنهن کي پٿر مان ڪٽيو ويو هو. ۽ ھن قبر جي دروازي ڏانھن ھڪڙو پٿر اڇلايو.
15:47 ھاڻي مريم مگدليني ۽ مريم يوسف جي ماءُ ڏٺو جتي کيس دفن ڪيو ويو ھو.


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