August 13, 2013, Gospel

ميٿيو 18: 1-5, 10, 12-14

31:1 ۽ ائين, Moses went out, and he spoke all these words to all of Israel.

31:2 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو: ”اڄ, I am one hundred and twenty years old. I am no longer able to go out and return, especially since the Lord has also said to me, ‘You shall not cross this Jordan.’

31:3 تنهن ڪري, the Lord your God will go across before you. He himself will abolish all these nations in your sight, and you shall possess them. And this man Joshua shall go across before you, just as the Lord has spoken.

31:4 And the Lord will do to them just as he did to Sihon and Og, the kings of the Amorites, and to their land, and he will wipe them away.

31:5 تنهن ڪري, when the Lord will have delivered these to you also, you shall act similarly toward them, just as I have instructed you.

18:10 ڏس ته تون انهن ننڍڙن مان هڪ کي به حقير نه سمجهين. ڇو ته مان توکي چوان ٿو, ته آسمان ۾ سندن فرشتا مسلسل منهنجي پيءُ جي منهن تي نظر اچن ٿا, جيڪو جنت ۾ آهي.

18:12 توهان کي ڪيئن لڳي? جيڪڏهن ڪنهن وٽ سؤ رڍون آهن, ۽ جيڪڏھن انھن مان ھڪڙو گمراھ ٿيو آھي, ڇا هو ننهن کي جبلن ۾ نه ڇڏي وڃي, ۽ ٻاهر وڃو ڳولڻ لاءِ جيڪو گمراهه ٿيو آهي?

18:13 ۽ جيڪڏهن هن کي اهو ڳولڻ گهرجي: آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, ته هن کي ان کان وڌيڪ خوشي آهي, ننهن کان وڌيڪ جيڪي گمراهه نه ٿيا.

18:14 تنهن هوندي به, اهو توهان جي پيء جي اڳيان نه آهي, جيڪو جنت ۾ آهي, ته انهن ننڍڙن مان هڪ کي وڃائڻ گهرجي.


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