August 8, 2014


نهم 2: 1, 3: 1-3, 6-7

2:1 He ascends, who would scatter before your eyes, who would maintain the blockade. Contemplate the way, fortify your back, reinforce virtue greatly.

3:1 Woe to the city of blood, filled with all manner of lies and violence. Crime shall not depart from you:

3:2 the voice of the whip, and the voice of the turning wheels, and of the neighing horse, and the burning chariot, and the horsemen who ride,

3:3 and of the flashing sword and the shining spear, and of a multitude executed and a grievous ruination. Neither is there an end to the dead bodies, and they will fall down upon their dead bodies.

3:6 And I will cast abominations over you, and I will afflict you with abuse, and I will make an example of you.

3:7 ۽ اهو ٿيندو: everyone who sees you, will recoil from you, and he will say: “Nineveh has been devastated.” Who will shake his head over you? Where might I seek consolation for you?


ميٿيو 16: 24-28

16:24 پوءِ عيسيٰ پنھنجن شاگردن کي چيو: ”جيڪڏهن ڪو منهنجي پٺيان اچڻ چاهي, کيس پاڻ کان انڪار ڪرڻ ڏيو, ۽ سندس صليب کڻي, ۽ منهنجي تابعداري ڪريو.

16:25 For whoever would save his life, ان کي وڃائي ڇڏيندو. But whoever will have lost his life for my sake, ان کي ملندو.

16:26 ڇو ته اهو انسان کي ڪيئن فائدو ڏئي ٿو, جيڪڏهن هو سڄي دنيا حاصل ڪري, yet truly suffers damage to his soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

16:27 For the Son of man will arrive in the glory of his Father, with his Angels. And then he will repay each one according to his works.

16:28 آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, there are some among those standing here, who shall not taste death, until they see the Son of man arriving in his reign.”


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