December 6, 2014


يسعياه نبي جو ڪتاب 30: 19-21, 23-26

30:19 For the people of Zion will live in Jerusalem. Bitterly, you will not weep. Mercifully, he will take pity on you. At the voice of your outcry, as soon as he hears, he will respond to you.
30:20 And the Lord will give you thick bread and accessible water. And he will not cause your teacher to fly away from you anymore. And your eyes will behold your instructor.
30:21 And your ears will listen to the word of one admonishing you behind your back: “This is the way! Walk in it! And do not turn aside, نه ساڄي طرف, nor to the left.”
30:23 And wherever you sow seed upon the earth, rain will be given to the seed. And bread from the grain of the earth will be very plentiful and full. ان ڏينهن ۾, the lamb will pasture in the spacious land of your possession.
30:24 And your bulls, and the colts of the donkeys that work the ground, will eat a mix of grains like that winnowed on the threshing floor.
30:25 ۽ هوندو, on every lofty mountain, and on every elevated hill, rivers of running water, in the day of the slaughter of many, when the tower will fall.
30:26 And the light of the moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be sevenfold, like the light of seven days, in the day when the Lord will bind the wound of his people, and when he will heal the stroke of their scourge.


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 9: 35-10: 5-8

9:35 ۽ يسوع سڀني شهرن ۽ ڳوٺن ۾ سفر ڪيو, انهن جي عبادت خانن ۾ تعليم, ۽ بادشاهي جي انجيل جي تبليغ, ۽ هر بيماري ۽ هر ڪمزوري کي شفا ڏيندو.
9:36 پوءِ, ميڙ کي ڏسڻ, هن کي انهن تي رحم آيو, ڇاڪاڻ ته اهي پريشان هئا ۽ ٽيڪ ڏئي رهيا هئا, رڍن وانگر رڍن کان سواءِ.
9:37 پوءِ ھن پنھنجن شاگردن کي چيو: ”فصل واقعي وڏو آهي, پر مزدور ٿورا آهن.
9:38 تنهن ڪري, فصل جي رب کي عرض ڪيو, ته جيئن هو پنهنجي فصل لاءِ مزدور موڪلين.


10:5 عيسيٰ انھن ٻارھن کي موڪليو, انهن کي هدايت ڪندي, چوڻ: ”غير قومن جي رستي ۾ سفر نه ڪريو, ۽ سامرين جي شھر ۾ داخل نه ٿيو,
10:6 پر ان جي بدران رڍن ڏانھن وڃو جيڪي بني اسرائيل جي گھر مان ڀڄي ويا آھن.
10:7 ۽ اڳتي هلي, تبليغ ڪرڻ, چوڻ: 'ڇاڪاڻ ته آسمان جي بادشاهي ويجھي آئي آهي.
10:8 بيمارن جو علاج ڪريو, مئلن کي جياريو, ڪوڙهه جي مريضن کي صاف ڪرڻ, شيطانن کي ڪڍڻ. توهان آزاديء سان حاصل ڪيو آهي, تنهنڪري آزاديءَ سان ڏيو.


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