فيبروري 17, 2015


پيدائش 6: 5-8

6:5 Then God, seeing that the wickedness of men was great upon the earth and that every thought of their heart was intent upon evil at all times,

6:6 repented that he had made man on the earth. And being touched inwardly with a sorrow of heart,

6:7 ھن چيو, “I will eliminate man, whom I have created, from the face of the earth, from man to other living things, from animals even to the flying things of the air. For it grieves me that I have made them.”

6:8 اڃان تائين واقعي, Noah found grace before the Lord

7:1 ۽ رب کيس چيو: “Enter the ark, you and all your house. For I have seen you to be just in my sight, within this generation.
7:2 From all the clean animals, take seven and seven, the male and the female. اڃان تائين واقعي, from animals that are unclean, take two and two, the male and the female.
7:3 But also from the birds of the air, take seven and seven, the male and the female, so that offspring may be saved upon the face of the whole earth.
7:4 For from that point, and after seven days, I will rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. And I will wipe away every substance that I have made, from the surface of the earth.”
7:5 تنهن ڪري, Noah did all things just as the Lord had commanded him.

7:10 And when seven days had passed, the waters of the great flood inundated the earth.


مارڪ جي مطابق مقدس انجيل 8: 14-21

8:14 ۽ ماني وٺڻ وساري ويٺا. ۽ ٻيڙيءَ ۾ ساڻ ڪو به نه ھو, هڪ روٽي کانسواءِ.
8:15 ۽ هن انهن کي هدايت ڪئي, چوڻ: غور ڪريو ۽ فريسين جي خمير ۽ هيروديس جي خمير کان بچو.
8:16 ۽ انهن هڪ ٻئي سان بحث ڪيو, چوڻ, "ڇاڪاڻ ته اسان وٽ ماني ناهي."
8:17 ۽ عيسى, اهو ڄاڻڻ, انهن کي چيو: ”تون ائين ڇو ٿو سمجهين ڇو ته تو وٽ ماني ناهي? ڇا توهان اڃا تائين نه ڄاڻندا آهيو يا نه سمجهي? دل ۾ اڃا به انڌو آهي?
8:18 اکيون هئڻ, ڇا توهان نٿا ڏسو? ۽ ڪن هئڻ, ڇا توهان نٿا ٻڌو? توکي ياد ناهي ڇا؟,
8:19 جڏهن مون پنجن محبتن کي پنج هزارن مان ٽوڙي ڇڏيو, ڪيتريون ٽوڪريون ڀريل ٽڪرن سان گڏ کڻي ويا?“ هنن کيس چيو, "ٻارهن."
8:20 ”۽ جڏھن ست مانيون چار ھزارن ۾ ھيون, توهان ٽڪڙن جون ڪيتريون ٽوڪريون کنيون?“ ۽ انھن کيس چيو, "ست."
8:21 ۽ ھن انھن کي چيو, ”اهو ڪيئن آهي جو تون اڃا نه سمجهين?”



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