فيبروري 4, 2015


The Letter to the Hebrews 12: 4-7, 11-15

12:4 For you have not yet resisted unto blood, while striving against sin.
12:5 And you have forgotten the consolation which speaks to you like sons, چوڻ: “My son, do not be willing to neglect the discipline of the Lord. Neither should you become weary, while being rebuked by him.”
12:6 For whomever the Lord loves, he chastises. And every son whom he accepts, he scourges.
12:7 Persevere in discipline. God presents you to himself as sons. But what son is there, whom his father does not correct?
12:8 But if you are without that discipline in which all have become sharers, then you are of adultery, and you are not sons.
12:9 پوءِ, پڻ, we have certainly had the fathers of our flesh as instructors, and we reverenced them. Should we not obey the Father of spirits all the more, and so live?
12:10 ۽ بيشڪ, for a few days and according to their own wishes, they instructed us. But he does so to our benefit, so that we may receive his sanctification.
12:11 Now every discipline, in the present time, does not seem a gladness, بالڪل, but a grief. پر بعد ۾, it will repay a most peaceful fruit of justice to those who become trained in it.
12:12 ان جي ڪري, lift up your lazy hands and your lax knees,
12:13 and straighten the path of your feet, so that no one, being lame, may wander astray, but instead may be healed.
12:14 Pursue peace with everyone. Pursue sanctity, without which no one shall see God.
12:15 Be contemplative, lest anyone lack the grace of God, lest any root of bitterness spring up and impede you, and by it, many might be defiled,


مارڪ جي مطابق مقدس انجيل 6: 1-6

6:1 ۽ اتان روانو ٿيو, هو پنهنجي ملڪ ڏانهن هليو ويو; ۽ سندس شاگرد سندس پٺيان لڳا.
6:2 ۽ جڏھن سبت جو ڏينھن آيو, هن عبادت گاهه ۾ تعليم ڏيڻ شروع ڪئي. ۽ گھڻا, هن کي ٻڌڻ تي, هن جي نظريي تي حيران ٿي ويا, چوڻ: ”هن کي اهي سڀ شيون ڪٿان مليون?”۽, ”هي ڪهڙي حڪمت آهي, جيڪو هن کي ڏنو ويو آهي?”۽, ”اهڙا طاقتور ڪم, جيڪي سندس هٿن مان ٺهيل آهن!”
6:3 ”ڇا هي ڪاريگر نه آهي, مريم جو پٽ, جيمس جو ڀاءُ, ۽ يوسف, ۽ جوڊ, ۽ سائمن? ڇا هن جون ڀينرون به هتي اسان سان گڏ نه آهن?“ ۽ هنن مٿس وڏو ظلم ڪيو.
6:4 ۽ عيسي انھن کي چيو, ”پيغمبر بي عزت نه آهي, سواءِ پنهنجي ملڪ ۾, ۽ پنهنجي گهر ۾, ۽ پنهنجي ئي مائٽن ۾.
6:5 ۽ هو اتي ڪو معجزو ڪرڻ جي قابل نه هو, سواءِ ان جي ته هن ڪجهه بيمارن کي انهن تي هٿ رکي شفا ڏني.
6:6 ۽ هو حيران ٿي ويو, انهن جي بي ايماني جي ڪري, ۽ هو ڳوٺن ۾ گهمندو رهيو, سيکارڻ.


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