July 23, 2015


نڪتل 19: 1- 2, 9-11, 16- 20

19:1 In the third month of the departure of Israel from the land of Egypt, ان ڏينهن ۾, they arrived in the wilderness of Sinai.

19:2 اهڙيء طرح, setting out from Raphidim, and going directly to the desert of Sinai, they encamped in the same place, and there Israel pitched their tents away from the region of the mountain.

19:3 Then Moses ascended to God. And the Lord called to him from the mountain, ۽ هن چيو: “This you shall say to the house of Jacob, and announce to the sons of Israel:

19:4 ‘You have seen what I have done to the Egyptians, in what way I carried you upon the wings of eagles and how I have taken you for myself.

19:5 جيڪڏهن, تنهن ڪري, you will hear my voice, and you will keep my covenant, you will be to me a particular possession out of all people. For all the earth is mine.

19:6 And you will be to me a priestly kingdom and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you will speak to the sons of Israel.”

19:9 رب کيس چيو: “Soon now, I will come to you in the mist of a cloud, so that the people may hear me speaking to you, and so that they may believe you continuously.” Therefore, Moses reported the words of the people to the Lord,

19:10 who said to him: “Go to the people, and sanctify them today, and tomorrow, and let them wash their garments.

19:11 And let them be prepared on the third day. For on the third day, the Lord will descend, in the sight of all the people, over Mount Sinai.

19:16 ۽ ھاڻ, the third day arrived and the morning dawned. ۽ ڏس, thunders began to be heard, and also lightning flashed, and a very dense cloud covered the mountain, and the noise of the trumpet resounded vehemently. And the people who were in the camp were fearful.

19:17 And when Moses had led them out to meet God, from the place of the camp, they stood at the base of the mountain.

19:18 Then all of Mount Sinai was smoking. For the Lord had descended over it with fire, and smoke ascended from it, as from a furnace. And the entire mountain was terrible.

19:19 And the sound of the trumpet gradually increased to be louder, and extended to be longer. Moses was speaking, and God was answering him.

19:20 And the Lord descended over Mount Sinai, to the very top of the mountain, and he called Moses to its summit. And when he had ascended there,


The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 13: 10-17

13:10 ۽ سندس شاگرد سندس ويجهو آيا ۽ چوڻ لڳا, ”تون انهن سان مثالن ۾ ڇو ٿو ڳالهائين?”
13:11 جواب ڏيڻ, هن انهن کي چيو: "ڇاڪاڻ ته اھو اوھان کي ڏنو ويو آھي ته آسمان جي بادشاھت جي اسرار کي ڄاڻڻ لاء, پر اهو انهن کي نه ڏنو ويو آهي.
13:12 جنهن لاءِ آهي, ان کي ڏنو ويندو, ۽ هن وٽ گهڻو هوندو. پر جنهن وٽ ناهي, جيتوڻيڪ هن وٽ جيڪو آهي سو به کانئس کسي ويندو.
13:13 ان لاءِ, مان انھن سان مثالن ۾ ڳالھايان ٿو: ڇاڪاڻ ته ڏسڻ, اهي نه ڏسندا, ۽ ٻڌڻ وارا نه ٿا ٻڌن, ۽ نڪي اھي سمجھندا آھن.
13:14 ۽ ائين, انهن ۾ يسعياه جي نبوت پوري ٿي, ڪنهن چيو, ”ٻڌڻ, توهان ٻڌندا, پر نه سمجهي; ۽ ڏسڻ, توهان ڏسندا, پر سمجهي نه ٿو.
13:15 ڇاڪاڻ ته هن ماڻهن جي دل ٿلهي ٿي وئي آهي, ۽ پنھنجن ڪنن سان تمام گھڻو ٻڌندا آھن, ۽ انهن پنهنجون اکيون بند ڪيون آهن, متان اهي ڪنهن به وقت پنهنجي اکين سان ڏسن, ۽ پنهنجن ڪنن سان ٻڌي, ۽ دل سان سمجھن ٿا, ۽ تبديل ڪيو وڃي, ۽ پوءِ مان کين شفا ڏيندس.
13:16 پر برڪت آهي تنهنجون اکيون, ڇاڪاڻ ته اهي ڏسندا آهن, ۽ توهان جا ڪن, ڇاڪاڻ ته اهي ٻڌن ٿا.
13:17 آمين مان توهان کي چوان ٿو, يقيناً, ڪيترن ئي نبين ۽ عادلن کي اهو ڏسڻ چاهيو ته جيڪو توهان ڏسو ٿا, ۽ اڃان تائين انهن کي نه ڏٺو, ۽ جيڪو ٻڌو سو ٻڌو, ۽ اڃان تائين انهن اهو نه ٻڌو.


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